r 10 FINDING LIST FOR THE JANET FAIRBANK COLLECTION The Newberry Library, Chicago October 1984 • FINDING LIST FOR THE JANET FAIRBANK COLLECTION The Janet Fairbank Collect ion is an uncatalogued collect:;ion of sheet music and "$ .-:,' ~ , music anthologies, housed in boxes and folders in the GeneJ:ClJ. CollectionS" of 'r J . '-::;..... ~'-' .'~ - -.,: - :~~,___ _'-r ... '. I The Newberry Library. The boxes are divided by the nat~onality of the composer, as follows: 8 American 5 French 2v,German 2 British 1 Spanish and Portuguese 1 Scandinavian, Russian and Hungarian 1 Italian 3 English and French anthologies 1 miscellaneous arias, songs and vocalises 1 orchestrations Within these boxes, the music is arranged in folders, alphabetically by composer. The American songs in this finding list are described by composer, title, lyricist if known, and date of publication or manuscript if applicable; the Europeans songs are usually described by composer and title only. When requesting material from the Janet Fairbank Collection, please write the following information on the call slip: Janet Fairbank Collection CAll Cf Country N1:MBER AtJTHOR RS Box number FS ~ PS Folder number RE Composer IU Title(s) of songes) RN No call number is used. THE· NEWBERRY' LIBRARY DESK A M f'LE:) :-lUMBER SCHOOL OR COLLEGE For more information about the history of the collection and the life of Janet Fairbank, please see the work by Edith Borroff, "The Fairbank Collection." A copy is shelved in the Reference and Bibliographical Center, on the Newberry Checklist Index Table. The call number is oML 88 .F35 B6. / E. Miller ~ FAIRBANK COLLECTION AMERICAN - Box 1 Folder 1 All enbr 0 ok Ash Wednesday - aria (Eliot) mss. 1947 Ames, W. T. Dream Pang (Frost) mss. nd. Interpreter (Johns) mss. nd. Judgement (Benet) mss. nd. Rapid Transit (1) mss. nd. To The Thawing Wind (Frost) mss. nd. Folder 2 Antheil, G. Five Songs 1919"'1920 (Crapsey) @1934 Bacon, E. Ten Songs (Whitman, Goethe, Lenau, Ruckert, Eichendorff, Lecher, Lillie) ~928 Eight Songs From Walt Whitman @930 Bows and Arrows (?) mss, nd. Adam and Eve (American folk song) ~946 2 copies Lonesome Grove (American folk song) ~946 Four Songs for Soprano (Shakespeare, Lewis, Millay) ~946 Little Mohee (On Top Of Old Smokey) (folk song) nd. Along Unpaved Roads (8 American folk songs) ~944 Sucking Cider and Sinful Shoe (?) mss. nd. Of a Feather - Five Songs (Welch) mss. nd. Five Poems by Emily Dickinson @l944 It's All I Have To Bring Today (?) mss. nd. 2 copies The Lamb (Blake) mss. 1947 Songs to Emily Dickinson mss. nd. Folder 3 Ballantine Upon My Bed of Pain 2 copies (1 ross.) The Flower Loves the Nightingale Clouds 2 copies (1 mss.) '>( Four Lyrical Satir Come Out, My Love, Into The Moonlight mss. only; ©1945 Barber, S. The Daisies (Stephens) ~936 With Rue My Heart Is Laden (Housman) ~1936 Bessie Bobtail (Stephens) ©1936 The Queen's Face On The Summery Coin (Horan) ~944 2 copies (1 IDS Rain Has Fallen (Joyce) @1939 I Hear An Army (Joyce) @l939 A Nun Takes The Veil (Hopkins) @941 Sure On This Shining Night (Agee) (~941 Dover Beach (Arnold) @l936 Folder 4 Bauer-:- M. The Harp (?) mss. nd. To Losers (R. Frost) nd. Midsummer Dreams (Fletcher) ~924 Beach, H. H. A. The Year's At The Spring (Browning) ~900 & 1928 Becker, J. The Pool (H.D.) ross. nd. The Sea (H.D.) Three Short Songs (M. C. Becker) mSs. nd. 2 copies Psalm Of Love (Baum - trans. Bithell) mss. nd. A Song (Joyce) mss. nd. Separation On The River Kiang (Richaku - Pound) mss. nd. Four Poems From The Japanese (trans. Page) ross. nd. -JANET FAIRBANK COLLECTION AMERICAN - Box 1 Folder ~ Beecher, C. Thistledown (Crew) ~923 Beeson, J. Three Songs (Blake) mss. 1945 2 copies of 3rd song Never Seek To Tell Thy Love (Blake) mss. 1945 Behrend, J. Advice to a Girl (Teasdale) mss. 1943 Five Songs (Teasdale) mss. 1932, 1931, 1933, 1933, 1938 A Minor Bird (Frost) mss. 1943 Plea For Grace (Krause) mss. 1942 Proche (Quennell) mss. 1940 Bergsma, WID. Six Songs mss. 2 copies (3 copies of #4) Folder 6 Bernstein, L. I Hate Music ©l943 Birch, H. L. A Creed Is A Rod (Swinburne) mss. nd. Moods (Yeats) ~915 Requiescat (Arnold) (g).915 Aedh Laments The Loss Of Love (Yeats) ~915 Cyclamen (Field) mss. nd. Atalanta (Swinburne) mss. nd. Bonvalot, A. Carmen (XI) (Latin, Horatio) mss. 1942 Bosmaus, A. Two Folksongs From The Planet Mars ~946 Folder 7 Bowles, P. In The Woods (1) mss. 1944 They Cannot Stop Death (Massey) mss. 1944 Heaven By Grass (Williams) mss. nd. A Little Closer Please (Saroyan) ;~1941 Cuatro Canciones de Garcia Lorca mss. 1943 Evening (Hepburn) mss. 1941 Violet (Hepburn) mss. 1941 On a Quiet Conscience (Charles I) mss. 1945 Sugar In The Cane (Willians) (S1946 Cabin (Williams) @)946 Bluebell Mountain (J. Bowles) mss. nd. Song Of An Old Woman (J. Bowles) mss. photostat 1942 Once A Lady Was Here (?) mss. 2 copies Memnon (Cocteau) mss. photostat 1935 Le Sourire (Cocteau) mss. photostat 1935 In The Platinum Forest (1) mss. photostat 1932 Ballade (P. Bowles) mss 1945 Song For My Sister (Ford) mss 1943 This Place Of Fire (Lawrence) mSs. photostat 1945 Valse (1) mss. nd. Lonesome Man (Williams) mss. nd. 2 copies Three (Williams) 1946 ~947 2 copies Stream (Hepburn) mss. 1941 American Folk Songs (W.P.A. project) mss. nd. David (F. Frost) CS1945 Night Without Sleep (Ford) mss. photostat 1943 Three Songs (Anon. & O'Sullivan) nd. JANET FAIRBANK COLLECTION ------------ AMERICAN - Box 1 Folder 8 -Bricken, C. Sagesse (Verlaine) nd. 11 P1eur Dans Mon Couer (Ver1aine) nd. Le Cie1 (Ver1aine) ross. nd. Late, 0 Miller (Stevenson) ross. nd. The Far-farer (Stevenson) ross. nd. Peace My Heart (Tagore) ross. nd. Britain, R. Stillness (Luther) ross. nd. Withered Flowers (Schreyrogt) ~926 Nirvana (Wheelock) ©1927 Cage, J. The Wonderful Widow Of Eighteen Springs mss. JANET FAIRB~~K COLLECTION AMERICAN - Box 2 Folder 1.. Carpenter, J. A. The Cock Shall Crow (Stevenson) ~1912 The Lawd Is Smiling Through The Do' (~918 When The Misty Shadows Glide @J912 2 copies The Green River (Douglas) @)912 2 copies (1 mss.) Dansons La Gigue (Verlaine) ~§)912 II Pleure Dans Mon Coeur (Verlaine) (t 1912 Gitanjali - Six Songs (Tagore) ~914 2 copies Berceuse De Guerre (Cammaerts) ~918 Les Silhouettes (Wilde) @l913 To A Young Gentleman (Confucius - trans. Giles) mss. 1916 Watercolors - Four Chinese Poems 'J;1916 Le Petit Cimetiere (Havet) Les Cheminees Rouge (Havet) 1934 Folder 2 Cradle Song (Blake) ~1912 Serenade (Sassoon) @1921 Khaki Sammy (Carpenter) (£'1917 May, The Maiden (Lanier) e1912 Home Road (Carpenter) (§1917 Slumber Song (Sassoon) 1920 ~921 On A Screen (Li-Po) (#1 