•PRSRTSTD. U.S. Postage Paid Sanibel, FL Permit #33 Postal Patron San&eC • FRE™ Cap tip a Delivered to your home every Friday Since 1961 Vol.41, No. 11 Week of April 26 - May 2, 2002 Since 1961 32 Pages Michael Pistella The environmentally-conscious Sanibel Inn released a large number of ladybugs at the resorton Earth Day to promote organic gardening. Interior Secretary Gale Norton CROW'S Annual honored the 'Ding' Darling Taste of the Islands volunteers at the refuge See program on Tuesday. inside for details* See page 10 for story. Come to the .event April %S 2 • Week of April 26 - May 2, 2002 • Islander Display a "We Lave Our Islands" decal on your vehicle, and you could win $100 or more for your favorite island charity* lick up your free "We Love Our Islands" ticca I name or license plate number. If the weekly nt Bank of the Islands, and we all win. prize is nor claimed, the $100 donation will That's because, each week the first person be added to the winnings lor the following spotted displaying die decal on their vehicle week. by a Bank of the Islands staff member will be It's our way of saying thank you to our awarded a $ 100 donation to the island charity islanders and die non-profit organizations ot their choice. I hat help enrich our community. Check the Bank oi the Islands lobby, open When you display your "We Love Our Monday through Friday, each week for your Islands" deceit, we all win* ^ iBank ot sslslands Island Bank l&W IViimukle \V.n • Smibtl W.ind, H. 11957 472-7211 Member HMC Islander • Week of April 26 - May 2, 2002 " 3 TOO Much Sun COLUMNISTS i— FOR HAVIMS Mo Bo*r NO LIF£ PRBSBRVBRS AND FoR The Metuwiatic Life F/SWW6 WITHOUT -A LICENSE, Lisa Pierol — page 5 J THAT'LL BE 113 DOLLARS. Dave Horton Pishing & Shelling Capt Mike Fucry L'4*1 **' \, — outre 8 rS^i ? •• Leo Horton Artist Profile Nancy Santeusanio ~ page 19 V\ 0(2-100 w prevailed for so long it's impossible to Kveryonc knows you can't negotiate A Plague on Both Your Houses keep score. with the SUKHIS, or at least anyone Let's .sco now the hatde in the Why do we keep getting sucked into under the age of 14 knows it. The Pales- 1 Middle I-!:is( IKIS been j'oinj.?. on now for conflicts where we ha\e to choose -.idc. tinian -, .iiul lli< 1 ii I. ••.••nil! h.i- • i • .ii' oh... is it tiuue or iour Uipus&nd ywtntf 4tt'< u hove lu. tUiiilv ouc wdc ui.ilm lO^k'ffll'J, lOOldlllilllllL! xUlCUk' .K I'll Mil- course, the recent conflict has other must have the moral lii.srli bombers wilh ail smkes Lmd hc,i\> only been brewing Cor 50 or M), ground? arlilleivdeliveiinii DJVI'aud iilht-i no\ioiis but these communities have long History tells us. among other toxins like huge vnis ol lu-ei or uh.iii'wi memories that protect the eternal things, that (he only lime tradi- else might work .isjauiM >-ucli cieaiuivs. flame of conflict from the danger i tonal enemies can cooperate on The Israeli-, .mil llie I'.ik-siinians could of extinguishment. anything is when they are con- probably woik together effectively — Island Iliritory In fact, if— perish the thought I routed by an outside threat to but would it last? When the SLUGGs — peace should ever break out, both, of them. went back home would everyone just go Jean Dowries the unemployment rate would Here, the only thing these com- back to business as usual? Would the - page 10 skyrocket with so many people batants could possibly face alliance start to fall apart as soon as they around whose occupational RKNNY together would be truly an exter- started to win? expertise had just been rendered SEVERANCE nal threat. But not just external, it Maybe a better solution is for the rest irrelevant. Editor would have to be extraterrestial. of the world to just ignore these guys alto- But I digress. Yes, the Slimey Large Ugly Green gether — shun them the way the Artiish Why is it we keep putting ourselves in Guys with the prehensile eyeballs on thewould shun a Sinner. the position of having to judge? — having ends of long stalks will have to land on the Or maybe the SLUGGs would win, Center Stage to choose who are the good guys and who Golan Heights and start coating the land- and the whole thing would become aca- Marsha Wagner are the bad guys? Are there any good scape for miles around with a mucilage- demic... guys? The eye-for-an-eye mentality has like green substance about three feet deep. — page 20 Newly Expanded CARDIO CENTER And WEIGHT ROOM Now Open SKAl'OOD • SPORTS • SPIRITS A Lifestyle Enhancement Center LUNA CAPE Check Out These Weekly Specials Spinning Classes, Step Classes, Authorized SUSHI- WEDNESDAY