.-------~----- ~~ THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's OLUME 39: ISSUE 33 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2004 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Board of Trustees convenes at ND Raina dan Members will reapplies discuss transition of presidency for visa By CLAIRE HEININGER Scholar optimistic New' Editor about approval Thn Notre Dame Board of Trustr~ns will convene on cam­ pus today. Friday and Saturday By CLAIRE HEININGER for its triannual meeting - the News Editor first since it elected a new University president and execu­ Acting on the State tive vice president April 30. Department's suggestion and the While no decisions of compa­ University's encouragement. rable magnitude are expected Tariq Ramadan has reapplied for to be made at this meeting. a work visa to teach at Notre thPn~ will certainly be some Dame. discussion of the leadership The promi­ transition from University nent Muslim Pr<~sident Father Edward I scholar. who Student body vice president Karla Bell and student body president Adam Istvan work on the was barred see TRUSTEES/page 4 SafeBus project at a recent Council of Representatives meeting. from thn United States July 28 by the Student government officials to present report on off-campus safety Department of Homeland Ramadan importance of protecting stu­ pus, and details the safety focus, though those numbers Security for By AMANDA MICHAELS dents residing and traveling in precautions taken at compar­ will be available for the u n specified Associare News Editor the greater South Bend com­ ative universities. Trustees if needed, Baron national security concerns, filed munity and offers a four­ As a solution, Istvan, Bell said. his request with the U.S. Embassy In what is arguably the first pronged approach to address­ and Baron are offering sug­ The SafeBus plan, already in Switzerland on Monday, major milestone of their term, ing the issue. gestions for the creation of an discussed by the Council of University spokesman Matt Storin student body president Adam The opening of the report ND SafeBus and an Off Representatives and the said. Istvan. vice president Karla stresses the connection Campus Safety Seminar, the Student Senate, calls for the Government officials had stated Bell and chief executive assis­ between the community and increase of student involve­ implementation of a free, on several occasions that tant Dave Baron will deliver a University, citing statistics that ment in neighborhood groups alternative transportation Ramadan was free to reapply. report to the Board of show over half of the student and the assertion of off-cam­ service for students going off Starin said. Trustees today, focusing on population will eventually live pus security as an additional campus on weekend nights. The move sets in motion the the issue of student safety off campus, and adding that priority for the Notre Dame Preliminarily, Baron said, State Department's review beyond campus boundaries. even more take advantage of Security/Police. the SafeBus would operate process, which will likely take Titled "Protecting the Notre the South Bend nightlife. In the report, specific opera­ from 1 to 4 a.m., making a anywhere between several weeks Dame Family: Safety and It also brings up concern tional details for the SafeBus loop from campus to down- and two months. but could draw Security Off Campus," the over the increasing dangers of proposal are mostly omitted in presentation will address the living and traveling off cam- favor of a more conceptual see REPORT/page 6 see RAMADAN/page 4 Roemer to speak today Flu vaccinations suspended Congressman to discuss 9/11 report Shortage affects Notre Dame, Saint Mary's health centers "It was sort of a simultane­ influenza. Consequently, acquire a supply of "flu-mist," By EILEEN DUFFY ous thing. I was interested in By KATIE PERFY Chiron was unable to manu­ which is a nasal form of pro­ News Writer having him come to talk to News Writer facture the vaccine for the tection against the virus, from my classes and of course, I 2004-05 season. the product's distributor. Timothy Roemer, a 9/11 wanted to offer the Notre The suspension of a manu­ A large dependency on the Health Services is also Commission member, will Dame community a chance to facturing license for a major Chiron Corporation to supply working with the South Bend give a talk about "The 9/11 hear him speak publicly," influenza vaccination provider flu vaccines nationwide has Clinic to mitigate the effects of Commission:The Alpert said. caused both Notre Dame's led to significant shortages, the shortage. At the present Transformation of our Roemer will speak to University Health Services especially on college campus­ time, the clinic has 17,000 Intelligence Alpert's classes on Computer and Saint Mary's Health and es. Universities across the