- ■ îr WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT WEATHER FORECAST A/ ÇZ Playhouse—"The Merry Widow.*' * boa» Milne s «km . ~"itn nli i ■ Colombia— “The White Sister." Victoria ami vicinity—«iron* wind» Capitol—“Classmates. “ nr sale», meetly a-uthcrly- and westerly, Ikiminion-y“.The Crest Divide.** unsettled nod mild, wttk tain. Coliseum—“The Quaker Girl.” — VOL. 66 NO. 71 VICTORIA, B.C., TUESDAY; MARCH 24, 1925 -16 PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS OBB REPORTS CANADA HAS SURPLUS Commons Informed Dominion’s Favorable Trade Balance Increasing CANDIDATES FOR GERMAN PRESIDENCY TWO FIREMEN WERE a COOUDGE KILLED DURING BLAZE FEW (MANGES IN I RIFF PROPOSED AND BOARD IS MAKING FIRST New York, March 24.—Two members of the Newport Fire De­ partment lost their live* to-day in OF ADVISERS TO AD) GOVERNMENT. ROBB TELLS MOVE FOR CONFERENCE ON a fire which caused damage to the city hall building estimated at LIMITATION OF SEA FORCES more than $206,00*. COMMONS IN OUTLINING YEAR’S REVENUE PLANS Bank in Washington Washington, March 24—President t'oolidge has suggested to Estimated Increase in Canada’s Income From Taxation Secretary Kellogg that certain definite preliminary steps be Closed by Officials DELIVERED BUDGET Changes ’ $1,000,000, Acting Minister of Finance taken toward laying the groundwork for a new naval limitation o.ympia. Wash..' The Mows Lake SPEECH IN OTTAWA; States in Presenting Budge^; Income and Sales conference. State Bank of NAfpel^ Grant County, The work, as, the President sees it, divides itself into two was closed to-day by the state bank­ HON. JAMES A. ROBB Taxes Left Unchanged; Auditors State King ing department, due depleted re­ phases, the first being determination of the technical aspects of serve* and inability of the director# Government Did Not Alter System of Making Out naval limitation that remain to be concluded, and the second, the to raise sufficient fund* to .çarry the bank ever the crop growing period, Balance Sheets in Connection With C. N. R. Bonds. sounding v>ut informally of the sentiment of the other powers as according to the announcement to the desirability of calling a new conference. made. /child INJUAXD ■ Ottawa. March 24—Before a crowded House, Hoc. J. A. Robb, Acting Minister of Finance, to-day presented his second budget. Vancouver. March 24. — Bruno It wjh a statement in which Mr. Robb told of a heavy reduction ISLAND BEER BARS Pre-election estimate* çoncede Dr. Jarre* tleft). who la the can­ Mapoli. aged three, may not' recover didate of the National Bourgeois Bloc, and Otto Braun (right). Socialist, from injuries received yesterday when in public revenues, yet one which, he said, had finished up* with he fell out of a swing at bis home. a surplus of revenues over expenditures of $1,223.000. ft rat and second places, respectively, in the Presidential contest In Ger­ The child 1* stUl unconscious at St. many next Sunday. A* there are five candidates it Hi expected no mu' Paul's Hospital and his condition is “A remarkable result,“ said Mr. Robb, “in which Canadians OPENTO-MORROW will have a clear majority and a second polling day will he necessary. regarded as critical. can feel a justifiable pride.” The reduced expenditures Mr. Robb attributed largely to the The first licensed beer bars on Vancouver Island since the Government "a policy of hist year in reducing the burdens of taxa­ ousting of all bars on the crest of the prohibition wave during GOLD MEDAL FOR tion. and on the tariff change* he observed that “for the present, the war, will open for business to-morrow morning. CHARLES SAUNDERS RUSSIANS TRAINING opportunity of unobstructed observation of the effect of the ex­ Beer bar licenses were to-day issued,by the Liquor Vootrol tensive tariff changea made last year should be afforded.” .Ottawa. March 24 (Canadian Taxation changea proposed in the budget speech briefly are : Board to a number of Island hotels in districts that voted for Press) -The Royal Society of open beer sale by the glass. The start of beer selling on the < 'ansda ha* awarded its gold medal 1. Export duly on slectrlcity of as tm.S37.4U.22. belnc UI7.tl2.22 la IN CHKSE RINKS three one-hundredths of a cent per excess of the estimate given to the Island follows the inauguration of the dispensing of beer by the for <.ut*tanding achievement In literature or science to Dr. kilowat hour upon power. Duty pay­ House last session, and J2.222.7I2.22 glass in Vancouver on Saturday where thirty-one licenses have ('harles Saunders for his discov­ ( able from April 1. 1925. Rate will be over the corresponding receipts for already been granted. ery and development of “Mar­ equal to $1.95 per horsepower year. the previous year. Other receipts quis" wheat. 