Daily Bulletin No. 15 VOLLEYBALL • Match result FIVB Women's Volleyball World Championship 2014 FINALS (Places 3-4) Match:101Date: 12.10.2014 Spectators: 12'600 Teams Sets 1 2 3 4 5 Total City: Milano ITA 2 15 13 25 25 7 85 Hall: Mediolanum Forum BRA 3 25 25 22 22 15 109 Match duration: Start: 17:30 End: 19:49 Total: 2:19 Set duration 0:24 0:25 0:29 0:32 0:15 2:05 Referees: JIANG Liu (CHN) & ROLF Patricia (USA) ITA • Italy 12345 Pts BRA • Brazil 12345 Pts 6L De Gennaro Monica LLLLL 1 Claudino Fabiana 13 7 Folie Raphaela 1 3 Lins Danielle 5 9 Centoni Nadia 1 5 Silva Adenizia 10 Ferretti Francesca 6 Menezes Thaisa 10 11 Chirichella Cristina 6 8 Pereira De Carvalho Endres Jaqueline 18 12 Piccinini Francesca 1 10 Guimaraes Gabriela Braga 13 Arrighetti Valentina 4 11 Caixeta Tandara 14 Lo Bianco Eleonora 1 12 Pereira Natalia 15 Del Core Antonella 11 13 Castro De Paula Blassioli Sheilla 21 16 Bosetti Caterina 8 16 Rodrigues Fernanda 14 17 Diouf Valentina 31 17 Almeida De Sousa Alves Josefa Fabiola 18 Costagrande Carolina Del Pilar 1 18L Brait Camila LLLLL Coach: Marco Bonitta Coach: Jose Roberto Lages G Assistant: Fabio Soli Assistant: Paulo do Rego Barros TEAMS AND PLAYERS PERFORMANCES Won Total Scoring Won Total No Name No Name Pts Atts Skills Pts Atts 52 150 Total Team 65 135 Total Team 29 62 17 Diouf Valentina 18 32 13 Castro De Paula Blassioli Spike 10 32 15 Del Core Antonella 16 35 8 Pereira De Carvalho Endres 6 18 16 Bosetti Caterina 13 34 16 Rodrigues Fernanda 6 45 Total Team 11 66 Total Team 3 14 11 Chirichella Cristina 3 15 6 Menezes Thaisa Block 1 3 16 Bosetti Caterina 3 11 3 Lins Danielle 1 9 13 Arrighetti Valentina 2 18 1 Claudino Fabiana 7 86 Total Team 5 108 Total Team 2 13 11 Chirichella Cristina 3 22 13 Castro De Paula Blassioli Serve 2 11 17 Diouf Valentina 1 7 1 Claudino Fabiana 1 9 13 Arrighetti Valentina 1 14 6 Menezes Thaisa 20 Total Team Opp. error 28 Total Team 85 281 Total Team Total 109 309 Total Team 31 76 17 Diouf Valentina Best Scorer 21 61 13 Castro De Paula Blassioli Starting line-up Pts = Points scored nn = Captain Substitute Atts = Attempts L = Libero Opp = Opponent VIS, version 1.96 (Build 587, 16 pools), © 1992-2013 FIVB 12.10.2014 19:48 Page 1 VOLLEYBALL • Match result FIVB Women's Volleyball World Championship 2014 FINALS (Places 1-2) Match:102Date: 12.10.2014 Spectators: 12'600 Teams Sets 1 2 3 4 5 Total City: Milano CHN 1 25 20 25 24 94 Hall: Mediolanum Forum USA 3 27 25 16 26 94 Match duration: Start: 20:30 End: 22:36 Total: 2:06 Set duration 0:29 0:28 0:25 0:33 1:55 Referees: PASQUALI Fabrizio (ITA) & RODRIGUEZ Susana (ESP) CHN • China 12345 Pts USA • USA 12345 Pts 1 Yuan Xinyue 11 1 Glass Alisha 1 2 Zhu Ting 15 2L Banwarth Kayla LLLL 3 Yang Fangxu 3 Thompson Courtney 1 5 Shen Jingsi 1 10 Larson - Burbach Jordan Quinn 6 6 Yang Junjing 7 12 