168 Plant Protection Quarterly Vol.17(4) 2002 Description Herbaceous perennial, clustered or clump Coreopsis lanceolata L. (Asteraceae): another forming, 20–70 cm tall, sparsely pubescent environmental weed for Queensland and Australia to hirsute forms. Stems foliose towards the base, elongate, passing into peduncles. Leaves opposite, 5–25 cm long and 1–2 cm George N. Batianoff and David A. Halford, Queensland Herbarium, wide; the lower leaves are larger, mostly Environmental Protection Agency, Brisbane Botanic Gardens Mt. Coot-tha, simple and entire; blades spatulate to lan- Mt. Coot-tha Road, Toowong, Queensland 4066, Australia. ceolate with long petiole-like base; upper leaves smaller, becoming sessile with 1 to 2 small lateral lobes (Figure 1). Peduncles up to 30 cm long; heads mostly solitary, 4–6 cm diameter; outer bracts lanceolate, Summary natural and semi-natural habitats. These herbaceous about 1 cm long and ciliate Coreopsis lanceolata L. is native to the species compete strongly with indigenous near apex; inner bracts with membranous south-eastern United States. Currently it plant species and have the capacity to margins. Ray florets c. 8, bright yellow is naturalized in Queensland, New South replace diverse vegetation with single and toothed, disk florets numerous and Wales and Victoria. It is reported to be an species stands. environmental weed in and around Stan- thorpe shire (New England Tableland). This attractive ornamental is spreading from roadsides to agricultural land and into natural and semi-natural habitats. Summary botanical information is pro- vided for this potentially serious weed in temperate to sub-tropical regions of Australia. Introduction The North American genus Coreopsis L. contains about 45 species (Cosner and Crawford 1990, Kim et al. 1999). Two spe- cies of Coreopsis L. have been recorded as naturalized in Australia. Coreopsis lanceola- ta L. has naturalized in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland, and Coreopsis grandiflora Hogg ex Sweet is reported spreading in Western Australia around the Perth region (Lazarides et al. 1997). According to Wells et al. (1986) C. lanceo- lata is a weed of agriculture and wasteland in South Africa. In North America it has escaped from cultivation and is estab- lished throughout most States including southern parts of Canada (Smith 1975, Cronquist 1980). In Queensland C. lanceolata is used as an ornamental ground cover in low mainte- nance garden beds. The first known record of naturalization in Queensland is based on a specimen collected in 1944 by M.S. Clemens in grassland on the outskirts of Kingaroy. By the late 1970s it was reported as a weed of roadsides and waste areas occurring from Tin Can Bay south to the New South Wales border (Kleinschmidt and Johnson 1977, Queensland Herbarium records 2002). Humphries et al. (1991) and Csurhes and Edwards (1998) listed C. lan- ceolata as a potentially invasive plant of south-eastern Queensland and southern Australia. Three years later this species was listed by Randall (2001) as an envi- ronmental weed in New South Wales and Queensland. In this report an environmental weed Figure 1. Coreopsis lanceolata. is defined as an invasive introduced plant A. Branchlet with flowers and fruit (from Jobson 5246 (BRI). species, which is capable of establishing B. Adaxial view of seed (from Batianoff and Collyer 210711 (BRI)). Del. W. self-sustaining populations in areas of Smith. Plant Protection Quarterly Vol.17(4) 2002 169 yellow. Achenes variable texture, black, to inform and educate people that C. lan- invasive garden plants. Plant Protection compressed, 2–3 mm long, and 2-winged, ceolata has the capability of being a signifi- Quarterly 16, 138-71. pappus of 2 awns or teeth. cant environmental weed in temperate to Smith, E.B. (1975). A biosystematic survey sub-tropical Australia, particularly in the of Coreopsis in eastern United States and Ecology New England Tableland. Canada. Sida 6, 123-215. This species spreads rapidly from seeds Stanley, T.D. and Ross, E.M. (1986). ‘Flora and by vegetative growth. American pop- Acknowledgments of south-eastern Queensland’. Volume ulations are capable of flowering in the sec- We thank Laurie Jessup, Ailsa Holland 2. (Department of Primary Industries, ond year after germination (Internet 2002). and Megan Thomas for providing con- Brisbane). Banovetz and Scheiner (1994a) reported C. structive comments. Will Smith provided Wells, M.J., Balsinhas, A.A., Joffe, H., lanceolata seed was not dormant at