JUL–SEP 2007 (including GST) www.netspace.net.au/~navyleag VOLUME 69 NO. 3 $5.45 The Battle of Britain – The AWD’s A Seapower Victory and Our Real Frontier The German Navy Today The 2007 Annual Halfway Creswell Around the Oration World in Eighty days Australia’s Leading Naval Magazine Since 1938 /"7"-/""777""-/&5803,4 /&58033,4 5)& %0.*/"/$&%0.*/"/$$& 0' $0..6/*$"5*0/4$0..6/*$""55*0/4 */ ."3*5*.& 01&3"5*0/4011&3""55*0/4 5IF 3PZBM 3PZBM"VTUSBMJBO "VTUSBMJBO /BWZµT/BWZµT 4FB 1PXFS 1PXFS$FOUSF $FOUSF ""VTUSBMJB VTUSBMJB XJUXJUIIU UIFIF BTBTTJTUBODFTTJTUBODF PG UUIFIF 4D4DIPPMIPPM PG )VNBOJUJFT BOE 4PDJ4PDJBMJBM 4DJFODFT 66OJWFSTJUZOJWFSTJUZ PG //FXFX4 4PVU4PVUI UI 88BMFTBMFTMU BU U UIFI"IF ""VTUSBMJBOVTUUSBMJBOMJ %%FG%FGFODF GFODF' 'PSDFPSDF ""DBEFNZ DBEFNZ JT IPTIPTUJOHUJOH U UIFIF ¾G¾GUIUI CJFOOJBM ,JOH)BMM //BWBMBWBM )JT)JTUPSZUPSZ $POG$POGFSFODF FSFODF +VM+VMZZ BOE +VM+VMZZ 5IJT XJMM CF B NBNBKPSKPS JJOUFSOBUJPOBMOUFSOBUJPOBM DPOGDPOGFSFODFFSFODF XJUXJUII EJTEJTUJOHVJTIFEUJOHVJTIFE TQFBLTQFBLFSTFFST GSGSPNPN ""VTUSBMJB VTUSBMJB $BOBEB UUIFIF 66OJUFEOJUFE ,JOHEPN BOE U UIFIF 66OJUFEOJUFE 44UBUFTUBUFT PG "NFS"NFSJDBJDB 5IF LLFZOPUFFZOPUF TQFBLFSTQFBLFS XJMM CF 1S1SPGFTTPSPGFTTPS //".". 33PEHFS PEHFS BVUBVUIPSIPS PG UUIFIF NVDNVDIIBBDDMBJNFE NVMUJWNVMUJWPMVNFPMVNF ""//BWBMBWWBBM )JT)JTUPSZUPSPSZZ PG #S#SJUBJOSJJUUBBJO 5IF DPOGDPOGFSFODFFSFODF QSQSPHSBNPHSBN XJMM BEESBEESFTTFTT UUIFIF TIJGTIJGUJOHUJOH EFNBOET GGBDJOHBDJOHH CPUCPUII OBUJPOBM BOE DPNCJOFE JOUJOUFSOBUJPOBMFSOBUJPOBM TFB QPQPXFS XFS UUPHFUIFSPHFUIFS XJUXJUII DBTF TTUVEJFTUVEJFT PG DPNNBOE DPOUSDPOUSPM PM DDPNNVOJDBUJPOT BOE JOUJOUFMMJHFODFFMMJHFODF /BWBM/BWBM/FUXPSLT /FUXXPSLT 5IF %PNJOBODFF PG UUBLFOBLFO GSGSPNPN UUIFIF BODJFBODJFOUFOU XXPSMEPSME UUISPVHIISPVHI UUPPUUIFIF TUTU DFOUVSDFOUVSZZ 5IF DPOGDPOGFSFODFFSFOODF XJMM PGPGGFSGFS OFOFXX JOTJHIUT JOUJOUPPU UIFIF $PNNVOJDBUJPOT JO .BSJUJNF.BSJUJNF 0QFSBUJPOT0QFSBUJPOT GVUVSGVUVSFFG GBDFBDF PG NBSNBSJUJNFJUJNNF TTUSBUFHZ USBUFHZ UUIFIF DDIBOHJOHIBOHJOH OBUVSOBUVSFF PG HHMPCBMMPCBM DPOOFDUJPOTDPOOFDUJPOT T BOE UUIFIF DPOUJOVJOH OFYVT ,JOH)BMM /BWBM /BWBM)JTUPSZ )JTUPSZ $POGFSFODF$POGFSFODF CFUXCFUXFFOFFO DPNNVOJDBDPNNVOJDBUJPOTUJPOT BOE DPNNBOE BU TFB (&/&3"-(&/&3"- */'03."5*0/*/'033.""55*0/ 7FOVF7FOVF +VM+VMZZ "/; 5IFBUS5IFBUSF FF " "VTUSBMJBOVTUSBMJBO //BUJPOBMBUJPOBM .BS.BSJUJNFJUJNF .VTFVN %%BS%BSMJOHMJOH )BSCPVS)BSCPVS 4ZEOF4ZEOFZZ /4/488 +VM+VMZZ 33ZEHFTZEHFT --BL-BLFTJEFFTJEF $BOCFS$BOCFSSB SB -POEPO $JS$JSDVJU DVJU $BOC$BOCFSSBCFSSB""$5$5 33FHJTUSBUJPOFHJTUSBUJPO 4ZEOF4ZEOFZZ QFQFSFS QFSQFSTPOTPO $BOCFS$BOCFSSBSB QQFS QFSQFSTPOTPO 3 3FHJTUSBUJPOFHJTUSBUJPO JODMVEFJODMVEFTFT MVODMVODI I NPSNPSOJOHOJOH UUFBFB BOE BGBGUFSOPPOUFSOPPO UUFB FB 1S1SPDFFEJOHTPDFFEJOHT $POG$POGFSFODFFSFODF QSQSPDFFEJOHTPDFFEJOHT XJMM CF QVCMJTIFE BOE GGPSXBSEFEPSXBSEFE UUPP BMM BUUBUUFOEFFTFOOEFFT BU OP DPTDPTUU $POG$POGFSFODFFSFODF %JOOFS%JOOFS " EJOOFS XJMM CF IFME PO UUIFIF FFWFOJOHWFOJOH PG +VM+VMZZ JO UUIFIF "O[BD )BMM ""VTUSBMJBOVTUSBMJBO 88BSBS .FNPS.FNPSJBM JBM "O[BD 11BSBEF BSBEF $BN$BNQCFMM QCFMM ""$5$5 $PT$PTUU XJMM CF QFS QFSQFSTPOTPO $0/5"$5$0/55""$5 ,JOH)BMM $POGFSFODF$POGFFSFODF .BOBHFST.BOBHFST $P 5PVS55PPVS )PTUT)PTUT 1UZ -UE-UUE (10 #P#PYY 44:%/&::%/&: /4/488 