of Watercolors) mss. GJ916 The Player Queen (Yeats) ~1915 The Day Is No More (Tagore) 'g1915 Her Voice nlilde) (S1913 Looking Glass River (Ste'lenson) '.c,1912 When Little Boys Sing (Carpenter) (.c1904 Improving Songs For Anxious Children (Carpenter) c1907 2 copies - 1 in poor shape Folder Carter, E. Dust of Snow (Frost) 1942 @1947 The Rose Family 1942 ~1947 2 copies (1 mss.) Voyage (Crane) &945 Volume 3 Cascarino, R. Seven Songs (Teasdale, Frost, Henrick) 1941 -JANET FAIRBANK COLLECTION AMERICAN - Box 3 Folder ! de Cevee, A. Shadows (Long) mss. photostat nd. The 0,.. 1 and the Pussycat (Lear) '~1940 The Flight (Teasdale) mss. photostat nd. Deserted Farm (Frost) mss. nd. Down By The Salley Gardens (Yeats) ~94l Anniversary (Long) ~940 Folder l Chanler, Th. The Flight (Feeney) mss. photostat 1944 The Lambe (Blake) ~946 Memory (Blake) 3 copies (1 print, 1 photostat, 1 mss.) @R946 The Doves (Feeney) mss. photostat nd. Eight Epitaphs (de 1a Mare) (Ann Poverty & Three Sisters, mss.) ©1939 I Rise When You Enter (Feeney) ~~945 2 copies (1 print, 1 photostat) These My Ophelia (MacLeish) mss. photostat nd. The Children (Feeney) 1942c.).946 3 copies (1 print, 1 photostat, 1 mss.) Folder 3 Chadwick Danza (Bates) (Sl8BS Citkowitz Five Songs (Joyce) \;:1930 Cole, R. Love's Invocation (Cary) ~1922 Folder 4 Cowell, H. Little Black Boy (Blake) mss. photostat 1946 The Donkey (Chesterton) mss. photostat 1946 Three Anti-modernist Songs (ed. Slominsky) mss. photostat 1938 Folder 5 Creston, P. Sonnet I (Ficke) mss. nd. Sonnet II (Ficke) mss. nd. Three Sonnets (Ficke) mss. photostat 1936 Psalm XXIII 1945 Folder 6 Crist-;- B. Into A Ship, Dreaming (de 1a Mare) ':£1918 Coloured Stars (Chinese - trans. Mathers) :S1921 DeLamaiter, E. Gifts (Teasdale) ~920 Love-free (Teasdale) ~920 Air Impromptu (Piper) mss. nd. Folder 7 Dello-Joio Mi1ldoors (Sandburg) mss. photostat nd. 2 copies Diamond, D. David Hourns For Absalom mss. photostat 1946 2 copies Brigid's Song (Joyce) ross. photostat 1946 2 copies Seven Songs (cummings, Mansfield, La Fontaine, Stringham, McCullers) ~1946 (copies of all but "Billy in the Darbies") To Lucasta, On Going To The Wars (Lovelace) mss. photostat 1944 Five Songs (Shakespeare) (£1945 Epitaph (Melville) mss. photostat 1945 Music \.Jhen Soft Voices Die (Shelley) ~1944 Let Nothing Disturb Thee (Sr. Theresa of Avila) ,~1946 -JANET FAIRBANK COLLECTION AMERICAN - Box 3 Folder 7 - Cont. Diamond, D. On Death (Clare) ~944 Cesar (Valery) mss. photostat 1940 Folder !!. Dougherty, C. The First Christmas (Fleming) nd. photostat Song of the Jasmin photostat Pied Beauty (Hopkins) mss. nd. The Song of the Jasmin (Arabian Nights) nd. Pianissimo (Collins) ns. Heaven-Haven (Hopkins) ns. Folder 9 Duke, J. XXth Century (Hillyer) photostat 1935 Dirge (Crapsey) photostat nd. Catalog (Moore) photostat nd. At the Aquarium (Eastman) photostat nd. Dead Kitten (Hay) photostat nd. My Soul Is An Enchanted Boat (Shelley) photostat nd. To Karen, Singing (Duke) 2 copies (1 print, 1 photostat~ 1944. ;Sl.946 Rapunzel (Crapsey) photostat nd. Wild Swans (Millay) photostat nd. Loveliest of Trees (Housman):s:;I.934 Bells in the Rain (Wylie) photostat 1945 ~ E.,:;;::'::=~':::' COLLECTION AMERI CAN - Box 4 Folder 1 Eakin-; V.
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