A fall iJIHD Hllfisl guide-M M HUNDRED H j | Lo.OCKEDDOWN Som e uplam3nd bird ^ 9 9WKIi Buhljuniinior scores F a l s e alarma . locks down 7 0 4 seasons are ur u n d e r w a y . K H H ' looti-3 t h g o a l . nCH ' Burleley High School. G arage sales ___________SEE OUTDOORS,IRS, OA SEE SPORTS.SP( B l . G B K§ f M f f | ___________ ^EE MAGIC VALLEY, C l _____________SEE PAGE E13 ■ Good M ofniiig ' ^ FRIDAY S ' September 14,2007 |I I Portly cloudy DetalU: B6 im tss-P WSI 50 cents ------ H3gkValky.com — Bush u rejects1 ! calills to e n d ■ i A Sa i d tturn ofewen^ i.; Iraa q w a r re he wants gradual u.s.t;, troop withdrawalsJ ByTereniifence Hutrt A ssoclai■elated Press w riter___________ ■ WASiASHINGTON — i’ro.sidcntIt ,r o rd ered g ra d u a l re d u c tio n s inn • forcesfor in Imq on Thursdayy I aai n d «ul(l, " T h e m o re sue-, ■ul w\ e nrc. th e n io rc A m e ric anII IS canc return hunie." t. BlDush firm ly re je c te d c alls to ;hewar, insisting tiuit ImqwiliII still HL-Cneed miiilnry. economic nndJ leal .support . from1 W ashinglinRton after hi.s presidencyi sh said lhat ) uU.S. forces INSIDE: b y C hris th a t ~ ' = r i c l c s - f o r n ' "5?'"= ' I Id rI e tu r n b y sE E PAGE A7 July, aall lo n g w ith ■"TT— on u nndctermined d t num ber of sup- — ' . W - I ' n o r t forces.fo Now at its liighest5t yrj^S ag J level1 of the vrar. the U.S. troopP sirc nigih g il stands at 168,000. "Tli iic e p rin c ip le g u id in g m y d e dI- - ' sio ns o0 n tro o p le v els in Ira q is:s: r e tum r n oni succcss," the presidentnt ^aaSSBSiiial said,1, tryingt to summon theic (MBnnMkB nation':on 's resolve o n c c ag a in to h e lp : ATMaF>H«|>oOe«iMKUTt.txHtadts th t fin iaT liM tsd ajriftm eesiaaw bert a b o ^ w n fH R d V M■day a ^ BliU la I barrel . * lr a q1 “d “dt e fe a t tlio se w h o th r e a te n itsils fu tuire re ai n d a lso th r e a te n o urs." /1th no dramatic change-inin '-OHMnanih'^' c o u rserse, . Bush's decision sets the :3LS“ 8«8eft?e fo r a Q ery p o lid c ^ d e b a te in .1"^ Congregn^',aiiid.biL'the'2008 presi*Il­ ^odyior^DQi ImsUpta dendolitiol cam pdgn'trall Democratsls tiMcrtaM Please see BUSH, Page A33 police looking ■ M SS, “TheTie more successful we are, the m ore for another v' Amenerican troops can ByCusFrMnMaDdJ«ndS.(S.Hopidn$ retum home.” Tlm e»N w writers ___________ lobaHeBiyMeaUaiUaey la centTkandajr. KeUeyrssdwHfitlAtktflntdtfrMimmler ■ ■ — P re sid e n t BushI Il vms a shocking crim e In fDaltllEler. n ei^ b o rh o o d — a body oio f a m a n found stufl'cd in a bbar a rre l o n a _ C h u rc h u n iil o m o n ilih aago, w h e n h e ^ M om lngside Drivo late WedVednesday InR V n O n M a g iicvalley.com c v simply disappeared. H<He left behind ' a pile of bad debts,ts, prompting nighL • S ee video of th e scen e aai t M omlngside Drive a s As l\v in Foils authoritiestics scorch someone lo file a misslisslng person's well as a photo'gallery. ’ for o ne m an w anted for'qiicslioti' q i I h M S ^ B re p o rt. Ing and the city tries to niakn ak c se n se '• H ear from Raphel Madrid'Irld's siste r a b o u t the About three wiw e e k s a g o , o fth e violence, the grievingrtn g loved* discovery of the body. McElhlncy met Rache:hel Madrid, a V ones of the; victim werc'ere hard- —— 26-year-old unemploycjycdmoiherof ■ pressed Thursday to cxprxprcss the' of that crowd1 wasv, unclear In the 'McEI[cElhlney was formally chorgci;e d tw o, th ro u g h so m e frierle n d s . H e so o n ■ loss o f 18-year-6Id Dale MillVliller. h o u r s a fte r heth e discovery of his Thursdjrsday with Qrst-dcgroo murdcdcr moved Into her apaniuiment at 322 • . 