cx”s Flatbush Jewish Journal The voice of The flaTbush Jewish communiTy | disTribuTed To over 100,000 people in 18,000 homes, shuls & sTores Vol. 1 N0. 26 November 4, 2010 | ,ag”t jaui fwwz A Citicom! Publication INSIDE FJJ FJJ CoMMuNITY BuLLETIN An observant Eye 60 Flatbush Political Landscape Business Directory 61 Unchanged By Election Children's Page 64 Dov Hikind prevailed while in nered just under 8 percent of the Flatbush Focus 50 the state Senate Kevin Parker and vote. Flatbush Freilich 50 Carl Kruger secured new two- Mr. Weiner won by a com- Flatbush Shomrim year terms. U.S. Representatives fortable margin, but the tight- Flatbush Weather 4 Anthony Weiner, Yvette Clarke est of any New York member of Warns Community and Ed Towns, all of whom have the House, 58-41 percent against Flatbush Zmanim 3 THIS SUNDAY Gambling Parlors Avi Hartstein a slice of Flatbush in their dis- well-funded challenger Bob gemach Directory 43 Th e momentous election that tricts, will return to Capitol Hill Turner, a former broadcasting Even before the sinking in the next Congress. executive. Towns won 90 percent Halachically Speaking 29 swept change across the country, economy and high unemploy- shift ing the House of Represen-See our ad onMr. page Hikind won 68 percent of of the vote against Diana Mu- ment rate, there were those Health & Fitness 54 tatives from Democrat to Repub- the vote, warding off his fi rst ma- niz and Clarke won 90 percent who took on gambling as their jor challenge in years from Brian against Hugh Carr. Kashrus Kurrents 24 lican control and posing a huge prime source of income. headache for President Barack Doherty, a former police offi cer Th e only New York City con- Now, with jobs scarce and Letters to the Editor 4 Obama, brought no change to who won 37 percent. Parker won gressman, and the only offi cial in despair rising, even more peo- handily, with 83 percent of the Brooklyn to lose his job Tuesday ple are putting their resources Nachas Notes 10 Flatbush, with all the area’s elect- ed Democrat offi cials surviving vote against Jeff rey Lodge who was Michael McMahon, the con- and future at risk for a chance Pathways of Prophets 26 vigorous Republican challenges. won 13 percent. Jacobs also saw gressman from the 13th District, to turn a quick, illegal buck. In the state Assembly, Steve a landslide, 92 percent, against which includes all of Staten Island Flatbush Shomrim, the vol- Person in Parsha 9 Cymbrowitz, Rhoda Jacobs and Republican Alan Kesler who gar- as well as Bay Ridge. Republican unteer safety and security pa- CoNTINuED oN PAgE 32 Personal Prayer 14 trol that works closely with the NYPD, has received an alarm- Photo gallery 53 ingly high number of anony- Publisher's Message 4 mous calls from frightened wives whose husbands have lost Price Tracker 4 family valuables in illegal gam- Rav Pam on the Parsha 3 bling operations in the neigh- borhood. Refl ections of Maggid 23 Th ese operations are right here and right under our noses, Salomon Says 28 in the midst of our yeshivas, Seforim Review 17 Steven Cymbrowitz Dov Hikind Anthony Weiner Kevin Parker shuls and places of legitimate business. Th e outside of a gam- Shiurim Directory 44 FJJ CoMMuNITY BuLLETIN bling parlor may look like any Shul & Daf Directories 46 other residential house that Shul Safety Tips in Wake of Foiled Bomb Plot fi ts into the neighborhood, or Simchas & Events 50 NYPD Working Closely with Jewish organizations even based out of phony store- Women's World 56 fronts. Single and married men Avi Hartstein from all over our neighborhood Yahrtzeits of the Week 45 planes in England and Dubai, to deliveries from unknown or walk in and out at all hours of The close-call interception there has been no known direct unusual sources, particularly the day and night. Th is must be of two powerful bombs that ini- threat to a Jewish organization. if it comes from overseas. Th at stopped. tially appeared to be addressed But the Secure Community Net- does not only include Yemen or Flatbush Shomrim is alert- to Jewish institutions in Chicago work (SCN), the Anti-Defama- Middle East countries, since ter- ing all homeowners and store- have served as a wake-up call for tion League and the Jewish Com- rorists are believed to have re- owners that they must not rent shuls, community centers and or- munity Relations Council of New routed some packages to other to gamblers, despite the temp- ganizations all over the country, York (JCRC) have put out advi- countries. tation of high rent or kickbacks prompting them to review secu- sories about how to keep safe at If a suspicious package ar- from the criminal proprietors. rity procedures, especially per- a time when it’s clear that Al Qa- rives, don’t hesitate to call the po- Such tenants who may taining