Departament de Geologia, Facultat de Ciències, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Registre sedimentari i icnològic del fini-Carbonífer, Permià i Triàsic continentals dels Pirineus Catalans Evolució i crisis paleoambientals a l’equador de Pangea Memòria presentada per Eudald Mujal Grané per optar al títol de Doctor en Geologia Juny de 2017 Tesi doctoral dirigida per: Dr. Oriol Oms Llobet, Departament de Geologia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Dr. Josep Fortuny Terricabras, Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont Dr. Oriol Oms Llobet Dr. Josep Fortuny Terricabras Eudald Mujal Grané Annexes Annex 1. First footprints occurrence from the Muschelkalk detriti- cal unit of the Catalan Basin: 3D analyses and palaeoichnological implications Annex 1. First footprints occurrence from the Muschelkalk detritical unit of the Catalan Basin: 3D analyses and palaeoichnological implications L’Annex 1 correspon al treball publicat a la revista Spanish Journal of Palaeontology el juliol de 2015: Mujal, E., Fortuny, J., Rodríguez-Salgado, P., Diviu, M., Oms, O., Galobart, À., 2015. First footprints occurrence from the Muschelkalk detritical unit of the Catalan Basin: 3D analyses and palaeoichnolo- gical implications. Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, 30(1): 97–108. En aquest article l’autor E. M. ha contribuït en: elaboració dels models fotogramètrics 3D de les icni- tes; anàlisis de sedimentologia i icnologia; interpretació i discussió de tots els resultats; redacció del manuscrit; preparació i maquetació de les figures 3 i 4; autor per correspondència amb la revista. 244 Annex 1. First footprints occurrence from the Muschelkalk detritical unit of the Catalan Basin: 3D analyses and palaeoichnological implications 245 Annex 1. First footprints occurrence from the Muschelkalk detritical unit of the Catalan Basin: 3D analyses and palaeoichnological implications 246 Annex 1. First footprints occurrence from the Muschelkalk detritical unit of the Catalan Basin: 3D analyses and palaeoichnological implications 247 Annex 1. First footprints occurrence from the Muschelkalk detritical unit of the Catalan Basin: 3D analyses and palaeoichnological implications 248 Annex 1. First footprints occurrence from the Muschelkalk detritical unit of the Catalan Basin: 3D analyses and palaeoichnological implications 249 Annex 1. First footprints occurrence from the Muschelkalk detritical unit of the Catalan Basin: 3D analyses and palaeoichnological implications 250 Annex 1. First footprints occurrence from the Muschelkalk detritical unit of the Catalan Basin: 3D analyses and palaeoichnological implications 251 Annex 1. First footprints occurrence from the Muschelkalk detritical unit of the Catalan Basin: 3D analyses and palaeoichnological implications 252 Annex 1. First footprints occurrence from the Muschelkalk detritical unit of the Catalan Basin: 3D analyses and palaeoichnological implications 253 Annex 1. First footprints occurrence from the Muschelkalk detritical unit of the Catalan Basin: 3D analyses and palaeoichnological implications 254 Annex 1. First footprints occurrence from the Muschelkalk detritical unit of the Catalan Basin: 3D analyses and palaeoichnological implications 255 Annex 2. Rhynchosauroides footprint variability in a Muschelkalk detrital interval (late Anisian–middle Ladinian) from the Catalan Basin (NE Iberian Peninsula) Annex 2. Rhynchosauroides footprint variability in a Muschelkalk detrital interval (late Anisian–middle Ladinian) from the Catalan Basin (NE Iberian Peninsula) L’Annex 2 correspon al treball acceptat per publicació a la revista Ichnos el 28 de setembre de 2016: Mujal, E., Iglesias, G., Oms, O., Fortuny, J., Bolet, A., Méndez, J.M., Accepted. Rhynchosauroides fo- otprint variability in a Muschelkalk detrital interval (late Anisian–middle Ladinian) from the Catalan Basin (NE Iberian Peninsula). Ichnos (accepted 28/09/2016). En aquest article l’autor E. M. ha contribuït en: plantejament del treball; tasques de camp, incloent prospecció i documentació de les traces fòssils; elaboració dels models fotogramètrics 3D de les icni- tes; anàlisis de sedimentologia i icnologia; interpretació i discussió de tots els resultats; redacció del manuscrit; preparació i maquetació de les figures 2–6; autor per correspondència amb la revista. 