Game Notes | Game 3 | Watch: Ahllive.Com | Listen: AM 1220 KDOW

Game Notes | Game 3 | Watch: Ahllive.Com | Listen: AM 1220 KDOW

San Jose Barracuda Proud AHL affiliate of the: Game Notes | Game 3 | Watch: | Listen: AM 1220 KDOW Date Team Result San Jose Barracuda (1-1-00-00) vs. San Antonio (1-1-00-00) Oct. 7 @Stockton W, 6-4 Oct. 13 Grand Rapids L, 3-7 Sat, Oct. 14 | 1:15 p.m. | SAP CENTER | San Jose, Calif. Oct. 14 San Antonio 1:15 PM Oct. 18 Stockton 7:00 PM Oct. 21 @Cleveland 10:00 AM Oct. 22 @Cleveland 2:00 PM Tonight’s*Matchup:!On!Saturday,!less!than!24!hours!after!losing!to!the!Grand!Rapids!Griffins,!the! Oct. 27 @San Antonio 5:30 PM Barracuda!await!another!opponent,!this!time!the!San!Antonio!Rampage.!Over!the!first!two!years! Oct. 28 @Texas 5:00 PM in!the!Pacific!Division,!San!Jose!is!7D2D2D1!against!San!Antonio!and!4D1D1D0!at!home.! Nov. 1 @Ontario 7:00 PM Nov. 5 Texas 5:00 PM ! Nov. 11 Manitoba 1:15 PM In!2016D17,!Timo!Meier!and!Danny!O’Regan!each!collected!a!teamDhigh!eightDpoints!during!the! Nov. 12 Manitoba 3:00 PM Nov. 18 Ontario 1:15 PM sixDgame! season! series! and! San! Jose! went! 4D1D0D1.! Troy! Grosenick! appeared! in! three! games,! NOV. 19 ONTARI0 3:00 PM notching!a!2D1D0!record!with!a!2.69!goalsDagainst!average!and!.918!save!percentage.! NOV. 22 San Antonio 7:00 PM Nov. 24 @Ontario 7:00 PM ! Nov. 26 San Diego 3:00 PM Mixed* Bag:!The!2017D18!San!Antonio!Rampage!roster!is!littered!with!both!Colorado!Avalanche! Dec. 3 @Bakersfield 5:00 PM and!St.!Louis!Blues!prospects.!This!season!the!Blues!are!splitting!their!AHL!affiliation!with!both! Dec. 6 Stockton 7:00 PM Dec. 8 Tucson 7:00 PM the! Chicago! Wolves! and! San! Antonio! Rampage.! Next! year,! the! Vegas! Golden! Knights! will! Dec. 12 @Tucson 6:05 PM completely!take!over!Chicago,!and!St.!Louis!will!move!entirely!to!San!Antonio.!Meanwhile,!the! Dec. 13 @Tucson 6:05 PM Dec. 16 Bakersfield 7:00 PM Avalanche!will!be!moving!their!AHL!club!to!Loveland,!Colorado.!! Dec. 17 Bakersfield 3:00 PM ! Dec. 21 @Bakersfield 6:30 PM Dec. 22 Texas 7:00 PM Youth*Movement:!10!rookies!scatter!the!Barracuda!roster!in!2017!with!an!average!age!of!23.26D Dec. 28 Stockton 1:15 PM yearsDold,!which!ranks!as!the!fourth!youngest!in!the!AHL.!12!players!who!appeared!in!at!least!one! Dec. 30 @Manitoba 12:00 PM Dec. 31 @Manitoba 12:00 PM game!for!San!Jose!last!season!have!returned!this!year.!San!Antonio!holds!the!sixth!most!youthful! Jan. 5 @San Diego 7:00 PM roster!in!the!AHL!with!an!average!age!of!23.35DyearsDold.! Jan. 6 @San Diego 7:00 PM ! Jan. 9 San Antonio 7:00 PM Jan. 12 Rockford 7:00 PM Big* Impact:! Six!players!from!the!Barracuda’s! 2017! playoff!run!are! currently!with!the! San!Jose! Jan. 15 Bakersfield 1:15 PM Sharks! (Joakim! Ryan,! Tim! Heed,! Barclay! Goodrow,! Ryan! Carpenter,! Kevin! Labanc,! and! Timo! Jan. 17 Stockton 7:00 PM Jan. 19 @San Diego 7:00 PM Meier).!!Ryan!Carpenter,!Joakim!Ryan,!and!Tim!Heed!led!San!Jose!in!points!