1 ,*He w as a good kid." sosol ld K eith b o d y in ih e gani(imge of an apartment andnrst-degrce kidnapping iiin M o m ln g sid e D rive, 'Msold.her l sister., ate Rcbccca Rodriqguez,iz, w h o liv e s I Thomas, the Qancd of)f :Miller's building at 3222 Momlngside N Drive. IVvlnn Falls. ..Coimty Magistral mother. Kay Miller. Authorities ha'have said little about Courtr t He 1 remains in the county Jo:loll nearby. • “Hejustgotcaughiupwiiwilh a bad the invcstigaiiorJon. bui Wednesday withouttout possibility of bond, Madrid is described!:d b y h e r fiuni- t crowd,” Thomas said asos Miller night they orrerrested John Henry A convictcdco felon. McElhlncicy ly and by outhoritlcsIcs as a drug ^ sobbed In ^ e backgroundmd ol her McElhiney, 31,i, recentlyi of Hailey, seemedned to bc putting his life bacack a d d ic t w ith a lo n g a rresr e s t rcc o rd . B son's apartment. a n d a re sd ll scio an rch in g fo r C a m e ro n o n track.tra< He was working amm d . How Dale Miller com e to be part Walls, 29. of Gooloodlng. , atiendinding the Haiiey Baptistlsi Please see CnCRIME. P ag e A3 ^ H i Pnderccover lilltethers Salmons]jpawnbabyy trout in exjx p e rim en t Iving their ' ByUmNewgunl teofB oisepriyavate X)L • T e c h n l qque i could help revIivlve flsh sto ck s all- them *.^^^n|m - ' Scientists in1 JJi a p w h av e successfully create*iBtedatochnk]ueu»lng i n v e s t i g a t o r s w o)rkinK r i Kte?" S<mdercbver ^ H ||N |3 |I:/ :■ ^WASHINGTON Papa , . sterile Asiann nm asu saltnbn to produce theB spsperm and egg of / mothersVar' a n d " s p y I ^ S j S H ' "Salmon, plus' mamaI ' s a lm o n Nortti Americaic aii rainbow trouL e*ilials^ba^tout?,, iflorec^esinTVyiT ra )h?>l]s rooms'>~th«the pM plev^^^^l*' - brebdatoekl'ng technique tlga^ hi)ve.v^H ||^H . '.'-•.-JapanMe'.-i^'archers!t«’ put.jV- Sur«>o«t*bK ; 'othernam esl!sibrtbem ..;-^^^^^H . newsplhoni^urrogatepi T l n ^ a w t wriur A n d n o w ihlimpTlvBte:’ w . u they, eii^efertd 6one' fish ■ ■ ’ ,eyes, say.th. they, 018 H IH flB II ; . : s p i^ e s to piM U ce anotlother.Ina , ■ ‘-A bout t w o ' y ^ ago., tvtwo house- doing moieeVbusinesa;:;r:;j:Cw«.,V,' 'l V.^ ; p ^ r v ] B ,endJtdangered dB JV ^ ■ wives were,Involved In.aa hlgh'Speedh InlNviiiFalls:l i . 'ter chase v^en a man caicaughi 'them Quite a bbl i t ^ ' / ' I Jdaho'scifl^tB b’e ^rithehea : , , • fS* tum m ^g throug his gatlgarbi^ c ^ actually. SoVihucb-80 n ., V big 8tep rnejtt>ionth, ■trying,to^' n .^ ^ 0 0« ^ mmature. , T he result He chased them through«gh do w n to w n - 't h a t th e y 'reI mnm<lfliokv.' :produce a t ] ^ b t salinoil O r t W ^ : ; tsaimon ,. tofertile, :. .^Ise before poUce;lnteroercep'tedrthe • ing for ‘ofBci endangered‘Itf .that,stati , inani ^ w as later a nestesttirffiwout-’. here;;';', . .J ^ s o d ^ — thls-tlm e uslngihore ^ ' fijce treirt ^ d o n o K to ^ . — ittandfaig^varrantsmdpow08#^6nbfii»‘— S’ ^i»pl8ntliUi trout-as-Jturrog ':dohtrollednibstance.- ' p e o p le Ih-TS^ ;r ''-e ri& ', y . ITit sounds like a strangege istorwit l i ' " ;tq b tf tlW li^ j V^it^.'tterwwihethodls^rO ne o f th e ‘ihaHibecauseViBlAgostaJn a a n d M b m e ' r. Ciuman are parvtime pnvartvatelnvesU-PI I .Pfea^'’w .nSHH,'P^ei ,' A7 ; soonoESqiwot AP, • n u rs when they an.not^dited d in g laun* . , j ; li; At)t)«>rvtea(iif^;...-.vVlEifl . :;:'6 iS i» 6 r!i:;.r:;U v \^ ^ .......................... ;C1- •. OpKiton :.;.;...i....... .........JU su[do .......................'.E 4 •.'..; &2.„- ■ 0*arAMjy.'.,.v.^.'. CMOobn:.I . ...................... ..01-« • Nttk^WOft .......................> 7 « , ;.. .Ei-ie;-; , iiii i i <;•:.'.E£2.' -.' I h k N l a a,i.........C2.C4 i . - spbru.... ..................B14 Wiattm o tti, : ...................... .. -.stodav,.. .07* W9(MW d ......................j^ v c s -: lipFE»lEEisr> ,'V!!',.' ■■ ■’ U Tr(diTiSMMlNrl4,200717 . I t'QDAY’SFOREGiCAST ■ \ / / / , : Today TtTonight Saturdirday . R M o r nm: e I 'S b c ; /B • A fow paasing Tntr'ntily cloudy Mcnily sunn'unnyand , i ClOuOs mikl H I High 04 LoLow 52 02/5/ 5 0 ;r i Ivi ■ ■ Magic VALUIM___ TODAYy IN OUTDOORS SPORTS - J'odoy: Mo;:lly luintiy, .'i I'Hliiililo cool nncl dry Highs upjjoi'f)cr 7 0 s W iOiV flO;;.
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