INDEX T I VOL. XVI Alton : H.F.C. Meeting, 310. Clerkenwell: Hampshire property Andover Woollen Industry, Edmund of Nunnery of St. Mary, 288-9. .Parsons, 178-83. Coffin, Stephen: Earthwork in Basing Dean, 168-• Basing Dean : trackway, 184-6 ; 72. earthwork, 168-72. A Track from Butser to Bordean ' Bats in Hampshire, 64-71. Gorge and Basing Dean ? 184-6. Beacon System in Hampshire, H.. T. * Colenutt, G. W.: • White, 19-22. •Further Notes on the Early Years Beaulieu Heath : linear earthwork, of the H.F.C. and on the 166. Organisation of Field Meetings, Biological Section Reports, 61-3, 3-7. 194-5, 290-3. Obituary, 113-4. Birds in Hampshire, 72-90, 207-24, Crawford, O. G. S. : 296-304, 305. Bitterne After the Romans, 148- Bitterne After the Romans, O. G. S. 55. ) Crawford, 148-55. Dr. J. P. Williams-Freeman, Bitterne : Obituary, 103-6. ' derivation of place name, 150. The Old Farm House at Northam, Early Iron Age brooch, 189-90. 187-8. Roman . road from Winchester, The Roman Road from Win­ 247-52. chester to Bitterne,. 247-52. Roman site at, 188-9. Two pigs of Mendip lead found Dean, C. G. T. : Charles II's 1914-18, 251. Garrison Hospital, Portsmouth, Blagdon Hill: Round barrow 280-3. * " trenched," 60. Dene Hole : at Four Marks, 192-3J Bordean Gorge : trackway, 184-6. " Distribution of Bats' in 'Hampshire, Botanical Rambles, 62-3,121,195-6, Brian Vesey-FitzGerald, 64-71. 290-3. Botanical Reports, 61-2, 194, 290. Early Iron Age : Breamore Church: Anglo-Saxon Italian brooch from Bitterne, Inscription, 136. 189-90. Brige ? S. E. Winbolt, 52-5. Pottery from Warsash, 190-1. Brokage Books of Southampton, Earthwork in Basing Dean, Stephen Barbara Carpenter Turner, • Coffin, 168-72. 173-7. Ellisfield : Palaeoliths found, 254. Bronze Age : Enclosure Acts and Awards : Ring barrows on Rockbourne Hampshire, 266-75. Down, 156-62. • Isle of Wight, 278-9. Round barrow Blagdon Hill, 60. Estuarine Birds in Hampshire, Two round barrows, Hinton David J. Gunston, 305. Ampner, 43-7. Excavation of a Barrow on Rock- Buckholt: possibly site of Brige, bourne Down, Stuart and C. M. 52-5. Piggott, 156-62. Burgess Street, Southampton, Early history, 251: Farnham : H.F.C. Meeting, 312. Burghclere : H.F.C. Meeting, 312. Fetplace, Walter: Merchant of Bursledon : Southampton, 173-7. 'Viking ship in river,-163-5. Field Systems and Enclosures in Iron Works, 287-8. Hampshire, W.E. Tate, 257-79. • Butser : trackway, 184-6. Fish in Hampshire, 233, 295. Fitch: Sir Thomas and John, Charles IPs Garrison Hospital at builders, 282. Portsmouth, C. G. T. Dean, FitzGerald, H. Purefoy : 280-3. Edward Stuart McEuen, An Chawton Park Wood: Fungus Appreciation, 237. foray, 62, 195-6, 292-3. Frederick Haselfoot Haines, An Clausentum—see Bitterne. Appreciation, 308. XVI INDEX Folk Lore Section Report, 117-9. John' Payne's Persecution of Four Marks : Dene hole, 192-3. Foreigners in the Town Court Fox, C. Fred : of Southampton in the 15th Ironworks, Bursledon, 287-8. century, Alwyn A. Ruddock, Viking Ship in the Hamble River, 23-7. 