matu- the illustrations. Judy Batianoff and Hali- Engelbrecht, V.M., Harding, G. and Stir- rity and did not require cold stratification na Winters assisted in library searches. ton, C.H. (1986). A catalogue of problem for gemination, rather cold temperatures Gordon Guymer and John Neldner are plants in Southern Africa. Memoirs of the caused secondary dormancy. Seed can acknowledged for their support and en- Botanical Survey of South Africa No. 53, survive for as long as 13 years in the soil couragement. Pretoria, South Africa. seed bank (Banovetz and Scheiner 1994b). Dispersal vectors are water, wind, pos- References sibly animals/insects and anthropogenic Banovetz, S.J. and Scheiner, S.M. (1994a). activities (e.g. slashing roadsides, refuse Secondary seed dormancy in Coreopsis dumping and cultivating). lanceolata. The American Midland Natu- In Australia, C. lanceolata occurs in a ralist 131, 75-83. relatively wide range of climates from Banovetz, S.J. and Scheiner, S.M. (1994b). temperate to sub-tropical areas. In New The effects of seed mass on the seed South Wales, it is recorded as a vigorous ecology of Coreopsis lanceolata. The weed capable of invading along tracks and American Midland Naturalist 131, 65-74. stormwater drainage lines in bushland Benson, D. and McDougall, L. (1994). Ecol- areas of the Sydney Region (Benson and ogy of Sydney plant species: part 2: Di- McDougall 1994). In Victoria, it is recorded cotyledon families Asteraceae to Bud- on disturbed ground near an alpine settle- dlejaceae. Cunninghamia 3, 789-995. ment (Jeanes 1999). In Queensland, in a Cosner, M.B. and Crawford, D.J. (1990). relatively short time (about 60 years) the Allozyme variation in Coreopsis sect. species has become abundant from Wal- Coreopsis (Compositae). Systematic langarra to c. 40 km N of Stanthorpe along Botany 15, 256-65. the New England Highway and c. 37 km Cronquist, A. (1980). ‘Vascular flora of the WNW of Stanthorpe along the Inglewood southeastern United States’, Volume Road covering about 1000 ha. It also I ASTERACEAE. (The University of naturalized in a few places in the More- North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill). ton (including Stradbroke Island, Pollock Csurhes, S. and Edwards, R. (1998). Poten- personal communication), Wide Bay and tial environmental weeds in Australia, Darling Downs Pastoral Districts (Stanley candidate species for preventative con- and Ross 1986). trol. Canberra: Environment Australia. Coreopsis lanceolata invades roadsides, Internet (2002). Easy living wildflowers. wasteland, creek banks (including allu- http://www.easywildflowers.com/ vial lowlands), natural forest remnants quality/cor.lanc.htm and granitic hillsides. The plants form Humphries, S.E., Groves, R.H. and Mitch- dense stands through vigorous vegetative ell, D.S. (1991). Plant invasions of rhizomatous growth. However, the spe- Australian ecosystems. A status review cies is not conspicuous except during its and management directions. Kowari 2, peak flowering period. Detrimental eco- 1-127. nomic effects include decreasing pasture Jeanes, J.A. (1999). Coreopsis. In ‘Flora of productivity following the replacement Victoria’, Volume 4, eds N.G. Walsh of grasses and reduced crop growth after and T.J. Entwisle. (Inkata Press Mel- agricultural land is invaded. C. lanceolata bourne). produces large amounts of viable seed Lazarides, M., Cowley, K. and Hohnen, P. and threatens biodiversity by building up (1997). ‘CSIRO handbook of Australian large clumps and displacing native plants. weeds’. (CSIRO Publishing, Colling- It can cause allergic reactions in humans wood, Victoria). where density is high (Benson and Mc- Kim, S.C., Crawford, D.J., Tadesse, M., Dougall 1994). Berbee, M. Ganders, F.R., Pirseyedi, M. and Esselman, E.J. (1999). Its sequences Recommendations and phylogenetic relationships in Bi- Currently, this species is not recognized as dens and Coreopsis (Asteraceae). System- a weed of importance in Queensland. In atic Botany 24, 480-93. Stanthorpe shire it appears that this exotic Kleinschmidt, H.E. and Johnson, R.W. species has found an acceptance as being (1977). ‘Weeds of Queensland’. (Queens- part of the local flora, probably due to the land Department of Primary Industries, appeal of its attractive flowers. Apart from Brisbane). mechanical removal we are not aware of Randall, R. (2001). Garden thugs, a na- any other control measures. It is essential tional list of invasive and potentially .
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