' brightened prospect® to parts of the drought-ridden GBp Snmmsui e Herald sections. Out Our Williams Established July 4, 1892 Prosperity follows depression. Rain follows the Way.By drought. Many valuable lessons will be taught the Entered « second-class mstter in the Postoffice, American the which fallen Brownsville, Texas. people by afflictions have j WHAT 0»0 MW «4»M PUT* / Jb*T AFRA*t> upon them in sections in the recent past. Perhaps j \ /hear BoSUfcSsA qH, HflEl® \ THE BROWNSVILLE HERALD PUBLISHING Father oo ? s / on tw end thcqf ? x V he's imh^Rv-teo some many of them needed valuable lessons. Nature has L COMPANY H,s oU Avi‘ VsiOPwAKl' BLOOO am' AU MWm r FATHER-!r a He k \ «£-—-—---—- her own program. She sent the greatest snow-fall of oh, Pam A P'O 'The SifeAMSHCWE\-,\ t^-rpwiM'TO GET Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use the iear to the city of New York. It provided em- **/v>«W« I BUT «or 1W Radio Features for of news [ TtVU'EMSOO* Today’s publication all dispatches credited to it or for that j RAM a STtAM I ployment 150,000 Jobless. It appears every -J. KViQVAJ VvJHAl4. CbMiM' not otherwise credited in this paper, and also the qqu’-j- mam vyori^eO'HaRO snowflake has Its silver €>HOVJEL. / PEOPUE local news published herein. lining. o^ER SOME ,-*BESE Avj' TUEW’O.HAMO SOU SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15 HATE TO AOMiT — *1tU. *EM —-— — -——— 0AWS “TnEV SHCWtL fr——— BuStMESS ^ <tiv The Associated Pnee) MEMBER OF THE ASSOC IATED ./ PRESS X *THE\R AMCESTORS IA/oRwEO HOOR Oil MAM OlDMT Prccrama in Central Standard Time. P. M. unless otherwise Indict fid. Subscription Rates—Daily and Sunday: N am* -tuew'll for a uuim’*-tK-iev xa^re vmorW 454.3—WEAF New York—660 (NBC Chain) f^ne Year . a °^a'**' $800 i The Once Over AU- ARISTOCRATS. HAMO SO° I0OMT WKT WOAI WSAI WJ AX WHAS 1:30 — Maurice Chevalier — Alao WGT & ix Months.$4.50 E l PHILLIPS a»mT \ Blame 'em For BE»m afraiO hum am maH)RE WJDX KVOO KPRC WEBC WDAK WWJ WSAI KSD WOW WTRO KSTP ’’three Months . $2.25 |_By BE AtHAM&ED MuCH S»MC6y WWJ KHQ WOC KOO KOMO KGW WOC WI; A S WEBC WMC WSB \ VoF NWORv<,BoT IAJHV/ WSB WSMB WSM WAPi WSMB WHY KTHS Kiilt* WOAl One Month. 75 WMC KTHS ELMER TWITCHELL ISSUES A CHALLENGE V, N---- ASHAMED OF »T^^SsvklMCrS. WIOD WON KPO KHQ WTMJ WT*M WJDX WDAF KVOO 4:00—Variety Hour—Alat> WTAM KSD 8:00 — Our Government — Alao WGT' TEXAS DAILY PRESS LEAGUE WSAI WENR W’OC WOW WDAK WHAS KSD WSAI WSB WMC WOW WWJ WSMB WJDX WIOD WOC KVOO National Mr. Elmer Twitchell has come !£Si' — — Advertising Representatives forward with a defl 8:00 — Catholic Hour Also WWJ 1:15 Classical Concert—Also WGT • Dallas, Texas, 512 Mercantile Bank Building to Mr. Carlo Tranghese of Springfield, Massachusetts, WEBC WIOD WKT WJDX WSMB WTAM WWJ WSAI KSD WOW WSM KSTP KPO KOMO KSD KGW KECA WFAA KOA WOAI WSMB KFI KGW Kansas City. Mo.. 306 Coca-Cola Building. self-styled champion ash can roller of America. Mr KTAR W’OC WDAF WJAX W’HAS KOMO KPO KHQ KPRC WKT WHAS WSB WRAP WOAI KOA WSB WMC WDAF KSL Chicago. 