Printable High School Calendar

Printable High School Calendar

Fulton High School - January 2021 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat 1 2 No School-Winter Break 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NO SCHOOL - Teacher 7:00 PM B V BKB @ Hall 5:30 PM G SO BKB @ Erie 7:00 PM B V BKB Erie High 11:00 AM G SO BKB West Institute High School High School School Carroll High School 5:00 PM C V SCB @ 7:00 PM B V BKB @ 12:30 PM G V BKB West Scholastic Bowl Meet @ Amboy High School Carroll High School Orion 7:00 PM G V BKB @ Erie 5:30 PM G SO BKB Hall High School High School 7:00 PM G V BKB Hall High School 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1:00 PM G V CHR @ 7:00 PM B V BKB Sherrard 5:30 PM G SO BKB @ 5:30 PM B SO BKB TBA Robotics at Orion Woodstock North High Jr/Sr High School Rockridge High School Rockridge High School 11:30 AM G SO BKB School 7:00 PM G V BKB @ 7:00 PM B V BKB Oregon High School 5:00 PM C V SCB Rockridge High School Rockridge High School 1:00 PM B SO BKB @ Scholastic Bowl Meet West Carroll High School Home 1:00 PM G V BKB Oregon 5:30 PM G SO BKB @ High School Sherrard Jr/Sr High School 2:30 PM B V BKB @ West 7:00 PM G V BKB @ Carroll High School Sherrard Jr/Sr High School 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ** NO SCHOOL** Martin 5:30 PM B SO BKB @ 6:30 PM Board of 5:30 PM G SO BKB Orion 5:30 PM B SO BKB @ 4:30 PM B SO BKB @ Luther King Jr. Day Riverdale School District Education Meeting Location High School Orion High School Rock Falls High School 6:00 PM G SO BKB 5:30 PM G SO BKB Lena- TBD 7:00 PM G V BKB Orion 7:00 PM B V BKB @ Orion 6:00 PM B V BKB @ Rock Riverdale School District Winslow High School High School High School Falls High School 7:00 PM G V BKB 7:00 PM B V BKB @ Riverdale School District Riverdale School District 7:00 PM G V BKB Lena- Winslow High School 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 5:00 PM C V SCB @ 5:30 PM B SO BKB Steamer of the Month TBA ILMEA All State Music TBA ILMEA All State Music TBA ILMEA All State Music Scholastic Bowl Meet @ Morrison High School TBA ILMEA All State Music Festival / Peoria Festival / Peoria Festival / Peoria Newman 7:00 PM B V BKB Morrison Festival / Peoria 5:30 PM G SO BKB 5:30 PM B SO BKB @ 11:00 AM G SO BKB 5:30 PM Music Booster High School Sherrard Jr/Sr High School Sherrard Jr/Sr High School Forreston High School Meeting / FHS Music 7:00 PM G V BKB Sherrard 7:00 PM B V BKB @ 12:30 PM G V BKB Room Jr/Sr High School Sherrard Jr/Sr High School Forreston High School 5:30 PM B SO BKB Dixon 5:30 PM B SO BKB @ High School Oregon High School 5:30 PM G SO BKB @ 7:00 PM B V BKB @ Morrison High School Oregon High School 7:00 PM B V BKB Dixon High School 7:00 PM G V BKB @ Morrison High School 12/28/2020 Schedule Star 866-48-9438 31 12/28/2020 Schedule Star 866-448-9438 Fulton High School - February 2021 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 5:00 PM C V SCB @ 5:30 PM B SO BKB @ 5:30 PM G SO BKB @ 5:30 PM B SO BKB Orion Scholastic Bowl Meet @ Rockridge High School Orion High School High School Morrison 7:00 PM B V BKB @ 7:00 PM G V BKB @ Orion 7:00 PM B V BKB Orion 5:30 PM G SO BKB Rockridge High School High School High School Rockridge High School 7:00 PM G V BKB Rockridge High School 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 TBA Robotics @ Peoria Manual High School (Peoria) Regionals 