5FM55FFM ''BYBY &NBJM LJOHIBMM!UPVSIPTUTDPNBVLJOHIBMM!!UPVSIPTUTDPNBV 88FCTJUFFCTJUF XXXXXXLJOHIBMMDPNLJOHIBLJOHIBBMMDPNDPN THE NAVY The Navy League of Australia FEDERAL COUNCIL Patron in Chief: His Excellency, The Governor General. Volume 69 No. 3 President: Graham M Harris, RFD. Vice-Presidents: RADM A.J. Robertson, AO, DSC, RAN (Rtd); John Bird; Contents CAPT H.A. Josephs, AM, RAN (Rtd) Hon. Secretary: Philip Corboy, PO Box 2063, Moorabbin, Vic 3189. THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN – Telephone: 1300 739 681, Fax: 1300 739 682, A SEAPOWER VICTORY Email: [email protected] NEW SOUTH WALES DIVISION By CDR David Hobbs MBE RN (Rtd) Page 5 Patron: Her Excellency, The Governor of New South Wales. President: R O Albert, AO, RFD, RD. THE AWD’s AND OUR REAL FRONTIER Hon. Secretary: Elizabeth Sykes, GPO Box 1719, Sydney, NSW 2001 By Rear Admiral Andrew Robertson Telephone: (02) 9232 2144, Fax: (02) 9232 8383. VICTORIA DIVISION AO, DSC, RAN (Rtd) Page 9 Patron: His Excellency, The Governor of Victoria. President: J M Wilkins, RFD*. Email: [email protected] THE 2007 ANNUAL CRESWELL ORATION Hon. Secretary: Ray Gill, PO Box 1303, Box Hill, Vic 3128 By CDRE Ray Griggs CSC RAN Page 11 Telephone: (03) 9884 6237 Email: [email protected] Membership Secretary: LCDR Tom Kilburn MBE, RFD, VRD THE GERMAN NAVY TODAY Telephone: (03) 9560 9927, PO Box 1303 Box Hill VIC 3128. By John Grima Page 23 QUEENSLAND DIVISION Patron: Her Excellency, The Governor of Queensland. HALFWAY AROUND THE WORLD President: I M Fraser, OAM. Hon. Secretary: Matthew Rowe, PO Box 13402, George Street Post Shop, IN EIGHTY DAYS Brisbane, Qld 4003. Telephone: 0405 734 437. By (then) LCDR R.G Thomas, RAN Page 29 State Branches: Cairns: A Cunneen, PO Box 1009, Cairns, Qld 4870. Telephone: (07) 4054 1195. Regular Features Townsville: I McDougall, PO Box 1478, Townsville, Qld 4810. Telephone: (07) 4772 4588. From the Crow’s Nest Page 2 Bundaberg: I Lohse, PO Box 5141, Bundaberg West, Qld 4670. From our Readers Page 3 Telephone: (07) 4151 2210. The President’s Page Page 4 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN DIVISION Patron: Her Excellency, The Governor of South Australia. Flash Traffic Page 15 President: CMDR Dean Watson, RFD*, RANR (Rtd), 249 Fletcher Road, Observations Page 22 Largs North, SA 5016. Hon. Secretary: Miss J E Gill, GPO Box 1529, Adelaide, SA 5001. Hatch, Match & Dispatch Page 28 Telephone: (08) 8272 6435. Product review Page 31 TASMANIAN DIVISION League Policy Statement Page 32 Patron: Mr Tony Lee. President: Mr Tudor Hardy, 4 Illawarra Road, Perth, Tas 7300. Hon. Secretary: Mr Derek Le Marchant, PO Box 1337, Launceston, Tas 7250. Telephone: (03) 6336 2923, Mob: 0404 486 329. The opinions or assertions expressed in THE NAVY are those of State Branch: the authors and not necessarily those of the Federal Council of the Launceston: Mr Tudor Hardy, 4 Illawarra Road, Perth, Tas. 7300 Navy League of Australia, the Editor of THE NAVY, the RAN Mrs L Cottrell, 5 Anchorage Street, Clarence Point, Tas. 7280. or the Department of Defence. The Editor welcomes correspondence, WESTERN AUSTRALIAN DIVISION photographs and contributions and will assume that by making Patron: His