111.. Association Tranghese says he has no superior in the WMC KPRC WON WOC Building. merry sport KVOO WSAI WSM KPO WAF! KSTP New York, 350 Madison Avenue, of rolling a loaded ash can between two given points. 6 00—Big Brother—Also WWJ WSAI 9:15—Earth Inc.—Also WGT WTAM W145 KSD WOW WEBC W TMJ 9:30— Candt Trio—Alao WGT WTAM s WOQ 8t. Louis, 502 Star Building. Mr. Tranghese offers to meet all comers in a contest WDAF 9:45—Seth Parker—Ala® WGT WDAF Loa Angeles, Cal., Room 1015 New Orpheum Bldg.. over any distance. 6:30— Sh.lHet Oreh.—Also WWJ KPRC KSTP WTAM WWJ KYW WOC WGT WSAI KYW WHAS KSD WDAF KECA WEBC UMAX WHAS WSM 846 S. Broadway. • • • • WTMJ WEBC WMC WSB WSMB WJDX KPRC WKT KOA KGO KGW' WJDX KTHS KVOO WOAI WKT KOA WSB KTAR KFSD San Francisco, Cal. 318 Kohl Building. "This Tranghese is an impostor." declared Elmer KSL KGO KFI KHQ KTAR KFSD 10:15—Muriel A Vee—Alao WGT WWJ KGW KOMO W’FAA KTHS KPRC WOW WSB KSTP Twitchell in a letter to the State Athletic commission WOC H J 7:00 — Major Bowes Family — Also 10:30—Russian Cathedral Choir — Ala® ' today. "I am the champion ash can roller of Ameri- WSMB KSTP WIOD WSB WJDX WWJ KOA WOW WGT WTAM KSTP WGT WWJ WSAI KSD WOW WTAM WEBC WIOD WOC WMC Brownsville Has: ca and the world. My title has been uncontested for JIO.O—w adv new i or*—oou j years. turn; 1. 4:oo—Rev. Donald Barnnouse — .iiso Modern vonea— A population in 1931 of over 25.000. • 8:oo—Arabesque, • • • WADC WKRC WXYZ WSFD WOWO WADC WXYZ WBCM WSPD WREC 2. 73. A mean average temperature of KOIL KKLD WISX WOWO WCCO KSCJ WMT "I won the ash can titular honors in 1910,’ WMAQ rolling — 3. Bank deposits. $8,000,000. 4:30—Sweethearts cf the Air Also KMBC KLRA WDAT WXAX KOIL continues the letter, “and I have the International WADC WKRC WXYZ WSPD WOWO WIBW KFJF KRLD KTRH KTSA 4. Four railroads, seven paved highways. WRBM KMBC KOIL iSOm.l KLZ KOL KFPY KFRC Ash Can Rolling Trophy, a handsome 22-inch whisk- 6:C0—Shrine of the Little Flower—Also 8:30— Detroit Symphony—Aim WADC 5. International airport, five air lines. WSPD WREC broom with a solid gold handle. On the handle is WXYZ WBCM WDOD WMAQ WCCO WHK WKKC WXYZ « .A <4,000,000 deep water port financed. WMT KMOX WDSU WISX WOWO WBBM WCCO my likeness engraved with an inscription, Elmer 7:00—Dr.' HaaoerO—Alao WADC WHK WMT KMOX KMBC KOIL KFJF 7. The best climate, soil In the world. WKRC WGST WXYZ WSPD WREC KRLD KTRH KTSA KLZ KDTL KOL the Ash Can Twitchell, King.' WLAC WBRC WDSIT WISN WOWO KFPY KOIX KHJ KFRC • • • • WFBM WMAQ KSCT KMOX KMBC 9:00—Jease Crawford. Organist — AJan KOIL WIBW WRR KTSA KLZ KDYL WADC WHK WKRC WGST WXYZ An American "This is the first time I have boasted of the mat- KVI