Rank Bib Team Start Time Overall 1 339 NUUNERGY 16:00:00 19:18:04 2 489 Fleet Feet Racing Chicago 16:00:00 20:12:27 3 233 Trolls Stros & Bros 16:00:00 20:19:55 4 8 CRC2 16:00:00 20:41:10 5 357 Road Cone Track Club 16:00:00 21:22:17 6 521 Berkeley Running Company 16:00:00 21:22:29 7 52 Blue Diamond Racing 16:00:00 22:03:49 8 26 Feet on Fire 14:00:00 22:31:04 9 479 Qdo-bros 14:00:00 22:53:22 10 23 Homeward Bound 14:00:00 23:43:31 11 238 Odd Future Wolf Pack 14:00:00 23:44:51 12 520 Old Souls 13:30:00 23:48:33 13 341 Baxter Bark Twice 13:30:00 23:53:03 14 28 Mid-Race Crisis 13:00:00 24:05:01 15 70 Midnight Boom Boom 14:00:00 24:19:28 16 356 Friends of Z 14:00:00 24:22:29 17 202 Hotly Pursued 14:00:00 24:28:03 18 476 First Trust Portfolios 13:30:00 24:39:44 19 198 San Diego Yogging Club 13:30:00 24:43:22 20 69 Fossil Velocity 13:00:00 24:45:05 21 280 Will Run for Food 13:30:00 25:03:09 22 447 MT2014 13:00:00 25:06:34 23 20 St. Louis Ragnuts 12:30:00 25:17:15 24 290 Inner Thigh Bubblegums 12:30:00 25:20:46 25 226 The Mighty Ducks 14:00:00 25:24:40 26 179 Peace Love and Chaffing 13:00:00 25:48:03 27 404 12 Sigma Running 13:30:00 25:56:13 28 516 Deep Dish Pizza 13:30:00 25:58:59 29 50 Donny Quicksocks 13:00:00 26:04:19 30 369 Sequoit Sole Striders 13:30:00 26:09:16 31 319 Pimp My Stride 13:00:00 26:09:20 32 459 Fartlek Foam Rollers 14:00:00 26:11:59 33 255 What's That Smell? 12:00:00 26:12:07 34 51 Project Green Running 13:00:00 26:20:35 35 224 The Penguins 14:00:00 26:21:23 36 212 Squirtle Squirtle 10:00:00 26:21:40 37 507 Loco-motion 12:30:00 26:26:41 38 176 ERC United 13:30:00 26:27:34 39 358 The Level X Twelve Guys 11:00:00 26:30:50 40 113 Missouri Running - Cape Girardeau 13:00:00 26:36:30 41 253 Run This Beach 12:00:00 26:42:07 42 107 The Push-Up Guys 10:00:00 26:46:16 43 124 Bri Guy's 9 12:30:00 26:47:38 44 420 Anytime Fitness Rebellion 13:00:00 26:48:31 45 364 The Electric Ultra 10:30:00 26:52:48 46 278 CODE 3 FOR A CURE 13:00:00 26:56:25 47 468 Baker Tilly 12:30:00 26:56:49 48 265 MOP 13:00:00 26:59:23 49 336 We Ain't Old Yet 10:00:00 26:59:30 50 502 Just Purdue It 12:30:00 27:00:47 51 22 Male Cougars 12:30:00 27:03:40 52 501 Dudes For Life. 12:30:00 27:06:55 53 412 BayWATCHusRUNourhASSelhOFF 13:00:00 27:13:20 54 442 Wyld Stallyns 13:00:00 27:16:53 55 39 The 12th Gear 13:00:00 27:18:15 56 405 DTF (Down to Finish) 13:00:00 27:24:58 57 451 Dashin' Dozen 13:00:00 27:26:24 58 101 Ultra Nut Jobs 12:30:00 27:28:47 59 199 Where's The Finish 13:30:00 27:28:54 60 402 Motivated by Shame 12:30:00 27:29:25 61 410 Z Baker's Dozen 10:30:00 27:35:36 62 225 2nd Wind 11:00:00 27:37:22 63 129 Mad City-Second City Express 12:30:00 27:38:30 64 455 We left our keys in Chicago 12:30:00 27:39:17 65 95 We Love the '90s 12:30:00 27:41:02 66 460 Fitletic 12:00:00 27:42:31 67 363 Dave's Double 12:00:00 27:43:24 68 79 Six of one 9:30:00 27:43:30 69 166 My Midlife Crisis Can Beat Up Your Honors Student 11:00:00 27:45:22 70 438 Purple Cobras 13:30:00 27:46:30 71 389 I Really Just Felt Like Running 11:30:00 27:47:56 72 137 F.O.R. 10:00:00 27:48:33 73 525 Gym Class Heroes! 