163-5. Franciscans : in Southampton, 137- King's Worthy : Roman house at 47. • Woodhams Farm, 59. Froxfield: Long Entrenchment, 170-2. Languages and Scripts .of English Further Notes on the Early Years of Archaeology, Sir Richard Luce, the H.F.C., etc., G. W. 129-36. Colenutt, 3^7. Little London, Hants : Inscribed . tile of Nero, 59-60. Geology : Burghclere H.F.C. Meet­ Long Barrow: Lamborough, ing, 312. Hinton Ampner, 39-43. Georgian House at Farnham, 312. Luce, Sir Richard : Gibson, J. H. : Dr. J. P. Williams- Languages and Scripts of English Freeman, an Appreciation, 106- Archaeology, 129-36. 112. Romsey Abbey Registers, 8-18.' . Grace Dieu : at Bursledon, 164-5. Grately : grant of rent to St. Mary's, McEuen, Edward Stuart: An Ap­ Clerkenwell, 288-9. preciation, H. Purefoy Firz- Greyfriars in Southampton, Alwyn Gerald, 237. Ai Ruddock, 137-47. ' Mammalia in Hampshire, 101-2, Greywell : H.F.C. Meeting, 290-2. 235-6, 294-5. Gunston,. David J. : Estuaririe Martin : Scratch Dials at All Saints' . Birds in Hampshire, 305. Church, 284-6. Mattingly, Harold: The Roman site of Bitterne, 188-9. -Haines, Frederick Haselfoot: An Milner, A. B. : Some Earthworks Appreciation, H. Purefoy Fitz- in mid-Hampshire, 38-47. Gerald, 308, • Mottisfont, Priory ". arid Parish Haines,' F. H. :•' Notes on General Church: H.F.C. Meeting, Zoology, 100-2, 233-6. 120-1. Hamble : H.F.C. Meeting, 310. •: Hannington: Palaeolithic flake, Neolithic: Excavation of Lam-- 255. borough Long Barrow, Hinton Hassall, W. O.: Some Hampshire Ampner, 39-43. Property of the Nunnery of St. Netley Castle and Abbey : H.F.C. Mary, Clerkenwell, in the 12th Meeting, 121. century, 288-9. New Forest: Enclosures, 265-6. Hinton Ampner : Northam : Old Farm House, 187-8. Lamborough Long Barrow Ex­ cavations, 39-43. Two Round .Barrows excavated, Observants : in Southampton, 142- 43-7. 3, 146. Holybourne : Palaeoliths, 255. Ogam : inscription from Silchester, Hound : H.F.C. Meeting, 310. 131. Old Farm House at Northam, O. G. S. Crawford, 187-8. Ibthorpe : Manorial rights, 264. O'Neil, B. H. St. J. : The West Insects in Hampshire, 91-9, 195, - Wall of the Westgate at Win­ 225-32, 295, 306. chester, 56-8. Ironworks : Bursledon, 287-8. Open Fields in Hampshire, 257-66. Isle of Wight: Early Field Systems, Ornithological Reports, 72-90, 207- • 276-8. 24, 296-304. Italian Brooch from Bitterne ? D. M. Owslebury: H. F. C. Botanical Waterman, 189-90. Meeting, .121. INDEX XVII Palaeoliths associated with Clay- Ruddock, Plwyn A.: with-Flints in Hampshire, John Payne's Persecution of G. W. Willis, 253-6. Foreigners in the Town Court Parkes, A. : Recent Discoveries at of Southampton in the 15th Warsash, 190-1. century, 23-37. Parsons, Edmund : Andover Wool­ len Industry, 178-83. St. Barbe : family, 192. Photographic Section Reports, 115- St. Mary Bourne : Roman pottery 6, 238-9, 309. and tiles found, 192. Piggott, C. M. : Two Linear Earth­ Silchester : Ogam inscription, 131. works in-the New Forest, 166-7. Some Earthworks in mid-Hamp- Piggott, Stuart and C. M. : Excava­ shire,'Rev. Canon A. B. Milner, tion of a Barrow on Rockbourne 38-47. Down, 156-62. Some Notes on Vipers, Brian Vesey- Poole, E. H. L. r Scratch Dials at FitzGerald, 197-206. All Saints' Church, Martin, Southampton : . 