Serving San Jose State University since 1934 Volume 145 • Issue 29 Th ursday, October 29, 2015 A&E OPINION VIDEO Netfl ix and chill: NorCal and Do you dare the slasher fi lm SoCal are hella enter the sport edition p.3 different from of rugby? These each other p.4 YouTube.com/SpartanDailyYT students did. MUSIC TO MY EARS Future musicians perform at SJSU By Kavin Mistry with contributions by phasis on 11th and 12th graders in the fi elds Andrew Cypert of choral band, orchestra and composition.” @kavinm95 Th e department sent representatives to @audaciousgreen Santa Clara County high schools and talk- ed to music directors at each school. High Th e rhythmic sounds of trumpets cou- school juniors and seniors got a chance pled with crashes and pounds of the per- to perform with SJSU’s music majors and cussion section fi lled the music theater graduate students. yesterday aft ernoon. “We have some students that have trav- San Jose State’s music department hosted eled from as far south as Fresno, and as the “Be a Music Major For a Day” event for far north as Redding to come for the day,” high schoolers to come and experience a Herrera said. day in the life of an SJSU music student. Students who participated were able to “I love ‘Be A Music Major Day.’ A couple play composed music that was selected by years ago before I started going here, this is the director and sit in on classes through- what got me into San Jose State,” said Aman- out the day, allowing them the opportuni- da Cien Fuegos, trumpet performance ju- ty to fully immerse themselves in the SJSU nior. “It is really cool to see all these young music culture. people interested in music in college.” Herrera said that in order to get into the Not a lot of majors off er this kind of op- music degree program, students have to portunity to prospective students. Mem- audition. bers of SJSU’s music department hope stu- “I hope that with the occasional remind- dents will take full advantage of the chance ers of technique from participating in to shadow as a student in high school. clinics today will help give me really good “Th is event is designed to give the future motivation to go out and practice and get music majors of the state of California, and better,” said Westmont High School senior | Spartan Daily some outside, a chance to look at what we Evan Frangesh. “It is defi nitely going to be Kavin Mistry can off er them,” said Paul Herrera, graduate Hector Ponce, junior from Overfelt High School, plays a stand up bass as conducting associate. “We have a higher em- see MUSIC on page 2 a part of “Be a Music Major for a Day” on stage at the music department. FUN STRIVING FOR GREATNESS FACTS ALMAS de SJSU aims to help students By Andrew Cypert here,” Cruz said. 50%OF AMERICANS @audaciousgreen Th e group encourages non-Latino peo- DECORATE THEIR Halloween YARDS FOR ple to join too. HALLOWEEN IS THE HALLOWEEN Latino students of the group Academic “It’s kind of hard when [students] think CONTRACTION OF THE Leaders and Mentors Aiming for Success that ALMAS is a Latino-based organiza- PHRASE “ALL HALLOWS have put together a new project called tion,” Cruz said. EVE.” HEAVIEST PUMPKIN IN 2015 ALMAS Plus Aid El Salvador. Students from the group promote re- = 1997lb= “(El Salvador) is a really bad place to be sources for other students like upcom- Witch and live in. Th e crime rate it’s just crazy ing scholarships and benefi cial cultural Animals over there and one of our founding mem- workshops for Latino and non-Latino A pumpkin in Oregon would have weighed one ton if only it were 3 Lbs. heavier. That is approximately the weight of a great white shark. bers who is an alumni now, he is over students, according to Camarillo. Th ey Batman there for the Peace Corps,” said Co-Chair also break into committees that help oth- Zombie and founding member of ALMAS Clar- ers with success. PROJECTED issa Camarillo. One of the committees goes to high Star Wars SPENDING 524 3 1 She said the students of ALMAS have schools to talk about what college is ON $2.1billion TOP ADULT COSTUMES 2015 HALLOWEEN been raising money to help people in El like. According to Cruz the fundraising CANDY IN Salvador through bake sales and various committee raises money for the group THE U.S. THE AVERAGE AMOUNT IN 2015. fundraisers. through clothing and food drives to be AMERICANS “One of our main goals … (is) we strive able to help people from El Salvador and WILL SPEND to represent all of the underrepresented to help the group grow. ON CANDY, $74.34 PER CAPITA CONSUMPTION