APRIL 2001 VOLUME 43 NUMBER 04 STORM DATA AND UNUSUAL WEATHER PHENOMENA WITH LATE REPORTS AND CORRECTIONS NATIONAL OCEANIC AND NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL SATELLITE, NATIONAL CLIMATIC DATA CENTER noaa ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION DATA AND INFORMATION SERVICE ASHEVILLE, NC Cover: Photo shows a southwest view of a frame home severely damaged by the Johnston/Atoka County tornado near Milburn, OK, on April 11, 2001. The roof was completely removed and the front and rear walls were blown out. (Photograph courtesy of Dan Miller) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Outstanding Storm of the Month ..……..…………………..……………..……………..……………..…. 4 Storm Data and Unusual Weather Phenomena ....………..…………..…..……………..……………..…. 6 Additions/Corrections ..………….……………………………………………………………………….. 252 Reference Notes ..……..………..……………..……………..……………..…………..………………… 254 STORM DATA (ISSN 0039-1972) National Climatic Data Center Editor: Stephen Del Greco Assistant Editors: Stuart Hinson and Rhonda Mooring STORM DATA is prepared, and distributed by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (NESDIS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The Storm Data and Unusual Weather Phenomena narratives and Hurricane/Tropical Storm summaries are prepared by the National Weather Service. Monthly and annual statistics and summaries of tornado and lightning events resulting in deaths, injuries, and damage are compiled by the National Climatic Data Center and the National Weather Service's (NWS) Storm Prediction Center. STORM DATA contains all confirmed information on storms available to our staff at the time of publication. Late reports and corrections will be printed in each edition. Except for limited editing to correct grammatical errors, the data in Storm Data are published as received. Note: "None Reported" means that no severe weather occurred and "Not Received" means that no reports were received for this region at the time of printing. Subscription, pricing, and ordering information is available from: NCDC Subscription Services 310 State Route 956 Building 300 Rocket Center, WV 26726 (866) 742-3322 Toll Free The editors of STORM DATA solicit your help in acquiring photographs (prints or slides; black and white, or color), maps, clippings, etc. of significant or severe weather events (past or present) for use in the "Outstanding Storms of the Month'' section of STORM DATA. We request our subscribers or other interested persons to mail such items to: Storm Data National Climatic Data Center 151 Patton Avenue Asheville, NC 28801 Any such items received by the editor will be for use in STORM DATA only. Any other use will be with the permission of the owner of said items. Materials will be returned if requested. This is an official publication of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and is compiled from information received at the National Climatic Data Center Asheville, North Carolina 28801-2733. Thomas R. Karl Director, National Climatic Data Center 2 April 2001 Confirm ed Tornadoes 3 F Scale 0 to 1 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5 5 to 6 F Scale F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 Total Num ber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torm Data and Unusual Weather Phenomena Time Path Path Number of Estimated April 2001 Local/ Length Width Persons Damage Location Date Standard (Miles) (Yards) Killed Injured Property Crops Character of Storm ALABAMA, North Central Franklin County Hodges 03 0420CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) Penny size hail reported near Hodges in southern Franklin County. Dallas County Selma 03 0425CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) Three quarter inch diameter size hail was reported in Selma. Marion County Hackleburg 03 0430CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) Three quarter inch diameter hail fell in the Hackleburg area. Autauga County Mulberry 03 0430CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) Dime size hail was reported near Statesville or just west of Mulberry. Blount County Oneonta 03 0435CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) Dime size hail was reported in Oneonta. Winston County Double Spgs 03 0500CST 0 0 32K 0 Lightning Lightning struck and damaged three separate homes in the Double Springs and Lynn areas. Calhoun County Piedmont 03 0530CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) 0540CST Three quarter inch diameter hail fell across northern Calhoun County from near Webster Chapel to near Piedmont. Franklin County Hodges 03 0530CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) Penny size hail was observed near Hodges in southern Franklin County. Autauga County Prattville 03 0620CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.88) Dime to nickel size hail was observed in Prattville. Cullman County Cullman 03 0630CST 0 0 4K 0 Hail (1.75) Golf ball size hail was reported at the intersection of Interstate 65 and US 278 near Cullman. Jefferson County Graysville 03 0650CST 0 0 2K 0 Hail (1.25) Half dollar size hail was reported in Graysville. Jefferson County Homewood 03 0655CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) Dime size hail fell in Homewood. Jefferson County Gardendale 03 0700CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) Jefferson County Midfield 03 0712CST 0 0 8K 0 Hail (1.75) Penny to golf ball size hail was reported from Gardendale and Fultondale to Midfield. Walker County Carbon Hill 03 0730CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) Dime size hail was reported in Carbon Hill. Blount County Blountsville 03 0808CST 0 0 15K 0 Lightning Lightning started a house fire in Blountsville. Blount County Remlap 03 0827CST 0 0 25K 0 Lightning A barn was destroyed in a lightning caused fire. Blount County Hendrix 03 0919CST 0 0 12K 0 Lightning Lightning started a fire in a house about halfway between Snead and Oneonta in the Hendrix area. Blount County 1 NW Hayden 03 0935CST 0 1 5K 0 Lightning A man working on the roof of his house was injured by lightning. 1 6 Storm Data and Unusual Weather Phenomena Time Path Path Number of Estimated April 2001 Local/ Length Width Persons Damage Location Date Standard (Miles) (Yards) Killed Injured Property Crops Character of Storm ALABAMA, North Central Blount County 3 E Remlap 03 1332CST 0 0 20K 0 Lightning A house fire believed started by lightning occurred in the Pine Mountain area east of Remlap. The fire was believed to have been started by lightning much earlier than the fire was actually reported. Clay County Lineville 03 0810CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (1.00) One inch diameter size hail was reported in Lineville. Talladega County Munford 03 0830CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) Dime size hail was observed in Munford. Dallas County Selma 03 0850CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) Dime size hail fell in the Selma area and also in the Marion Junction area. Talladega County Talladega 03 0945CST 0 0 0 0 Hail (0.75) Dime size hail fell near Talladega and in several other locations in Talladega County. St. Clair County Pell City 03 0950CST 0 0 8K 0 Hail (1.50) One and one half inch diameter size hail was reported in Pell City. Walker County Countywide 03 1400CST 0 0 18K 0 Flash Flood 2000CST Numerous roads throughout the county were flooded. Many of these roads were temporarily impassable. Colbert County Littleville 03 1400CST 0 0 8K 0 Flash Flood 1800CST Several roads and homes were flooded along US 43 near Littleville. One of the homes suffered significant damage to furniture and appliances. A few other roads in the county were temporarily impassable due to high water. Jefferson County Countywide 03 1430CST 0 0 30K 0 Flash Flood 2000CST Many area creeks flowed out of their banks and flooded the roadways. Additional flooding occurred across a large part of eastern Jefferson County. Several homes were flooded in Tarrant City and a few people were rescued from stranded vehicles. As many as 25 roads were closed due to the high water. 24 hour rainfall was estimated at 3 to 5 inches with most occurring in a short period of time. Talladega County Countywide 03 1500CST 0 0 12K 0 Flash Flood 2000CST Several roads throughout the county were flooded and temporarily impassible. Rainfall total for 24 hours was estimated at 4 to 5 inches with much of it occurring in a short period of time. Talladega County Childersburg 03 1520CST 0 0 0 0 Funnel Cloud Talladega County Emergency Management Agency reported a funnel cloud near Childersburg. Additional similar reports were received from southern Talladega County.
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