INDEX A cultural realm of, 284; race theory, 181; defini- AAACE. See American Associ- double consciousness of, tion of, 344; function of, ation for Adult Continuing 44–45; educational expe- 344–345; goal of, 346; Education riences of women who implications of, for prac- Abdur-Rashid, D., 73 are, 11; effects of race on, tice, 348–350; misconcep- Academic achievement: 272; empowerment of, tions about, 344 authors’ experiences with, through racial literacy, 47; Africology, 345 60–62; factors that posi- ethnic diversity among, Afro-Caribbean identity, tively influence, 60; His- 202, 220; higher education 201–205, 207–212 graduation rates of, 51; Afrocentricity, 223–224, 285, panic people’s challenges language labels applied to, 286 regarding, 59–62; model 277; perceptions of racism, Agenda posting, 357 minority stereotype and, versus Afro-Caribbeans Aggression, 139, 164, 276. See 299–300 and Whites, 201–204, 205; also Microaggression Accountability, 140, 147, 180 in positions of power, Ahistoricism, 193 Active investigation, 111 21; racial socialization of, Aid to Families with Dependent Activist scholarship, of His- 289–290; as racists, 18–19, Children (AFDC) program, panic Americans, 63 169–170, 204, 211; schol- 7 Adult basic education program, arship of, 367–368; as Akbar, N., 224, 319 179–180 storytellers in classrooms, Akintunde, O., 318, 320 Adult education: Asian Ameri- 248, 252; stress, 318; strides Alfred, M. V., 169–170, 201, cans and, 300–303; critical made by, 261, 262–263; 260, 324 race theory in, 179–181, during women’s rights Alien worldview: child’s expe- 212; discussions of race in, movement, 114 rience with, 33–34; during 3, 4; family as metaphor in, African Diaspora, 202, 204, 205, World War II, 298–299 182–183; grounding prin- 208, 288 Alkebulan, A. A., 319 ciples of, 324; historyCOPYRIGHTED of, Africana studies, 283–291 MATERIALAmanti, C., 67 237–238; history’s effects African-American Philosophers American Association for Adult on,5;perspectivesofrace (Yancy), 367 and Continuing Education in, 75–76; racialized view Africans in America (documen- (AAACE), xxvii, 113 of, 4–5 tary), 362 American Dream, 46, 336 Adult educator. See Faculty Africentric paradigm, 285–286, American identity, 46–48 AFDC. See Aid to Families with 291, 318–325 Americanization: child’s expe- Dependent Children pro- Africentric philosophy, rience with, 33–34, 36, gram 347–348, 367 58–59; cost of, 35–36; in African Americans: arguments Africentrism, 285, 286; credo educational system, 34, 36, about intelligence of, 107; for, 346–347; versus critical 37–38; truth and, 34 375 Amott, T., 298 Authenticity, 160–161 Brown Berets, 62 Ancestors, appreciation for, 125 Authority, 111, 114, 358, 362 Brown v. Board of Education Anderson, G., 31 Autonomy stage, of White lawsuit, 177 Andolsen, B. H., 113–114 identity development, 108, Bucceri,J.M.,366 Anger, 36 311 Burke, B., 240 Ani, M., 123, 124, 320 Axiology, 125–126 Burroughs, N., 113 Anti-Defamation League, 334 Aztlanahuac, 39 Bush, G. W., 2, 335 Anxiety, 127–128 Aztlatan´ region, 38–39 Butler, J., 239 Anzaldua, G., 66 Appeal,techniqueof:toauthen- C ticity, 110–111; to extremes, B Baker, P., 358 Caffarella, R., 355 111; to progress, 110; to Baldwin, J., 121 Cannon, L. W., 359 self, 110 Banfield, E. C., 107 Cantonese immigrant, 232 Approval seeking, 154 Capitalism, 251, 364 Apps,J.W.,358 Banking concept, of education, 50–51 Capodilupo, C. M., 366 Aristotle, 125, 320 Caribbean people: culture of, Arnold, R., 240 Barcham, M., 88 Bateson, G., 124 14–15; as U.S. immigrants, Asante, M. K., 224, 285, 325, 201–205, 207–212 345, 368 Baumgartner, L., 102, 105–106, 365 Carroll, G., 318 Asia, conflict with, 299 Carruthers, J. H., 344 Beauvoir, S. de, 358 Asian Americans: assumptions Carter, K., 56 Behavior, of students, 359–360 about, 295–296, 297; cur- Carter, R. T., 108, 203 The Bell Curve (Murray & riculum needs of, 300–301; Cary, L., 314–315 Hernstein), 107 ethnic groups of, 297; Case, K. A., 251 Bell, D., 52, 168, 175, 176, exploration of racial stereo- Cassidy,L.M.,247 177–178, 190 types by, 45; history of, Catholic religion, 232 Bernstein, J., 174 298–299; inclusion of, Catholic school, 9, 10 Bhabha, H., 89 in racial discourse, 268; Center for Research on Women, Bias, 75 increased research about, 359 Bilingual education, 62 302; number of, 297; social Centering, 323 Bivens, D., 219, 220 class of, 297–298; stereo- Central America, 39 types of, 298–300; transfor- Black Americans. See African Central Intelligence Agency, mational learning for, 302; Americans 335 U.S. terminology for, 234 Black feminism, 355–364. See Cervero, R. M., 5, 74, 103, Asian Diaspora, 296, 297, 303 also Women’s rights 105, 133, 136, 137–139, Assault, 275–276 Black Ice (Cary), 314–315 140–141, 142, 157, 181, Assimilation, 85 Black studies, 344 188, 189, 195, 211, 246, Assumptions, racist: about Blood memory, 83 251, 296 African American schol- Bolgatz, J., 46 Chan, C. S., 251 arship, 367–368; about Bollis, T. S., 