November 30, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2131 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS INTRODUCTION OF H.R. 3521, THE the drivers of the debt and pro-growth solu- firefighters and their families. He chaired the ‘‘EXPEDITED LINE-ITEM VETO tions to create a more conducive environment National Fallen Firefighters Foundation at a AND RESCISSIONS ACT OF 2011’’ for job creation. time when we lost so many brave first re- This bipartisan legislation takes a modest sponders in the September 11 attacks. Hal HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN step in the right direction. The Expedited Line- was a champion for the families of firefighters Item Veto and Rescissions Act gives the OF MARYLAND who lost their lives in service to their commu- President an important tool to target unjustified nities, and he fought for and won the passage IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES spending, while also protecting Congress’s of legislation to provide them survivor benefits. Wednesday, November 30, 2011 constitutional authority to make spending deci- I know that Hal will be both dearly missed Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, today I join sions. and dearly remembered by many in govern- my friend House Budget Committee Chairman This new authority would allow the Presi- ment, those who turned to him for their news RYAN to introduce the ‘‘Expedited Line-Item dent to specify spending provisions within an for so many years, and by the families of fire- Veto and Rescissions Act of 2011.’’ Taxpayers appropriations bill, requiring stand-alone con- fighters on whose behalf he worked so tire- deserve a system that is accountable, and this sideration of the spending proposal by Con- lessly. bipartisan legislation will provide another tool gress. Legislation implementing the proposed I join in remembering Hal and celebrating to ensure that we are good stewards of their spending cancellations would receive expe- his life. I offer my condolences to his wife Meg money. The process created by this bill would dited floor considerations and an automatic and their children and grandchildren. enable the President to effectively propose the up-or-down vote in both chambers of Con- f gress. Should Congress determine the spend- elimination of unnecessary spending from leg- HONORING SPENCER ROSENAK islation that arrives on his desk for signature, ing cannot be justified: Every dollar of savings and send those items back to Congress for would be devoted to deficit reduction. expedited votes on whether or not to rescind This bipartisan proposal builds upon past ef- HON. SAM GRAVES that funding. forts to target wasteful spending, including OF MISSOURI We must do everything we can to make Legislative Line-Item Veto proposals I’ve ad- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sure tax dollars are spent wisely and respon- vanced over the years and the new House Wednesday, November 30, 2011 Majority’s ban on earmarks. I remain grateful sibly. Budget process reform cannot be a sub- Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I stitute for judgment, and it cannot replace the to Ranking Member VAN HOLLEN at the House Budget Committee for his partnership in this proudly pause to recognize Spencer Rosenak. urgent need to put Americans back to work Spencer is a very special young man who has and to put our nation on a path toward long- effort. I look forward to working with my col- leagues to help advance this common-sense exemplified the finest qualities of citizenship term fiscal sustainability. But I hope this bipar- and leadership by taking an active part in the tisan step toward strengthening our budget deficit-reduction tool—a step in the right direc- tion as we work to address the structural driv- Boy Scouts of America, Troop 216, and earn- process will be the first on the road of greater ing the most prestigious award of Eagle Scout. cooperation to meet our fiscal challenges. ers of the debt and continued impediments to economic growth. Spencer has been very active with his troop, I want to thank Mr. RYAN and his staff for participating in many scout activities. Over the their important and thoughtful cooperation in f many years Spencer has been involved with developing this proposal. I ask all members on REMEMBERING HAL BRUNO scouting, he has not only earned numerous both sides of the aisle to cosponsor this meas- merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- ure and join us in the hard work ahead. HON. STENY H. HOYER ily, peers, and community. Most notably, f OF MARYLAND Spencer has earned the rank of Brave in the EXPEDITED LINE-ITEM VETO AND IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tribe of Mic-O-Say, participated in the 2010 RESCISSIONS ACT OF 2011 Wednesday, November 30, 2011 National Jamboree and has held several lead- ership positions within his troop, including As- Mr. HOYER. Mr. Speaker, a number of us sistant Patrol Leader and as the Chaplain’s HON. PAUL RYAN have come to the floor today to remember a Aide. Spencer has also contributed to his OF WISCONSIN great American who passed away earlier this community through his Eagle Scout project. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES month. Hal Bruno made a real difference in Spencer documented the directory of those Wednesday, November 30, 2011 people’s lives, both by keeping them informed buried at B’nai Yaakov Cemetery in St. Jo- about our world and by serving as an advo- seph, Missouri, and created a map of the plots Mr. RYAN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, I rise cate for firefighters and their families. in the cemetery. Spencer then published his today to introduce the ‘‘Expedited Line-Item Hal was ABC News Political Director work on the internet, providing an online direc- Veto and Rescissions Act of 2011’’ along with through the 1980’s and 1990’s, covering major tory for anyone interested in those buried at my friend and colleague House Budget Com- national events and keeping Americans en- the cemetery. mittee Ranking Member CHRIS VAN HOLLEN of gaged with their government. He skillfully Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in Maryland. moderated the vice-presidential debate in commending Spencer Rosenak for his accom- The fiscal and economic challenges facing 1992 after having covered presidential cam- plishments with the Boy Scouts of America our nation are immense. In addition to the paigns since Kennedy ran against Nixon. He and for his efforts put forth in achieving the alarming budget deficit and painful jobs deficit, had the respect and admiration of leaders highest distinction of Eagle Scout. Washington’s failure to tackle these chal- from both parties. f lenges fuels a growing credibility deficit. For As a journalist, Hal made a reputation for years, policymakers—in both political parties— himself as a truth-teller, even when the truth RECOGNIZING ETHAN DOYLE OF have failed to serve as responsible stewards was difficult. That began in Chicago, when as OAKTON, VA of American families’ hard-earned tax dollars. a young reporter he uncovered how poor safe- Too many politicians continue to make empty ty standards in the building code had contrib- HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY promises to those they serve, spending money uted to a fire that claimed 95 lives. He be- OF VIRGINIA we don’t have on government programs that came a respected voice for fire safety, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES don’t work. that experience led him to become a volunteer The stakes are too great to continue to kick firefighter himself, which he continued to do Wednesday, November 30, 2011 the can down the road. I believe that leaders for decades. Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I can—and must—work together to meet these After retiring from ABC News in 1999, Hal rise to honor Ethan Doyle, a 2011 Critical Lan- challenges by advancing structural reforms to dedicated himself to serving our communities’ guage Scholarship Program Recipient. Ethan ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:39 Dec 01, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30NO8.001 E30NOPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E2132 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 30, 2011 has been identified by his educators for his trained properly to perform and maintain their He has served on the Boys & Girls Club of academic excellence, leadership potential and equipment. the West for the past 13 years and is currently exemplary citizenship to participate in the Crit- Her well-deserved plans post retirement in- Chairman of the Board for the fifth year. Gary ical Language Scholarship Program in Vladi- clude more traveling, spending time with fam- has served in leadership positions with the mir, Russia. ily, partaking in health classes, and bowling. Economic Alliance of the San Fernando Val- This Critical Language Scholarship Program Mrs. Nicklow currently lives with her husband ley, United Chambers of the San Fernando allows students to participate in daily edu- and mother. Valley; the Valley Business Corps, and the cational activities in Vladimir, Russia, as well Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join with me Wellness Community for the Valley and Ven- as the surrounding areas. The program pro- today to honor Mrs. Nicklow. Her long and tura. vides participants with the opportunity to build dedicated service to the United States of Gary also has been active with the San Fer- relationships with young leaders from all over America is an inspiration to all of us.
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