St. Andrew the Apostle CATHOLIC CHURCH & SCHOOL 6415 NE ANTIOCH ROAD, GLADSTONE, MO 64119 ● WWW.SATAPS.COM Sunday, August 16, 2015 ● Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time ● Gospel: John 6:51-58 Eucharist in Fruit Wreath (1648) By Jan Davidsz de Heem Mass Times Father Vincent M. Rogers Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 7:30 am Pastor Thursday 8:45 am & 6:00 pm Phone: (816) 453–2089 ext. 3 First Saturday 8:00 am Email: [email protected] Saturday 4:30 pm Sunday 8:00 am, 10:30 am, & 6:30 pm Confessions Father Joshua E. Barlett Monday 8:30 am (School Confessions) Associate Pastor Monday 12:00 pm Phone: (816) 453—2089 ext. 7 Wednesday 5:30 pm Email: [email protected] Thursday 9:30 am First Friday 8:00 am Saturday 3:15 pm—4:15 pm Rebecca Sachen Adoration & Benediction Principal Thursday Adoration 9:30 am—6:00 pm Phone: (816) 454—7377 ext. 318 “ Rosary 5:00 pm Email: [email protected] “ Benediction 5:45 pm First Thurs. Overnight Adoration 6:30pm Thurs. — 7am Fri. Shelley Palmarine For Sacraments, Youth Programs, & Ministries - See pg. 2 Business Manager Bulletin Submissions & Prayer list Phone: (816) 453—2089 ext. 4 [email protected] * (816) 453—2089, ext. 5 Email: [email protected] Please submit by Monday at 5pm. Sacraments 2 BAPTISM: Desire to have your child bapzed? Registraon info ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Are you seriously ill or having major & forms can be downloaded at: hp://www.sataps.com/ surgery soon? Please contact Shelley Palmarine or Kae Overstreet bapsm. The forms & one-me class need to be completed in the Parish Office, & a priest will be nofied. before seng a bapsm date through the Pastoral Associate HOLY ORDERS & RELIGIOUS VOCATIONS: Thinking about Kae Overstreet. Bapsm class is usually held on 4th Tuesdays. becoming a priest, nun, or religious? Please make an appoint- FIRST COMMUNION (2nd Gr) & CONFIRMATION (9th Gr): ment with Fr. Rogers to discern your calling & vocaon in life. Please contact Youth Directors Donna Geisinger (2nd Gr) & Carolyn MARRIAGE: Congratulaons on your engagement! Spiritual Anch (9th Gr) for more info. Classes begin in early September. preparaon for a lifelong commitment is vital for its fruiulness. Couples need to be registered here as parishioners first before RCIC (Youth Converts): If you are between 3rd - 12th grade & marriage prep can begin & must contact Fr. Rogers at least 9 sll need to receive Bapsm and/or First Communion, please con- tact Kae Overstreet. Classes begin in early September. months prior to the proposed wedding date. VALIDATIONS: If you are a Catholic who was married outside the Church, please RCIA (Adult Converts): If you are an adult who would like to contact the priest to have your marriage blessed/validated in receive Bapsm, First Communion, and/or Confirmaon, please order to receive Holy Communion. ANNULMENTS: Divorced & contact Kae Overstreet. Classes begin Wed. September 2nd. desiring remarriage inside the Catholic Church? Please contact Fr. Rogers or Kae Overstreet for more info on this process. Directory Parish Office, 6415 NE Antioch Rd, Gladstone Sacramental Preparation Parish Ministries (Continued) Office……………………….....(816) 453-2089 Baptism Registration, K. Overstreet…..ext. 5 Adult Formation, R. Hernandez…....454-6655 Hours…………..M thru F 8:30 am—4:30 pm Baptism Class, Ronnie Hall……….701-6104 Altar & Rosary Society, Fern Vogel..455-0503 Website……………………..www.sataps.com First Communion, Donna Geisinger..ext. 107 Altar Servers, Fr. Rogers………...….…..ext. 3 Facebook….St. Andrew the Apostle Parish & School Confirmation, Carolyn Anch……....305-1903 Annulment Advocate, K. Overstreet…....ext. 5 Benedictine Brothers (HS boys)…...305-1903 Instagram…..………..st_andrew_the_apostle RCIA & RCIC (Adult & Youth Converts)…...ext. 5 Circle of Friends (Singles), T. Tobin….804-9145 Parish Staff Marriage Prep, Fr. Rogers….……….…ext. 3 Coming Home Committee, Overstreet....ext. 5 Pastor, Fr. Vincent Rogers…………….ext. 3 Parish Council Cookie Ladies, Geri Townsend…….…...ext. 2 Associate Pastor, Fr. Barlett…...……..ext. 7 Fr. Rogers Tammy Liberto Jeff Gorman Cursillo (Men), Henry Parente……...507-1699 Business Manager, Shelley Palmarine..ext.4 Kent Pesek Gary Herman Shelley Palmarine Cursillo (Women), Mary Giordano....215-2677 Pastoral Associate, Katie Overstreet.......ext. 5 Becky Sachen Grace Hickey Jeremy Strohmeyer Endow (Women), Laurie Filley……..377-9655 School Office, 6415 NE Antioch Rd, Gladstone [email protected] Funeral Dinners, Rene Daniels…….468-4355 Office………………………..(816) 454-7377 Religious Edu. Youth Director (Grades K-5) Greeters, Karen Castrianni…...…....455-3305 Donna Geisinger………………………...ext. 107 Fax…………………………..(816) 453-6393 Homebound Ministry, Sylvia Torres..452-3231 [email protected] School Hours………….8:10 am — 3:20 pm Hospital Ministers, JoAnne England.437-8881 Religious Edu. Youth Director (Grades 6-12) Carolyn Anch…………………………..305-1903 Preschool Full Day……8:10 am — 3:20 pm Knights of Columbus, Doug Harr…...792-0697 [email protected] Preschool Half Day….8:10 am — 11:45 am Lectors & Ushers, Trischlers………..453-7377 Extended Care, Before School,7:00am—8:00am Edge Youth Director, Julia Winkler...876-0633 Legion of Mary, Rhoda Nicola…......454-8633 After School……………...