A Weekly Newsletter by Fatemi Dawat 8January July 2016 22nd 2016 Issue:Issue: 126 4 Shawwal13th Rabi al-Mukarram al-Aakhar 1437H1437H Updates Syedna TUS Doa Message Attacks in Dhaka, Baghdad, Medina SijillUpdates Article Mubahalah – The Absolute Verdict SijillAnnouncements Article (Sijill 111) Toand be a MuslimAmal Today Detail Milad Imam-uz-zaman News & Events Laqab (Honorific) bestowed on She- hzadasNews of Syednaand Events Qutbuddin RA Shz Dr Abdeail Bs leads EidJanaza ul Fitar namaaz Majlis inHighlights London & Photos Shehrullah Ibadat Syedna TUS Doa Message Open Letter to Shehzada Mufaddal SaifuddinDawat History Series Attacks in Dhaka, Baghdad, Medina Sijill-ul-Bisharat – The In the wake of the horrific and inhuman bombings in Baghdad, and the tragic LegalAnnouncement Update of Imam and extensive loss of life and injury, Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS, leader of the Da- ChamberTayyib’s SummonsSA Birth Filed In Bombay woodi Bohra Community, strongly condemns these attacks and its perpetrators. Syedna High Court Fakhruddin also strongly condemns the killings in Dhaka, Bangladesh and the bomb- Qasida In Translation Happinessings in the Holy city of Medina, Captures Saudi Arabia. Syedna FakhruddinLove prays for the victims, Milaadu Maulana-l-Imam-it- the injured, and their families. May Allah ta’ala grant them forbearance and strength to bear this tragic loss. Syedna Fakhruddin prays for the speedy restoration of peace Tayyibi and security and for the safety of the people of Iraq, Bangladesh and the world. Syedna Fakhruddin also prays and hopes that the voices of universal brotherhood and harmony, Fatemi Madrasa in communities and governments, may speak up and unite against this and all forces Wazeefa Multi Media eModule and ideologies of sectarianism,(Amirul violence, Mumineen hatred SA)and division. A Mumin is always cheerful and happy Sijill Article Rasulullah SA narrated the account his heart” (al-muminu bishruhu fi wajhihi his heart” (al-muminu bishruhu fi wajhihi ofMubahalah a day when Eisa Nabi AS met– YahyaThe Nabi. Absolute wa huznuhu fi qalbihi).Verdict To cope with the wa huznuhu fi qalbihi). To cope with the Eisa Nabi smiled at Yahya Nabi, but Yahya sadness and sorrow in our heart, we seek halat.sadness The and next sorrow morning in whenour heart, Rasulullah we seek ar- Nabi frowned in response and said, “O refuge in sabar and the remembrance rived,refuge the in sabarpriest and enquired aboutthe remembrance the people Spirit of Allah, you laugh as though you of Imam Husain SA. Syedna Burhanuddin’s withof Imam him…Ali, Husain Fatema, SA. Syedna Hasan Burhanuddin’s and Husain have no fear of Allah’s punishment!” Eisa RA doa always echoes in our ears: “ay SA.RA Asdoa Rasulullah always echoes prepared in forour mubahalat, ears: “ay Nabi replied, “O Nabi of Allah, you frown as though you have no hope in Allah’s rehmat parwardigaar, tu mumin ne hamesha theparwardigaar, priest and histu delegation mumin retractedne hamesha their khush-u-khurram raakhje, ek Husain na challenge.khush-u-khurram In fear ofraakhje, God’s maledictionek Husain dena- and mercy!” Allah Ta’ala then revealed (Surat to Al-Anfaal: 8) both Yahya Nabi and Eisa Nabi: “The one I gham siwa koi gham na dikhawje.” stroyinggham siwa them, koi theygham offered na dikhawje.” to make a truce loveGod most willed is thatthe theone truth who be smilesrealised most” by His words; andThese to cut thehadith root and of the sayings disbelievers.. encour- with RasulullahThese hadithwhich heand accepted. sayings encour- (ahabbukuma ilayya abashshukuma). age an overall positive and optimistic age Syednaan overall Taher positive Saifuddin and also optimistic relates yednaIn Taherthis shortSaifuddin anecdote RA narratesis a great in outlookthe people in life. of TheTruth smile and onFaith an individual’s(ahl as-sidq thatoutlook some in oflife. the The martyrs smile on of anKarbala individual’s chal- lessonShis andRisalat philosophy: Ashi’atul be Fayzil happy Azali and (1378H hope- facewal-yaqeen) is an essential called for manifestation mubahalat upon of that the lengedface is somean essential of the people manifestation of Yazid’s of army that fulpp. in 185-191) life. It is thatnot thethe casefive Panjetanthat this worldPaak are is outlook.liars and Rasulullahoppressors said:who opposed"When a them. mumin tooutlook. mubahalat. Rasulullah In the said:mubahalat, "When the a muminenemy freeAshaabul-mubahalah of sadness and grief – the– but people our Hudaat whom meetsIn his summary, brother mumin, a delegation he should came call to outRa- wasmeets destroyed. his brother mumin, he should call out encourageRasulullah usSA to took be happywith himand tohopeful challenge in thesulullah salaam SA greetingfrom Najraan to him, and grasp challenged his hand, his the salaamSyedna greeting Taher Saifuddin to him, grasp then hisrecounts hand, keeping faith in Allah Ta’ala, His mercy and the delegation from Najraan. Syedna Taher andcharacterization