FOLA at five Friends — an untapped resource Daniel Ferguson, Friends of Libraries Australia (FOLA) executive officer F riends of libraries (FOL) groups across A visit to the United States in 1990 con­ was established in 1932, and today is one the country remain under-utilised: firmed my view that Australia needed a na­ of the most active in the country. however this is changing. tional body similar to Friends of Libraries One of the most exciting developments USA (FOLUSA). A working party was estab­ It is now five years since the establish­ on the Friends scene has been the growth in lished in 1993 with the aim of forming a ment of Friends of Libraries Australia public library websites, many of whom national body within twelve months and on (FOLA) the organisation which promotes now refer to their Friends of the Library 9 December 1994, Friends of Libraries In­ and develops Friends of Library groups in group. A particularly good site is at corporated was formed, with the Hon Mrs Australia. The Hon Justice Michael Kirby Frankston in Victoria. Here the library has Margaret Lusink AM becoming the first (FOLA Patron) launched FOLA on 9 De­ seen the value in a marketing strategy that president. A retired Family Court Judge, Peg cember 1994 at a function in Queen's Hall, incorporates the Friends. It is an excellent was a most enthusiastic foundation presi­ State Library of Victoria. example for other Friends — http:// dent, who was also the president of the home.vicnet.net.au/~fofls/ The development of Friends groups Friends of Euroa Library in north central throughout Australia during the past five V icto ria. During the past ten years Friends years is significant, especially considering groups have developed their activities and M aking the difference the resources available. In 1994 some sev­ interests, well beyond book sales and lob­ FOLA has made a difference. It provides enty groups were scattered throughout the bying campaigns. A number of libraries guidance in the establishment of new FOL country, concentrated in Victoria and South have implemented strategic plans which groups. It provides consulting services and Australia. Today 160 Friends groups oper­ incorporate Friends input, and value on­ information in dealing with difficult issues. ate and are found in every state and terri­ going discussions to improve the level of It organises a biennial conference (Mel­ tory of Australia, representing more than services. High profile groups are found in bourne 1996, Adelaide 1998 and Canberra 8000 members. every State and Territory, each with a par­ 2000). It disseminates practical advice ticular strength, but each have an under­ The changes witnessed over this period through the Friends of Libraries Resource standing of the community they serve and in the library industry are reflected in the Book, a quarterly newsletter, NewsUpdate, the library they support. It is all about suc­ development of Friends groups. In particu­ and other promotional material, and will be cess through partnering. lar, local government restructuring, eco­ undertaking a major upgrade and expan­ nomic rationalism, market forces and sion of its internet site in the next tw e lve FOLA plans to focus on strengthening emerging new technologies have played a m onths. its Australia-wide partnerships with Friends part in shaping how Friends groups operate It provides the Best of Friends and Aus­ groups, as well as liaison with overseas and how they see themselves. Clearly, the tralian Library Week Awards annually and bodies such as Friends of Libraries USA and emergence of a distinctive form of 'commu­ has recently compiled a booklet — Best of Friends of Canadian Libraries. nity activism' at the grassroots of local gov­ Friends Ideas, inspirational texts from ernment has contributed to the develop­ A recent report to the Library and Infor­ Friends groups around the country on 'how ment of the Friends movement. mation Commission in the United Kingdom to do it'. has recommended the establishment of a Federal and State government's thrust One of the most inspirational gather­ national body in that country. Unlike Aus­ in passing greater responsibility onto the ings was held at the Antiquarian Bookshop tralia, it appears that stakeholders in the service provider and in challenging the cor­ of Kay Craddock in Melbourne last year, United Kingdom have realised the impor­ porate sector to rethink their corporate 're­ when one of the award winners in the Best tance of such partnering in developing the sponsibility' to the community has focused of Friends Awards was presented to the cultural and social fabric of the nation. It is attention on the role and effectiveness of Alexandra Library Junior Friends group. Six only hoped that Australia will eventually be many public utilities, including libraries. committee members who ranged in age awakened to the benefits of such bodies in The beginning from thirteen to sixteen years represented our midst. Before FOLA became a reality, the few scat­ the group. This Junior Friends group has FOLA could not have accomplished tered Friends groups around the country clearly made a difference, both to their li­ much of its present work without the sup­ knew very little about each other. As a li­ brary and in the com m unity. port of numerous sponsors, of note, Austral­ brary administrator and one involved in the ian Large Print Audio & Video (Bolinda promotion of libraries as president of the Li­ Friends moving forward Publishing) and Ulverscroft Large Print. brary Promotion Committee in Victoria Friends of Library groups today are provid­ Another valued friend in the development (LPCV), I saw the need for existing Friends ing many libraries with new opportunities of FOLA has been Dr Alan Bundy, past groups to communicate and share effective by creating new customer service strategies, president of ALIA and university librarian at strategies. new ways of marketing services and new the University of South Australia. Without ways of building links to the community. In establishing a Friends sub-committee such individual support and encourage­ The Library Society of New South Wales of LPCV in 1989, a small but effective ment FOLA could not have undertaken the (the Friends' group) has been successful in group — Lric Flynn, Helen Hayes, Mary task of cultivating the growth of Friends performing a strategic partnership which Kelleher, Brian Southwell, Jellie Wyckelsma groups throughout the country. enhances the library to the public, to gov­ and myself — were able to support the de­ ernment and the corporate sector. velopment of FOL groups in Victoria. It Daniel Ferguson founded FOLA in 1994. soon become apparent that the need for in­ The oldest established Friends group in hie is the executive officer and has been formation on Friends came from other an Australian library can be found at the involved in Friends activities for over states as well. State Library of South Australia. The group twenty years. 23 December 1999.
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