….3:30 pm — 5:30 pm [email protected] Prayer Hotline, Sylvia Torres…….…454-3231 Summer Enrichment Program………………….. Administrative Assistant, Fred Hack..ext. 107 Pro-Life, Edie Ferrara……….…...….468-9292 School Staff [email protected] Sacristans, Dan Grelinger……...…..455-6164 Principal, Rebecca Sachen……….ext. 318 Sanctimonia (HS ladies)………….…305-1903 Social Outreach, Geri Townsend…….....ext. 2 LuCinda Buckner..ext. 321 Senior Stars, Hester Duisik……..…..454-0225 Prayer & Worship, Ginny Trischler…453-7377 School Secretary, Small Faith Groups, Hope Lopez.....453-6599 [email protected] Diocesan Young Adult Ministry (20-30’s) St. Benedict’s Food Pantry….……...415-2728 Music Director, Susan Campagna….454-1489 Fr. Johnson………[email protected] That Man Is You! Greg Lebold……..454-0447 [email protected] Parish Ministries Vocations, Sandy Sutton……...…....413-0762 Morning Star Gift Shop………..550-8310 Adoration (Weekly), Tina Gorman....734-4685 Open on Thursdays & by appointment Adoration (Monthly Overnight),Overstreet..ext. 5 RCIA & Ministries 3 Interested to become Catholic? Save-the-Date! You are invited to aend RCIA classes (for adults) or RCIC classes (for children & older youth) beginning this September! Flu & Pneumonia Shots RCIA Classes Sun. Sept. 20th RCIA stands for “Rite of Chrisan Iniaon of Adults,” and it is a journey of faith for several groups of people: Aer the 8am & 10:30am Masses For the unbapzed @ St. Andrew’s Hall For those bapzed in other non-Catholic denominaons Please bring your insurance card. For adult Catholics who have not received First Commun- ion or Confirmaon For fully-iniated Catholics who would just like to learn Discovering Christ Program more about their faith! ChristLife is a naonal Catholic ministry for evangeliza- Classes are held on Wednesday evenings during the school on and has been successfully implemented in many year. The first class will be held Wed. Sept. 2nd, 2015 from dioceses across the U.S. The training for parishes inter- 7 - 8:30pm at St. Andrew’s Parish Hall. Refreshments will ested in this dynamic evangelizaon program will be be provided, and you are welcome to bring a friend! Please pre offered by the Diocese of KC-SJ: -register by compleng a registraon form at Place: The Catholic Center, 20 W. 9th St, KC, MO hp://www.sataps.com/becoming-catholic-rcia and return it Dates: Fri. Aug. 21st (6:30 - 9pm) & to Kae Overstreet in the Parish Office. For any quesons, Sat. Aug. 22nd (8am - 5pm) please e-mail [email protected] or call (816) 453-2089 The training will be conducted by Dave Nodar (the found- ext. 5. er of ChristLife), Fr. Erik Arnold, Jane Selner, and Pete RCIC Classes Ascosi, and it will cover all aspects of the program from facilitang small groups and conducng prayer to hospi- Is your son or daughter older than 3rd grade and has missed tality and promong the programs at the parish level. receiving a sacrament -- whether Bapsm, First Reconcilia- Fees for diocesan parishes who register and pay before on, First Communion, and/or Confirmaon? Aug. 1, 2015 are only $200 per parish. Once your parish If so, please contact Kae Overstreet in the Parish Office at is registered, an unlimited number of parishioners from [email protected] or call her at (816) 453-2089 ext. 5. your respecve parish may aend to get trained on this program! If you are a parishioner at St. Andrew’s and are interest- SACRISTANS NEEDED ed to aend, please nofy Fred Hack in the Parish Office at 816-453-2089 ext. 107 or [email protected] Sacristans are needed this summer for the Tuesday - For more info on this training event & about how to Friday morning Masses. If you can help one day a register, please contact Dr. Claude Sasso at (816) 714- week unl the end of the summer, your help would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Dan Grelinger at 2308 or contact [email protected] Also, please see (816) 455-6164. this site for more info: hps://christlife.org/ Youth Formation & Parish News 4 Marcus Furnari Wes McKellar Dylan McNair Charles Mwaura Pius Nsoh-Awasom Owen Shields Nick Sis Loren Tran KRISTEN’S KIDS 18TH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY Krisn's Kids 18th Annual Christmas Party with the Im- maculata Manor Residents will be held Saturday, December 19,2015, from Noon - 4pm at St. Andrew’s Parish Hall. Please adopt a resident for Christmas and celebrate at party by open- ing gis, playing Bingo, and singing Christmas carols with residents. Krisn's Kids is a service organi- zaon for youth founded in 1997 by parishioner Briany Sanders in memory of her friend Krisn who passed away from cancer. Please contact Mary Sanders for more info at (816) 809-6436 or email [email protected].
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