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ** NO SCHOOL**- 6:30 PM Board of 5:45 PM Freshmen 9:00 AM B FR BKB @ President's Day Education Meeting Location Registration -- West Gym Newman Central Catholic TBD HS 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 5:00 PM C V SCB Steamer of the Month Scholastic Bowl Meet Home 5:30 PM Music Booster Meeting / FHS Music Room 28 12/28/2020 Schedule Star 866-48-9438866-448-9438 Fulton High School - March 2021 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 5:00 PM G FR VB Erie 5:00 PM G FR VB 7:00 PM B V FB @ Bureau TBA IHSA Solo / Ensemble High School Kewanee High School Valley Jr/Sr High School Music Contest / Savanna 6:00PM G SO VB Erie High 6:00PM G SO VB Kewanee High School School High School 11:00 AM G FR VB @ 7:00 PM G V VB Erie High 7:00 PM G V VB Kewanee Oregon High School School High School 12:00 PM G SO VB @ Oregon High School 1:00 PM G V VB @ Oregon High School 6:30 PM Academic Excellence Banquet 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5:00 PM G FR VB Eastland 5:00 PM G FR VB @ 5:00 PM G FR VB End of 3rd Quarter High School Rockridge High School Riverdale School District 7:00 PM B V FB Morrison 5:30 PM B SO FB Bureau 6:00 PM G SO VB @ 6:00PM G SO VB Riverdale High School Valley Jr/Sr High School Rockridge High School School District 6:00PM G SO VB Eastland 7:00 PM G V VB @ 7:00 PM G V VB Riverdale High School Rockridge High School School District 7:00 PM G V VB Eastland High School 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 5:00 PM G FR VB @ Lena- 5:00 PM G FR VB @ St. 6:30 PM Board of 7:00 PM B V FB @ 8:00 AM G V VB @ Rock Winslow High School Bede Academy Education Meeting Location Rockridge High School Falls High School 5:30 PM B SO FB @ 6:00PM G SO VB @ St. TBD 9:00 AM G SO VB @ Rock Morrison High School Bede Academy Falls High School 6:00PM G SO VB @ Lena- 7:00 PM G V VB @ St. 9:00 AM G FR VB @ Rock Winslow High School Bede Academy Falls High School 7:00 PM G V VB @ Lena- 10:00 AM G V VB @ Winslow High School Eastland High School 11:00 AM G SO VB @ Eastland High School 11:00 AM G FR VB @ Eastland High School 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 5:30 PM Music Booster 5:00 PM G FR VB @ Erie Steamer of the Month 5:00 PM G FR VB Bureau 7:00 PM B V FB Orion High 10:00 AM G FR VB West Meeting / FHS Music High School Valley Jr/Sr High School School Carroll High School Room 6:00PM G SO VB @ Erie 6:00PM G SO VB Bureau 11:00 AM G SO VB West 5:30 PM B SO FB High School Valley Jr/Sr High School Carroll High School Rockridge High School 7:00 PM G V VB @ Erie 7:00 PM G V VB Bureau 12:00 PM G V VB West High School Valley Jr/Sr High School Carroll High School 28 29 30 31 No School Spring Break No School Spring Break No School Spring Break 5:30 PM B SO FB @ Orion 5:00 PM G FR VB Morrison High School High School 6:00PM G SO VB Morrison High School 7:00 PM G V VB Morrison High School 12/28/2020 Schedule Star 866-48-9438866-448-9438 Fulton High School - April 2021 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat 1 2 3 No School Spring Break No School Spring Break No School Spring Break 5:00 PM G FR VB 7:00 PM B V FB @ Rockridge High School Riverdale School District 6:00PM G SO VB Rockridge High School 7:00 PM G V VB Rockridge High School 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No School Spring Break No School Spring Break 5:00 PM G FR VB River 5:00 PM G FR VB Polo 7:00 PM B V FB Hall