MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF VISTA IRRIGATION DISTRICT February 7,2018 A Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of Vista Irrigation District was held on Wednesday, February 7,2018 at the offices of the District, l39l Engineer Street, Vista, California. 1. CALL TO ORDER President Dorey called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. 2. ROLL CALL Directors present: Miller, Vásquez, Dorey, Sanchez, and MacKenzie. Directors absent: None. Staff present: Eldon Boone, General Manager; Lisa Soto, Secretary of the Board; Brett Hodgkiss, Assistant General Manager; Don Smith, Director of Water Resources; Brian Smith, District Engineer; Randy Whitmann, Director of Engineering; Frank Wolinski, Operations and Field Services Manager; Alisa Nichols, Management Analyst; Al Ducusin, Engineering Services Manager; Sherry Thorpe, Safety and Risk Manager; Marlene Kelleher, Finance Manager; and Marian Schmidt, Administrative Assistant. General Counsel Joel Kuperberg was also present. Other attendees: Karen L. Thesing, Associate in Risk Management (ARM), Director of Insurance Services, and Peter Kuchinsky II, Certified Safety Professional (CSP), Lead Risk Management Advisor. 3 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Director MacKenzie led the pledge of allegiance 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA t8-02-12 (Ipon motíon by Director Vdsquez, seconded by Dírector MøcKenzie and unanímously carrìed (5 ayes: Miller, Vósquez, Dorey, Sønchez, and MacKenzie), the Board of Dírectors the AS 5. PUBLIC COMMENT TIME No public comments were presented on items not appearing on the agenda. 6. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 8-02-13 Upon motion by Dírector MacKenzíe, seconded by Dírector Vdsquez and unanìmously carried (5 øyes: Mìller, Vdsquez, Dorey, Sanchez, and MacKenzíe), the Board of Dìreclors øpproved the Consent Calendar, íncluding Resolution No. 18-04 øpproving disbursements. Board of Directors VISTA IRRIGATION DISTRICT MINUTES 2I7I2OI8 A. Waterline project approval See staff report attached hereto. Staff recommended and the Board approved the waterline project and directed staff to file the Notice of Exemption for a proposed industrial development, known as the Keystone Innovation Center, consisting of approximately 10.3 gross acres owned by Badiee Development, L.L.C.,located at 1347 and 1349 Keystone Way, Vista (LN 2017-026; APN 221-0ll-19; Drv s). B. Minutes of Board of Directors meeting on January 17 ,2018 The minutes of January 17,2018 were approved as presented. C. Resolution ratiffing check disbursements RESOLUTION NO. 18-04 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of Vista Irrigation District does hereby approve checks numbered 57922 through 58103 drawn on Union Bank totaling $40955,853.51. FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Directors does hereby authorize the execution of the checks by the appropriate officers of the District. PASSED AND ADOPTED unanimously by a roll call vote of the Board of Directors of Vista Irrigation District this 7th day of February 2018. * * tr tr ?t rr !t ¡t rt ¡t ?t ¡k rt !t tr tt 7. LIABILITY INSURANCE PROGRAM T]PDATE See staffreport attached hereto. General Manager Eldon Boone stated that several years ago the District was experiencing an increasing numbers of liability insurance claims for water damage due to pipeline breaks. Since that time, the District has instituted changes that have helped alleviate these types of claims. He stated that representatives from the Association of California Water Agencies Joint Powers Insurance Authority (ACWA JPIA) were present to talk about the District's successes in reducing its claims and associated losses in the liability insurance pooled program over the past two years. ACWA JPIA Director of Insurance Services Karen Thesing stated that ACWA JPIA staff has recognized the District's proactive approach to decreasing its claims and losses through its pipeline replacement program. Using a PowerPoint presentation, Ms. Thesing outlined the steps the District took to achieve this success (attached hereto as Exhibit A). ACWA JPIA Lead Risk Management Advisor Peter Kuchinsky provided an overview of the District's risk mitigation plan as well as the efforts put forth by the District to execute the plan. He discussed how the District used a detailed map to analyze its most problematic areas, and through this analysis, was able to focus its efforts on the replacement of Nipponite pipe. He commented that because the District has its own construction crews it can complete pipeline replacement projects cost effectively. He also credited the District's practice of regularly exercising its valves as another contributing factor to its reduced claims. He stated that ACWA JPIA has been impressed with the District's successes and will be sharing the District's story with other members as a case study on how to reduce claims and losses. Mr. Boone acknowledged the efforts of staff who have contributed this success, including Safety and Risk Manager Sherry Thorpe, Operations and Field Services Manager Frank Wolinski, and the Board of Directors