OF COSTUMES FRESH PUMPKINS IN THE U.S. minorities,” Camarillo said. Cruz said he joined the club for this AND DECORATIONS. ALMAS supports many individuals reason among others and has met a lot of 4.2lbs through help with academics and social people during his membership. events, Camarillo said. “Coming into college, you usually think “Th e people are all nice. Everyone’s ‘I’m going to try to make a diff erence ... easygoing, down-to-earth and easy to branch out and do other things, meet oth- talk to,” said communication sophomore er people’... I’ve grown some strong forti- Ismael Cruz. tude with people here,” Cruz said. Cruz said the group helps all Latinos, According to Cruz, the club likes to but it is trying to expand to be more have fun. At their last meeting in the Boc- multi-cultural. cardo Business Center on Monday night, “We have a variety of members that are the students gathered for a potluck and not Mexican, they’re Hondureno, Sal- vadoran—diff erent kinds of ethnicities see ALMAS on page 2 Information from statisticbrain.com and cnn.com Infographic by Vasuki Rao TRICK OR TREAT OPINION Offensive costumes ruin the spirit of Halloween By Jovanni Arroyo-Camberos ing an uptick in the amount of Halloween panic male wearing a sombrero, mustache response from the administration,” Perez @Jovanniarroyo10 costumes that are culturally off ensive and and poncho, riding a donkey. said in Th e Huffi ngton Post article. inappropriate for their target audiences. And if that isn’t off ensive enough, the cos- Racist Halloween costumes are now part Wearing a sombrero and a mustache In a recent video published by BuzzFeed, tume is under the funny costumes category. of a larger problem. Instead of the holiday is defi nitely off ensive, it portrays the ste- Native Americans tried on costumes that Costumes might not be made to make fun being about trick or treating, we are now reotype and makes fun of people who do were made to portray Indians. of someone but this should not be consid- seeing many incidents of racism around not look like that at all, however not many Many of the people interviewed in the ered funny and should not be on the shelves. this holiday and the costumes that are be- people see it that way. video saw the costumes at fi rst glance and According to the Huffi ngton Post, Vi- ing made to add more controversy to it. Halloween costumes have become more looked disgusted. Th ey were asked to try cente Perez, a University of Chicago stu- Adults are not the only group to be tar- distasteful in today’s society and we need on the costumes and one person even said, dent, confronted another student last year geted by these problematic costumes. to morally know what’s right and wrong. “I feel like I really need a big shower aft er because they were wearing a controversial According to an article on Refi nery29’s Costumes have changed throughout the wearing this crap.” Halloween costume that depicted a stereo- website, a Walmart representative con- last several years. Instead of seeing scary On the Party City website you can buy type of Mexicans. fi rmed that the company took down a masks, Teenage Ninja Turtles and prin- a costume labeled, Adult, “Hey Amigo,” “I don’t feel comfortable being on this cesses roaming the streets, we are now see- Mexican Costume, which portrays a His- campus and I’m not comfortable with the see COSTUMES on page 4 2 NEWS Thursday, October 29, 2015 MUSIC Disney, or “anywhere from page 1 where I can just play and SHOW YOUR STUFF, do it for a living.” a challenge, but I am go- Aft er speaking to TWEET US YOUR COSTUME! ing to be enjoying what Frangesh, it was appar- I’m doing.” ent in his voice that the Th e event was geared event had a positive ef- toward giving prospec- fect on his music career. tive music students a He was excited to talk peek into what it would about what he was able to take to be a music major accomplish at the event. and the work and com- Th e music depart- mitment involved. ment hosts this event “It is busy. Every single every year, around the AIL day you have a rehearsal time college applications ND RTA to go to, something to are due as a means of SPA practice or something recruitment for future @SPARTANDAILY@ you can get better at,” SJSU music students. Cien Fuegos said. “You “Today there are 151 are stressed, but you are people, last year we had also really happy because 98 and in the previous you are doing something years we had around 40 ALMASLM like having people ….
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