High 5:30 PM B SO FB Ridge HS-Hanover Community High School School Riverdale School District 6:00PM G SO VB River 6:00PM G SO VB Polo Ridge HS-Hanover Community High School 7:00 PM G V VB River 7:00 PM G V VB Polo Ridge HS-Hanover Community High School 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 5:30 PM B SO FB @ Hall 5:00 PM G FR VB Sherrard 5:00 PM G FR VB @ TBA IHSA Organizational 10:00 AM G FR VB High School Jr/Sr High School Riverdale School District Music Contest --- CHANGE Forreston High School 6:00PM G SO VB Sherrard 6:00PM G SO VB @ GAMES 11:00 AM G SO VB Jr/Sr High School Riverdale School District 7:00 PM B V FB Newman Forreston High School 7:00 PM G V VB Sherrard 7:00 PM G V VB @ Central Catholic HS 12:00 PM G V VB Jr/Sr High School Riverdale School District Forreston High School 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 5:00 G FR VB @ East 5:00 PM G FR VB Orion Steamer of the Month 5:00 PM G FR VB @ Dubuque High School High School 6:30 PM Board of Morrison High School 5:30 PM B SO FB @ 6:00PM G SO VB Orion Education Meeting Location 6:00PM G SO VB @ Newman Central Catholic High School TBD Morrison High School HS 7:00 PM G V VB Orion 7:00 PM G V VB @ 6:00PM G SO VB @ East High School Morrison High School Dubuque High School 7:00 PM G V VB @ East Dubuque High School 25 26 27 28 29 30 5:30 PM Music Booster Meeting / FHS Music Room 12/28/2020 Schedule Star 866-48-9438866-448-9438 Fulton High School - May 2021 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4:00 PM BG V TR Sherrard 4:30 PM B V BB Ashton- 4:30 PM B V BB @ Lena- Prom 7-11pm, Tuscany Jr/Sr High School Franklin Center High Winslow High School Room/Rastrelli's 4:30 PM B V BB Amboy School 4:30 PM G V SB @ Lena- High School 4:30 PM G V SB Ashton- Winslow High School 4:30PM B SO BB @ Franklin Center High Amboy High School School 4:30PM G V SB Amboy 4:30PM B SO BB @ High School Ashton-Franklin Center 4:30PM G SO SB @ High School Amboy High School 5:30 PM B V WR @ 6:00 PM B V WR Rockridge High School Winnebago High School 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 3.0 Awards Night 4:00 PM BG V TR @ 4:30 PM B V BB @ 4:30 PM B V BB @ Warren 10:00 AM B V BB @ Rock Rockridge High School Forreston High School Jr/Sr High School Falls High School 4:30 PM B V BB Aquin 4:30PM B SO BB Forreston 4:30 PM B SO BB @ 10:00 AM B SO BB Rock Catholic Junior-Senior HS High School Warren Jr/Sr High School Falls High School 4:30 PM G SO SB @ Aquin 4:30PM G V SB @ 10:00 AM G V SB @ Rock Catholic Junior-Senior HS Forreston High School Falls High School 4:30PM B SO BB @ Aquin 5:30 PM B V WR @ 10:00 AM G SO SB Rock Catholic Junior-Senior HS Newman Central Catholic Falls High School 4:30PM G V SB Aquin HS Catholic Junior-Senior HS 7:00 PM Spring District 4- 7:00 PM Spring District 5- 12 Choir Concert / FHS 12 Band Concert / FHS West Gym West Gym 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 4:30 PM B V BB East 4:00 PM BG V TR 5:30 PM B V WR Sherrard 4:30 PM B V BB @ West 10:00 AM B V BB Morrison Dubuque High School Riverdale School District Jr/Sr High School Carroll High School High School 5:30 PM Music Booster 4:30 PM B V BB Erie High 6:30 PM Board of 4:30 PM G V SB @ West 10:00 AM B SO BB @ Meeting / FHS Music School Education Meeting Location Carroll High School Morrison High School Room 4:30PM B SO BB @ Erie TBD 10:00 AM G V SB Morrison

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