COVERING rowM Hin of HOLMDEL, MADISON MARLOORO, MATAWAN AND MAI AVAN BM O UM M.mbtr YEAR - 11th WEEK MATAWAN. N. J . , T H U R S D A Y . SEPTEM BER 10,1964 ■•a I m y Proa AanclalMa S i n g l e Copy T m Cento New Strathm ore Shopping Center Takes SliajH! On Route 34 Meter Tampering Tovrawliip G O P r«iii<1i<lulcs A t S e s s io n Charge Combatted Borough Held Lax, But Tomasello Fined Tampering wilh a water meter wsa charged against Joseph (Roc­ ky) I'omasello, 42 Little St., M ala­ wan, before Borough Magistrate Ralph S. Heuser jr. Thursday by Chief John J. Melna, borough po­ lice, on information supplied by workers of Ihe municipal water de- parlment. The accusation was re­ butted strongly by Mr. Tomasello's attorney, Philip J. Illanda jr., R ari­ tan Township, who sought lo show through cross - examination of bor­ ough employees, that slackness in •Md InmmHi M Ai m Mm^Im Cmtm at Stratfcawre, I merclal cample* dMigned ta Krve muy residents o( the k « develop- the operation of Ihe water depart­ ment was where the fault trulv lay. ■ Tiwaaklj, bas I m m M m m i Ii p M ilm l m Km This defense, however, did not prevail. On Tuesday, Magistrate Sterner To Spook Cndorie Charter Unit Heuser found Mr. Tomasello guilty Matawan Schools on the basis of his review of a E.Deaald Steraer, chairman af Two Strathmore groups, the Cited case of State vs. Rodner tbs Maammth Ceaaty Plaaalag, Strathmore Democratic Club and and assessed $511 [ine. the Charier Study Committee ef For Street Work Baard wUI ba tha m m speaker Opening Today Kober! li. LaMura, lhe borough the Strathmore Civic Association ■ n t Tuesday al S:»,p.m. when attorney, pressed the matter for last night endorsed the recom­ Nin* Rood Sector* dm Matawaa TawaiMp Taxpay­ On* Vacancy In the chief. Mr. LaMura pul Robert ers' Aasoclitloa apaaaara a tm » mendations of the Matawan Town­ Ward, I!I2 Ravine Dr., and Charles Regional District ship Charter Study Commission. To Bolmprovod J. Rupp, -12 Middlesex Rd., lxirough Fire On Aug. I, the Charier Study water department workers, on the Schools in thc Matawan Regional Aa aaaMing ordinance to apply Hm a. Lower MUa S t.: Commission recommended aban­ stand to testify they had gone to i.MI ia capital fliafc sarmaraiid School District - are opening this donment of Ihe present township leeefk RstlsgHals, prasldeat af Ihe Tomasello residence June .10 I’he regular meeting af the Matawan Township ii. Thomas Gagllaao, seeking Ihe Republics* aaml* Dm IIM bujfeet far thc Imam s Thursday with only one vacancy on committee form nnd ndeation e f tta aeeedatlea. kaa Invited all and had found a water meter with Republican Club was held recently al Ihe Oak Shades nation for the Assembly seal vacated by Clarksaa r • m t of m elo n ol Grsnt St., liber­ the teaching staff. The full staff, a seven - member, counell-mana- the top pried ofl it in the basement paraiaa Mereated ta attend the Fire House. Local candidates spoke to Ihe group, Fiiher, also addressed Ihe chib. Shawn above, (left ty St., Ceater Ave., EM iahaver Ct., administrative and faculty, for jer form under Ihe Faulkner Act., and the valve in open position so aisotlag, Mr. Mcraor trill discuss thanking them for Iheir participation In thc recent to right), are Albert E. Allen aad Joseph Altier, M acA rttar Dr.. Wilson Ave., Union the Regional School District includ­ T h e recommendation is subject water would pass through without dm Matawaa area's rale la a Republican picnic and asking fnr iheir continued aid candidates for Township Committee; Mr, (iagllaaa, . |T, OvciMU M . and IM h PI. es: Superintendent, Luther A. Fos­ lo public approval al the gener­ registering against the dials, They mmm traaepartatlea plan far in Ihe valor registration drive. Occanport Attorney and Club President Jsmes Maher. wttlatrodaced to tha Matawaa ter; secretary, Celeste E.'Wenzel. al election, Nov. I. added that this could r.ot have been . iM M i h . Caw cU Tuesday. Hearing Mr. Rettagliata aaM tha meet- Matawan Grammar Scheol At the meeting af tbe Civic As­ the work of someone seeking to re­ W l l l b a f « t . 