::--- ---- - - J T .. EEM a Jong time ince our men and women went away to erve in the armed force . ow they are coming home. __ " THEY ' RE HOMEWARD BODIID It ha been a Jong time since TAKE CARE OF THEM " Col umbu. and Franklin County G£Nl1 AL M Ac A lltlU I -- - have made any major improve­ ment! . No, i. our opportunity to make thi a better community­ bl'ingfng- new industrie and op­ portunity and prosoe1 ity for re­ turning veterans-for an of u The 16 issu?s for Jobs and Progress wi)] provide t he equivalent of work for 15,6 2 per. on. for a year. The carefully planned project will benefit everyone in t he community ••• Health and welfare, sewage and sanitation, police and fire r>rotection, new 2nd modernized chool , a self-sur>porti ng auditorium for veteran and port event and convention , more l10spita] bed., recreation and afety, a new children' home. METfH! POLITAN COM MITTE E FO R JOBS & PROGR ES S Pa ul R, Gingher, Chai rm an A Si '()ff l(IWh COMPLETES THE PICTURE For a lawn of e -ciLing h eauty elect Scotls L awn Seed and Turf Builder gra food. Thi combinaLion from Mary ville, Ohio i famou from coa L to coa t for huilding Am rica' fine t lawn - the kind you ought to have. If your Dealer can't supply you, please write N••• MoN r1tlH [81 41 Khoole [Kl Ceurt h•uae anneJt 18] Health and safety equfpment ~ StrH t lmpre•em•nh t'il Now city Mwu a [8} N• w chlldrena' heme O. M. SCOTT & SONS (&] Op~ra!inc lny 00 N ew fire heUu1 ( 'O. [SJ Meteor• ...... fll.,oH I plant Ceunty 00 hetpibl npantleft (KJ Veteran,' memorial audlterlu,. 00 Hea lth . ,... Nftty llulldlnc Marysville~ Oliio SJ PIAJ'ar•vn• •N r..-rNU•11 (&) Tultercul•r flea,1'81 ..,.,. ... ,. QsiCeunty trunk ffWtR I&) Clllrb•p tnc:l nerater [ 1 ] Welcome, Dads! Ohio State Stall AD'S DAY at the Ohio State University is D an institution-like Dad, hi mself. This is the day when we pay homage to the fellow who pays the bills, to that "chief wor­ rier" , to that friend, counsellor and pal. Ou r mothers are in the stands here today, Joining with us in proud, traditional t ribute to the "head man. We wish that there were room for all of you on the side Iines with t he dads of the foot­ bal I team members. Since that is impossi bl e, the committee has chosen a " Dad of Dads" who will represent the more than 10,000 fath­ ers of Ohio State students. He is Mr. Ber­ nard Hatten, (Ohio State, '17) Route 2, Del ­ aware, 0 ., father of "Gene" Hatten, sopho­ more in chemical engineering. T HEY COACH THE BUCK EYES : Left to ri ght- Jack Graf, Ed Bruckner, Homer While officially it is my duty to w rite this salutation, the real greetings a re being made Edi ngton, Carroll C. W iddoes, head coach; Paul Bixle r and Ernie Godfrey. this week-end a ll over the c ampus. Dormi­ tories, fraternities, rooming houses are "shined up" for that all-important visi tor and his best HEAD COACH C. C. WIDDOES : Serving his first year as Godfrey was graduated from Ohio State in 1915 and ofter mother, who's here with h im. head coach. Widdoes, a graduate of Otterbein College, one year as coach of Wooster High School, was coach at girl, class of 1926, come to Ohio State in 1941 from Massil­ Wittenberg College until 1929 when he returned to Ohio lon, 0 ., where he was assistant in football and basketball. State. A veteran of World War I, Godfrey hos been as­ So, although we say the formal and official Widdoes hos been coaching since 1926, when he started sociated with four head coaches in his 15 years at Ohio KIP RADER as tutor of all sports at Longfellow Junior High School State. "Hello, Dad" here on behalf of t he student in Massillon. Widdoes formerly was coach of the Buckeye JACK GRAF, blocking bocks: Grof is serving his second body collectively, the real greetings are the blocking bocks and fullbacks. Serving as acting head coach of the Bucks in 1944, he turned out on undefeated, untied year as a varsity coach. He ployed fullback on the Ohio warm handclasps, the hugs and glad cries go­ team and was named "Cooch of the Year" by members of State teams of 1939, '40 and '41, receiving the Western the American Football Coaches' Association. Conference award as the most valuable player to his team ing on everywhere around the ca mpus. in his senior year. Grof is assistant in basketball to Coach Harold G. Olsen. PAUL BIXLER, ends and wingbocks: Bixler, a graduate Dad, you don't know how glad we are to of Mt. Union College, came to Ohio State in 1941 from HOMER EDINGTON, guards: Edington, who hos been have you see our fine Un ive rsity, and how Colgate Universi ty, where he was head basketball coach on instructor