52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2021 (LPI Contrib. No. 2548) 2359.pdf LARGE IGNEOUS PROVINCES: INTEGRATING LESSONS FROM VENUS AND EARTH. R. E. Ernst1,2 and K. L. Buchan3, 1Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; rich- [email protected]; 2Faculty of Geology and Geography, Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia; 3273 Fifth Ave., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Introduction: In the absence of plate tectonics, all alt provinces and often associated with large volca- magmatism on Venus is by definition intraplate. It is noes, coronae and rift/fracture belts [17]. thought to be mostly basaltic, except potentially within In addition, there are other intraplate magmatic the oldest terranes, called tesserae, where spectral in- features that are likely minor components of LIP formation indicates possible felsic compositions [1]. events: (1) intermediate size (20-100 km) volcanoes; The most voluminous Venusian magmatism is consid- (2) shield fields (fields of small shield volcanoes) that ered analogous to that of Large Igneous Provinces are up to a few hundred km across [3, 18-19]; and (3) (LIPs) on Earth [2-4]. The high atmospheric tempera- narrow sinuous lava channels (e.g., canali) with tures (450°C) and the absence of significant surface lengths of hundreds or thousands of km [20-21]. erosion for much of Venus’s later history (subsequent All these tectonomagmatic features are superim- to a proposed Great Climate Change event after ca. 1 posed on earlier plains volcanism that is usually inter- Ga [5-7]) means that Venus preserves the surface ex- preted as flood basalts and on highly deformed crustal pression of LIPs, a record which is largely lost on plateaus/tesserae. Earth due to erosion. Flood basalts in tesserae: It is also possible that In this contribution we compare and integrate the the oldest “basement” rocks, the tesserae, record a his- terrestrial and Venusian LIP records. tory of flood volcanism [7]. The recent recognition that Terrestrial LIP record: LIPs represent large vol- there may be eroded flood basalts sequences in tesser- ume (>0.1 Mkm3; frequently above >1 Mkm3), mainly ae [22] and additional evidence for fluvial erosion [7] mafic (-ultramafic) magmatic events of intraplate af- indicates that tesserae may preserve a much longer finity that occur in both continental and oceanic set- geological and LIP history than indicated by their tings [8]. They are generally linked to mantle plumes, crater counts. This can be explained if erosion removed although non-plume process can also be relevant. The older craters and only allowed preservation of craters main event, associated with plume head arrival, is typ- once the climate had dramatically warmed and fluvial ically of short duration (<1 myr) or consist of multiple erosion had ended [7]. A long LIP history for tesserae short pulses over a maximum of a few 10s of myr. would be comparable to the situation on Earth where a Lower flux plume tail magmatism can continue for up protracted LIP history is preserved in Precambrian to 200 myr and produce a hotspot track as the tectonic basement rocks [23]. plate moves over the plume. Individual LIPs comprise Plume centre region: The region within a few volcanic packages (flood basalts), and a plumbing sys- hundred km of the plume centre is of particular im- tem of dyke swarms, sill complexes, layered intru- portance for both terrestrial and Venusian LIPs. Plume sions, and crustal underplates. They can also have as- centres on Venus are marked by large volcanoes, coro- sociated silicic (felsic) magmatism, carbonatites and na centres and nova foci. On Earth, plume centres are kimberlites. poorly understood because of erosion and because they Venusian LIP record: LIP-scale Venusian in- are typically on rifted margins that are deformed dur- traplate (mainly basaltic) magmatism is generally in- ing subsequent continental collision. terpreted to have a plume origin, as with most terrestri- Extent of flood basalts: On Earth, flood basalts are al LIPs [2, 9]. Venusian LIPs can include the following observed to extend out several hundred km from the major components: (1) large individual volcanoes with plume centre, although the full original extent is diffi- diameters >100 km, inclusive of flows (e.g. [10]); (2) cult to determine due to erosion. However, on Venus, coronae, which are quasi-circular tectonomagmatic the absence of erosion, at least in the post-tessera rec- structures that display (a) an annulus of graben that ord [7], allows the full extent of flood volcanism to be overlie dykes [11-12] with diameters averaging 300 mapped, as well as revealing the sources (dykes or km (up to 2600 km) and (b) topographic features such volcanoes) and flow patterns of individual lava flows. as a rim and/or moat [13-14]; (3) novae, which are Distal flows and sills fed via dykes from the plume radiating graben systems overlying laterally propagat- centre region: On Earth, isolated lava flow packages ing dykes and extending up to 2000 km away from and sill complexes are sometimes located at great dis- volcanoes or coronae at their foci [15-16]; and (4) lava tances from the plume centre (up to 2500 km), fed lat- flow fields of scale comparable to terrestrial flood bas- erally by radiating dykes [24]. A link to a specific 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2021 (LPI Contrib. No. 2548) 2359.pdf plume/LIP can often be demonstrated by precise U-Pb tained from climate modelling [5-6]. More recent evi- dating. On Venus, radiometric dating is not available. dence comes from the geological record with the Nevertheless, distal flows can potentially be linked to a recognition of fluvial erosion in tesserae ([7]; cf. [22]). particular plume/LIP if the feeder dykes for the flows While a range of causes for this Great Climate Change can be traced back to the plume centre. event are suggested, the role of LIPs is a leading can- Central caldera complex: On Venus, large volca- didate [6]. To test this model, we need to better under- noes and coronae in the plume centre region often ex- stand the LIP record during this critical time period. hibit a large caldera complex (e.g. [25-26], thought to reflect roof collapse of an underlying magma chamber References: [1] Gilmore M.S. et al. 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