VERBUM ic Biblical Federation I I I I I I CDCD Today's World and G o d ' s W o r d CNJ CNJ o n d> CNJ h- z w 0) N° 78 English Edition 1/2006 CATHOLIC BIBLICAL FEDERATION BULLETIN DEI VERBUM 'is a quarterly publica tion in English, French, German and Spanish. (/) Editors H Z Alexander M. Schweitzer tJ Ciaudio EttI H Assistant to the editors Z o Dorothee Knabe o Production and layout bm-projekte, 70771 Leinf.-Echterdingen A subscription for one year consists of four issues beginning the quarter payment is Today's World and God's Word received. Please indicate in which language you wish to receive the BULLETIN DEI Opening One's Heart to the Other: VERBUM. Aspects of Reading the Bible In Context Anna Fumagalli Subscription rates Ordinary subscription: US$20/ €20 Between Incarnation and Critical Prophetism: Supporting subscription: US$34/ €34 Word of God and Cultures Third World countries: US$14/ €14 Lucien Legrand, map Students: US$14/ €14 The World of Today and the Word of God: Air mail delivery: US$ 7 / € 7 extra A Mutual Challenge In order to cover production costs we recom mend a supporting subscription. For mem Michel Camdessus 12 bers of the Catholic Biblical Federation the subscription fee is included in the annual membership fee. Life of the Federation Banking details Nigeria: Continental Celebration for the Year of the General Secretariat Bible in the African Region 17 (Address as indicated below) LIGA Bank. Stuttgart Ecuador: Interconfessional Bible Meeting of the Account No. 64 59 820 Latin American and Caribbean Subregion (FEBIC LAC) 18 IBAN-No. DE 28 7509 0300 0006 4598 20 BIG Code GENODEF1M05 Philippines: Fourth Biblical Pastoral Congress Or per check to the General Secretariat. of the Asia-Oceania Region 18 We also accept payment by credit card (VISA, MasterCard). Philippines: Fourth CBF-SEA Subregional Workshop 19 Reproduction of articles Lebanon: Ninth Biblical Congress on "The Historical Jesus' 20 We invite our members to reproduce in their own publications any articles printed in the Newsflash 21 BULLETIN DEI VERBUM indicating the source, unless a statement to the contrary is given. CBF's New Coordinators 22 Opinions expressed in the articles are those Growing In Love through God's Word of the authors, not necessarily of the Federa On the Occasion of Bishop Ablondi's 80" Birthday 24 t i o n a s s u c h . New Members 26 % Seventh CBF Plenary Assembly 2008 27 CATHOLIC BIBLICAL FEDERATION General Secretariat Postfach 10 52 22 70045 Stuttgart Germany Tel.: -l-49-(0)711-1 69 24-0 Fax: -l-49-(0)711-1 69 24-24 E-mail: [email protected] www.c-b-f.org The Catholic Biblical Federation (CBF) is an "International Catholic Organization of a public character" according to Canon Law (CIC, can. 312, §1, n.1). BULLETIN DEI VERBUM 78 < oc o t o Lil D e a r R e a d e r s : time and in view of its cultural and social realities. Such griefs and the anxieties of the a contextual Bible interpretation understands the Word people of this age, especial of God and the world of today not as two isolated ly those who are poor or in realms, but rather as two poles of the one Divine any way afflicted, these are Revelation. World and Word stand in relation to each the joys and hopes, the other. They signify mutual enrichment as well as mutual aThe joys andgriefs andthe anxietieshopes, ofthe the fol- challenge. lowers of Christ. (6S1) For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a these programmatic slave to all, that I might win the more. To the Jews I words the Pastoral Constitu became as a Jew. in order to win Jews; to those under tion Gaudium et Spes of the the law I became as one under the law that I might win Second Vatican Council opens. What the Council states those under the law. To those outside the law I became here about "the Church in the Modern World" - so the as one outside the law that I might win those outside the official title of the document - could be applied without law. To the weak I became weak, that I might win the reduction to the meaning of the Word of God for the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might world: the preaching of the Gospel can never occur in by all means save some. I do it all for the sake of the isolation from the questions, the concerns, the hopes gospel, that I may share in its blessings. and the joys of the people to whom God's revelation is addressed. Understanding God's Word and living in This is how the Apostle Paul describes the motivation of accordance with it can only successfully occur in the his missionary activity in his letter to the community of context of our world of today, against the background of Corinth (cf. 1 Cor 9:19-23). To become ail things to all the social, political and religious situation of our time. In men - this means neither relativism nor chummy oppor other words: the text of the Bible always stands in rela tunism; still less does it imply a reckless discarding of tion to the concrete contexts into which it is read and Christian values. It means something more positive: a preached. conscious presence to the world of today, to the con cerns, the needs, the hopes of the people of our time. This apparently obvious insight, however, has wide- The preaching of the biblical message of life to the full ranging consequences. It requires, for one thing, that will succeed only if it includes a serious commitment to Church, believers and preachers of the Word really live engage with the present and with its cultural diversity. in the world of today and come to terms with it, such that For the Word of God can enrich men and women if it they will recognize, take seriously and be able to eluci meets them in their concrete life circumstances, if it date the "signs of the times." But this whole process speaks their language and understands their lives. affects one's view of the Word of God itself: it is not something closed off and fixed once and for all. but I wish you all an enriching reading, with interesting dis opens itself up anew every time it is read. Every person coveries. who hears the Word inscribes it and interprets it anew in his or her life. Word and world, word and humanity - the idea is mutual communication, relevancy, life. "Today's World and God's Word" - we have taken this as the motto for this particular issue of the Bulletin Dei Claudio Ettl Verbum. You will find here three articles from the Dei Verbum Congress of last year that approach this topic from different perspectives. Common to all three Is that they read the Bible in the life and faith horizon of our B TODAY'S WORLD AND GOD'S WORD Opening One's Heart to the Other: Aspects of Reading the Bible in Context Anna Fumagalli Dr. Anna Fumagalli completed her theologi in a homogeneous way - that the encounter of a text cal studies at Tubingen, Milan and Rome, with its readers always takes place in a context, which and received her doctorate in biblical theolo conditions this encounter with its specific questions gy from the Pontifical Gregorian University in and expectations. Today we can say that from many Rome. She belongs to the Scaiabrinian directions people are beginning to recognize that Secular Missionary Women and works within diverse contexts lead to diverse readings of the same the SIMI (Scalabrini International Migration text, each of which must be considered partial. Institute) in Basel, Switzerland. The theme I was given "Reading the Bible in context - So the following question is raised: how do we prevent Word of God and cultures" struck me above all as an this awareness of the partiality of one's own reading invitation to rejoice. from falling into the trap of relativism? How are we to prevent the positive experience of a contextualized We must in fact acknowledge that in recent years peo reading from harboring the delusion that we must renounce any search for the true meaning of a text, for ple have become more and more aware of the fact that whatever approach we take to the text neutrality is an a signification that is valid for all, and retreat to a mean illusion, that a reading is always conditioned by the ing that is true only for me, for my group, for my cul context of the reader and that this conditioning, if ture? What are we to do? reflected upon and given its full due can bear much fruit in the interpretation of biblical texts. This is the question that will guide the first part of my paper. Thanks to the efforts of those engaged in the field of biblical interpretation, what the Council in Dei Verbum, In the second part, i will focus instead on the second especially in paragraph 12, underscored at the level of pair of concepts that gives the title to our theme, "Word the text's origin, at the departure level, we might say, of God and cultures", hence on cultures and on the need to undertake a theological reflection of a funda namely, that "attention should be given ... to ..
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