in the physical education deportment for the and assistant football coach. He also held these same post three years, is serving his second season on the varsity happy we are to have you with us here today, positions at Canton McKinley High School and Akron Uni­ staff. He is a graduate of Ohio State, class of 1938, and versity. Bixler, who starred in sports as on undergraduate coached football at Fairfield High School in Hamilton, 0 . and you, too, Mom. at Mt. Un ion, also acts in on advisory capacity to Cooch Widdoes. ED BRUCKNER, tackles: Bruckner, a student in veter­ KIP RAD ER, inary medicine, is serving on the varsity coaching staff for ERNIE GODFREY, line: Godfrey, a former Ohio State the second time. A former assistant freshmen coach, varsity guard, supervises the work of the guards, tackles Bruckner was a varsity tackle in 1938, '39 and '40. He Chairman, Dad's Day, 1945 and centers, with special attention devoted to the tackles. received a pre-medical degree in 1941. [ 2 ] [ 3 ] Carmen Ohio. Words by FRED. A. CORNELL, '06. Spanish Chant. i~EE:=i:::33:::1=_=-~1 i:=i:J==~=§-£¥mg;g-d-ffl§ § - .:-:-: ---1 ~---- . ::- - -·-- 1. Oh! come let's sing O - hi • o's praise, And songs to Al · ma Ma· ter raise; 2. These jol - ly days of price - less worth, By far the gla<l • dest days of earth, 3. Tho' age may dim our metn·'ry's store,\Ve'll think of hap - py days of yore, Failure to make that extra point accounted for the loss of over 20% of America's key a I ~~-~==3=R~::i::3 --.t~~•-.-·- ·- ·~=~- - • -=I- : .::-r- t~=+-fi!=__ _______.___ . -.£=~ football games last year! Wliile our hearts re-bound-ing thrill, Witli joy which death a - lone can still. Soon will pass and we not know How dear • ly we love O • hi - o. Failure to chalk up extra points by True to friend and frank to foe, As stur • dy sons of O • hi - o. buying Victory Bonds now to build the -· - • -· - ...fL -· - I . ," E .... ..,,_ -&· ~~~~~~-==of=tr=: tE---1: f4 peace is stopping short of the goal. Victory Bonds tackle our post-war problems. They hold the line against rising prices, and ;-!, .__J-~----l- ·-'-~" -~-==6_-1--1--~=3 I ~~~~ ' [=-==~-:==-~: • r&§ guard the recovery of our wounded. I --------- ~ '-i Sum-ruer's heat or \.Vin - ter's cold, The sea· sons pass, the years will roll: ' We should strive to keep thy name Of fair re - pute and spot· less fame; And Victory Bonds carry you over the If on seas of care we roll, 'Neath blackened sky, o'er bar • ren shoal, goal to a secure and brighter future. BUY that extra bond! ~§=-=-J==--~-=t:--lz: -Jo. 1- =- .J__r~,=;:d l-8=~-4-_ ;_ibEF-~l:n i --• --. --· • ~ -·: -- -Iii BUILD that Better Future! Time and change will sure - ly show How firm thy friend-ship- 0 - hi • o. So, in col - !ege halls we'll grow To love thee bet • ter- 0 · hi • o. Tho'ts of thee bid dark - ness go, Dear Al • ma Ma - ter- 0 · hi • o. -· -. ...::___,,_- .... _ ____.J _._ _l' _-flL.:_ ~:.....:.fa· -'9- l'=--~---5,-~--f=ij=E=t v3F r f t ~~ f B Copyright, 1916, by Ohio State University Associatio:1. CH INKY FREAR SERVICE S TAT ION Firestone Dealer-City Service Products Sold 1550 CLEVELAND, AVE. Home ond Auto Supplies [ 4 ] [ 5 J SPALDING O ' SHEA SPOT- Bl LT RAWLINGS Smitl & Lee 120 E. Broad ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT Columbus NOW M. ore Than Ever QUALITY E. Elford Is IMPORTANT & Son NORTHWESTERN Insist Upon " VS. OHIO STATE . Contractors cfea&eot .. Wilbur E. Snypp, Edtior ICE CREAM William A. Woodruff.................. Advertising Manager William S. Guthrie ...................... Circulation Manager • Willard F. Wankelman ............................ Cover Artist THE TELLING-BELLE VERNON CO. Division National Dairy Products Corp. * Dad's Day Welcome.................. 2 COLUMBUS Ohio State Coaching Staff.......... ···························· 3 245 E. Town ADams 2171 f~w.est~~~n·~~d -C ... C. .Widd~~-~ .. ························ : O H O Ted Payseur and Lynn Waldorf......... 9 Tune in The Sealtest Village Store Ohio's All-Time Football Record. .................... 11 Ohio State Players.................. 13, .. is···20 .. 28···3·ci ··34 Ohio Stat~ Assistants ...................... : ..... .'...... : ..... .'.. 14 Oh,a Playing Numbers (Numerically) .................... 18 Northwestern Playing Numbers (Numerically) 19 Na~thwestern Players .......................... 26, 36 .. 3g".41 g~io ~Jette Raskterb( Alphabetically) ............... : ...... '. .27 10 a e 8as et a 1I 3 I It's Features Like Tiu.re Tlzat Make Northwestern Raster ( Alphabeti~-~-li·y·j....................
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