This document is made available electronically by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library as part of an ongoing digital archiving project. http://www.leg.state.mn.us/lrl/lrl.asp MINNESOTA ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE FOUNDATION JULY 1, 1997 - JUNE 3D, 1998 Jmpl"ovin9 Stll\dent Leal"nin9 and Edll\cation Delivel"Y By: Jncl"easin9 local accol,tniability fol" stll\dent and school pel"fol"ma,'\ce. CI"eatin9 capacity fOl~ s hools and classl"ooms to contil'\lI\oL1sly ill'\pl~ove. Accelel"atin9 valll\e-added pal"h\el"ships. MINNESOTA ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE FOUNDATION We believe Lea~JI\iJl\9 is the most important work of all young people; We believe YOl"u,\9 People need to hear and act on this message; We believe that SlAccessfu I Lea~JI\i V\9 should be the work of every family, school and community in Minnesota. In FY1998, MAEF took these messages to heart. * We strengthened our work with local communities, because we know that, in the end, it is the people in these communities who must care for and advance their own schools. * We looked for new partners in these communities, who share our passion and dedication to student achievement, and we began to forge partnerships with service clubs and other local groups. * We accelerated our work with schools and classrooms so that they can begin to train others. We applaud their hard work and the results we are beginning to see. * We began to look at ways to bring systems together, such as school superintendents and CEOs from the Minnesota Business Partnership, and ways to embed our learnings within institutionalized delivery systems such as the Department of .Children, Families and Learning and Colleges of Education. * We responded to requests from urban schools and communities with the design of new methods for delivery of MAEF programs, and we began to deliver our programs in these ways. ~, In FY1998, we turned to the people - students, families, educators and com­ munity members - to gauge our success and plan for the future. We thank 1. the many sponsors and donors and program partners who supported our work. And, we want to take you along on our continuing journey.... -'. ..,...,..- ): r~"""" _ 1 ~:j ~1 ~.::) r~ (:::;t;:;~ ~'·4 ~ ~ s,.·;,<o:::~ ,:S~~"'C:· ~::. ~./ 1" ~ ":::,,,_. J-< ,:,1 ;j'J' 1.c.: C1 '\ j MAEF Executive Committee MAEF StaffLeadership Team L.. .....:--~I ":.J Train Smart, Study H. -- Pledae Now! I I I I :zz:g I . I I. I .~-) --- - :".J -----J:j- -' Minneapolis Public Schools ~ .~) Academic League ........ •A charter member, renewing each MAEF Hero Award year since 1989. • Louise Sundin and Minneapolis • Has a Student Activities Federation ofTeachers for the Coordinator and has earned several design and deployment of - - academic challenge regional performance-based teacher ..J championships. contracts. Forest Lake • Academic League Council representative is Irma McIntosh Milken Educators Award Coleman, Fulton School. • Mike Huerth, currently principal of Public School • Gathering of Champions honored South High School, received the I 300 students in 1998. prestigious award while principal at Academk League Henry Senior High School; now •A charter member, renewing each -- Partners for Qualify serves on state "think tank" for year since 1989. • Dowling School received the school technology and accountability ' ) Goyernor's Scholars r Pioneer Award for its participation with other Milken Educator in the pilot phase of Partners for Awardees. • Selected to serve for 1998 were Quality in 1992 and its sustained Danielle Cole and Victoria Voto, and efforts. June Gills Teacher Inspiration Matthew Dubay from nearby North -:r • District accelerated-its use of ~ Branch and Kindra McGrane from ,-J - quality in school improvement, with Scandia. • Patricia Carey, Ericsson sites as diverse as Community Elementary School, was a finalist. ~ -) Education. Washburn Senior High, "-- and Unified Services, and the district Classroom QuaiJfy Program office. • Sylvia Nieora and Liz Young, • District was selected to receive one Washburn Senior High, were -r of six special MAEF training selected; Sylvia was featured in - -I contracts, based on the strength and MAEF's new instructional video tape advancement of its School of the program. Improvement Plan ( SIP) and Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) Processes. The district additionally established a Quality Performance Award (QPA) after receiving a School Improvement Performance Contract. Governor's Scholars • Students selected to serve in 1997­ 1998: ShaneBastion, Amber Benimon, Christine Burton, Ericka Sorjourner Davis, Justin Ellis, Heidi Hammond, Taquee Khaled, Shannon McCarthy, Muvumdamina Mutoba, Shavonne Powell, Katherine Preiss, Emanda Thomas, Stephania Vasilescu, Amber Katherine Whitner, Jbng Xiong, Pala