11:00:00 27:50:25 74 229 2 Fast 10 Furious 13:30:00 27:52:53 75 344 Galt & Company 11:00:00 27:53:15 76 167 Ulti Peeps 9:30:00 27:53:25 77 353 Sweatin' to the Oldies 11:00:00 27:54:00 78 254 Team OMG! MMC 12:30:00 27:54:42 79 373 Too Stupid To Stop 11:00:00 27:56:00 80 335 DFR 13:00:00 27:56:06 81 89 Zone 5 - The Male Groom-ers 9:00:00 27:57:59 82 281 You're Killing Me Smalls! 10:30:00 28:01:13 83 427 Sun's Out Buns Out. 12:00:00 28:01:26 84 158 RS Group Leaders 12:00:00 28:01:29 85 170 Tip Top 10:00:00 28:03:37 86 258 Our Other Van Loves Nickelback 11:00:00 28:10:18 87 377 Late Night Bare Attack 11:30:00 28:11:52 88 32 The Absconders 9:00:00 28:12:00 89 417 KERLITO'S WAY 11:30:00 28:16:05 90 42 Hot Wired to Hustle 10:00:00 28:16:41 91 277 Too Inspired to be Tired 12:30:00 28:18:56 92 324 where the hell are we 9:30:00 28:19:45 93 268 We've Got The Runs - Again! 11:00:00 28:20:07 94 120 Consulting Adults 7:00:00 28:20:30 95 274 Fierce as a dog with tongue lapping for action 11:00:00 28:22:58 96 241 Called to Run 13:30:00 28:23:21 97 272 The 4 Decades 13:00:00 28:23:23 98 483 STAFF INFECTION 10:30:00 28:23:23 99 96 ManExam 13:00:00 28:24:28 100 49 Old School 9:30:00 28:25:34 101 75 Night of the Running Dead 12:30:00 28:25:51 102 522 The Village People 11:30:00 28:29:31 103 322 Brew City Striders 10:30:00 28:29:57 104 25 Configure Run & The Sp3c1@L Ch@r@ct3rs 6:30:00 28:37:23 105 301 Lake Country Loonies 9:00:00 28:39:40 106 484 Ragstars 9:00:00 28:40:15 107 66 Patrone's Patrol 13:00:00 28:41:28 108 175 Assorted Nuts 9:30:00 28:41:51 109 103 Marquette Warriors 10:00:00 28:44:39 110 64 Running Buddies 7:00:00 28:45:52 111 467 Ragnar Road Kill 12:30:00 28:46:58 112 236 I thought you said RUM 9:00:00 28:47:55 113 163 Take the Money and Run 9:00:00 28:48:01 114 30 Team Pacifico 9:30:00 28:48:07 115 58 Sarcastic B's 8:30:00 28:50:08 116 245 Shake Your Ragnar 10:00:00 28:51:45 117 116 Puddler Striders 12:00:00 28:52:39 118 398 Hot Spots 9:00:00 28:52:51 119 193 Liquid Awesome 8:30:00 28:52:51 120 385 Six Sick Chix 9:30:00 28:52:59 121 343 Sharkie & the Bandits 7:00:00 28:57:25 122 426 Beer Guzzlers 12:00:00 28:57:47 123 43 Misericordia Home 9:30:00 28:58:09 124 80 Zombie Apocalypse 9:30:00 28:59:35 125 248 Ambulance Chasers?? 10:00:00 29:00:26 126 509 Ragnar Superheros 5:30:00 29:01:19 127 207 Peter Francis Ge-Racers 11:00:00 29:01:55 128 44 Off Kilter 9:00:00 29:04:00 129 85 Mad Chi Disease - Crazed Holsteins 7:00:00 29:05:19 130 458 What the Hill? 10:30:00 29:05:50 131 227 Jogger-Nauts 10:30:00 29:06:02 132 432 Screw City Runners 8:00:00 29:06:12 133 419 More Cowbell 11:30:00 29:06:51 134 416 H-Bombers 8:30:00 29:08:44 135 391 The Pain Train 11:30:00 29:08:49 136 204 Tears for Beers 6:30:00 29:09:11 137 411 Run Like The Wind-y City 7:30:00 29:10:14 138 515 MadChi14 12:00:00 29:10:22 139 181 Bulldog 10:00:00 29:10:37 140 388 Off Like a Prom Dress 11:30:00 29:12:00 141 296 Team Morning Wood-We Run Hard 11:00:00 29:12:28 142 466 QCCF -Super