284-6. Brokage Books, 173-7. Portsmouth : Charles IPs Garrison Friars Observants, 142, 146. Hospital, 280-3. Greyfriars, 137-47. Portsmouth : H.F.C. Meeting, 311. Godshouse repairs, 281. John Payne's persecution of List of Captains assembled at foreigners, 23-37. firing of beacons, 1588, 20-22. Mayoral Election Riot, 1460, 28. Portswood : Roman burials found, Mediterranean trade, 32-3, 35-7. 1852, 251. Old building's, 4. Water supply, 141. Stoneham : Recent Discoveries at Warsash, Pre-Conquest bounds, 148-9. A. Parkes, 190-i. Post-Conquest manor, 150. Reptiles in Hampshire, 100-1, 197- Stoney Cross : Linear Earthwork, 206, 234, 295. 166-7. Roman : Stratfieldsaye: H.F.C. Meeting, Bitterne, two pigs of lead, 251. 312. Brige, site of, 5J2-5. Strip Fields at Sherborne St. John, Little London, Hants : Inscribed 1816-17, S. E. Winbolt, ,48-51. tile of Nero, 59-60. Portswood, burials, 251. Road from Chichester to Clausen- Tate, W. E. : Field Systems and turn, 247-8. Enclosures in Hampshire, 257- St. Mary Bourne : pottery and 79. tiles, 192. Tidbury Ring : Excavations, 38-9. Tidbury Ring : sherds and build­ , Track from Butser to Bordean ing materials, -38-9. ' Gorge and Basing Dean? Roman House at Twyford, Win­ Stephen Coffin, 184-6. chester, S. E. Winbolt, 59. Turner, Barbara Carpenter, Brokage Roman House at Woodhams Farm, | Books of Southampton, 173-7. King's Worthy, 59. Two Linear Earthworks in the New Roman Road from Winchester to Forest, C. M. Piggott, 166-7. Bitterne, O. G. S. Crawford, Twyford : 247-52. • H.F.C. Botanical Meeting, 121. Roman Site at Bitterne, Harold Roman house, 59. Mattingly, 188-9. Romsey Abbey Registers, Sir Richard Luce, 8-18. Vesey-FitzGerald, Brian : Romsey: Inscription on Tomb­ Distribution of Bats in Hamp­ stone, 1349, 133. shire, 64-71. Ruddock, Alwyn A. : Some Notes on Vipers, 197-206. The Greyfriars in Southampton, Viking Ship in the Hamble River, 137-47. C. Fred. Fox, 163-5. xvm INDEX Warsash : Recent discoveries, 190-1: Winbolt, S. E.: Washington, Faith : Extract from Strip Fields at Sherborne St. Will, 289. John, 1816-17, 48-51. Waterman, D. M. : An Italian Winchester : brooch from Bitterne ? 189-90. Cathedral monuments, H.F.C. West Wall of the Westgate, Win­ Meeting, 120. chester, B. H. St. J. O'Neil, • 12th century grant of rent to St. 56-8. Mary, Clerkenwell, 289. White, H. T. : The Beacon System H.F.C. Meeting, 310-11. in Hampshire, 19-22. Roman house at Twyford, 59. Williams-Freeman, Dr. J. P.: Roman road to Bitterne, 247-52. Appreciation, 106-112. West Wall of Westgate, 56-8. Obituary, 103-106. Winslade : Palaeoliths, 255. Willis, G. W.: Hampshire Palaeo- Woodside : " Roman " earthworks, liths and the Clay-with-Flints, 249. 253-6. Woollen Industry : Andover, 178- Winbolt, S. E.: 83. Brige? 52-5. Obituary, 112-3. • Zoology: Notes on General Zoology Roman House at Twyford, Win­ in Hampshire, F. H. Haines, chester, 59. 100-2,233-6. u y P. *< ro <o ' W tG ) I X O A.. %. •& % V •it .
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