Murphy Kelly 13 7 Wei Qiuyue 13 Dietzen Christa Harmotto 15 8 Zeng Chunlei 20 14 Fawcett Nicole 8 9 Liu Xiaotong 7 15 Hill Kimberly 20 10L Shan Danna LL 16 Akinradewo Foluke 14 12 Hui Ruoqi 15 19 Robinson Kelsey 15L Chen Zhan LLL 21 Dixon Tetori 16 Wang Huimin 22 Adams Rachael Coach: LANG Ping Coach: Kiraly Karch (USA) Assistant: LAI Yawen Assistant: Morrison Jamie (USA) TEAMS AND PLAYERS PERFORMANCES Won Total Scoring Won Total No Name No Name Pts Atts Skills Pts Atts 62 143 Total Team 58 145 Total Team 16 31 8 Zeng Chunlei 19 31 15 Hill Kimberly Spike 14 33 12 Hui Ruoqi 11 39 12 Murphy Kelly 12 35 2 Zhu Ting 9 15 16 Akinradewo Foluke 9 50 Total Team 14 57 Total Team 4 13 1 Yuan Xinyue 7 19 13 Dietzen Christa Harmotto Block 3 10 8 Zeng Chunlei 3 13 16 Akinradewo Foluke 1 7 2 Zhu Ting 2 3 14 Fawcett Nicole 5 95 Total Team 6 93 Total Team 2 16 2 Zhu Ting 2 15 16 Akinradewo Foluke Serve 1 10 5 Shen Jingsi 2 16 10 Larson - Burbach Jordan 1 12 8 Zeng Chunlei 1 11 3 Thompson Courtney 18 Total Team Opp. error 16 Total Team 94 288 Total Team Total 94 295 Total Team 20 53 8 Zeng Chunlei Best Scorer 20 46 15 Hill Kimberly Starting line-up Pts = Points scored nn = Captain Substitute Atts = Attempts L = Libero Opp = Opponent VIS, version 1.96 (Build 587, 16 pools), © 1992-2013 FIVB 12.10.2014 22:33 Page 1 VOLLEYBALL • Match players ranking FIVB Women's Volleyball World Championship 2014 FINALS (Places 3-4) Match:101Date: 12.10.2014 Spectators: 12'600 Teams Sets 1 2 3 4 5 Total City: Milano ITA 2 15 13 25 25 7 85 Hall: Mediolanum Forum BRA 3 25 25 22 22 15 109 Match duration: Start: 17:30 End: 19:49 Total: 2:19 Set duration 0:24 0:25 0:29 0:32 0:15 2:05 ITA • Italy Total Rk No Name Spikes Faults Shots Note Attempts 1 17 Diouf Valentina 29 6 27 62 46.77 2 15 Del Core Antonella 10 4 18 32 31.25 - 16 Bosetti Caterina 66618 - 13 Arrighetti Valentina 24511 - 18 Costagrande Carolina Del Pilar 1168 - 9 Centoni Nadia 1258 - 7 Folie Raphaela 1135 - 11 Chirichella Cristina 1135 Spike - 12 Piccinini Francesca 1--1 - 6 De Gennaro Monica ---- - 10 Ferretti Francesca ---- - 14 Lo Bianco Eleonora ---- Succ. % Others ---- Limit: 15.00% Total Team 52 25 73 150 34.67 Kill Total Rk No Name Faults Rebounds Note Blocks Attempts 1 11 Chirichella Cristina 3 5 6 14 0.60 2 16 Bosetti Caterina 1 - 2 3 0.20 2 13 Arrighetti Valentina 1 2 6 9 0.20 2 15 Del Core Antonella 1 2 1 4 0.20 - 6 De Gennaro Monica ---- - 9 Centoni Nadia --11 - 10 Ferretti Francesca ---- - 12 Piccinini Francesca ---- Block - 18 Costagrande Carolina Del Pilar --11 - 14 Lo Bianco Eleonora -437 - 7 Folie Raphaela -213 - 17 Diouf Valentina -213 Others ---- Avg. by set Total Team 6 17 22 45 1.20 VIS, version 1.96 (Build 587, 16 pools), © 1992-2013 FIVB 12.10.2014 19:48 Page 1/6 VOLLEYBALL • Match players ranking FIVB Women's Volleyball World Championship 