(4)!during!the!fiveD Jan. 20 @San Diego 7:00 PM game!series!against!Grand!Rapids.! Jan. 23 @Texas 5:30 PM Jan. 25 @San Antonio 5:00 PM ! Jan. 27 @San Antonio 5:00 PM Ryan*Rising:!Joakim!Ryan!made!his!NHL!debut!for!the!San!Jose!Sharks!on!Thursday!after!veteran! Feb. 2 @Stockton 7:00 PM blueliner!Paul!Martin!suffered!an!injury!in!practice!earlier!in!the!week.!Ryan!logged!21!minutes! Feb. 3 Stockton 7:00 PM Feb. 5 Tucson 7:00 PM and! 24! seconds! of! iceDtime!and! registered! one! shot! as! he! was! paired! up! with! Norris! Trophy! Feb. 10 San Diego 1:15 PM winner!Brent!Burns.! Feb. 11 San Diego 12:00 PM Feb. 14 Tucson 7:00 PM ! Feb. 16 @Stockton 7:00 PM Homer:!Last!season,!the!Barracuda!held!the!league's!best!homeDice!advantage,!going!34D24D6D2! Feb. 17 @Stockton 6:00 PM Feb. 21 @Ontario 7:00 PM (.765)!in!the!Tank,!and!4D3!(.571)!during!the!postseason.!! Feb. 23 @Bakersfield 7:00 PM ! Mar. 2 Bakersfield 7:00 PM Terrific* Troy:! Back!for!another!season,!Troy!Grosenick!returns!to!the!Barracuda!after!the!best! Mar. 4 Ontario 12:00 PM Mar. 9 Cleveland 7:00 PM season!of!his!career!and!one!of!the!best!in!AHL!history.!Grosenick!who!earned!the!Baz!Bastien! Mar. 10 Cleveland 5:30 PM Memorial!Award!as!the!AHL’s!best!goaltender!went!30D10D5D2,!with!a!2.04!goalsDagainst! and! a! Mar. 16 @Bakersfield 7:00 PM Mar. 18 @Ontario 3:00 PM .926!save!percentage,!along!with!a!leagueDhigh!ten!shutouts.! Mar. 20 @Tucson 6:05 PM ! Mar. 21 @Tucson 6:05 PM Mar. 24 Ontario 5:30 PM Iron*Man:!Returning!for!an!AHLDrecord!20th!season!behind!the!bench!for!the!San!Jose!Sharks!top! Mar. 25 Tucson 3:00 PM affiliate,! Roy! Sommer! continues! his! historic! career.! In! 2015D16,! Sommer! surpassed! Fred! ‘Bun’! Mar. 30 @Grand Rapids 4:00 PM Cook!on!the!top!the!AHL’s!allDtime!winning!list!and!collected!his!first!A.R.!Pieri!Memorial!Award!as! Mar. 31 @Rockford 4:00 PM Apr. 4 San Diego 7:00 PM AHL!Coach!of!the!Year!in!2016D17.!Sommer!is!692D606D48D72D65!