Xiong. • Students selected to serve in 1998­ 1999: Farhiya Noor, Alexander Anderson, Hanna Assefa, Katina Boosalis, Anna Engstrom, Rita Parmer, Steven Froemming, Mina Le, Xiong Lor, Jessica Miller, Alexandra Morris, Richelle Ward, Matthew Xiong. jill Duluth Hard, Area Schools Carlton Academic League •A charter member, renewing each year since 1989. Public Schools • Academic lettering programs in every Academic League high school. •A member since 1991. • Annually participates in the Gathering • Lettering for EKcellence, Governor's of Champions; 100 students honored in Scholars, illeSmarts, Nobel Conference 199B. Hinckley and FLA are some of the academic • Academic League~ouncilrepresenta­ challenges and incentives used by the tive is Mary Ann Rotondi, district office. dJstrict. Public Schools • Honors: LifeSmarts regional champs Partners for Quality Academic League in 1997, 1998; FLA Star Events - seven • District selected to receive one of six •A charter member, renewing each gold stars at regional and silver awards MAEF training contracts. year since 1989. at state competition. • Quality activities underway at Lincoln • District established a Student ofthe • District has a star chapter of the Park and Homecroft Elementary. Month recognition program; National Honor Society. • Erik Kaiser, Lincoln Park, served on information is published in the local Partners for Quality Technology and paper and announced at each school. Accountability Task Force. • 60% of the students participate in Academic League activities. Math Goyernor's Scholars Masters, MN Odyssey ofthe Mind, • Selected to serve in 1997-98: Hilary Lettering for Excellence, MN Service Brown and Dzung TI-uong. Cooperative Knowledge Bowl, National • Selected to serve in 1998-99: HeidJ History Day and Thinking Cap Quiz Gordon, Julia HarlandAndrea Schubert Bowl are some of the academic from the Marshall School; Victoria Smith challenges available to students. from Toivola-Meadowlands Charter • Honors: regional champion student in School. Math Masters and 3rd place in Odyssey of the Mind. MAEF Hero Awards • Fact: Hinkley has had an academic • Mary Ann RotondJ for academic lettering program since 1947 - that's 51 league advocacy and volunteer activities years!!! and Duluth-Superior Area Community Foundation for its work with MAEF and the local schools. Lake Milken Educator Awards • Dale Rogers, Homecroft Elementary, received one of the prestigious awards :hools and serves on state-wide "think tank" on technology and school accountability. lewing each 998were ia Voto, and 'arby North irane from Eounaalion communities .!. I n~.~ MAEF Heroes (November 19971 June Gills Teachers Awards Classroom Quality Program Ashland Inc. (November 1997) (1997-98) Duluth-Superior Area Community Sharon Cowman, Springfield (winner) Susan Anderson, Redwood Valley Middle, Foundation Patricia Carey, Minneapolis (finalist) Redwood Falls Bush Foundation - Bush Educators Program Susan Hiemenz, Eden Valley (finalist) Colleen Betts, Afton-Lakeland Elementary, Educare Foundation Colleen Lerum, Owatanna (finalist) Stillwater Youth '!rust Shan Manke, Detroit Lakes (finalist) Elizabeth Blume, Pearson Elementary, Minneapolis Federation ofTeachers, Wheaton Louise Sundin Senate Youth f1:'all 1997) Molly Bray, Cornelia Elementary, Edina Minneapolis Urban League Amy Enerson, Bemidji High School Colin Botten, Sauk Rapids Senior High Minnesota State Fair (Delegate) David Boyum, Highland Park Senior High, PACER Center Anthony Lusuardi, St. Anthony Village High St. Paul William J. Sweasy, Red Wing Shoe School (Delegate) Matthew Cage, Bagley Elementary, Bagley Company Abraham Godwin, Oak Grove Academy Jolene Calvin, Central Elementary, US West (Alternate) Worthington Mankato Free Press Lauren May, Evansville High School Jonathon Clark, Hillside Elementary, Minneapolis Star Tribune (Alternate) SaukRapids Jeanne Kling, State Board of Education Suzanne Danielson, Afton-Lakeland John 1\.irner, ReliaStar, Minneapolis School Enrichment Partnership Elementary, Stillwater Gary Sudduth, Minneapolis Urban League Grants (February 199B) Betty Ann Danielson, Hoover Elementary, (In memorial) Austin School District Rochester Jan Baker, Chaska Burnsville School District Todd Davis, Dover-Eyota High, Dover-Eyota Don Basch, Honeywell Carver-Scott Educational Coop District #930 Kim Davidson, Herman-Norcross, Herman Carol Boll, Honeywell Grand Rapids School District Brenda Doland, Cornelia Elementary, Edina Irma McIntosh Coleman, Minnetonka Hibbing School District Laurie Dirnrnel, J anesville-Waldorf- David Culver, Minneapolis Lake Superior School District Pemberton Schools Nancy Fischer, St. Cloud Minnesota '!ransitions Charter School Renee Drewicke, Herman-Norcross, Bruce Goodman, MN Quality College Montevideo School District Herman Marilyn Green, Lake
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