8 dnd tlis w m t gtttsa lag ahaald ba af special Interest Principal, Robert A. Hardie; as­ sociation last night, Ihe report pair e. meter as the working gears License Auctioned «ader way behre frosting weather la camamtera la tbe area, In view sistant principal, John Luczkovich; aad endorsement al Ihe Charter and mechanism a.e in Ihe bottom acts Im accordhf to Councilman Study Commission's recammen- of the meter. Youth Drowns In Fazio Sanity 4 al taatatlva state studies ta ea- Mark Hendon, McDonald Beith, Plcnsry Retail consumption li­ Kobert Catot, (tracts chairman. taMkdi a malar cemmater kaib M iss Esther Blau, John Bragdon, datiom wss made by Siephen Le­ Mr. Ward said he had been work­ vine. The report was tabled far cense standing la Ihe name of Tiie couneil accepted bida oa po­ aad soMictioa center la the Mata- Miss Barbara Dragoon, Freeman ing on meters three years and Mr.' Lake Lefferts Paul's Midtown Tnvern, HR Main Hearing Denied lice Mra am iatuaV track. Three waa • Rarltaa Township area. Miller, Mrs. Elizabeth Ostcrhcld, further study by the general Rupp staled that, as foreman, he membership and action al a Ister St., was auctioned off Ihis morn­ came la, from RsiHsn Oarage, Russell Thomas, Chester Zamorski, had put in 11 years of servicing Fought O ff ing by U.S. Internal Revenue Matawan Couple date. Keyport, at, SM7S; M p Chevro­ sixth grade; Mrs. Hannah Rom- meters. Mr. LaMura ascertained Bureau agents for non-payment of that neither of then, had been ap­ let, Matawan,. i f f ' IMM.M .'and friend, Mrs. Ruth Clark, Hyman Rescue Try federal taxes, It was knocked A rraigned In Court proached by Mr. Tomasello about Tom 's Ford, Matawan, at‘$27M.M. Ballet Center At Saperstein, Stanley Samuelscn, down to Ralph G. Caprio, New­ fixing a meter and on most occa­ Despite efforts of three friends A Bronx judge Thursday turned Tha, tow bid waa accepted, . ’ . Carl Veaux, fifth grade. Wavcrly Park ark, for tit, 750 after spirited sions of going to the defendant's lo save him, John M. Cahill, 18, of Councilman Warren E. Hutchin- Also Mrs. Gilda DiSanto, Mrs. bidding with Charles Patterson, down a prosecution motion to com­ residence to read the meter, they 517 Clinton Ave., Belford, drowned aoa aUted that in view of the Alikas Property Grace Flood, Miss Audrey Kelly, Keyporl. mit Charles Fuzlo, accused with had been unable to get in. They drowning at Lake Lefferts last Miss Jane Pickard, Mrs. Ann R. Garage Out Sunday afternoon while swimming Albert Pollack, the auctioneer, reported that as long as they could his wife in the murder of a young weekend, a We guard at the bath­ Sought Of Matawan Duffy, fourth grade; Mrs. Ella in Lake Lefferts, Matawan. The announced in advance that Ihe Mayor Traphagen not get in, they did not think It any engineer, to Bellevue Hospital for Ing aita probably would be put on Clough, Mis. Jean Cooper, Miss body was recovered by members sale would be made subject to Borough Zorn Board use 10 leave cards saying the meter psychiatric observation. Fazio and-. duty next year. But Mr. Hutchinson Teresa Mahon, Mrs. Helen Quinn, Meets Residents of the Bayshore Underwater Re­ prior liens and claims. One of was not working properly. covery Unit ut about 6:.10 p.m., an his wife, Beverly,' who ‘ live " on h eld swimming now is strictly Matawan Borough Zoning Board Miss Phyllis Schenkman, Mrs. Nel­ these is certain to be th al of Mayor Henry E. Traphagen of Asked Dismissal hour after he disappeared below Bcechwood Terr., Matawan, have on an "own rlik" basis. of Adjustment, changing its meet­ lie Wenzel, third grade; Mrs. Anna Richard T. Schwartz, Strathmore, Matawan Township announced llie lake’s surface. been in jail since Aug. 2. Tree PraMeai ing date to the third Tuesday of Cartan, M(ss Marilyn DiSanto, Mrs. Mr. Blanda found the “ laxity" of Matawan, as receiver in bank­ that the recreational area in thc Ihe borough water department in As they were arraigned la Three treea on Spring St. were the month, next week will consider Margaret Erdmann, Mrs. Eliza­ Police reported that Cahill was ruptcy. Mr. Schwartz filed Waverly Park section of Strath­ not making an effort to contact Bronx Supreme Court on first de­ ted by tha Shade Tree Com­ th e application of Russell H. beth Erickson, Mrs. Bertha Knapp, attempting to ruturn across Ihe counter claim Aug. IS against the more will not be used for parking Mr. Tomasello in two years over gree murder charges, Fazio held as to be in danger of toppling Weber, Matawan realtor, for a Mrs. Catherine Morrell, Mrs, An­ lake from Bcechwood Terr, to Ra- Internal Revenue claims entered X of township road department the condition made a belated his arm around his sobbing wife. •ver. Mayor Edward E. Hyrne aaid variance to establish a dancing gela Weingarten, second grade. (conlinued on page four) Aug. 12 and the matter is due to trucks, as originally contemplated. charge against the householder oul They are accused of the fatal . (hat In view of tha hurricane sea- achool salon in the two-and-one- Also Mrs.
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