REMINISCENCES OF PIONEER DAYS IN WOOD COUNTY AND THE MAUMEE VALLEY Gathered from the papers and manuscript* of the late C. W. Evers A PIONEER SCRAP BOOK A, FRONEY & COMPANY A name long identified with the Mercantile Interests of Wood County. It was back in 1859, April 11th of that year to be exact, that A. Froney, began his career as a dry goods merchant of Wood County and Pemberville was the place. Prom this time on, by hard work and honesty of purpose, his mercantile progress was a success. Seeing an opening at the hub of "Old Wood" Mr. Froney came to the county seat in la89 in which year the firm of A. "Froney & Co., was established. Today this big mercantile house stands in the front rank in the entire Northwestern Ohio, which shows what a straight forward policy, a watchful care in the interests of the people, courtesy and liberality will do to bring success. This Mgnature, to the Men, Women and Children of Wood County mean "Good Faith" every day in the year. Bowling Green Business Directory Following is a list of the leading professional and business interests of Bowling Green: EARL D. BLOOM RED FRONT GROCERY LAWYER 175 North Main Street Bowling Green/Ohio Reed & Merry Block Bowling Green. Ohio ''Enough Said" MRS. F. VON KANEL M. K. HAKHINQTON KOIIKHT 0. DUNN Jeweler and Optician. HARRINGTON & DUNN Everything always dependable. ATTORNEYS Bowling Green, Ohio. Reed & Merry Block Bowling Green, Ohio F. A. KEIL LUMBER CO.N. J. CALOMIRIS Near T. & O. C. Depot Bowling Green, Ohio Fine Confectionery and Ice Cream All kinds of Lumber, Builders' Materials and 118 N. Main Street Bowling Green, Ohio Builders' Supplies and Coal. Both Phones WM. DUNIPACE BOWLING GREEN GARAGE ATTORNEY Tourists in asking for a good Bowling Green Reed & Merry Block Bowling Green, Ohio Garage Will almost invariably be directed to 124J North Main Street the Bowling Green Garage, Court Street. HOME STEAM LAUNDRY DRY CLEANING BOWLING GREEN, OHIO The Most Up-To-Date Equipment in the City Best Work and Prompt Service THE TOGGERY SHOP West Woostir Street Both Phones Both Phones 4i,E. J. Bowers fe. P. BOURQUIN & CO. Bowling Green, Ohio' Good Shoes Always BERT WHITE ART STUDIO The Old Reliable "Yellow Front" Portraits that Satisfy Bowling Green, Ohio We Do Amateur Finishing 130 W. Wooster Street Ground Floor HOPPER HARDWARE CO. Bowling Green, Ohio Peninsular Stoves, Iver Johnson Bicycles, Corbin KKANK P. KKIULK KAY AVEBY Builders Hardware, Roofing and Tin* Work 143 North Main Street Bowling Green, Ohio REIGLE & AVERY ATTORNEYS k YEAGER & STARN, Druggists' 134 South Main Street Bowling Green, Ohio Druggists' Sundries, Books, Stationery, Kodaks. The Dependable Store. Cor. Main and Court Streets, Bowling Green, O. BOWLING GREEN BUSINESS DIRECTORY CONTINUED MILO D. WILSON DONAHEY & CO. INSURANCE Clo'hing, Men's Furnishing and everything to be found in a first class up-to-date Haberdash­ Bowling Green, Ohio ery. Satisfaction always. North Main Street, Reed and Merry Block, W. SHEPHERD Bowling. Green, Ohio. BAKER The National Loaf DR. E. A. COLE 165 North Main Street Bowling Green, O. Osteopathic Physician ENGLISH BROTHERS Healing by Adjustment Both Phones The grocery that is up to the mark, if its in ^163 S. Main Street Bowling Green, Ohio the market you'll always find it at English Bros. South Main Street, Bowling Green, O. ~ D. W. YOUNG B. M. FRIES CHARLES 8. HATFIELD Funeral Director Motor Ambulance Service > Picture Framing FRIES & HATFIELD Both Phones 160 South Main Street ATTORNEYS Bowling Green. Ohio Lincoln Block Bowling Green, Ohio A. RIESS DR. L, L. YONKER BOWLING GREEN. OHIO DENTIST Makes Suits and Overcoats. If he makes yours you are well dressed. » West Wooster Street Bowling Green, Ohio Both Phones Both Phones "Everything Electrical' Lockwood Electric Shop C. R. LOCKWOOD Fixtures, Wiring, Lamps, Etc, Automobile Storage Batteries, Self-Starters and Generators Repaired 248 North Main Street BOWLING GREEN, OHIO GUS GOE'BEL PAINTS and OILS STOVES and HARDWARE EaVes-T roughing and General Repairing ESTABLISHED 1888 » 3toai Nattonal lattk BOWLING GREEN, OHIO The Bank that gives you always the best M service that safety and security will allow M DIRECTORS OFFICERS H. G. HANKEY Prest. Hankey Lumber Co. H. L. DONAHEY Producer of Petroleum M. L. DONAHEY , President J. T. FROST " '• R. A. BEATTY - Vice President Q H- *• »**JT* " • " . u C U. NEARiNG Probate Judge B. C, HARDING - Cashier J. G. 8TAHN Yeager 4 Starn, Druggists A. F. CORN Coen Bros.. Furniture GEO. W. FEARNSIDE. Asst. Cashier HENRY GOODENQDGH, . Farmer B. C. HARDING Cashier OUR. MOTTO IS "SERVICE >> OUK AIM Is to have on hand at all times a complete line of DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE that will meet with-the approval of our customers, both as to quality and price. r=j E a r=i LINCOLN & DIRLAM Drugs, 'Books, Stationery and Wall Paper mt Monu (Enuntg #auinga lank (Ha. An institution which always keeps pace wit!