2014 FINALS (Places 3-4) Match:101Date: 12.10.2014 Spectators: 12'600 Teams Sets 1 2 3 4 5 Total City: Milano ITA 2 15 13 25 25 7 85 Hall: Mediolanum Forum BRA 3 25 25 22 22 15 109 Match duration: Start: 17:30 End: 19:49 Total: 2:19 Set duration 0:24 0:25 0:29 0:32 0:15 2:05 ITA • Italy Serve Total Rk No Name Aces Faults Note Hits Attempts 1 11 Chirichella Cristina 2 3 8 13 0.40 1 17 Diouf Valentina 2 4 5 11 0.40 3 13 Arrighetti Valentina 1 - 8 9 0.20 3 14 Lo Bianco Eleonora 1 - 12 13 0.20 3 16 Bosetti Caterina 1 - 12 13 0.20 - 6 De Gennaro Monica ---- - 9 Centoni Nadia --11 - 10 Ferretti Francesca --11 Serve - 12 Piccinini Francesca --11 - 15 Del Core Antonella - 2 14 16 - 18 Costagrande Carolina Del Pilar -123 - 7 Folie Raphaela -235 Others ---- Avg. by set Total Team 7 12 67 86 1.40 Team Opponent errors & Team faults 20 - 20 Total Rk No Name Digs Faults Receptions Note Attempts 1 6 De Gennaro Monica 17 3 3 23 3.40 2 15 Del Core Antonella 13 3 - 16 2.60 3 14 Lo Bianco Eleonora 12 3 - 15 2.40 4 16 Bosetti Caterina 9 3 - 12 1.80 5 17 Diouf Valentina 8 2 4 14 1.60 6 11 Chirichella Cristina 3 1 - 4 0.60 6 12 Piccinini Francesca 3 2 - 5 0.60 8 13 Arrighetti Valentina 2 2 - 4 0.40 Dig 9 18 Costagrande Carolina Del Pilar 1 - - 1 0.20 - 10 Ferretti Francesca ---- - 7 Folie Raphaela -1 -1 - 9 Centoni Nadia -1 -1 Others ---- Avg. by set Total Team 68 21 7 96 13.60 VIS, version 1.96 (Build 587, 16 pools), © 1992-2013 FIVB 12.10.2014 19:48 Page 2/6 VOLLEYBALL • Match players ranking FIVB Women's Volleyball World Championship 2014 FINALS (Places 3-4) Match:101Date: 12.10.2014 Spectators: 12'600 Teams Sets 1 2 3 4 5 Total City: Milano ITA 2 15 13 25 25 7 85 Hall: Mediolanum Forum BRA 3 25 25 22 22 15 109 Match duration: Start: 17:30 End: 19:49 Total: 2:19 Set duration 0:24 0:25 0:29 0:32 0:15 2:05 ITA • Italy Running Still Total Rk No Name Faults Note Sets Sets Attempts 1 14 Lo Bianco Eleonora 20 1 97 118 4.00 2 10 Ferretti Francesca 2 - 8 10 0.40 - 6 De Gennaro Monica - - 14 14 - 7 Folie Raphaela ---- - 9 Centoni Nadia --22 - 11 Chirichella Cristina --44 - 12 Piccinini Francesca ---- - 13 Arrighetti Valentina ---- Set - 15 Del Core Antonella --66 - 16 Bosetti Caterina --44 - 17 Diouf Valentina ---- - 18 Costagrande Carolina Del Pilar --22 Others ---- Avg. by set Total Team 22 1 137 160 4.40 Serve Total Rk No Name Excellents Faults Note Receptions Attempts 1 16 Bosetti Caterina 23 4 15 42 45.24 - 6 De Gennaro Monica 20 - 4 24 - 15 Del Core Antonella 12 - 5 17 - 12 Piccinini Francesca 51410 - 18 Costagrande Carolina Del Pilar 4-15 - 7 Folie Raphaela ---- - 9 Centoni Nadia ---- - 10 Ferretti Francesca ---- Reception - 11 Chirichella Cristina ---- - 13 Arrighetti Valentina ---- - 14 Lo Bianco Eleonora ---- - 17 Diouf Valentina ---- Eff.
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