Cheetah Unicorn People 11:30:00 29:13:15 143 418 The Winded Cities 12:00:00 29:17:23 144 18 3RUN2 12:00:00 29:18:07 145 518 Theory of Relativity 6:00:00 29:18:34 146 439 R/GA 11:30:00 29:23:56 147 288 Party Between the Legs 10:30:00 29:24:22 148 441 Your Pace or Mine 11:00:00 29:25:36 149 182 RWB Chicago 10:00:00 29:25:38 150 68 Nicholas Cage 9:30:00 29:26:34 151 519 Sprout Social 12:30:00 29:26:56 152 454 Team PhotoBOMB 8:15:00 29:27:28 153 109 Run Eat Repeat 12:00:00 29:28:28 154 320 Playing Doctors 6:30:00 29:28:39 155 424 Not Tonight I'm On My RAGNAR 12:00:00 29:29:27 156 380 Rowgnar Chicago 12:30:00 29:30:46 157 443 Run With Purpose 11:30:00 29:30:46 158 276 Speed Bumps & Humps 9:00:00 29:30:50 159 196 Wurst Ragnar Team Ever 11:00:00 29:31:20 160 228 Creepin it Real 10:00:00 29:31:50 161 21 Best Foot Forward 6:30:00 29:31:50 162 174 Lake Michigan Express 10:00:00 29:32:02 163 326 Turn My Swag On 7:00:00 29:32:56 164 517 PwC-Chicago 8:15:00 29:33:14 165 106 Foundry Endurance 9:30:00 29:33:45 166 314 THE HOTT MESS EXPRESS 11:30:00 29:34:14 167 370 My Third Leg is Longer Than Yours 12:00:00 29:34:22 168 500 Team Palestine 11:30:00 29:34:35 169 45 Nature Lovers 9:30:00 29:35:32 170 185 Team Shades 7:30:00 29:35:59 171 383 ROGO - Runs Out Guns Out 11:00:00 29:36:01 172 183 Team Cray Cray 7:30:00 29:36:05 173 397 Victory in Da Feet 11:00:00 29:37:43 174 421 FAST N DIRTY 12:00:00 29:38:14 175 1 Ragnar Supervillains 8:00:00 29:39:00 176 362 Garth & The Holiday Road Heathens 11:00:00 29:39:04 177 237 My Shoes Hurt 10:30:00 29:39:32 178 100 Team RWB StL 8:00:00 29:40:01 179 512 Chi or Die 12:00:00 29:44:32 180 477 Gym Class Heroes 12:30:00 29:46:26 181 132 Random Acts Foolishness 10:00:00 29:48:49 182 40 Downers but not Outers 11:30:00 29:49:41 183 164 still oblivious to the distance 11:00:00 29:50:02 184 128 Will Run For Beer 7:00:00 29:53:00 185 99 Lt Dan's Patrol 8:00:00 29:53:06 186 46 TLS Ragnar 2.0 12:00:00 29:53:33 187 453 Never Quit 8:30:00 29:53:44 188 429 Solemates 12:00:00 29:54:46 189 287 Runasaurus Rex 11:00:00 29:55:02 190 143 The Kimmy Gibblers 7:00:00 29:56:02 191 499 Who signed me up for this? 11:30:00 29:57:32 192 102 Brookfield Brixie's Buccaneers 10:30:00 29:57:46 193 149 The BLACKOUT 9:30:00 29:58:42 194 192 The Running Dead 2 12:00:00 29:59:44 195 395 #running 10:30:00 30:00:43 196 408 The Young & Rest of Us 7:30:00 30:00:52 197 220 Back to Back World War Champs 11:00:00 30:01:57 198 289 Warriors Running Group 11:00:00 30:02:57 199 244 WTF? Where's the Finish? 8:30:00 30:04:21 200 105 Cedar River Bandits 12:00:00 30:06:12 201 486 IbuproFUN 8:30:00 30:06:12 202 481 The Bigfoot Paparazzi 10:30:00 30:08:22 203 257 IronCaps 8:30:00 30:09:03 204 111 Sweaty Friends 9:30:00 30:09:23 205 428 Blazing Unicorns 11:30:00 30:10:00 206 61 Correcaminos 7:00:00 30:11:17 207 321 UMMS Runners 11:00:00 30:11:49 208 396 Chaffers Anonymous 10:30:00 30:13:11 209 295 Sweaty Nuts and Wine Sluts 8:15:00 30:14:05 210 222 This Is How We Roll...
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