Aerobics, Body Shaping, Dealer of Polar Seniors Classes and Much More. Heartrate MAINE LOBSTER-FRIDAY Monitors Plus new Cybex Weight Equipment, Free PRIME RIB-SUNDAY & MONDAY Weights, Treadmills and Stairmasters Serving 7 days, 4pm til midnight 395-2639 YOGA FREE TO MEMBERS Corner of Sanibel-Captiva Rd. and Rabbit Rjl Wed., 11:15am 703 Tarpon Bay Road* Sanibel • 395-CRAB 4 • Week of April 26 - May 2, 2002 • Islander Classes are also held at the Sanibel Fort Myers. This month's speaker will be Community House on Tuesday and Friday Dr. Jonathan Crane discussing avaocados, at 9:15 a.m. ($10 each) and these will con- loquats and starfruits. The meeting is open tinue through the month of April. The to the public and the second printing of daughter, Chrissy, died of breast cancer Thursday morning 9 a.m. classes for the Rare Fruit Cookbook will be available $200,000 raised for one year ago at the young age of 33. Island Seniors ($5 each) and Saturday for sale at the meeting. Call Bill Chrissy's love of children inspired the morning 10:30 a.m. classes at South Seas Thompson at 731-1430 for more informa- Children's Hospital Brown's to establish this fund which aims ($5 each) will continue through the sum- tion. In the wake of 9/11 when people were to raise $1.5 million over the next 18 mer. so generous with their wallets, it seemed months. Sanibel Cares announced it For more information, call Bonnie Women's Club to meet almost implausible to expect the generos- • would donate half of its proceeds from Clancy at 472-0116 or log on to ity toward charities to continue. But it did. this year's event to the Chrissy Brown http://pages.ivillage.com/bonnieclancy/pil The Sanibel-Captiva Christian On Saturday, April 13, Sanibel and Fund. atesinparadise/id20 .html. Women's Club's May meeting, featuring a Captiva residents turned out in great num- This outpouring of generosity was fashion show by Traders will be on bers to support The Children's Hospital of spectacular as was the care and concern Affordable prescriptions Thursday, May 9, at Sundial from 11 a.m. Southwest Florida at HealthPark. Sanibel for the cause. The Children's Hospital of to 1 p.m. Terry Takasato will speak on Cares' Second Annual Island Celebration Southwest Florida, a part of Lee via the Internet "Far Away Lands and Far Away Places" of the Arts raised $200,000 for the hospi- Memorial Health System, receives no tax and music will be presented by Dorothy tal by night's end. support and looks solely to the communi- Seniors are now logging onto the Internet Beard. The energy of the evening was high as ty for generous financial assistance to to cut their prescription drug bills by e-fill- Cost of the luncheon is $15 inclusive. close to 300 participants filled the Sanibel help accomplish the impossible — serv- ing their prescriptions at pharmacies abroad. For reservations call Irene Shareski at Community House for the silent and live ing all children regardless of their fami- "Previously seniors were forced to travel to 466-5257 or Jean Wilson at 472-201' . Ml art auction. They were treated to delicious lies" ability to pay. The generosity of the Canada to till their prescriptions at fair reservations must be paid for. food by Taste Catering, live music from community was evident at Sanibel Cares' prices," says Michael McCormick, develop- Danny Morgan and a festive atmosphere event. The implausible became that much er of www.DrugsMD.org. Tile workshops at Imaginarium filled with art. Highest bid honors went to more real. A senior-friendly website, www.- featured artist Darryl Pottorf's "Seasoned DrugsMD.org provides free quotes, The Imaginarium Hands-On Muviim Greeting NT', which fetched $12,000. prices, and ordering information for more is hosting Helping Hands Tile Decor.niii'j Leoma Lovegrove's "Cruise Control" was Pilates Classes at Blue Skies than 2000 prescription medicines. Seniors workshops this weekend — thre>" <>n a big hit, selling for $10,500, and Jim Evening movement classes have are able to easily use the price quote fea- Saturday, April 27 (II a.m. and 1 .V 3 Sprankle's life-size wood carving of a resumed at Blue Skies Health Center and ture on www.DrugsMD.org to compare p.m.) and two on Sunday, April 28 (I ,iu< 1 green heron was close behind with a win- Pilates Studio in April. Focused towards costs when a prescription is e-filled. 3 p.m.). beginners, evening classes will be held Complete information is available by vis- This very special level of membeislup ning bid of $8,000.
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