Quebec Radio Unicorn. Audio news: BN. Format: MOR, C&W. Spec Rep: Telecapital Unicom Ltee. Format: MOR. J.P. progs: Farm 1/2 hr. C &W 10 hrs wkly. Guy Filia Trault, Ares; Christine Mercier, gen sis mgr; Jac- Vaillanecourt, pres. gen mgr & prog dir; Lionel Baur- ques Chartier, mus dir & prom mgr; Sylvie Provost, que, coml mgr; Jacqueline Gauthier, mus dir; Bernard news dir; Marcel Bellemarc, chief engr. Gauthier, news dir; Marel Bellemare, chief engr. CIEL -FM -April 9, 1977: 98.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 623 Gaspe Lac Megantic ft. Stereo. 89 Ouest, rue St Charles (J4H 105). (514) 527 -8321. Radio CIEL Inc. Rep: Major Market, 1978: 103.1 mhz; 100 w. Ant 450 ft. Jazz 2 hrs wkly. CJRG -FM -Dec CKFL(AM) -March 6, 1968: 1400 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 Mediarep. Format: MOR. Spec prog: Stereo. 98 Jacques Cartier, C.P. 380 (GOC IRO). (418) w -N. 3852 Quebec Central (G6B 2C6). (819) 583- Stephane Venne, pres; Michel Jasmin, gen mgr; Jean - 368 -3511. Radio Gaspesie Inc. Audio news: BN. Rep: 0663. Radio Megantic Lice. Format: Top -40, MOR. Marc Gagnon. coml mgr; Pierre Lapointe, prog & mus Major Market. Format: Div. Spec prog: Class 3 hrs, jazz Francois Labbe. pres; Lucie Fillion, gen & coml mgr; dir; Alain Tanguay, prom mgr; Jacques -Andre Gervais, 2 hrs wkly. Jules Sirois, pres; Alain Fournier, gen mgr, Ghislaine Nadeau, prog dir; Robert Daneau, prom mgr; news dir; Jean-Guy Gibeau, chief engr. prog dir & prom mgr; Yves Gendron. gen sis mgr; Richard Vigneault, asst news dir; Michel Brochu, mus Daniel Henri, mus dir; Andre Nerisson, news dir; Marc & news dir. Magog A. Dube, chief engr. Laforge CIMO -FM -1979: 106.1 mhz; 50 kw. 2056 Granby Sherbrooke (JIX 2T3). (819) 843 -1414. Diffusion CBV -FM -8 -92.9 mhz; 820 w. Box 6000, Montreal CIMO Inc. CHEF(AM) -March 14, 1946: 1450 khz; 10 kw -D, 5 (H3C 3A8). (514) 285 -3211. CBC. kw -N, DA -1. 136 Principale, C.P. 249 (J2G 2V4). (514) Maniwaki 372 -2433. Les Journaux Trans- Canada (acq 1958). La Malbaie Rep: Communications (AC). Audio news: BN. Format: CBOF -1(AM) -Oct 22, 1973: 990 khz; 40 w, DA -1. Adult contemp, MOR, top -40. M. Alain Guilbert, pres New FM -Not on air, target date unknown: 92.9 mhz; 1500 Bronson, Ottawa. (514) 285 -2201. CBC & gen mgr; Guy Crevier, gen sis mgr & prog dir; Pierre 805 w. Box 8478. Ottawa, Ont. (K1G 3J5) (613) Montreal. Net: CBC AM. De Elsie, mus dir; Jean -Pierre Cyr. prom mgr; 731 -3111. Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Stephane Gauvin, news dir; Raymond Racine, chief CHGA-FM--1980: 97.3 mhz; 2.877 kw. 335 rue du engr. L'Annonciation Couvet. Radio Communautaire de la Haute Gatineau. Hauterive CKLR(AM) -1975: 1490 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. Matane Radio CKML Inc. CHLC(AM) -1962: 580 khz; 5 kw -D, 2.5 kw -N, DA -2. CBGA(AM) -1250 khz; 10 kw -N, 5 kw -N, DA -N. 155 399 Rue de Puyjalon (G5C 2Z7). (418) 589 -3771. La Pocatiere St. Sacrement St., Box 2000 (G4W 3P7). (418) 562- Radio Cote -Nord Inc. Net: Mutuel. Rep: Telecapital 0290. CBC. (acq 9- 