The Lightning Bolt Chancellor High school 6300 Harrison road, fredericksburg,va 22407 www.the-lightining-bolt.com .... THTEHE L 6. LIG IGH 1 H T 0 T N 7 .2 N I . I N 1 c N 0 G e G 2 B . D B O . / O L n v T L a o T . J . N . V . O V 4 3 l O . u . l m e e u u e u m S 2 S S I 9 e S I 2 9 1 January 2017 www.The-Lightning-Bolt.com Mrs. Gattie on the cover Adviser Chancellor’s swim team dives into a winning record this January! Han- ashley ragonese nah Lucas is decked out during Spirit Editor-in-Chief Week, and NHS participated in Cops for Kids fundraiser at Target. myah hidalgo What’s Inside? Co-Editor-in-Chief News........ ......pg. 4-7 Raelyn slaughter Sports...........pg.8-11 Layout Editor Op-Ed.......pg. 12-15 makayla tardie Features.... pg. 16-21 News Editor emma haus Follow us on Sports Editor instagram @tlbnews tyler jacobs Or go to Features Editor www.The-Lightning-Bolt.com talon torres The Journalism students at Chancellor High School publish The Lightning Bolt, the only official newspaper on campus. The purpose of the Op-Ed Editor newspaper is to factually inform and entertain its readers. As an established open forum for the student body, truth will be the staff’s major goal. It is the responsibility of each staffer to adhere to the journalism code of ethics as set by the Society of Professional Jour- nalists, Sigma Delta Chi. The code states that a journalist can not accept gifts, favors or privileges that could compromise their integrity. All material published will be the result of brainstorm sessions by the staff. Subjects stimulating to the majority of the student body will be used. The editorial board, which is comprised of all newspaper staff members will determine the priority of the stories and the overall design of publication. The advisor serves to give students a better understanding of the functions and ethics of a free press. The mary-cate advisor does not serve as a censure. Student editors will decide the material to be published. In accordance with community standards, profanity will not appear in the publication. Students are free to express an opinion on matters of public interests under the, “fair com- mosher ment rule.” Under this rule, the student has the right to intelligently criticize the school and its policies. Editorials reflect the opinion Website Editor of The Lightning Bolt. Opinion stories reflect the opinion of the writer and do not represent the opinion of the faculty and administration of Chancellor High School. Controversial issues will be covered from both points of view. School news, as well as local, national and international events will also be covered. Letters to the editor are welcomed. All letters must be signed and be between 200- 300 words long. They may be submitted to A113 or by e-mailing [email protected]. The Lightning Bolt retains the right to edit letters to comply with journalistic standards. Anonymous letters will not be published. This is your school, help improve it through your opinions, praises, and constructive criticisms. If voiced aloud and in large enough numbers, we can bring about change. Our ultimate goal is to print the truth and with your help we can reach this goal. January 2017 www.The-Lightning-Bolt.com 2 Editorial rED BOX ROUSES By Myah Hidalgo AUDiENCE Co-Editor-In-Chief “New Year, New Me!” This cli come holiday season. Change che has driven me crazy dur- is a scary thing, and it’s okay to ing this Christmas break. With not want to change yourself, so crummy resolutions about you really don’t have to join the changing yourself, and find- gym, or quit that habit because ing a new “you,” I have to say that’s what makes you… you. I am tired of it. I know that There are somethings that I New Year’s is all about creating love about myself that I don't changes, but why? Why do we want to change. For instance, I have to change some aspect of love that I constantly read, or ourselves every year? We beat how I always drink coffee in the ourselves up around New Year’s morning. They make me happy, because we are told that we and it’s not hurting anyone. I need to. Instead of tearing our- didn’t make any resolutions selves down because of some this year because there’s not flaws, let’s celebrate the won- any big changes I need to make, derful things about ourselves. and that’s okay. It’s okay to not Stereotypical resolutions are make changes or if you want to al ong the lines of losing weight, make changes that’s okay too. getting rid of a bad habit, or Just do you. trying a new trend. And even The new school year is going if you do start one, you might to be throwing a lot of changes even quit, which just makes our way, from college accep- you feel even more guilty. So tances to taking your first A.P why do we continue to punish exam. Sometimes you can’t yourself by creating these stan- help what the new year throws dards that are almost impos- your way. The best advice I can sible to reach? Some people see give you is to take it one step at resolutions as a way to mix up a time. There’s no need for you their lives and create some ex- to try to change what already citing change but we shouldn’t works. So good luck on this new have to force and rush into it year and remember that satbili- ty can be just as good as change. RedBox alumni such as Taylor Patzman, and current members; Paul Folts, Brandon Bolick, Emma Mearns come together for a great performance in December. Photos by: Bailey McDaniel 3 January 2017 www.The-Lightning-Bolt.com News News Donors Overcome Fears to Cheer celebrates spirit Help Others week By Jailene Blanco and were happy to know they Staff Reporter would be able to save that many On December 7th, 2016, Chan- lives from their donation. cellor’s SCA held a blood drive. “I’m nervous because I’m afraid Beds and equipment were set up of needles, but I figured saving in the gymnasium, and the gym somebody else’s life is more im- was filled with students sipping portant than my fear of needles,” their water. Students waited, on said junior, Taylor Clary. It’s just average one or two entire blocks, something I need to get over. It’s in the quiet atmosphere of the not the first or last time I’m go- gymnasium before they were ing to get a needle in me.” able to donate. Despite being her first time Many of the students donating blood, junior Britney were first time donors Kohler was no stranger to get- ting her blood drawn and had in and expressed numer- fact, attempted to donate blood Photo by Erin Jobes ous worries about do- before, but had been unsuccess- GO CHARGERS! The Winter Cheer team performs at nating blood, the main ful due to many obstacles, such Chancellor’s Winter Pep Rally on the last Friday before as her age. break. concern “I’m excited to donate blood to- day. I often get my blood drawn when I go to the doctor’s, so I Beginning early in the morn- don’t mind it. I’ve always tried spreading the spirit ing, students were escorted to donate blood, but whenever down to the gym by SCA mem- I went to blood drives I’d never bers and told to sign in. From been old enough and my parents there, students filled out their were never with me, like at my information and waited patiently church, so I’ve never been able for their turn to donate blood. to get my parent’s consent,” said Many of the students were first Kohler. time donors and expressed nu- Due to so many students sign- merous worries about donating ing up to donate blood and there blood, the main concern being not being enough staff to ac- needles. commodate so many students, “I am kind of nervous to do- the blood drive was backed up nate blood today because I’m and stopped accepting students afraid of needles, but I’m glad to in the gym around noon. An donate blood because I like help- announcement was made at the ing people,” said junior, Marina beginning of A4, informing ev- Yeary. eryone that no more students Generally, a pint of blood is should be sent down to donate drawn from donors at blood blood. However, both nurses and drives. A pint of blood can save SCA members worked hard all up to three lives, and when stu- day to ensure a successful blood dents were informed of this fact, drive. many of them expressed awe Photo by Erin Jobes Sophomore Renisha Jones uses a tie and The Little Mer- maid suspenders to dress as a mathlete for Spirit Week’s Mathlete vs. Athlete Day. January 2017 www.The-Lightning-Bolt.com 4 News News Parade In Frozen Paradise Student with a plan The sound of people cheer- The marching bands of By Elizabeth Owusu more year. “It was an honor for the parade brought fun-filled Staff Reporter me to earn this award, it was ing and laughing was deaf- In the case for most students, ening as clowns and mascots music and rhythm to the recognition that I did well on sophomore year does not impact the PSAT,”Carr stated.
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