(WDLDTDOTLDSOL)!in!his!career.! Apr. 6 @Stockton 7:00 PM ! Apr. 7 Stockton 1:15 PM Apr. 11 @Bakersfield 6:30 PM ! Apr. 13 Bakersfield 7:00 PM Apr. 14 @Stockton 6:00 PM Regular Season Team Leaders (2017-18) Regular Season Records (2017-18) Points: 3, Danny O’Regan/Adam Helewka Home: (0-1-0-0) Goals: 2, Danny O’Regan Road: (1-0-0-0) Assists: 2, Adam Helewka/Brandon Mashinter Pacific Division: (1-0-0-0) PP Goals: 1, Rudolfs Balcers Central Division: (0-1-0-0) SH Goals: 1, Manuel Wiederer Western Conference: (1-1-0-0) GW Goals: 1, Manuel Wiederer Eastern Conference: PIMs: 8, Colby McAuley Situational Records: +/-: +3, Adam Helewka 1-Goal Game: Shootout Totals 2-Goal Game: 1-0-0-0 After a win: 0-1-0-0 Shooter Goals/Att % After a loss: After an OTL/SOL: Scoring First: Opponent Scoring First: 1-1-0-0 Leading After 1 period: Trailing After 1 period: (1-1-0-0) Tied After 1 period: Leading after 2 periods: Trailing after 2 periods: 0-1-0-0 Tied after 2 periods: 1-0-0-0 Overtime Record: Goaltender Record Saves/Att % Shootout record: Outshooting Opponent: 0-1-0-0 Outshot Opponent: Even Shots: 1-0-0-0 Situation For Against Scoring 1 goal: 5 on 5: Scoring 2 goals: 5 on 4: Scoring 3 goals: 0-1-0-0 5 on 3: Scoring 4+ goals: 1-0-0-0 4 on 4: Allowing 1 goal: 4 on 3: Allowing 2 goals: 3 on 3: Allowing 3 goals: 3 on 4: Allowing 4+ goals: 1-1-0-0 3 on 5: Day Game (Prior to 5 PM): 4 on 5: Specialty Jerseys: Extra attacker Empty Net: ! ! ! ! ! ! Last Time When Regular Season Team Leaders SH Goal For: Manny Wiederer, 10/7/17 at STK (W, 6-4) Vs. Bakersfield: 13-8-1-1 (Home: 7-4-0-1/Away 6-4-1-1) SH Goal Against: Vs. Belleville: 0-0-0-0 (Home: o-0-0-0/Away 0-0-0-0) Empty-Net Goal For: Adam Helewka 10/7/17 at STK (W, 6-4) Vs. Binghamton: 0-0-0-0 (Home: o-0-0-0/Away 0-0-0-0) Empty-Net Goal Against: Vs. Bridgeport: 0-0-0-0 (Home: o-0-0-0/Away 0-0-0-0) Hat-Trick Goal: Vs. Charlotte: 2-2-0-0 (Home: 1-1-0-0/Away 1-1-0-0) Hat-Trick Against: Vs. Chicago: 0-0-0-0 (Home: o-0-0-0/Away 0-0-0-0) Penalty Shot: Vs. Cleveland: 0-0-0-0 (Home: o-0-0-0/Away 0-0-0-0) Penalty Shot Against: Vs. Grand Rapids: 2-1-0-0 (Home: 1-1-0-0/Away 1-0-0-0) Shutout For: Vs. Hartford: 0-0-0-0 (Home: o-0-0-0/Away 0-0-0-0) 40+ Saves: Vs. Hershey: 0-0-0-0 (Home: o-0-0-0/Away 0-0-0-0) 40+ Shots Against: Vs. Iowa: 1-0-1-0 (Home: 1-0-0-0/Away 0-0-1-0) 50+ Shots For: Vs. Laval: 0-0-0-0 (Home: o-0-0-0/Away 0-0-0-0) 50+ Shots Against: Vs. Lehigh Valley: 0-0-0-0 (Home: o-0-0-0/Away 0-0-0-0) 50+ Shots Against: Vs. Manitoba: 4-0-0-0 (Home: 2-0-0-0/Away 2-0-0-0) 40+ Saves For: Vs. Milwaukee: 1-1-0-0 (Home: 0-1-0-0/Away 1-0-0-0) 50+ Saves For: Vs. Ontario: 8-8-4-0 (Home: 5-3-2-0/Away 3-5-2-0) 40+ Saves Against: Vs. Providence: 0-0-0-0 (Home: o-0-0-0/Away 0-0-0-0) 50+ Saves Against: Vs. Rochester: 1-1-0-0 (Home: 0-1-0-0/Away 1-0-0-0) Shutout Against: Vs. Rockford: 1-1-0-0 (Home: 0-1-0-0/Away 1-0-0-0) Shutout Against: Vs. San Antonio: 7-2-2-1 (Home: 4-1-1-0/Away 3-1-1-1) Shutout Against: Vs.

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