1 -72). Format: MOR. Jaques D. prog dir; Claude Unicorn. Format: Div. Norman Larouche, pres; CHGB(AM) -1938: 1310 khz; 10 kw -D, 5 kw -N, Landry, gen mgr; Bertrand Emond, Claude Desrosiers, gen mgr; Pierre Bergeron, coml DA -2. CP 550, 508 -4 Ave. (GOR IZO). (418) Roy, news dir. mgr; Camille St- Pierre, prog dir; Jacques Renaud, mus 856 -1310. Telex: 051 -3956. Radio La Pocatiere Ltee. CHRM(AM) -April 13, 1975: 1290 khz; 10 kw -U, dir; Guy Champoux, news dir; Gervais Santerre, chief (acq 12- 14.70). Net: CBC. Audio news: BN, SBN. Rep: DA -2. 800 Avenue du Phard Ouest (G4W 1V7). (418) engr. Tele Cap Unicorn. Format: MOR. Spec prog: Farm 10 562 Les Communications Matane Inc. Audio hrs wkly. Luc Simard, pres; Simard Marc, gen mgr; -4141. news: SBN, BN. Rep: Target Radio -Unie. Format: MOR, Hull Gilles Gosselin, prog dir; Mrs. L. Bois. coml mgr; top -40. Spec grogs: C &W 3 hrs, oldies 5 hrs wkly. Maurice Levesque, mus dir; Jacques Dufour, news dir; Roger Dion, pres; Andre Anderson, coml & prom mgr; CKCH(AM) -June 30, 1933: 970 khz; 10 kw -D, 5 Germain Gelinas, chief engr. mus & news dir; Jean -Marc kw -N, DA -1. 72 Laval St. (J8X 3H3). (819) 777-2771. Charles LePage, prog, Chouinard, chief engr. CKCH Radio Ltee. (acq 7- 1.70). Group owner: CHGB -FM -1966: 102.9 mhz; 1 kw. Ant 244 ft. Prog Telemedia. Format: MOR. Normand Beauchamp. sep from AM. Format: MOR. Spec prog: Class 18 hrs pres; Marc Paris, gen mgr; Andre Chevalier, prog dir; wkly Mont Laurier Michel Guitard, news dir; Jean -Claude Duquette, chief CKLL(AM) -May 19, 1963: 610 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w- engr. La Sarre N, DA -N. Box 90, 515 Boul Paquette (J9L 3H1). (819) 1, 623 -1011. Radio CKML Inc. Net: CBC. Format: Con - CIMF-FM -Co -owned with CKCH(AM). Jan 1970: CKLS(AM) -Sep I. 1950: 1240 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w- mgr. 94.9 mhz; 74 kw. Ant 1,077 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from N. 380 Murdoch, Noranda (J9X 1G5). Group owner: temp. Patrick Ryan, pres; Paul Lessard, gen AM. 150 Rue Edmonton (J8Y 3S6). (819) 770-2463. Radio Nord Inc. Net: CBC. Audio news: SBN. Rep: Format: -MOR. Jean De La Durantaye, gen mgr. Warren. Format: MOR. (819) 762 -0741. Radio La Montmagny Sarre Inc. Jean-Joffre Gourd, pres; Yvon Lariviere, gen mgr; Jean -Guy Veillette, prom mgr; Rosaire CKBM(AM) -Jan 31, 1954: 1490 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 Iles- de -la- Madeleine Cauchon, news dir; Gerald Landry, chief engr. w -N, DA -1. C.P. 216, 120 St: Jean Baptiste Est. (G5V 1K5). (418) 248 -0800. Radio CKBM Inc. Net: Tele- CBIM -FM -93.5 mhz; 4.5 kw. Ant 670 ft. CBC. La Tuque Media. Rep: Tele- Capitale Unicorn. Format: MOR. Rebroadcasts CBGA(AM) Matane. Louis Paquin, pres; Pierrette Roy, gen mgr; Gilles CFLM(AM) -Oct 3, 1959! 1240 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w- Vallieres, coml & prom mgr; Manuel Marsan, mus dir; Joliette N, DA -2. Box 850, 529 St -Louis (G9X 3P6). (819) Pierre Laberge, news dir; Yves Hamel, chief engr. 523 -4575. Radio Haute Mauricle Inc. (acq 1983). Net: CJLM(AM) -April 1960: 1350 khz; 10 kw -D, 1 kw -N. CBC, Telemedia. Rep: Target, Radio Unie. Format: Var. DA -2. 