BOARD OF GOVERNORS — WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY Official Proceedings — April 26, 2006 REGULAR MEETING The meeting was called to order at 2:09 p.m. by Personnel Recommendations President Irvin D. Reid in Room B/C of the McGregor Memorial Conference Center. Secretary Miller called Provost Barrett presented the personnel recommenda- the roll, and the following Board members were present. tions listed below. Governors Abbot, Bernstein, Driker, Dunaskiss, ACTION — Upon motion by Governor Miller and Hardy, Massaron, Miller, and Washington; and seconded by Governor Dunaskiss, the personnel President Reid recommendations were approved and action authorized in accordance therewith. The motion was adopted Also Present: Provost Barrett, Vice President and unanimously. General Counsel and Interim Executive Vice President Lessem; Vice Presidents School of Medicine Burns, Davis, Hollins, and Oliver; and Secretary Miller Rodrigo Andrade, professor, Department of Pharmacology, for transfer of continuing tenure per University year, from the Department of Psychiatry to the CONSENT AGENDA Department of Pharmacology, effective March 1, 2006. ACTION — Upon motion by Governor Miller and Michael Bannon, associate professor, Department of seconded by Governor Dunaskiss, the Consent Agenda Pharmacology, for transfer of continuing tenure per was approved as submitted. The motion was adopted University year, from the Department of Psychiatry to the unanimously. Department of Pharmacology, effective March 1, 2006. The Consent Agenda includes the following items: Michael Cher, for promotion from associate professor to professor, and change in tenure status, from From the Board Materials continuing fractional 25% tenure per University year to 1. Approval of the Official Proceedings of the March 8, continuing fractional 50% tenure per University year in 2006 Regular Meeting. the Department of Urology, effective January 1, 2006. 2. Personnel Recommendations (Board) Professor Cher will serve as interim chair and continue as director of urologic oncology and the Donald J. and From the Academic Affairs Committee Dorothy Jaffar Endowed Chair in Urology. 3. Discontinuance of the Individual Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program Russell Faust, for appointment as the Carl’s Endowed Chair in the Department of Pediatrics, effective February From the Budget and Finance Committee 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007. 4. Various Roof Replacement Projects 5. Bonstelle Theatre Life Safety System Improvements Gregory Kapatos, professor, Department of 6. University Services Building — Facilities Planning Pharmacology, for transfer of continuing tenure per and Management HVAC Improvements and Office University year, from the Department of Psychiatry to the Renovations Department of Pharmacology, effective March 1, 2006. 7. 5057 Woodward — West Mezzanine Renovation - Mail and Addressing Services Department Relocation Discontinuance of the Individual Interdisciplinary 8. Mort Harris Recreation and Fitness Center: Pool Ph.D. Program (Academic Affairs Committee) Infill Build-out for Additional Fitness Space 9. Gordon H. Scott Hall — Second Floor Teaching Lab The administration recommended the discontinuance of Renovations the Individual Interdisciplinary Ph.D. (IIPhD) Program. When the program was first introduced in 1972, its The individual motions for each item on the Consent interdepartmental nature was unusual and provided Agenda are listed below. A complete report of the a unique opportunity for students whose research discussion of agenda items that appeared in committee area did not fit into one department. It allowed them can be found in the Minutes of that committee. to design an individual course of study and research with the help of faculty sponsors from at least two departments. In the intervening years, however, Official Proceedings — March 8, 2006 there has been a growing trend towards collaborative, inter- or multi-disciplinary approaches to research and ACTION — Upon motion by Governor Miller and graduate training. Department-based interdisciplinary seconded by Governor Dunaskiss, the Official programs at Wayne State now give individual students Proceedings of March 8, 2006 were approved as the support of faculty and department resources, submitted by the Secretary. The motion was adopted as well as funding support, thereby providing them unanimously. opportunities for intense research experiences and professional development. Concerned that the IIPhD 6318 BOARD OF GOVERNORS — WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY Official Proceedings — April 26, 2006 REGULAR MEETING Program was no longer fulfilling its original mission locations. All construction work will take into account and goals, the Graduate School in 2003 imposed an the historic architecture in the house and