--------- IU 50 YEARSit cr. cr.tr. ~ z~ 1-j ~ z >t"' Monday, September 26, 1994 • Vol. XXVI No. 21 i1 NOTRE DAME ·IN !a TilE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT tv1ARY'S Museum's completion sees dreams come true By ETIIAN HAYWARD to visit Washington. News Writer While touring the Lincoln Memorial, the students began After nearly four years of discussing President Lincoln's work, Gregg Behr saw his and legacy and his inspiration to the dreams of numerous other millions of American citizens students come true. On Friday, and how they could commemo­ Behr. a Notre Dame senior, rate this legacy. spoke at the dedication of the The students returned later Lincoln Memorial Museum in that year with the assistance of Washington, D.C., a project in­ members of the American spired and initiated by stu­ Federation of Teachers and dents from around the country. presented their ideas to mem­ With Senator Dennis bers of Congress. Their project DeConcini and Congressman received widespread support Bruce Vento, whose support and was well-received by the helped the project receive con­ National Park Service. gressional backing, also in at­ Since then committee mem­ tendance, Behr spoke of bers have repeatedly met and President Lincoln's ideals of conferred with government of­ liberty and concern for human ficials, historians, and project dignity and how "we must be managers to gain input and the ones . who forward the support. The committee has legacy of Lincoln." also run a fundraising cam­ "The museum met all of my paign called "Pennies Make a expectations and more," said Monumental Difference" to aid The Observer/Maureen Lane Behr. "To get up on the podi­ in the museum's finances. um in front of my friends and Behr, a native of the A sharing of fire safety tips? family and all the other stu­ Pittsburgh area, became in­ A young Irish fan gets an affectionate hug from Smoky the Bear at the JACC during Friday night's pep dents ... was such an inspira­ volved in the project through rally for the Purdue game. tion. It was something I'll one of his high school instruc­ never forget." tors, Robert Will, a The students responsible for Pennsylvania Teacher of the the museum's organization Year. Will had met with Calvin Assaults occur on campus and suggested Behr for the and construction comprise the By LIZ FORAN Hurley said the two were de­ shortly after and the book-bag Lincoln Memorial Museum committee. Assistant News Editor scribed only as white males. was gone. National Youth Committee. Behr says he wants to fur­ Hurley also said this is the Security has increased pa- · The committee was originally ther promote the project to Notre Dame Security is cur­ second attack in this area with­ trois in the area, according to made up of 17 students from show Notre Dame students, rently investigating an as­ in two weeks. An earlier inci­ Hurley, who also said that stu­ 16 different states, but now whose student government has sault/robbery occurring near dent occurred on September 6 dents should take precautions includes members from every contributed thousands of dol­ the Eck Tennis Pavilion on at about 11 p.m. when a stu­ when walking anywhere alone state in the union. lars to the museum, where Tuesday evening. dent was confronted by two at night. The project began in 1989 their contributions have gone. According to Chuck Hurley, men who he thought had a stun "We would hope that anyone when a group of students, ac­ The museum is located be­ assistant director of Notre gun. walking at night would walk companied by Arizona Teacher neath the Lincoln Memorial Dame Security, a visiting pro­ The student saw what looked with somebody else," he added. of the Year John Calvin, from and features exhibits depicting fessor was walking to his off­ like a bluish light when the two Anyone who had seen any­ Scottsdale. Arizona, visited events such as Marian campus address when he was men walked toward him, so he thing suspicious is encouraged Washington, D. C. as part of Anderson's 1939 Easter approached by two men who dropped his book-bag and ran to call Notre Dame Security at the Close Up Program, a pro­ Sunday concert and Martin took his wallet and his book­ back toward the campus. 