Serbia Ladies Open 2021 May 16-22 2021 Novak Tennis Centre Serbia Ladies Open 2021 16-22. maj 2021. Tereni Teniskog centra “Novak” WELCOME POZDRAVNA ADDRESS REČ I am proud that Belgrade, for erbia Ladies Open will have a completely different Ponosan sam što je Beograd prvi erbia Ladies Open imaće kompletno drugačiji brending u the first time in the history of S branding compared to the previously organised put u istoriji srpskog ženskog S odnosu na prethodno organizovani Serbia Open. Tereni women’s tennis, is hosting a Serbia Open. During the WTA tournament, courts will be tenisa domaćin WTA turnira serije će tokom WTA turnira biti u ljubičastim bojama, dodatno su WTA 250 series tournament, purple, further improved and flattened for the best possible 250, čime je srpska prestonica unapređeni i poravnati za što bolji učinak igračica. Na Serbia making the Serbian capital a performance of the players. Some of the best-ranked tennis postala novi dom tenisa, ne Ladies Openu biće teniserke iz samog vrha – top 30 i 40 na new home of tennis, not just players – among top 30 and 40 in the world – will play at samo najboljim teniserima već i svetu. Kao organizatori, nastojali smo i da što većem broju naših for the best men tennis players, Serbia Ladies Open. As organisers, we strived to ensure damama u belom sportu. Serbia teniserki obezbedimo specijalne pozivnice kako bi se pokazale but also the ladies in the sport. special invitations for as many of local tennis players as Ladies Open biće organizovan u u najboljem mogućem svetlu. Ono što je dobra stvar jeste da je Serbia Ladies Open will be possible, so that they can show themselves in the best skladu sa svim epidemiološkim Serbia Ladies Open možda malo lakši turnir za naše teniserke, da organized in accordance with possible light. Another good thing is that Serbia Ladies Open pravilima i merama koje je mogu da doguraju što dalje, a to i jeste cilj nas kao organizatora. all the epidemiological rules and is perhaps a somewhat easier tournament for our tennis propisala Vlada Republike Srbije Serbia Ladies Open igraće se bez prisustva publike. Ipak, za measures prescribed by the players, so that they can achieve the best results possible, i koje je WTA definisala. Sigurni sve ljubitelje belog sporta pripremili smo jedinstveno iskustvo. Serbian Government, and defined which is our goal as organisers. smo da će ovaj turnir, nakon Mečevi će biti prenošeni na RTS-u i kanalima Arena sporta, a by WTA. We are certain that this Serbia Ladies Open matches will not be played in front of an sjajno organizovanog Serbia verujemo da će čitave porodice, baš kao što je to bio slučaj i tournament, after the excellently audience. Still, we prepared a unique experience for all tennis Opena 2021 i pohvala koje je sa Serbia Open turnirom, od najmlađih do najstarijih članova, organized 2021 Serbia Open and fans. Matches will be broadcasted on the RTS and Arena Sport dobio, još jednom pokazati uživati u sjajnim partijama omiljenih igračica. U organizacionom the praise it received, will once channels, and we believe that entire families, like it was the case da su Srbija, Beograd i mi kao smislu, i dalje je sve podređeno tome da svaki detalj bude na again show that Serbia, Belgrade, with Serbia Open, from the youngest to the oldest members, organizatori dobri domaćini i najvišem nivou, da maksimalno pružimo sigurnost, bezbednost and we as organizers, are good will enjoy great matches including their favourite players. In the pouzdan partner u promociji i podršku igračicama koje učestvuju, a time im omogućimo i da hosts and a reliable partner in organisational sense, everything is still focused on making sure sporta i tenisa. pružaju svoje najbolje partije na terenima. promoting sports and tennis. everything is at the highest level, to provide maximum security, Organizacija prvog WTA turnira serije 250 u Beogradu je safety and support to players participating, and thus enable ogroman uspeh za srpsku prestonicu i domaći tenis. Nadamo them to give their best on the courts. se da ćemo i ovog puta pokazati vrhunski profesionalizam i Organising the first WTA 250 series tournament in Belgrade gostoprimstvo, da teniserkama omogućimo da se probijaju na is a major success for the Serbian capital and the local tennis teniskoj mapi kroz turnire u njihovoj zemlji, a time pokažemo scene. We hope that we will show the utmost professionalism da smo sjajni ambasadori tenisa i sporta generalno. and hospitality this time as well, and enable women tennis players to fight to the top of the tennis world through Đorđe Đoković tournaments in their country, showing that we are good DIREKTOR SERBIA LADIES OPEN ambassadors of tennis and sports in general. Djordje Djokovic DIRECTOR, SERBIA LADIES OPEN 4. Serbia Ladies Open 2021 serbialadiesopen.org 5. Dear Dragi Tennis Fans, ljubitelji tenisa, It gives me great pleasure ast season presented significant challenges - to Veliko mi je zadovoljstvo da rošla