look at him ofwith Eisa a Nabi happy AS face.as Allah’s This thatand thelook 47th at himDai al-Mutlaqwith a happy Syedna face. Abdul- This rehmat. Remembering and counting our Saifuddin RA defines mubahalat as an ab- appliesProphet toand our servant interactions (Abdullah). with Rasulullah fellow Qadirapplies Najmuddin to our interactionsRA called upon with some fellow of blessings and ne’mat helps us to be happy solute verdict (hukman faslan) from the Mumineenaffirmed his but position also applies and theto how angel we Jibra’il meet thoseMumineen who butchallenged also applies his positionto how we as meet Dai and hopeful. Greatest Judge (ahkamul hakimeen). For andconveyed greet peopleto Rasulullah in all aspects Allah’s of command our life. To to al-Mutlaqand greet peopleto face in him all aspectsin mubahalat. of our life.None To Even in times of grief Amirul this reason, Syedna Taher Saifuddin adds, thischallenge effect, the Amirul Najraan Mumineen delegation has said,to muba “be- ofthis those effect, who Amirul opposed Mumineen Syedna has Najmuddin said, “be Mumineen SA asserts that, “a mumin’s smiling and happy with everyone” (al-bishru smiling and happy with everyone” (al-bishru 1 dared to face him in mubahalat to refute his rightful position. This face him in mubahalat. His detractors did not respond. Syedna Qut- was because Syedna was truthful (sadiq) and his opponent was a buddin’s successor, Syedna Taher Fakhruddin TUS, the 54th Dai hypocrite (kazib munafiq). al-Mutlaq, with similar confidence in his righteousness, called upon Syedna Taher Saifuddin also recounts that his father the 49th those who challenged Syedna Qutbuddin’s truthfulness to face him Dai Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA called upon some of in mubahalat. His detractors did not respond. What Syedna Taher those who opposed his authority to face him in mubahalat. Though Saifuddin said in reference to Syedna Najmuddin’s opponents holds there were many hypocrites (munafiqeen) in his time, he defeated true for the enemies of his successors the 53rd and 54th Dais: them. And though the hudud and true aalims and supporters in “None of those who opposed Syedna Najmuddin dared to face him his age were few, by serving Dawat and Dai they garnered a great in mubahalat to refute his rightful position.” reward from Allah Ta’ala. Syedna Qutbuddin then challenged his detractors in the Syedna Taher Saifuddin lastly says that Syedna Abdullah Bombay High Court and, now, so has his successor Syedna Taher Badruddin RA, the 50th Dai, challenged his detractors in some Fakhruddin. May Truth prevail and Falsehood be vanquished (li matter in a manner similar to mubahalat. yuhiqqal haqqa wa yubtilal batil – Surat al-Anfaal: 8). May Allah Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin RA, the 53rd Dai al-Mutlaq, Ta’ala spread the light of truth and expose the darkness of the en- followed the example of Syedna Najmuddin, Syedna Burhanuddin emy’s lies. May Allah Ta’ala safeguard His Da’i and His Dawat. May and Syedna Badruddin and called upon those who challenged his Allah Ta’ala protect Mumineen in all parts of the world. veracity and rightful position as Syedna Burahnuddin’s successor to From Sijill 111 To be a Muslim Today (Surat al-Ma’ida: 32) He who kills an innocent soul then it is as if he has killed all of mankind. And he who gives life to a soul, it is as if he has saved all of mankind. he turbulent world we live in is often disturbing. Especially in view of the world which manifested itself most strongly when the Tlight of the deplorable acts being carried out in the name of Fatimids ruled a vast empire for over two hundred years. The fol- religion. News of attacks in which scores of innocent lives are lost lowing excerpt from a paper published on Fatemidawat.com last appear to be unending. In the Ayat quoted above, the Qur’an Ma- year is worth quoting (“A Foundation for Islamic Tolerance: Re- jeed declares that the killing of one innocent soul is the killing of flections on the Concept of the Universality of Religions in Fatimid all humanity (Surat al-Ma’ida: 32). In addition to the ta’wil signifi- Thought, Policy and Practice”): cance of this Ayat, on the literal level it establishes unequivocally The Fatimid definition and understanding of pluralism is not that the killing of innocents is completely unjustifiable and utterly indifference or an acceptance that all beliefs are necessarily valid un-Islamic. and therefore it is simply a matter of cultural difference or a matter In reality, the people carrying out such attacks are the worst of fate as to which religion one follows. Pluralism is a firm belief – enemies of Islam. They have accused a large majority of Muslims with confidence – in one’s faith and identity, with the recognition of being un-Islamic or even apostates and unbelievers (kafir), while and respect of the unified origin and the shared values of others.
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