International Contents So;:ar PAGE .Journal Notes and Comments 289 * * * • Calculation of final strikes in sugar manufacture 291 Editor and Manager: By Horacio Pons D. LEIGHTON, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. Assistant Editor: Comparison of sulphur dioxide and formaldehyde M. G. COPE, M.I.L. as bacteriostats in diffusion 296 Agricultural Editor: Part I F. N. HOWES, D.Sc., I.S.O. By J. F. T. Oldfield, J. V. Dutton , D. Grier­ son, R. K. !!eaney and H. J. Teague Solubility of sucrose in water in the range 144- 1850C 299 By Jose Fernandez Bertran Panel of Referees A. CARRUTHERS, Correspondence 300 Consultant and furmer Director of Research, British Sugar Corporation Ltd. F. M. CHAPMAN, * * * Consul/ant and former Technical Adviser, Tale &: Lyle Ltd. Sugar cane agriculture 301 K. DOUWES DEKKER, Consul/an/ and former Direc/or, Sugar Milling Sugar beet agriculture 304 Research lnstitule. Cane sugar manufacture .. 306 J. EISNER, Sugar Technology Consultanl. Beet sugar manufacture 308 Sugar refining 310 N. J. KING, O.B.E. Director, Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations. New books 311 0 . WIKLUND, Laboratory methods and chemical reports 312 Swedish Sugar Corpora/ion. By-products 314 Patents 315 Published by Trade Notices 317 The International Sugar Journal Ltd. 23a Easton Street, High Wycombe, US sugar supply quota, 1968 .. 319 Bucks, England. Telephone : High Wycombe 29408 Canada sugar imports 320 Cable: Sugaphilos, High Wycombe Portugal sugar imports 320 Brevities .. .. 319-20 Annual Subscription: 50s Odor $8.00 post free Index to advertisers . xxiv Single Copies : 6s Od or $1 post free SOMMAIRES ZUSAMMENFASSUNGEN SUMARIOS Le calcul des derni~res cuites dans Ia fabrication de sucre. H. PONS. p. 291-296 L'auteur presente quatre nomogrammes pour Ia determination de (I) Ia retention generale des ma1 ieres seches (Brix) dans le sucre commercial, (2), Ia production des melasses finales par le ~oid s de canne, (3) Ia retent ion ')., des malieres seches (Brix) dans les dernieres cuiles, et {4) le volume de Ia derniere masse cuite par le poids de canne. On fait des calculs comme exemples et dispose les resultats en tables. La comparaison entre le dioxyde de soufre et !'aldehyde formique comme bacteriostats dans Ia diffusion. 1-tre partie. J. F. T. OLDFIELD, J. V. DUTTON, D. GRIERSON, R. K. HEANEY et H. J. T6AGUE. fl. 296-298 On discute l'emploi du dioxyde de so ufre (e n forme gaseuse) comme alternatif a !'aldehyde formique pour le controle du pH dans Ia diffusion, et presente des resultats d'essais laboratoires ct dans Ia sucrerie sous Ia forme de graphiques qui demon trent les effets de S02 et de !'aldehyde formique sur le changement du pH dans des echanlillons de jus incube. La solubilite du saccharose dans l'eau a des temperatures dans l'intervalle de l44- l85' C. J. FERNANDEZ B. fl. 299-300 La precision des donnees de Ia solubilite du saccharose de BENRATH pour les temperatures entre 100 et 144' C est evaluee en employant une equation derh·ee par SCHRODER. On montre que les valeurs se lrouvent le long d'une ligne etroite, que I' on emploie pour le calcul de Ia solubilite du saccharose a des temperatures entre 144 et 185'C par des intervalles de 5' . La formule est donnee pour le calcul a cettes temperatures plus hautes. Berechnung der Nachproduktflillmassen in der Zuckerfabrikation. H. PONS. s. 291-296 Man gibt vier Nomogramme filr die Bestimmung (I) der Gesamtbehaltung der Trockensubstanz (Brix) in Handelszucker, (2) der Erzeugung vo n Endmelasse auf Rohrgewicht, (3) der Trockensubstanz (Brix) · :~ der Behaltung in Nachproduktsuden, and (4) des NachproduktfUIImasse-Volumens auf Rohrgewicht. Berechnungen werden als Beispiele durchgefUhrt und die Ergebnisse in Tabellen gebracht. Vergleich von Schwefeldioxyd und Formaldehyd als Bakteriostate in der Saftgewinnung. Teil I. J. F. T. OLDFIELD, J. V. DUTTON, D. GRI ERSON, R. K. HEAN EY und H. J. TEAGUE. S. 296-298 Die Verfasser diskutieren die Anwendung con Schwefeldioxydgas statt Formaldehyds fiir die pH-Kontrolle in der Saftgewinnung. und geben einige Ergebnisse von Fabrik· und Laborversuchen in der Form vo n Diagrammen, welche die Wirkungen von S02 und Formaldehyd auf pH-Anderungen in inkubierten Saftproben zeigen. Liisbarkeit von Saccharose in Wasser bei Temperaturen im Bereich von 144-ISS' C. J. FERNANDEZ B. s. 299-300 Die Genauigkeit von BENRATH s Losbarkeitdaten fUr Saccharose bei Temperaturen im Bereich von I00- 144'C wird an Hand ciner von SCHRODER abgeleiteten Gleic'lwng abgeschiilzt. Die Werte licgen auf ei ner Gcrade, die fiir die Berechnung von Saccharose­ Losbarkcit bci Temperaturen im Bereich vo n 144- 185' C je 5' angewandt wird. Die Forme! fiir die Berechnung bei diesen hoheren Temperaturen wird gegeben. Cilculo de las templas finales en Ia fabricaci6n de azucar. H. PoNs. Pag. 291-296 Se presentan cuatro nomografias para