doses of the vaccine that will Community," Ethics and on Science, Policy Wellness Services to country have contacted the be made available to high-risk at 7 p.m. and Politics as well as two announce Wednesday they Centers for Disease Control in persons only, said Kleva. The today in the law school classes. will be unable provide flu an attempt to purchase flu clinic has defined those eligi­ Mendoza During his 12 years as a shots for students and staff vaccines from other universi­ ble as individuals aged two College of U.S. representative, Roemer this flu season. ties who may have surpluses through 64 with chronic ill­ Business' focused on public diplomacy, The Chiron Corporation - of the vaccine, University nesses such as lung and heart Jordan the American government's Notre Dame and Saint Mary's Health Services Director Ann disease, diabetes and asthma. Auditorium. communication with the pub­ only source of the influenza Kleva said. If and when the University Hoerner. lic in foreign countries. At a vaccines - said Tuesday it "Everyone is clamoring. We obtains any vaccines from Roemer w h 0 time when the United States would be unable to supply its have to be considerate to the other sources, they will be received masters and doctor­ was considering cutting much product this season due to whole population of the granted to students on the al degrees from Notre Dame of the funding for public problems in one its chief pro­ United States," Kleva said. basis of risk-level. Those stu­ and served as Indiana's 3rd diplomacy, Roemer to pre­ duction facilities, University At the present time, Health dents more prone to influenza District representative in the serve it. spokesman Matt Starin said in Services has been unable to will receive immunization U.S. House of Representatives He also served on the a statement. obtain the vaccine from prior to low-risk students, from 1991-2003, was invited Permanent Select Committee According to a statement another source, but the Kleva said. by Professor Sheri Alpert of on Intelligence, the from the Chiron Corporation. department will continue its Kleva also noted the Notre the Heilly Center for Science. Committee on Education and the Medicine and Healthcare efforts, said Kleva. Dame community has a "sub­ Technology and Values. the Workforce and the Products Regulatory Agency The University will also con­ stantial" population of high­ The former representative Committee on Science. placed a temporary suspen­ tact federal and state officials risk individuals. However. served on the 9/11 commis­ In November 2002, the U.S. sion on the company's license about other sources of the flu although she was concerned sion. which released its to produce Fluvirin, Chiron's vaccine, Starin said. Health report over this past summer. see ROEMER/page 6 trademark vaccine for Services is currently trying to see VACCINE/page 6 page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Thursday, October 7, 2004 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHICH "SAVED BY THE BELL" CHARACTER DO YOU LIKE BEST AND WHY'? Out of the ordinary In the middle of first semester I have perfected my daily routine. I attend my morning classes, eat lunch, come back to the room and check my e-mail, then Andrew Urbany Laura Heslin Barbara MacDonald Eddie Lerum Jason Dodge Shaun Disney head out for an afternoon workout. freshman junior sophomore junior freshman freshman On Tuesday, I Dillon McGlinn McGlinn Keenan Alumni Sorin chose to do some Maggie Oldham ellipticizing indoors at Angela Athletic ':4.C Slater "Kelly, because "Zach - he was "Screech, "Zach Morris, "Kelly because Facility due to Sports wire because of his she's hot., hot and had the because he's so because he's the her amazing South Bend's editor sweet, curly hairstyle too., cool., cool guy you depth overnight summer­ , to-winter season mullet., always wanted enlightens me. change. Water bottle and CD player in to be., hand, I bee bopped out of Le Mans and towards the library green. And then I saw it. Rows upon rows of small, white, wood­ en crosses decorated the usually bare green, resembling the white crosses of fallen U.S. soldiers. Some of the crosses were pulled out of the ground. Had a beautiful autumn backdrop not accom­ panied these crosses, this would have IN BRIEF been the most eerily somber cemetery I have ever seen. Former Indiana Congressman. As I approached, a sign hung between Notre Dame graduate and Sept. two trees hit me like a punch in the 11 Commision member Tim stomach. It read, "l\vice the population Roemer will speak on "The 9/11 of Saint Mary's is killed everyday by Commisson: The Transformation abortion." of Our Intelligence Community." The little white crosses forced my gaze tonight from 7 to 9:30 p.m. in the upon them as I continued walking down Jordan Auditorium.
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