Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1924-05-07 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1924). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 90. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/90 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ^ ^hr Published bi-weekly by the ^^ Students of St-Xax>ier College Vol. IX. CINCINNATI, WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1924 Graduating Classes DIRECTRESS OF "SWEET­ HEARTS" Verkamp Medal Won Will Be Large By Freshman June 18, at Emery, Time and Place Set for Conferring of Degrees. Side Defended by Welp and Stenz Awarded Decision. Ninety-six students will receive de­ grees, diplomas or certificates at the For the first time in years a fresh­ eighty-third annual commencement of man won the |n-ize medal donated by St. Xavier College to be held at 8:15 Joseph B. Verkamp, Cincinnati cloth­ p. m., Wednesday, June 18, at the ier, in the twenty-fourth annual Phil­ Emei-y Auditorium, according to the opedian debate held at St. Xavier pre-graduation announcement made Memorial Hall, Wednesday evening, by the college administration. Rev. .A^pril ,30. To Joseph E. Welp goes John P. McNichols, S. J., Ph. D., now the unusual honor of winning- this president of the University of Detroit choice scholastic prize in his first and a former professor at St. Xavier, collegiate year. -will deliver the commencement ad­ Upholding- that immigration should dress. Baccalaureate services will be be further i-estricted through pass­ held in St. Xavier Church, Sunday, age of tho Johnson bill ponding in June 15. Although the preacher of Congress, Welp asserted that pre- the baccalaureate sermon ha.s not yet cautionai-y measures ai-e necessary, been named, President H. F. Brock­ lost tho United States be surfeited man, S. J., hopes to obtain one of with immigrants, unassimiable and the prominent Catholic clergyman in out of tune with our habits and cus­ this vicinity. toms. Award of degrees, diplomas and Welp, with his colleague, .Joseph certificates will be made to students B. Stenz, also a freshman, won the in the College of Arts and Science, judges clecision for presunting tho the College of Law, the School of MISS' FLORENCE MORAN best arguments. Commerce, the School of Sociology, The contention of the losing side, the Normal School and the Extension consisting- of Joseph ,J. Egan and courses. gible. Papers of the St. Xavier trio were forwarded to St. Louis as the James P. Glenn, soiihomores, was that Two master degrees will be award­ enforcement of the existent laws was ed together with 58 bachelor honors. best of the local participants who wrote on tho assigned topic, "Tho the principal requisite Cor improve- Twenty-four will receive certificates mont of the immigration problem. for successful completion of courses, Catholic Graduate and Civic Emi­ nence." The judges wui-e: Thomas F. and others will receive diplomas. Maher, '87; James J. Grogan, 'OS, and The following- are candidates for Marquette, Carrol and St. Louis Sylvester Hickey, '13. awards: universities were prominent in the (Continued on page 3) ]-anking-. Marquette claimed the con- tost winner, Richard V. Carpenter, SENIOR AWARDED EIGHTH and also the fourth place. Carroll BISHOP MURPHY PRAISES PLACE IN PROVINCE men gained three places. Two St. XAVIER'S SPIRIT OF Louis men were nientioned in thu CONTEST first ten. St. Mary's College and HOSPITALITY Campion College each had one man Marquette, Carroll and St. Louis honored. Visiting Dignitary Gives Interesting Furnish Majority of Winners. Carpenter is a casual contributor Lecture on Missionary Life. to "/Vmerica" and his work ha.s been Final results of the English Inter­ of a rather high standard. collegiate Contest of the Missouri St. Xavier's over-welcoming spirit Province of the Jesuit Order show and the general attitude of kindly af­ that John A. Thorburn, '24, ranked fection for former professors and eighth in the competion. Papers of HONOR MEN IN LATIN students was praised by Rt. Rev. Thorburn, Victor W. J. Feighery, '24, CONTEST Bishop Joseph A. Murphy, S. J., in and Ronald Jeammougin, '26, repre­ an informal talk delivered before an sented St. Xavier in this contest. assembly of students and faculty in This is the first time in several years The following papers were award­ the College of Ai-ts and Sciences dur­ that St. Xavier failed to gain more ed honors by local judges in the Inter­ ing the reception arranged in his than one place among- the first ten. collegiate Latin contest: honor at Alumni Science Hall, Tues­ The competition is an annual af­ Francis A. Ai-linghaus, James