2. Few tariff changes. Principal amounted M.743,«Jfi.74, which The Island hotel» licensed to-dey FOR MILITARY COUP change will be that affecting bitum­ "Thé* medal will be prcscntedal brought the grew revenue to J4M.- inous coal. The Item "slack coal" is Nanaimo — Windsor. Newcastle. the next annual meeting In Ot­ '■ ■ Jtl.J17.>i. The expenditure show repealed, putting it Into class of tJ24.tlt.lSS.75 for ordinary expenses, Queen's. Occidental and Balmoral tawa May II. “coal not otherwise provided for." Hotels.' e White ^tussians, arch enemies of the present Bolshevist Gov being a decrease of S7.4II.54I.S4 EH «EE Slack coal imported from the United under the corresponding exnendl- ernmont of Ratisis. sre -fronting men in-Chine knit elsewhere et Mtstes will be dutiable at fifty cents ' I'ewlchsn-Lake —Riverside Inn and APPROVES PLAN ID teree for the previous y a tor Lnstesd of fourteen cents as at . owicnan uum Hotem. » the present time for one of the greatest coups of history, which demobilisation and other charge, A35B amounted to tlil.2DI.tt7. The groan IE01EEES < fowl*hen Bay Hum» Vint» will make the Slav nation again a monarchy as*itwas before the -3. Reduction in tariff . matauee-Merml SM» My HWtl drilling machinery for S« 5M.7it.J7 lew than for the prer* and Lewisville Hotel. OF GOVERNMENT fear was overthrown in the revolution of 1917, according to and off engines for the propulsion of oua year. Doctors Are Expected to Ladysmith—New Western, Abbots­ bbdta by individual fishermen. ford. Frank Travelers’» and llayvlew Lieut.-Commander William A. Horton, K.N., F.R.G.8., who ar­ 4. Duty on rolling mill rolls to be •The public debt waa de- Offer to Perform Service Hotels. restored. During the recess, these creased by f35.MS.etl.tJ. Bines COWEM HERE rived here yesterday on the Canadian Pacific liner Empress of Confederation decreases of debt For AH Free CsssidyCassidy Hotel. SHIP SUBSIDY were placed on the free list by Or­ Licenses for the other Island hotel» Asia from Shanghai, where he acted as instructor for the naval der-in-Council. have occurred la only nine of th# will likely be issued within n few 5. Amendment to the customs tariff fifty-seven years completed and Veneouver, M»reh 24 —The days._____________________ forces of the Chinese Peking Government. C. P. W. Schwengers Sup­ in regard to the dumping duty. J3e.eeS.5t3.8t la the largest de- FOR NEXT YEAR >.• Amendment- ef- Aha---- Special tTrjee of any of those nine yean provincial statute requiring every “White Snïâîan troops were. andare,Ughling in the Chinese ports Efforts Against At­ War Revenue Act to give a better rhytlO.J75.75l.tl. man, woman and child to be vac­ Great Enthusiasm at Port­ wars,” Commander Horton iaid, “but that is merely a blind. lantic Combine definition of a cheque, bill of ex­ change. etc. IN CANADA’S INTERESTS cinated against smallpox will be Chinee, were ere not dangerous. T. Well-drilling machinery and en­ MUER NOT TOLD land Convention When In­ Every support possible to the ‘ May I. before dealing with the enforced in Vancouver and a seg­ Th. Ilueelan military men ofr the old gines for the propulsion of boats outcome of the. year 1924-25, which regation camp will be established vitation Given regime knew that and oomwquentiy Government in iti efforts di­ owned by Individual fishermen will are taking advantage of the oppor­ continue to be exempt from the sales will end on the thirty-first of this where conscientious objectors Victoria will be the convention city tunity properly to drill and discipline MANHART IDENTIFIED rected s**in*t the Atlantic ship­ month, ask the indulgence of the tax. «IS VERY ILL of Northwest Pacific Rotary Clubs in their troops. House to refer for & moment to ft who have.been exposed to the ping combine was advocated to­ 1929. Mayor J. C. Pandray this "Not only In China, but on all aldea day by C. P. W. Schwengers in TO CHECK SMUGGLING contention advanced last session in disease will be placed under I Mrs WatSOO, WitlWSS at morning received the following tele­ of the Soviet Republic the same thing $. Bill to be introduced aiming at this House, that the reduction of the gram from President James H. la going on. Peraonally, I feel cer­ BY SEME WITNESS the course of an interview with the preventlolu of smuggling. debt by $35,900.000 was arrived at by guard for fourteen days. This is< t.;«i v«iu iks« tain that before the year Is out a Winnipeg Trial, Tells About Beatty: The Times on the proposed At­ ». Estimated increases in the rev­ a departure from the practice here­ the plan that is to be carried opt “Victoria's Invitation for 1929 Ro­ great change will come in Russia.
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