631-8340 or 631-5555. gram for high school students Luther King's "I Have a bag. Security arrived in the area Dream" speech. More violence is expected in Haiti, officials say City authority collapses Nunn: 'won't be the last' By FRED BA Yl.ES Force. By JIM ABRAMS first week of the U.S. occu­ Associated Press "The lieutenant shot him Marines and Associated Press pation and it drew quick com­ when he made a gesture to Haitians parisons to hostile attacks CAP-HAITIEN, Haiti raise his Uzi," Jones continued. WASHINGTON against U.S. troops in Somalia. Police and soldiers aban­ As to who fired first - Lt. Virg With the flash of a gun bar­ While administration of­ doned their posts Sunday as Palumbo, 24. of Windber, Pa., rel ending a week of relative ficials responded by assuring authority collapsed in Haiti's or the Haitian forces - "I can't calm, senior officials warned the American public and second-largest city. Hundreds say that," Jones added. Sunday that the firefight that warning the Haitians that they of Haitians, emboldened by the took 10 Haitian lives may be a were ready for more, congres­ deaths of 10 armed men in a The .shootings and the may­ 50 miles forerunner of more violence in sional critics geared up for an hem that followed showed how that historically violent land. attempt to legislate an early firefight with Marines, ran­ e:s Caribbean Sea sacked police stations, carrying easily the situation can flare 50km "This is the first bad in­ withdrawal from off guns, identity cards, even out of control and raised the cident we've had involving, Haiti.President Clinton, in New musical instruments. possibility that U.S. troops may Atlantic Ocean 200 miles directly, American troops, but York for a meeting with U.N. Meanwhile, a Marine colonel find themselves confronted ~ it won't be the last," said Secretary General Boutros backtracked on the official ver­ with an unwelcome choice: 200km Senate Armed Services Boutros-Ghali issued a state­ sion that Haitians fired first in watching Haiti sink into chaos Committee Chairman Sam ment expressing regret for the the Saturday night gunfight or taking on the unwanted role Nunn, D-Ga., a member of the loss of life and saying: "It must outside a police station in of running the country directly delegation that brokered the be clear that U.S. forces are which 10 Haitians died. It was - something neither the deal with the Haitian military prepared to respond to hostile the first violent clash involving United States nor Aristide on the entry of U.S. forces. action against them and will American troops sent to wants. U.S. Marines killed 10 armed do so." restore the elected government Administration officials men Saturday evening outside Speaking at a church in of Jean-Bertrand Aristide. stressed that no military opera­ AP a police station in the northern Harlem, Clinton said the Haiti tion is without risk. After the fight, police and coastal city of Cap-Haitien in a operation "helps to end "One of our patrols saw a President Clinton, speaking soldiers abandoned the city's battle ensuing after several of human rights violations that gesture by an individual with at a church in Harlem, issued a main military barracks, police the men emerged from the we find intolerable ev­ an Uzi machine gun. He took statement saying: "It must be station and about a dozen station and opened fire on an erywhere but unconscionable that individual out and a fire­ clear that U.S. forces are pre­ smaller posts. Word spread American patrol. on our doorstep and offers fight began," said Col. Tom pared to respond to hostile ac­ quickly to the streets, bring­ It was the first violent in­ them (Haitians) a chance at Jones, commanding officer of tion against them and will do ing hundreds out to trash the cident involving Americans stability." the Marine Air-Ground Task so." after a surprisingly peaceful see HAITI I page 4A see US HAITI I page 4 , , '1 1 o •' • I I!'' r' page 2 The Observer • INSIDE Monday, September 26, 1994 • WORUJ AT A GLA~GE The Land Oil sheen reported off northwest Washington coast NEAH BAY, Wash. highest concentration of breeding The Coast Guard mounted an air Washington oil slick shore birds in the United States, of the and sea search Saturday but could A heavy fuel oil slick was found late Friday at said Fred Fellerman, state maritime not find an elusive oil slick reported three locations near a major wildlife refuge. commissioner and a board member near a major wildlife refuge. of the Washington Environmental Lost? The heavy fuel oil was found late Council. Friday at three locations bounding The area is in shipping lanes at an area about 2 miles by 3 miles, but the western end of the Strait of it was later lost in the fog. Juan de Fuca, which connects the Have you ever won­ "A sheen this large shouldn't just Pacific with Puget Sound and dered where those kids disappear," said Coast Guard Chief British Columbia's inland water­ who sell football pro­ Warrant Officer Scotty O'Neal. "The ways. About 30 vessels that burn grams come from? You wind may have condensed it, but it the heavy oil - mostly tugs and know, the ones that look should still be fairly large." large, ocean-going ships - travel like they belong in a The Coast Guard called off the the strait every day.
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