258 Annex 2. Rhynchosauroides footprint variability in a Muschelkalk detrital interval (late Anisian–middle Ladinian) from the Catalan Basin (NE Iberian Peninsula) Rhynchosauroides footprint variability in a Muschelkalk detrital inter- val (late Anisian-middle Ladinian) from the Catalan Basin (NE Ibe- rian Peninsula) Eudald Mujal1, Guillem Iglesias1, Oriol Oms1, Josep Fortuny2,3, Arnau Bolet3, Josep Manel Méndez3 1Departament de Geologia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, E-08193 Bellaterra, Spain 2 Centre de Recherches en Paléobiodiversité et Paléoenvironnements, UMR 7202 CNRS-MNHN-UPMC, Muséum nati- onal d'Histoire naturelle, Bâtiment de Paléontologie, 8 rue Buffon, CP38, F-75005 Paris, France 3Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont, ICTA-ICP building, c/ de les columnes, s/n, E-08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain Corresponding author: Eudald Mujal, Departament de Geologia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, E-08193 Bellaterra, Spain. E-mail: [email protected] Abstract The Middle Triassic successions of coastal and distal alluvial systems are often characterized by the presence of the tetrapod ichnotaxon Rhynchosauroides. Nevertheless, few studies paid attention on the paleoenvironmental implications of this widely distributed ichnogenus. The finding of a new Rhyncho- sauroides-dominated tracksite opens the window to the use of such footprints in paleoenvironmental studies. The tracksite is located in the active quarry of Pedrera de Can Sallent, at Castellar del Vallès (Catalan Basin, NE Iberian Peninsula). The footprints were recovered from the Middle Muschelkalk detrital unit, composed of a claystone-sandstone-gypsum succession from a sabkha setting of late Anisian-middle Ladinian age. This unit was deposited during a short regression interval within the main Middle Triassic transgression represented by the Muschelkalk facies. The ichnoassociation is composed of Rhynchosauroides isp., and a single, partially preserved, undetermined large footprint. Among Rhynchosauroides specimens, three different preservation states were recognized, corresponding to substrates in (1) subaqueous conditions (surfaces with scarce, deformed and deeply impressed ich- nites), (2) occasionally flooded (mostly trampled surfaces, footprints commonly well preserved) and (3) subaerial exposition (surfaces with few footprints, sometimes corresponding to faint impressions or only preserved by claw marks). The footprint morphological variations of Rhynchosauroides are cor- related to substrate rheology and further to the environmental conditions. Rhynchosauroides is a charac- teristic morphotype that often dominates in the Anisian-Ladinian coastal and distal alluvial settings of several European tracksites. Therefore, these ichnoassociations in such environments, awaiting fur- ther detailed analyses, may constitute a distinct ichnocoenosis. Keywords Vertebrate ichnology, Preservation, Ichnofacies, Sabkha, Middle Triassic 259 Annex 2. Rhynchosauroides footprint variability in a Muschelkalk detrital interval (late Anisian–middle Ladinian) from the Catalan Basin (NE Iberian Peninsula) Introduction Rhynchosauroides is a well-known and widely distributed ichnotaxon, with an age interval spanning from the Late Permian to the Late Jurassic (Valentini et al., 2007; Avanzini et al., 2010). This ichnoge- nus is especially abundant in the Middle Triassic (Anisian-Ladinian), with most of its record preserved in coastal (e.g., tidal and lagoon) and alluvial paleoenvironments (Demathieu, 1985; Avanzini and Renesto, 2002; Melchor and De Valais, 2006; Valdiserri and Avanzini, 2007; Avanzini and Mietto, 2008; Diedrich, 2008; Todesco et al., 2008; Gand et al., 2010; Klein and Lucas, 2010b; Klein et al., 2011; Mujal et al., 2015). Several ichnospecies have been erected (e.g., Haubold, 1971a, b; Hunt and Lucas, 2007c), but few of them remain valid (Klein and Niedźwiedzki, 2012), as the others were mostly derived from specimens with extramorphological features (substrate- and/or behavior-related). Hunt and Lucas (2007a, d) established the bases of vertebrate ichnofacies, and Lockley (2007) provided additional remarks. Nevertheless, Rhynchosauroides was only mentioned for its occurrence (together with Synaptichnium and Rotodactylus) in the Early-Middle Triassic Chirotherium ichnocoenosis of the Ba- trachichnus ichnofacies and the Late Triassic Grallator-Brachychirotherium-Rhynchosauroides ichnofacies (Hunt and Lucas, 2007a, d; Lockley, 2007). At this point, a revision of the paleoenvironmental implications of Rhynchosauroides is needed. Our work deals with a new tracksite of the Catalan Coastal Ranges (CCR, NE Iberian Peninsula) bearing abundant Rhynchosauroides tracks and representing a well-documented example to contribute to the use of vertebrate trace fossils as indicators of substrate conditions (see Melchor and Sarjeant, 2004; Mel- chor, 2015). Geological setting The studied specimens were found in the outcrops of the Pedrera de Can Sallent quarry from Castellar del Vallès town (NNE of Barcelona, NE Iberian Peninsula). This region is located at the Prelitoral Range, corresponding to the Central Domain of the Catalan Coastal Ranges (CCR; Anadón et al., 1979; Fig. 1A, B). During the Triassic, the CCR corresponded
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