KOL KFPY KOIN KHJ KFRC WSPD W’LAC WOWO WBBM KMOX Egypt Drought 7:15—School of — Also KDYL KOL KFPY ter. I do not consider ash can rolling my major pur- Music WaDC KMBC KOIL KLZ WHK WKRC WXYZ WOWO KOIX KHJ KFRC Little In southern Illinois. Little WMAQ Egypt la a district pose in life, nor do I think it the ideal sport. The KMOX KMBC KOIL 9:30— Motor Club—Onlv WXYZ WSPD vJR.W«l\.»AK»«, 7:30—H. V. Kaltenborn. Newt — Also WISX WOWO WBBM WCCO KSCT Is as as the Sahara in fact is that I into It accident. I was at Egypt dry and as scorched got by living WADC WHK WKRC WXYZ WSPD WMT KMOX KMBC KLRA WDA Y the time an an WOWO WFBM WCCO KMOX KMBC KOIL WIBW KRLD -Asia. A of one of the news in apartment over alley where the STOWM■ great gath- — correspondent -_THE.VN0W*»4gr 7:45 The Gauchoc — Also WADC 10:00— Back Home Hour—Alan WXYZ out the ash cans for the ashmen to ering agencies tells the story: "It Is an emergency Janitor put city WXTZ WBCM WSPD WREC WISN WBCM WSPD WREC WLAC WISX WFBM KLRa WDAT empty each Well, you know how I suffered. WCCO KSCJ WMT WFBM WCCO WMT KLRA period for southern Illinois. Observers have called morning. WDAY WNAX KOIL KFJF KTRH WXAX KOIL WIBW KFH KFJF ash can roller wont do In this .this the worst water famine in 50 years. Crops have The average does not think he Is get- you any rood, KTSA KLZ KOL KFPY KRLD KTRH KFPY room.** He was still standing been in and cities have turned to ting real satisfaction out of his job unless he drags 394.5—WJZ New York—760 (NBC CheiiO danger rationing over her so that ahe couldn't get 4:00— National Vespers — Also KWK 7:15— Uncle & Editor — Ale* what in reservoirs. the can down the alley with great gusto and then, Henry little water remains their The up out of the heavy chair. "What WREN WCKY KSTP KFAB WIOD W.tR WLW KYW KWK WREN KOA after bounces it all over the unusually warm weather of normally frigid months, emptying it, place, wak- I ought to do.” be concluded, glow- WMC KOMO WJDX KVOO KOA KSL KHQ KOMO KFT KGW KPO KTAR KGW WKY ing in the neighborhood down "Is to KOO KHQ WOA1 8:15—Radio Luminaries—Also WREN together with lack of snow and rainfall has dried up everybody up. ering upon her, wring WAPI WIBO WJAX KFAB WGAR • • 9 • The Sealed Trunk I — yonr neck." 5:00— streams and wells throughout Little? Egypt making it Margaret Olsen. Soprano Only 3:30—Floyd Gibbons. Talk—Alco KDKA j It came to her that down Inside WREN KFAB KWK W.1R KWK WREN KTW WGAR "I I stood this as as could until one — for communities to for new long morning Kitchell Webster 5:15—Musical Moments — Also WREN 8-45—Reminiscences Also WGAR necessary many prospect By Henry he himself was frightened; be- I leaped out the window, berated the ashmen and un- KFAB WCKY WGAR KWK KDKA KWK WREN sources of As in semi-arid reaches of the | — supply.
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