73 Change, difficulty of, 334–336 Asian Americans, 295–296, Booker T. Washington and the Chavez,´ C., 63 297; about college faculty, Adult Education Movement Chinese Americans, 170, 44–46, 51; about language, (Denton), 180 231–235, 237, 298 295; Africentric philos- Border intellectual, 212 Christian, M., 318 ophy and, 348; authors’ Borunda, R., 28–29, 31, 32–42, Christianity, 182 experiences with, 17–20, 95 Chu, S., 335 44; prejudicial remarks Bowser, B. P., 134 Cigarette smoking, 92 and, 43–44; in racial dis- Boykin, W., 284, 290 Citizenship school, 237, course, 17–20; of students The Breakfast Club (film), 315 238–241 in women’s studies, 76–77; Britain, 14, 202 Civil Rights Act (1964), 114 transformational learning Bronze Booklets, 180 Civil rights movement: authors’ and, 356; as truth, 155; Brookfield, S. D., 1, 4–5, 13–16, experiences with, 8, 62, of White students about 47, 159, 180, 181, 319, 324, 135–136; changes resulting White professors, 250–251 343, 358, 364–371 from, 189–190, 206–207; 376 Index critique of liberalism in, 176, 178, 179; and cri- Cornish, L. T., 269, 307 178; effects of racism on, tiques of liberalism, 178; Corporate social responsibility, 113; Hispanics in, 62; immi- definition of, 192, 247; 120 grants and, 236–237; inter- description of, 76; effects Counselor, school, 59 est convergence and, of, 113; racial language and, Counterstory: authors’ experi- 177–178; legislation evolv- 278; in White racial con- ence with, 14–15; definition ing from, 114, 190; seeds of sciousness development, of, 14; description of, 176 White supremacy and, 107 108, 109, 312 Crabtree, R. D., 73 Clark, S., 113, 240 Columbus, C., 31, 32–34 Cranton, P., 249, 302 Clark, S. M., 57 Commercialism, 178 Credibility, 114, 217, 246 Clark, S. P., 249 Commission on Professors of Crenshaw, K., 168, 174, 178, Classroom environment: Adult Education (CPAE), 190, 193, 274, 280 dynamics in, 74; effects of xxvii–xxviii Crisis, 311, 312, 313 racism on, 114; effects of Commitment, 311, 312, 313 Critical Democrat, 112–113 stereotypes on, 250; femi- Communalism, 320 Critical discourse analysis, nist studies and, 72, 74, 79; Communism, 232 276–277 for giving voice, 353, 355; Communities of practice, Critical humility: challenge of Maori students, 91; in 253–254 of, 152; definition of, 147; multicultural studies, 79; Community activism: activist questions to guide, positionality and, 195; pre- scholarship and, 63; 147–148, 150–152; ratio- venting aggressions in, 164; authors’ experiences with, nale for, 155; reflection- for real conversation in real 62, 63; citizenship schools in-action and, 148–155; time, 279; as safe space, and, 241–242; immigrants scope of, 156 48, 79, 91; society reflected and, 237; versus professor- Critical incident questionnaire, in, 248; student participa- ship, 98 369–370 tion and, 360; to support Community project, 233, 349 Critical legal scholars, 174–175 African-centered paradigm, Community support, 225–226, Critical professionalism, 212 322; for transformational 301 Critical race theory (CRT): in learning, 357–358 Community-based organiza- adult education, 179–181, Clinton, H., 335 tion, 237 212; versus Africentrism, Closson, R., 168–169, 173–174, Compassion, 91, 129 181; applications of, 260 Competency, 114 190–191; central construct Cobb, A., 37 Complementarity, 319–321, of, 174; components of, Coconut, 36 322 168; versus critical white Colin, S. J., III, 1, 5, 12–13, 17, Concentration camp, 298, 299 studies, 247; in curricu- 19, 142, 180, 191, 206, 223, Conceptual disobedience, 268 lum, 212; definition of, 254, 296, 319, 324, 334, 343, Confronting Racism and Sexism 168; description of, 174, 344–350, 368 (Colin & Hayes), 350 175–178; father of, 175; Collaborative inquiry, 253 Connections, discourse of, 110 foundation of, 247; immi- Collective community: in Conscientization, 355, 357 grants and, 235–237; ini- African-centered paradigm, Constitution, U.S., 177, 206 tial publications about, 323–324; of Mexica people, Constructivist pedagogy, 175, 190–191; origins of, 37–38 222–223 174–175, 190; permanence College admissions, 11 Contact stage, of White identity of racism and, 169; primary Collins, P., 173, 252, 274 development, 107–108, 309 tenets of, 168, 176; profes- Colonization, 32–34, 39; Control, of life, 31–32 sional development in, 212; Afro-Caribbean identity Conversation. See Language; queer crit and, 189–195; and, 201–205, 207–212; Racism, discourse about SASHA model and, 223 bipolar model of, 89; com- Cook, D. A., 203, 205 Critical Race Theory: The Key monalities of, 88–89; effects Cooper, A. J., 173 Writings That Formed the of, 202; of Maori people, Cooperrider, D. L., 236, 241 Movement (Crenshaw et 87–88, 89 Copernicus, 125 al.), 175 Color blindness: from critical Copp, M., 358 Critical reflection: adult educa- race theory perspective, Corcoran, M., 57 tors’ engagement in, 5; in Index 377 English education, 47–48, Davidson, A.
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