854, Papineau. (J6E 2L5). (514) 759 -0772. Rejean Leclerc, pres & dir gen. mus & prog dir; Guy Montreal Radio Inter -cite (1978) Division CJLM. Rep: All Ethier, gen sis mgr & news dir; Yvon Simard, chief engr CBF(AM) -1937: 690 khz; 50 kw -U. Box 6000 (H3C Canada. Format: MOR. Franklin Delaney, pres; Jean - 3A8). (514) 285 -3211. Telex: 05- 267417. CBC. For- Pierre DuBois, gen mgr; Daniel Latendresse, mus dir; Laval mat: Talk, div. A.W. Johnson, pres; Raymond David. Andre Nadeau, news dir; Pierre Cardin, chief engr. VP & gen mgr, Jean Biais, dir of radio; Paul M. La- CFGL -FM -1968: 105.7 mhz; 100 kw -U. Ant 398 ft. pointe. Jonquiere Stereo. 3 Place Laval, Suite 400, Chomedey (H7N 1A2). Inc. Format: (514) 663 -7550. Stereo Laval MOR. CBF -FM -1947: 100.7 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 823 ft. CKRS(AM) -June 23.1947: 590 khz; 10 kw -D, 5 kw- Roland Saucier, pres. gen mgr & prog dir; Jacques Stereo. Prog sep from AM. CBFT(TV) affil. N, DA -1. CP 59. (418) 547 -3681. Radio -Saguenay Boutrau Boiteau, coml mgr; Richard Cayer, mus dir; Ltee. Format: Contemp. Michel Baribeau, pres; Georges Pothier, news dir; Jean Guy Gibault, chief CBM(AM) -(Eng) 1933: 940 khz; S0 kw -U. Box Achille Soucy, gen dir; Lewis Gagnon, coml mgr; Jean- engr. 6000 (H3C 3A8). (514) 285 -3211. Canadian Broad- Paul Berthiaume, prog, mus & news dir; Gilles Dumais, casting Corp. Ray Chaisson, rgnl dir (Eng); Ronald Montreal. tech dir. CKLR(AM)-Licensed to Laval See Laplante, Eng radio dir; David Ryan, mus consultant; Bill Akerley, news dir; Guy Gougeon, chief engr. CHOC -FM -Not on air, target date unknown: 92.5 Levis mhz; 423 w. Radio Communautaire de Jonquiere Inc. CBM- FM -(Eng) 1947: 93.5 mhz; 24.6 kw. Ant 823 ft. CFLS(AM)- December 1967: 920 khz; 10 kw -U. Box Stereo. Prog sep from AM. CBMT(TV) affil. Lac Etchemin 2000. 5 East Trans Canada (G6V 6P5). (418) 833 -2151. Radio Etchemin Inc. (acq 9. 1971). Format: CFCF(AM) -(Eng) November 1919: 600 khz; 5 kw- CIRB(AM)- October 16, 1977: 1240 khz; 1 kw -U. Top -40. Rene Coulombe. pres; Pierre Picard, gen U, DA -1.405 Ogilvy Ave. (H3N 1 M4). (514) 273 -5141. C.P 100, St. Georges de Beauce. (418) 625 -1240. mgr; Herue Lapointe, chief engr. Telex: (514) 05. 826638. CFCF Inc. (acq 7 -72). Rep: Radio Beauce Inc. Net: CBC. Rep: Tele Capital Paul Mulvihill Radio Ltd. Audio news: News Radio Unicorn. Formal: MOR. Jules Venne, pres & gen mgr; LG4 Audio. Format: Adult contemp, talk. Jean A. Pouliot, Jean Paul Veilleux, come mgr; Dennis Lacombe, prog pres: Guy Morin, sr VP; David Atkinson, gen sis mgr; dir; Leopold Levesque, mus dir; Jacques Petit, news New FM -Not on air, target date unknown: 100.1 Jack Curran, prog dir; Bob Burgess, mus dir; Joan dir; Rene Berube, chief engr. mhz; 583 w. Club Social La Grande. Takefman, prom mgr; Steve Pownall, news dir; Mike Eccles. chief engr. CFCF -TV affil; CFCX SW affil.
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