Excellency, The Governor of Western Australia. submissions, contributors agree that all material may be used President: Mason Hayman, 33 Keane Street, Peppermint Grove, WA 6011 free of charge, edited and amended at the Editor’s discretion. Telephone: (08) 9384 5794, Mob: 0404 949 282. Hon. Secretary: Trevor Vincent, 3 Prosser Way, Myaree, WA 6154 No part of this publication may be reproduced without the Telephone: (08) 9330 5129, Mob: 0417 933 780, Fax: (08) 9330 5129, permission of the Editor. Email: [email protected] FEDERAL ADVISORY COUNCIL F. Geoffrey Evans, OBE, VRD, Chairman Front cover: The Deutsche Marine’s Type 122 Breman Neil Baird, Chairman Baird Publications class frigate RHEINLAND-PFALZ. (Harald Carstens) Wm. Bolitho, AM. Vice Admiral David Leach, AC CBE, LVO, RAN (Rtd) Lachlan Payne, CEO Australian Shipowners’ Association Vice Admiral Sir Richard Peek, KBE, CB, DSC, RAN (Rtd) The Navy Vice Admiral Chris Ritchie, AO, RAN (Rtd) All letters and contributions to: John Strang, Chairman Strang International Pty Ltd. The Office of The Editor THE NAVY Navy League of Australia GPO Box 1719 Sydney, NSW 2001 E-mail to: [email protected] All Subscriptions, Membership and Advertising enquiries to: The Hon Secretary, Navy League of Australia, NSW Division GPO Box 1719 Corporate Members Sydney, NSW 2001 The Australian Shipowners’ Association Deadline for next edition 5 September, 2007 Hawker De Haviland Limited Strang International Pty Ltd THE NAVY VOL. 69 NO. 3 1 FROM THE CROW’S NEST The Real Battle of Britain? experience for the RAF – like Waterloo for the army, With another ‘Battle of Britain’ day fast approaching (15 Trafalgar for the Navy, a sacrosanct event. That is why September), we present an article on the event and make there is more than a modicum of hostility to any the case that it was not solely an air power victory. Rather, suggestion of re-examining this history. The single- the threat posed by the 1940s Royal Navy, the world’s pre- seater fighter pilots of today see themselves as eminent naval superpower, meant that an invasion via the inheriting the mantle of the Few; they especially do get sea by The Third Reich was not possible. a bit twitchy.” This new perspective gained notoriety last year when For an island nation like Australia, getting the history expressed by two senior military history lecturers at the correctly interpreted, without emotion, is important in UK’s Joint Services Command and Staff College. The deciding what is needed for our defence. College teaches star ranked officers from the UK’s three services about military history in order to prepare them for The Claytons Class – their roles as senior leaders. The Destroyer you have when you’re One of those lecturers, Dr Andrew Gordon, said in an not having a Destroyer interview: If project SEA 4000 was to provide a destroyer for the “I cheered like crazy at the film of ‘The Battle of RAN then technically it has failed. The announcement of Britain’, like everyone else. But it really is time to put the Spanish F-100 as the preferred AWD (Air Warfare away this enduring myth. To claim that Germany failed Destroyer) design ignores the fact that
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