* the solid growth and de­ velopment of a matchless territory. 1 r OFFICERS: DIRECTORS: E. M. FRIES, President. W. M. Tuller •.;.. Frank Kablg E. M. Fries J. C. Lincoln W.M. TULLER, Vice-President. C. VV. Lenhart Wm. ft Hopper J. H. LINCOLN, Cashier. P. R. Case A. C. McDonald E. 0. Sargent C B. Eberly S. R CASE, Ass't, Cashier. N. R. Harrington 4 tO paid on Savings Accounts WHY TAKE CHANCES? When you are absolutely sure of the largest and finest assortment of The Year OVERCOATS and SUITINGS Round At Neimans, The Tailor Right Prices, Latest Styles, Courteous Treatment That's NEIMANS 7 IT'S DRUGS J * IT'S PATENT MEDICINES IT'S A PRESCRIPTION IT'S TOILET ARTICLES IT'S RUBBER GOODS If You Want Anything found it. a First Class Drug Store GET IT AT THE BOLLES DRUG STORE 108 S. Main Street, Bowling Green, Ohio CRANE'S MUSIC STORE HEADQUARTERS FOR VICTOR VICTROLAS, PIANOS, PLAYER PIANOS, RECORDS, ROLLS CONVENIENT TERMS 235 North Main Street BOWLING GREEN, OHIO S. T. WIGGINS w. J. GILLESPIE WIGGINS PLUMBING CO. Plumbing, Heating, Electrical Work 139 West Wooster Street BOWLING GREEN, OHIO IF THE WIGGINS PEOPLE DO IT IT IS RIGHT WHY WASTE TIME EXPERIMENTING AT MR. "JUST-AS-GOODS"? , There is one Grocery where you always get fair treatment, prompt service and the best the markef affords at all seasons and prices always honest. PREFACE TTH E purpose of this book is to preserve to the people of Wood county and the Maumee Valley some of the historic facts and interesting incidents of its early days and to present them in an entertaining and readable form. The plan of making it scrap-book-fashion originated with my father and an outline of the work had been arranged by him and left—an unfinished task. The further preparation and compilation'was then entrusted to the trained hand of Mr. P. J. Oblinger, who has, with pains-taking care, from a mass of manuscript, notes, clippings and other material, condensed the trleaningB of a life time into these pages. I am also under obligations to Mr. John B. Gunckel, of Toledo, for his kind­ ness in permitting the use of a number of cuts from his "Early History of the Maumee Valley." The publication I have undertaken, personally, as a memorial to, my father, from whose pen" most of the articles have come. Some are now in print for the first time, while others have appeared during his years of active newspaper work. My father's labors in this direction were purely out of love for the work. All history appealed to him, but the early struggles of Wood county pioneers was a chapter so replete with tragic interest, so tinged with romance, so filled with human endeavor and its achievement that it called forth his highest admiration. It seemed fitting, therefore, that the final effort of his life should have been a record of these events and withithis thought in mind and the grateful encour­ agement and friendly interest extended by his old associates, both personally and as memberp of the Pioneer and Historical societies, I have ventured to complete the work. MAT EVERS-ROSS. Bowling Green, 0., Nov. 17, 1909. OUR PIONEERS At a meeting of the Maumee Valley Pioneers sortie vears since. Mrs. C. W. Evers wrote and read the following poem: AH honor due ye, hoary heads, Where swale and marshes yielded naught Assembled here to-day, To energetic men,- A power higher than man's own Are orchards now of choicest fruit Hath guarded.your pathway; And fields of golden grain. Else not one aged pioneer Not a cabin left which sheltered Would answer .to the call Our fathers brave and true; Which brings the few remaining ones They've crumbled like their owners, With each successive fall. And mansions rise to view. 'Tis good to meet and here relate Products alone are not her wealth — The hardships each hath borne, Our Pioneers have cause You know of toils and sorrows pass'd To justly feel a pride in those O'er which none others mourn; Who consecrate their laws. You know when the rude little cabins E'en from the swamps came talent fair, Loomed up in the distance afar; And self-made men are here, •Each one brought joy to your household, Schooled in a little hut of logs, For a neighbor, a friend would be there. No college then was near. 'Mid joyful songs and stories We oft bewail, declare our roads Your evenings slowly waned,' Are not quite smooth enough; When the choppingfi^and the raisings, Well, f orty years ago to-day And the husbands all were gained.
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