VISTA IRRIGATION DISTRICT 2 MINUTES 2/712018 District’s first responders and crew members. The Board thanked staff for its efforts and Ms. Thesing and Mr. Kuchinsky for their presentation. Ms. Thesing, Mr. Kuchinsky, and Ms. Sherry Thorpe all left the meeting at this time. 8. DIVISION REPORTS See staff report attached hereto. Mr. Boone stated that due to dry weather conditions water usage by the District’s customers was up 17 percent in the month of December 2017 compared to the same month in 2013. Mr. Boone provided an update regarding the negotiations between the District and the City of Oceanside (Oceanside) to purchase water from the Robert A. Weese Filtration Plant (Weese). He stated that at this time the District is waiting for a response from Oceanside on the matter. Mr. Frank Wolinski updated the Board on recent upgrades to the Weese plant, stating that the plant is back in service now and the District is receiving water from it. Mr. Wolinski also provided clarification on the District’s free chlorine/chloramine transition plan for the San Diego County Water Authority’s (Water Authority) free chlorine transition scheduled for May 1, 2018. Assistant General Manager Brett Hodgkiss updated the Board regarding the District’s smart meters in use in the commercial and industrial portions of the District’s service area referred to as “Cycle 9”. He stated that recent news stories about the City of San Diego using smart meters have prompted a few customers to contact the District and inquire about how their water meters are read. Mr. Wolinski provided a brief report on the tabletop exercises conducted with the Operations and Field Services personnel, which were based on an actual pipeline failure the District experienced due to a mudslide in the 1980s. Director MacKenzie thanked staff for adding mileage references to the Nipponite pipe replacement projects listed in the report, which she found helpful in providing context. Al Ducusin left the meeting at this time. 9. PIPELINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT See staff report attached hereto. Director of Engineering Randy Whitmann provided an overview of the District’s first consultant- led Nipponite asbestos cement pipeline replacement project. He stated that the project has been titled the “Group Job 1 Pipeline Replacement Project”, and with the Board’s approval, staff is ready to put this project out for bid. He noted that the project takes place on portions of Osborne Street, North Santa Fe Avenue, Taylor Street, and Goodwin Drive. He stated that staff also requests that the Board determine that the project would be exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, direct the filing of the Notice of Exemption with the County Clerk, and authorize the advertisement and solicitation of bids for the construction of the project. Mr. Whitmann said that once bids are received and reviewed, staff will present the Board with a recommendation for awarding the project. 18-02-14 Upon motion by Director MacKenzie, seconded by Director Miller and unanimously carried (5 ayes: Miller, Vásquez, Dorey, Sanchez, and MacKenzie), the Board of Directors approved the Group Job 1 Pipeline Replacement Project; determined that the project is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act; and directed staff to file the Notice of Exemption with the County Clerk; and authorized staff to advertise and solicit bids for the construction of the project (D-2311, DIV NO. 1). Board of Directors VISTA IRRIGATION DISTRICT 3 MINUTES 2/7/2018 10. TREASURER'S REPORT AS OF DECEMBER31,2017 See staffreport attached hereto Mr. Boone presented the Treasurer's Report as of December 31, 2017.He noted that the report contains an investment summary and a detailed security listing as well as a five-year cash flow forecast indicating that the District's investments are sufficiently liquid to meet its anticipated cash flow needs. He explained items such as the unrealized gain or loss, and he reviewed the five-year summary of the District's investment portfolio. He noted that the investment portfolio has diminished in recent years, mainly due to the payout in Indian Water Rights Settlement and investment in the District's infrastructure. 11. TELEPHONE SYSTEM See staffreport attached hereto Finance Manager Marlene Kelleher explained that the District's cunent telephone system is about 20 years old and that it has limitations that are particularly problematic for the Customer Service department. She reviewed some of the challenges with the antiquated system stated that staff recommends entering into an agreement with CDV/ Government, Inc. for the purchase and installation of a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephone system. She provided an overview of the other bids that were received, and explained why staff selected the Cisco VolP telephone system proposed by CDW Government, Inc. It was noted that software updates for the new system would be included as part the annual service agreement. Ms. Kelleher estimated that the new system would be fully in place sometime within the next six to ten months.
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