M I SANTA MONICA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES N NOVEMBER 7, 2018 Santa Monica College 1900 Pico Boulevard U Santa Monica, California Board Room (Business Building Room 117) T The complete minutes may be accessed on the E Santa Monica College website: http://www.smc.edu/admin/trustees/meetings/ S BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING SANTA MONICA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT November 7, 2018 MINUTES A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Santa Monica CommunitY College District was held in the Santa Monica College Board Room (Business Building Room 117), 1900 Pico Boulevard, Santa Monica, California, on WednesdaY, November 7, 2018. I. ORGANIZATIONAL FUNCTIONS • CALL TO ORDER – 5:35 p.m. • ROLL CALL BarrY A. Snell, Chair - Present Dr. Margaret Quiñones-Perez, Vice-Chair – Excused Absence Dr. Susan Aminoff - Present Dr. NancY Greenstein – Excused Absence Dr. Louise Jaffe - Present Rob Rader - Present Dr. Andrew Walzer – Excused Absence Alexandria Boyd, Student Trustee – Present (for Public Session) • PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CLOSED SESSION ITEMS - None II. CLOSED SESSION CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Government Code Section 54957.6) AgencY designated representatives: Sherri Lee-Lewis, Interim Vice-President, Human Resources Robert MYers, Campus Counsel EmploYee Organization: CSEA Chapter #36 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Government Code Section 54956.9) C.W. Driver, Inc. v. Santa Monica CommunitY College District, Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. BC630289 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL--ANTICIPATED LITIGATION (Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2)) Significant Exposure to Litigation (one case): Claim of Bernards Bros., Inc. against Santa Monica CommunitY College District concerning Health, P.E., Fitness, Dance and Central Plant FacilitY EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT/DISCIPLINE/DISMISSAL/RELEASE (Government Code Section 54957) III. PUBLIC SESSION - ORGANIZATIONAL FUNCTIONS – 7:08 p.m. • PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Sion RoY, newlY-elected Trustee III. PUBLIC SESSION - ORGANIZATIONAL FUNCTIONS (continued) • CLOSED SESSION REPORT No. 1 The Board of Trustees authorizes the Superintendent/President to enter into a Settlement Agreement and Mutual Release between the Santa Monica CommunitY College District and C.W Driver, Inc. to resolve all claims relating to the construction of the AET Campus and Parking Structure A project, including those raised in Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. BC630289, in the amount of $13,235,000. AYES: 4 (Aminoff, Jaffe, Rader, Snell) NOES: 0 ABSENT: 3 (Greenstein, Quiñones-Perez, Walzer) No. 2 The Board of Trustees authorizes the Superintendent/President to enter into a Settlement Agreement and Mutual Release between the Santa Monica CommunitY College District and Bernards Bros., Inc., to resolve all construction related claims relating to the Health/PE./Fitness/Dance and Central Plant FacilitY, in the amount of $1,335,000. AYES: 4 (Aminoff, Jaffe, Rader, Snell) NOES: 0 ABSENT: 3 (Greenstein, Quiñones-Perez, Walzer) • REVISIONS/SUPPLEMENTAL STAFF REPORTS: A two-thirds vote of the members present is required to include revisions and/or supplemental staff reports in the agenda as submitted. These are items received after posting of the agenda and require action before the next regular meeting. (Government Code Section 54954.b.2) MOTION MADE BY: Rob Rader SECONDED BY: Susan Aminoff STUDENT ADVISORY: Aye AYES: 4 (Aminoff, Jaffe, Rader, Snell) NOES: 0 ABSENT: 3 (Greenstein, Quiñones-Perez, Walzer) IV. MAJOR ITEMS OF BUSINESS (Recommendation No. 4 was moved up for Board consideration) #4 Reappointments to Personnel Commission V. CONSENT AGENDA (The following recommendation was moved up for Board consideration) Recommendation No.12 – Classified Personnel, Regular PROBATIONARY/ADVANCE STEP PLACEMENT Carter, Quitman Vincent, CC Police Captain, Campus Police (Step D) 11/08/2018 MOTION MADE BY: Rob Rader SECONDED BY: Susan Aminoff STUDENT ADVISORY: Aye AYES: 4 (Aminoff, Jaffe, Rader, Snell) NOES: 0 ABSENT: 3 (Greenstein, Quiñones-Perez, Walzer) Quitman Vincent Carter was administered the Oath of Allegiance and installed as SMC Police Captain. VI. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT VII. PUBLIC COMMENTS - None VIII. ACADEMIC SENATE REPORT IX. REPORTS FROM DPAC CONSTITUENCIES • Associated Students • CSEA • FacultY Association • Management Association X. MAJOR ITEMS OF BUSINESS #1 Resolution: Veterans Awareness Week 2 Update: Interaction Design (IxD) Bachelor Degree Program 3 Report: Noncredit CDCP Offerings and Emeritus #4 Reappointments to Personnel Commission #5 SMCCD Emergency Operations Plan #6 2018-2019 QuarterlY Budget Report and 311Q #7 First Reading: Board PolicY Chapter 6, Business and Fiscal Affairs XI. CONSENT AGENDA Any recommendation pulled from the Consent Agenda will be held and discussed in Section X, Consent Agenda – Pulled Recommendations Approval of Minutes #8 Approval of Minutes: October 2, 2018 (Regular Meeting) Contracts and Consultants #9 Ratification of Contracts and Consultants #10 Contracts for Field Studies Abroad: Costa Rica, Spring Break 2019 Human Resources #11 Academic Personnel #12 Classified Personnel – Regular #13 Classified Personnel – Non Merit #14 Classified Personnel – Limited Duration Facilities and Fiscal #15 Facilities A Project Close Out – Emeritus Decks Project B Project Close Out – Campus Door Remediation Re-Bid C Project Close Out – AET/KCRW/PAC EW SecuritY Systems D Project Close Out – Health, PE, Fitness, Dance and Central Plant E Project Close Out – AET/CMD Campus and Parking Structure F Owner Controlled Insurance Program – CMD Campus and Parking Structure A G Builder’s Risk Insurance – CMD Campus and Parking Structure A H Amendment for Architectural Services – Malibu Campus I Structural Investigation Services for the Existing Building – Bundy Campus J Concept Design Cost Plan for the Outdoor Amphitheater k Award of Contract for Modernization of Existing Elevator at CMD L Pool Payments Under Joint Use Facilities Agreement #16 Budget Transfers #17 Providers for CommunitY and Contract Education #18 Organizational Memberships #19 Authorization of Signatures to Approve Invoices, 2018-2019 #20 Commercial Warrant Register #21 Payroll Warrant Register #22 AuxiliarY PaYments and Purchase Orders #23 Purchasing A Award of Purchase Orders B Use of Competitive Purchasing Contracts XII. CONSENT AGENDA – Pulled Recommendations XIII. INFORMATION 24 Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee Meeting, October 10, 2018 XIV. BOARD COMMENTS AND REQUESTS XV. ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Santa Monica CommunitY College District Board of Trustees will be held on Tuesday, December 4, 2018 at 7 p.m. (5:30 p.m. if there is a closed session) in the Santa Monica College Board Room and Conference Center, Business Building Room 117, 1900 Pico Boulevard, Santa Monica, California. Appendix A Report: Noncredit CDCP Offerings and Emeritus Appendix B 2018-2019 QuarterlY Budget Report and 311Q BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING SANTA MONICA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT November 7, 2018 VI. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT • Updates • The Great Shake Out – October 18, 2018: The event was successful and helped identifY where additional training is needed for building monitors. • Homecoming 2018 – October 20, 2018: SMC lost the football game, but the half-time event featuring a performance bY SMC Weezer Leader Singer/Guitarist and SMC Alum River Cuomo was outstanding. kudos to the Office of Student and Alumni Relations, the Office of Student Life, the Associated Students, Athletics, Campus Police, Events and the Custodial Staff. • New Heroes Celebration – October 30, 2018: This is an annual event sponsored bY the Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce honoring new heroes in education, law enforcement and fire and safetY. Three new SMC facultY members and Vice-President of Academic Affairs Jennifer Merlic attended the event where theY received a hero’s welcome. • The Corsair Wins Top Awards from JACC: Corsair Advisor Ashanti Blaize, Co-Advisor Gerard Burkhart reported on the 11 awards, including five first place, that the Corsair received from the Journalism Association of Community Colleges (JACC). The Corsair Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, contributing photographer and Sports Editor expressed appreciation of the college’s support that allows them to operate as a free press. • Update: Annual Strategic Planning Report, 2018-2019: DPAC has been working on the Annual Strategic Planning Report (which replaces the Master Plan for Education Update). It includes ten Action Plans for 2018-2019 that are directlY linked to the Strategic Initiatives identified in the Strategic Planning and Facilitation Report prepared bY the Collaborative Brain Trust. The document will be finalized at the next DPAC meeting and forwarded to the Superintendent/President for review and approval. At the same time, DPAC has been evaluating its structure and institutional planning processes and will be finalizing recommendations to forward to the Superintendent/President. BOARD OF TRUSTEES ACTION Santa Monica CommunitY College District November 7, 2018 MAJOR ITEMS OF BUSINESS RECOMMENDATION NO. 1 SUBJECT: RESOLUTION: VETERANS AWARENESS WEEK SUBMITTED BY: Superintendent/President REQUESTED ACTION: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the following resolution in support of Veterans Awareness Week, November 5-8, 2018. WHEREAS, the United States Congress has declared the second week of November as National Veterans Awareness Week since 2000 to emphasize the need to develop educational programs regarding the contributions
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