to delivery of packages. eda’s terrorist masterminds are lice. “Th e police don’t mind being seem legitimate, may even Since Friday’s news that the determined to strike once again called to help determine whether sublet the apartment or store two devices concealed inside at America. there is a threat,” says David Pol- without moving in. Criminal printer toner cartridges were dis- Th e most important advice, lock, associate executive director proprietors of such establish- Hachnosas Sefer Torah at covered, in response to a tip from says the JCRC, is to be alert and of the JCRC. He recommends ments have also fallen prey to Torah ore Dinner 49 a man in Saudi Arabia, aboard vigilant, especially pertaining CoNTINuED oN PAgE 18 CoNTINuED oN PAgE 30 THIS SUNDAY Fashion&Beauty See our ad on page 15 SUPPLEMENT INSIDE R E G I S T E R N O W F O R N O V E M B E R 1 2 - 1 3 YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO JOIN THE RZA FOR A HISTORIC & INSPIRATIONAL WEEKEND OF THOUGHT & ACTION 2ND ANNUAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE RELIGIOUS ZIONISTS OF AMERICA MIZRACHI HAPOEL HAMIZRACHI SHABBATON IN NYC “AmericAn jewry & isrAel At A crossroAds ii” Is there a place for Exceptionalism? Conversions and the Rotem Bill, An Analysis of the November Elections, Delegitimization The Impact of the Middle East Conflict on American Jewry, Permanent Agreement FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12 - SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13 tmhu ,arp ,ca TEFILOT/SEUDOT: FIFTH AVENUE SYNAGOGUE, 5 East 62nd Street (5th. & Madison), NYC SERVICES LED BY THE WORLD RENOWNED CANTOR JOSEPH MALOVANY PROMINENT SPEAKERS INCLUDING: malcolm hoenlein . R’ heRshel schachteR . R’ pesach leRneR kenneth jacobson . ambassadoR meRon Reuben acting consul geneRal ido ahaRoni . dR. alan kadish WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF: Rabbis yosef blau, yaakov keRmaieR, sol Roth, gideon shloush, shlomo einhoRn, seth gRaueR SHABBATON REGISTRATION - $150 per person Includes gourmet meals catered by Michael Schick LODGING: HILTON NEW YORK - $299 1335 Ave. of the Americas Special reduced rate for RZA Shabbaton guests. Limited Hotel space. INFO. & RESERVATIONS: 212-465-9234 Special Shabbat Children’s Program for participants MARTIN OLINER, Chairman The RZA Shabbaton Weekend is dedicated in loving memory of William Solomon z”l / hukv inkz hfsrn ic ctz b’’zk 2 | Flatbush Jewish Journal Thursday, November 4, 2010 718.692.1144 | www.flatbushjewishjournal.com rav Pam on the Parsha NOV ZMANIM 4-10 An Exclusive Weekly Excerpt From "The Pleasant Way" By Rabbi Sholom Smith FOR THE FLATBUSH AREA Parshas Toldos thurs 7:30 10:04 5:48 6:31 zf Sunrise Latest Shekiah Tzeis iuaj Heartfelt Tefillah and Holy Children Shema 4 z ,uhruv Yitzchok prayed to Hashem is achieved by the person com- to his normal daily business. He opposite his wife, because she was pletely removing himself from needs time to come back down barren...(25:21) his earthly trappings and totally to earth and make the transition fri The Talmud Yevamos (64a) devoting himself to spiritual- from the holy to the mundane. 7:31 10:04 5:47 6:30 jf Sunrise Latest Shekiah Tzeis asks, “Why were most of our ity. By doing this he will come This can be compared to astro- Shema iuaj forefathers barren? Rav Yitzchok to the realization that Hashem’s nauts who, after a space flight, 5 5:29 ,urb ,eksv j ,uhruv answers, because Hashem desires presence fills the entire world and must spend time in a decompres- the prayers of tzaddikim.” This that there is no place devoid of sion chamber to help acclimate statement is quite perplexing. His Being. themselves to the atmospheric ,ca ohfrcn ,ca Hashem is the epitome of mercy How can a person attain this conditions on earth. 7:32 10:05 5:46 6:29 yf ,rum and it sounds almost sadistical to level of spirituality? The Talmud An example of this Sunrise Latest Shekiah Tzeis iuaj Berachos (32b) tells us: “The early vkhp,v can be seen from the first Shema say that He made our patriarchs y ,uhruv and matriarchs go through the pious ones would tarry (i.e. pre- meeting of Yitzchok with his fu- 6 6:59 (,"r) a"mun unbearable suffering of sterility pare themselves for) one hour ture wife Rivkah. Yitzchok went just to make them pray with more before tefillah and one hour af- out to pray in the field toward eve- ter tefillah.” They would pre- ning and he raised his eyes and saw sun intensity and devotion? 6:33 9:06 4:45 5:28 k One could explain why it was pare themselves for their thrice- camels approaching. And Rivkah Sunrise Latest Shekiah Tzeis necessary for most of our fore- daily encounter with Hashem raised her eyes and saw Yitzchok Shema iuaj fathers to be barren.
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