determinar: (I) Ia retenci6n general de s61idos Brix en azucar comercial, (2) producci6n de melaza final por unidad de peso de cafia, (3) s61idos Brix % retenci6n en templas finales, y (4) vo lumen de Ia templa final por unidad de peso de cafia. OHculos ejemplares se hacen y las resultas se presentan en forma tabular. Comparaci6n de di6xido de azufre y forrnalina como bacteriostates en difusi6n. Parte I. J. F. T. OLDFIELD, J. V. DuTTON, D. GRIERSON, R. K. HEANEY y H. J. TEAGUE. Pag. 296-298 Se discute el uso de di6xido de azufre en forma gaseosa como alternativa de formal ina para control de pH en difusi6n y resultas de pruebas en Ia fabrica y el laboratorio se presentan en Ia forma de gn\ficas que demuestran los efectos de SO, y HCHO sobre Ia variaci6n de pH de muestras de jugo incubadadas. Solubilidad de sacarosa en agua en el alcance 144- 185'C. J. FERNANDEZ B. Pag. 299- 300 La confianza de los dados de BENRATH de solubilidad de sacarosa en el alcance I00-144"C se cvalua por medio de un ecuaci6n desarroll ado por ScHRODER. Los valores se encuentran a lo largo de una linea recta, que se usa para calcular Ia solubilidad de sacarosa e 1 el alcance de temperatura 144- 185'C. Se presenta Ia formula para el calc ulo en este alcance alto. THE INTERNATIONAL SUGAR JOURNAL Vot. LXX OCTOBER 1968 No. 838 Notes & Comments International Sugar Conference. In the weeks prior to the American request for a postponement there had been a general decline in While the industry was waiting hopefully for sugar prices. This could be expected from pressure resumption of the International Sugar Conference in to sell sugar which might have to be held as stocks Geneva on the 23rd September, there came a sudden by the holders when a new Agreement came into shock when Dr. RAUL PREBISCH, Secretary-General force. This would be likely, in order to reduce of the United Nations Conference on Trade and availabilities to the world market as a measure to Development, received a personal letter from a high improve prices. The request brought a sharp fall in Washington official on the 3rd September saying that futures prices and the London Daily Price dropped the United States did not think the "technical con­ by £0·50 per ton to £16·50 per long ton c.i.f. UK, ditions" were ready for the conference to be resumed. but recovered the next day. With the confirmation Postpon~ment was requested, although the US was of the reGonvening of the Conference, futures prices ready for informal consultations to continue. also recovered, although the low levels which still No official reason for the request was given and the apply emphasize the need for conclusion of an belief has been expressed that the Administration is Agreement which could restore prosperity to the concerned that successful conclusion of an Agreement industry. which would benefit Cuba economically, among the * * * other sugar exporters, might provide some basis for Tongaat Sugar Co. Ltd. 50th Anniversary. domestic political attacks in the Presidential election campaign . The specially-produced and illustrated Annual Report of the Tongaat Sugar Co. Ltd. for 1968 A number of countries, including Australia, Brazil celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the Company, and South Africa are reported to have told Dr. although it succeeded a Company registered in PREBISCH that to postpone the conference would be Liverpool, and the first sugar estate was set up in a major waste of their work, time and money, and Tongaati in 1854. From a cluster of grass and reed that it would be fatal for the achievement of an huts in 1918, the village of Tongaati has become a agreement if the issues already negotiated were to be model of town planning in Africa, with high standards scrapped. Consequently Dr. PREBISCH decided to let of housing and amenities for African, Indian and the countries involved decide for themselves whether European communities. Mule-wagon haulage of to resume the conference or not; he sent cables to all cane has been replaced successively by locomotive those participating, and requested a reply by the 9th tramlines and, since 1956, heavy-duty road vehicles. September, in time for the meeting of the UN Con­ Large dams and extensive overhead irrigation schemes sultative Committee on Sugar. These were received have been built, and cane production brought to an and the Committee decided that the conference would ·increasingly high level by adoption of chemical reconvene, as originally planned, on the 23rd Sep­ fertilizers and new cane varieties, etc. Cane lands tember and would last until the 18th October. have been acquired for expansion of production, and The US will not be attending the conference but will since the beginning of this decade a policy of diversi­ probably be represented by an observer; however, fication has been adopted.
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