Hur­ day afternoon, April 22. ley, He)-bert Barnhorn, Jo.seph J. fair conducted by the Missouri Prov­ • Bishop Murphy declared that St. ince, which controls 12 colleges and Egan, Albert IT. Metz, Oscar Wahoff, William Buchheit, John B. Stenz, Xavier has the reputation throughout universities in the Middle West. Stu­ the Missouri province of the Jesuit dents in the Arts college of all the Henry J. Ausdenmore and Paul J. institutions in the ]n-ovinee are eli- Ratterman. (Continued on page 11) THE XAVERIAN NEWS fested in the intercollege English con­ test. A society for the advancement of music and dramatic art has been Annals of the Past ^^r Stuaents ^ St Xavier Collegia founded, and so far produced one successful performance. [From the Xavier Athenaeum] Subscription $1.50 per year Tho teams representing every Published bi-weeltly. Ten Years Ago Publication day. Wednes<lay. branch of athletics have been a cred­ OfBce, Room 10'3, Alumni HaU, Dana and it to St. Xavier. The football sea­ On June 22, the graduation exer­ Heraid Avenues. son, considering- the many handicaps cises took place at Emery Auditori­ Tllli STAFF which had to be overcome and the um. Speeches were delivered by Faculty Adviser..Rev. Dan. M. O'Connell. S. .T. calibre of the teams played, cannot KDITOni,\r. STAFF James E. O'Connell, A.B.; Edward S. Editor-in-Chief Robert M. Olinger, '25 be looked upon as anything- but a Kennedy, B.C.S., and Lawrence B. ManniiinK Editor [larl J. Winter, "2G triumph. At least two All-Ohio grid­ Kuhlman, A.B. Mr. Kuhlman also Liberal Arts -Joseph ,1. KKHU, '2G iron men wei-e developed. Basketball delivered the valedictory. His Grace, Manazine Pa^e G. Murray I'addack. '2(i had a brilliant year, and in this di­ Sports .John T. Gaynor, '2.5 Archbishop Mueller, conferred the Commerce and Soeioloiry Ray. J. i'^inn, '25 vision Xavier claims one All-Ohio degrees and honors. Hon. Timothy S. Law Mary K. l-^it'/.morris. '27 man. We have a baseball team, Hogan, Attorney General of Ohio, in Special Courses Catherine A. Pellman. '2'l which, in the opinion of many, is the Alumni and Faculty... Wm. .J. Dammerell, '27 his address to the graduates, paid a Exchanges .John B. Sten-/., '27 best in many seasons. Plans are be­ high tribute to St. Xavier. The Col­ Contributing Writer (o.seph H. Meyers, "Ih ing- made for a track team, and a ten­ lege choir and orchestra delivered Art John A. Murray. '2n nis team looms up as a possibility. Humor Joseph A. Dell, '25 some excellent music. BUSINESS DICFAliTMKNT When we look back upon the year A special feature of the commence­ Business Manager Charles V. Murphy, '2.'i 1923-24 and examine carefully each ment was the graduation of twelve Asst. Busincs.s Manager.-I-'ranU Arlinj^haus, '2(1 accomplishment, each new develop­ Circulation Manauor Albert M. Schmitz. '25 Bachelors of Commercial Science. ment, the undoubted interest and im­ Two social events, an entertainment proved school spii-it shown by the stu­ by the freshmen and sophomore FOR A GREATER ST. XAVIER dents of every division and the com­ classes of the College' of Commei-ce, Advfincemr.ttl nf lulcrtnurnl ArlivU.it'» petency of each departmental teach­ Construction of Gymiiaaium Buildina and a banquet given by the alumni Continued Effort in Dormitory Drive ing faculty; when we consider the in honor of the graduates of the Col­ Xitwreaeed Intercut in Academic Pursuits constant loyalty and the munificent lege of Arts, helped to make com­ and in Existing College Societies generosity and altruistic spirit of our Fitting Recognition of Academic Leaders. mencement week one of the best in alumni; we cannot help but feel that the history of St. Xavier. St. Xavier has taken another decided and positive step towards what will ANOTHER STEP FORWARD some day be a great university. This A Commencement of the Early is the unanimous wish and fond hope Forties The school year of 1923-24 is swift­ of us all. ['•Ver batim" as it appeared in the ly nearing its end, and it is our firm programme, 1841.] conviction that St. Xavier is bring­ ing to a close one of the most suc­ THE CHEER LEADER Order of Exercises, July 19th. cessful and progressive years since Music her foundation. This success and pro­ Although the season may not be English Poem (original) on the last gression is more significant because appropriate, the writer begs'to pass expedition of St. Louis and his it is so strikingly evident not only in a a few remarks, ill-timed or well- few, but in all the departments and death Robert Armstrong timed, concerning that major college Music activities of the school.
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