lobby areas. admissions moratorium and impaneled a committee to evaluate the program. After interviewing faculty and ACTION — Upon motion by Governor Miller and students and noting several academic concerns, the seconded by Governor Dunaskiss, the Board of committee recommended discontinuance of the IIPhD Governors authorized the President or his designee to program. design, solicit bids and award contracts to implement various life safety system improvements in the Bonstelle ACTION — Upon motion by Governor Miller and Theatre for an amount not to exceed $490,000. seconded by Governor Dunaskiss, the Board of Funding for this project will be provided from deferred Governors approved the discontinuance of the Individual maintenance reserves. Interdisciplinary Ph.D. program, effective Fall Term 2006. Current students shall be permitted to continue until they have graduated or are separated from the University Services Building — Facilities Planning program. The motion was adopted unanimously. and Management HVAC Improvements and Office Renovations (Budget and Finance Committee) Various Roof Replacement Projects (Budget and The administration proposed the replacement of the Finance Committee) heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems (HVAC) as well as office renovations for the University Services The administration recommended roof replacement for Building. The building, at 5454 Cass Avenue, serves five different buildings, for a total cost not to exceed as the home of the Facilities Planning and Management $1,890,000. In all cases the roofs have had numerous Department (FP&M). It was originally designed by Albert leaks, and the projects will require a complete tear- Kahn and constructed as an automobile dealership and off, disposal and replacement of the deteriorated roof service building in 1930, and was later acquired by the systems. University in 1954. ACTION — Upon motion by Governor Miller and The current heating system is original to the building, seconded by Governor Dunaskiss, the Board of and the cooling system is over 30 years old. These Governors authorized the President, or his designee, outdated HVAC systems will be replaced by equipment to proceed with the design, solicitation of bids, and that satisfies in-door air quality codes and reduces award of contracts for separate projects to replace the energy consumption. The office renovations will following roofs: consolidate Design and Construction Services personnel onto the first floor of the building, from their Projects Cost not to Exceed current distribution in five separate rooms on two floors. The new arrangement will locate supervisors and staff in a. Scott Hall Third Floor the same area, thereby improving communication and Roof Replacement $600,000 management oversight. b. Bioengineering Building Roof Replacement 400,000 ACTION — Upon motion by Governor Miller and c. Custodial/Grounds Building seconded by Governor Dunaskiss, the Board of Roof Replacement 400,000 Governors authorized the President or his designee to d. 95 West Hancock Roof Replacement 230,000 design, solicit bids, and award contracts for the University e. Leonard N. Simons Building Services Building — HVAC improvements and office Roof Replacement 260,000 renovations for Facilities planning and Management at a cost not to exceed $350,000. Funding for this project Funding for each of the projects will come from deferred will be provided as follows: $250,000 from deferred maintenance reserves. The motion was adopted maintenance reserves, and $100,000 contributed by the unanimously. Vice President for Finance and Facilities Management. The motion was adopted unanimously. Bonstelle Theatre Life Safety System Improvements (Budget and Finance Committee) 5057 Woodward — West Mezzanine Renovation - Mail and Addressing Services Department Relocation The Bonstelle Theatre, located at 3424 Woodward just (Budget and Finance Committee) south of Mack Avenue, supports dance and theater training and productions for the College of Fine, The University’s Mail and Addressing Services Performing, and Communication Arts. The administration department is currently housed in two separate buildings; proposed a project that will correct deficiencies in the Mail Room is located on the second floor of 6050 the building’s fire alarm system, emergency egress Cass, and the director’s office on the second floor of lighting, and the house lighting system, as well as make the Student Center Building. Both units will move to the improvements to the backstage and back of house west mezzanine of 5057 Woodward Avenue. The move 6319 BOARD OF GOVERNORS — WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY Official Proceedings — April 26, 2006 REGULAR MEETING to 5057 Woodward will be especially advantageous for Gordon H. Scott Hall — Second Floor Teaching
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