sezona je donela značajne izazove – za tenis, za to welcome you to the city L tennis, the sports industry and the world as a whole - vam poželim dobrodošlicu u P sport i za svet u celini – a WTA zajedno sa svima još uvek of Belgrade for the exciting and the WTA with everyone is still navigating safely through grad Beograd na uzbudljivo bezbedno putuje kroz ova neviđena vremena. inaugural edition of the Serbia these unprecedented times. inauguracijsko izdanje Otvorenog Bilo da ste sa nama u predivnom Teniskom centru “Novak”, Open which will showcase the Whether you are with us at the beautiful Novak Tennis prvenstva Srbije, gde će se ili da pratite događaj iz daljine putem prenosa ili digitalnih world’s best tennis players. Centre or following the event remotely via broadcast or prikazati najbolji teniseri sveta. platformi Tura, nadamo se da uživate u akciji, zabavi i the Tour’s digital platforms, we hope you enjoy the action, inspiraciji koju WTA sportisti pružaju. Zahvaljujući našim entertainment and inspiration the athletes of the WTA lojalnim fanovima, tenis je vodeći globalni sport za žene. provide. It’s because of our loyal fanbase that tennis is the Organizovanje Otvorenog prvenstva Srbije u tenisu je leading global sport for women. zahtevalo mnogo napornog rada i saradnje, sa sponzorima, It has required tremendous hard work and collaboration lokalnim dobavljačima, od posvećenog osoblja i volontera to be able to stage the Serbia Open this year, across turnira, i ja bih želeo da izrazim svoju iskrenu zahvalnost sponsors, local suppliers, dedicated tournament staff i priznanje timu u Beogradu i Vladi Srbije za njihovu and volunteers, and I would like to express my sincere kontinuiranu posvećenost profesionalnom ženskom tenisu. thanks and appreciation to the team in Belgrade and the Sa sezonom 2021. u toku, ostajemo optimistični da je povratak government of Serbia for their ongoing commitment to u normalnost za tenis i za svet na vidiku, i radujem se women’s professional tennis. nastavljanju WTA priče zajedno sa vama. With the 2021 season underway, we remain optimistic that a Budite bezbedni. return to normality in tennis and for the world is on the horizon, and I look forward to continuing the WTA story with you. Srdačno, Stay safe. Stiv Sajmon PREDSEDNIK ODBORA I GLAVNI IZVRŠNI DIREKTOR Sincerely, WTA – ŽENSKA TENISKA ASOCIJACIJA Steve Simon CHAIRMAN & CEO WTA – WOMEN’S TENNIS ASSOCIATION 6. Serbia Ladies Open 2021 serbialadiesopen.org 7. Serbia Ladies Open is the first WTA 250 tournament that will Serbia Ladies Open je prvi WTA turnir serije 250 koji je About be held in Belgrade. Best female tennis players from Serbia O Serbia organizovan u Beogradu. Najbolje teniserke iz Srbije and the world will compete at the courts of Novak Tennis i sveta takmičiće se na terenima Teniskog centra Serbia Ladies Centre from May 16-22. The tournament will host 32 players Ladies Open „Novak“ od 16. do 22. maja. Na turniru će učestvovati in the singles and 16 teams in the doubles competition, and 32 teniserke u singlu i 16 teniserki u dubl konkurenciji, Open the prize fund is USD 235,238. It will be an opportunity for turniru a igra se za nagradni fond od 235,238 dolara. Biće our national women tennis players to present themselves to prilika da se domaće igračice pokažu u najboljem in the best light and get a chance to accomplish the best svetlu i dobiju šansu da ostvare što bolji rezultat u possible results in the Serbian capital. srpskoj prestonici. 8. Serbia Ladies Open 2021 serbialadiesopen.org 9. Serbia Ladies Open in numbers Serbia Ladies Open u brojkama 56 56 The total number of contestants Ukupan broj učesnica koje će st who will play through qualifications igrati, što kroz kvalifikacije što The 2021 Serbia Ladies Open and the main tournament is 56 Serbia Ladies Open 2021 je kroz glavni turnir je 56, dok is the first WTA tournament and the number of registered prvi WTA turnir ikada koji će je broj prijavljenih teniserki 1ever played in Serbia. players is much higher. 1biti odigran u Srbiji. daleko veći. 235,238$ 235,238$ The prize fund for the Serbia Ladies Open is USD 235,238. Nagradni fond Serbia Ladies Opena iznosi 235.238 dolara. 5,000 80-250 5,000 80-250 There will be about 60 ball boys and girls Dnevno će biti angažovano oko 60 There is about 5,000 a day, and the number of volunteers will Broj sedećih mesta na sakupljača loptica, a broj volontera će seats in the stands. rangde from 80 to 250. tribinama iznosi 5000. varirati od 80 do 250. 800About 250 people are constantly involved in the organisation of the 800U organizaciju turnira uključeno je oko 250 ljudi, a ako se uračunaju tournament, and when counting all those who are at least partially i svi ostali koji nisu u okviru najuže organizacije, ta brojka iznosi oko involved, then there is about 800 people who will make sure that 800 osoba koje će se pobrinuti da sve protekne u najboljem redu.
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