DOCUBEUT HE UME EB 159 673 CS 20 110 AUTHOR Cooper, Charles R. , Cdell, Lee, Ed. TITLE Research on Composing, Points cf Departtre. INSTITUTION National Council of Teachers of English, Urbana, PUB DATE 75 NOTE 209p.; Papers from the Buffalo Conference on Researching Composing held at the State Uriversityof New York at Buffalo in 1915 Farts of document marginally legible due to snail type. AVAILABLE FROM National Council of Teachers of English, 1111 Kenyon Road, Urbana, Illinois 61801 (Stock No .C696, $6.50 non - member, $5,50 member) ERRS PRICE MF-10.8.J EC-311.37 Plus Postage DE SCRIPToR s Children; Cognitive Erooesses; *Compcsiti n (Literary); *Composition Skills (Literary); Creative writing; *Discourse Analysis; Eye Hand Coordination; Poetry; Research Needs; Fhetcric; Rhetorical Criticism; *Writing Skills IDENTIFIERS Composition Process; *Compcsiti- Research; *Rewriting ABSTRACT While the chapters of this book present avariety of perspectives, they share the common goal ofredirecting and revitalizing research on written composition.Iti authors review research on written discourse and thecomposing process and raise ,questions regarding information andskills that teachers and researchers need to consider-. The chaptersdiscuss implications for research in composing; the composing processand the functions of writing; needed research on invention (whenrhetorical theory is the basis of composing); implications ofcognitive-developmental psychology for research on composing; the role ofthe hard, eye, and brain in thewritingprocess; the writing of youngchildren; the processofdiscovery in internal revision; researchstrategies for the study of revision in writing poetry;helping young children start to write; and procedures foridentifying invention in writing. (MAT) ******* ********* **** * ** ******** Reproductions supplied by ERRS are the best that canto made from the original document. ************************* ,,4Iiivittn. _ _ _ CATION CT POINTS Og VIEW OR OPINIONS STAtE0 DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE- SENT OFVICIAL NATiONAL iNSTITUTE EDuCATION POSITION OP POLiCY D rchonComposing r. u _Li I t C 11 a 1-1(. Ste UniVe I m[aklul I Lee ()Lien Stott,. Linke: Nekv & U-L. a| Hu_ 1-,110 National Council of Teachers of English ,mmt hm %u,d I 1 i kolivon 1).111,1 oisoi Iuplift! -rdtt-rtil..1 t Ion it N- II( in fitf tilt eq. inn, 1 I 'in het 10:7 tititi tt 11 111r-I), f urlintftl:lt,ntiltti C. N( ifE tiitttritllIlt 1 %Iti.1 It relit, tt'tt.tIt.f hirik 1,!.tlfttt, t 1,,t tifttrt) ht. All ( tip(-lit kit thr I l'iintt.tl in tintI. 'loud 5tatt..-. to provide a It rt ilk a- of N( IIIn ai),I other piatalKation Forum ttir tilt! Lt. -10I) l11111., the L.4.-Intt111 MUI thy 1ii titI mt.1:41 hit1,111),,titt4ltt ,tit: tht- f;.ALI111,1.. flhr rt,fultitVictt, Alit !Mph; onjunitit,. tl,t1-3.11,1"ti )11".., vir flit^ rut_Intvz-,Thip cmert tit y.11(1-t, clitior--prurnt N It":11-1' ^,11C11I1Vt,I, ( if \ I l;1,11ttc.:.trtn. Crkine4 Itw,li -111.1tir,tto)ft .111LI I ilr,I111 .111,1 1,11t11.1',(` tiS to It t7l }' ( (,Itt;-c tItW !-111,31' *11141 ( h:1111`, 1+1 1 II t 1&11I c, 1" I I I 11I It' I R I 1(4;\ II--IL' Contents \ -Apnp,c, I.,;(-0-1 vi InTIK tot in( viniv.1 UiTh 1 (.k.rritik.`,1114; 'iii.idie LIClk HOW, (11 +)1»t', .111d Prohi\ctii,si riRhytt-iA:,11 ;kti r;ich,I.i'L )tnirvo, l.71(vorieIr t4 ot;ititiv.41(Arlk,piiici71,0 NI,; tor 1,1-(.11, I iron N.1. Kroll 5. 11,1iid, l,ve, Ii.lIlS rfl' rdyiel I 1-,, trt (14111,11(1) tA,Ilter Vert V I to:4,1-11,11 I,Zt,,,ipp A Pro, kvcry I )011,111,l I, futv h!ei.p1Irh wjn vr 1/J I kvi refit Poet ry \I. 1In-P1,141.1 \Htiirty, C_ !--Nta11 1.crylp Phillip It tot VI% k k ill t,111 10110 hi J1 iNeknowled rnents A l l thi lopters i n t h i s L.,011N-, t' Nt, crth ,,1ik. for the Iiiirralo Conference on lesedRhing (.-onlpoing. held ot the Stote University of New York ot litiffolo on two ixeek ends in the Hi or107.5. The contereuteos spoilstired by the L un.dish t,duratiiin Reseorch Colloquium of th'e Deportment ot Instruction. 1-11 uhv Edniotionol Studies. SCVC1-.11t1.711e.; `.'i11" the i,olloquitim Buffolo-oren English eLltication specialists 311 t4.1 hear r(Torts from rt_.corcher_s around this i.otintryiud ( anodo. The ( onfeptunce on Resew-L-111E44 Composing was on outgrinvtll ot these mcetinr;s of the (olloquitirn. Fundiruz.. for the conference C.:IMO pri noorily from the 16.search doundatton of the National 4._ ouncil ot Teachers of Loglish. with ddLlitionol grants from the University of hffIo FoUn,fotionitodthe dcaii(11thyFat_ ultv Studies. Itis accurate to s,ry that the conference would tu....,!er hove been held without the gene rotsif v of du! \( II Foundo hon. Indirect support for the coriference.come from our own Department of Intruction, which provided no i;moll Amount of clerical, LIktioli- catinlf ond moifing for the conference began in the surnmyr is1 10'.71 vhen Charles()over sent o tentntive it of topics and veakers to a number ot- hnAlish I srcLii I the country. Severul ii tilorrt rcsront.led vot 1-1helpful sti.ity!(..snons. [roll) early in the toll of1071. Lee ()Jell vos Involved i IiIuuIIIig, i_ontak ring possible 4.peakers, and inviting the Imo! ).;ro.up of speakers. Following the konferetne, the two editors rend the f.fapef sand sfly;gested 14ornet itrws etcni-dvi:ito the iii 111111, tVithout I \ception, flier ii ere. conscientious in reVISIMI, (2'r:tending, ,111k1 cloboroting their pdpers on the basis of those ,:,uggestion--, an1.1 as .1 result of the interoctions on the two 10,..,eekends of the conterenke. S,pecidl .ippreciation is due Filet of the N(- IL l'oblicotions ) epartrnent 110'11)16for he,'diligent_ but tor tllo con,dklordble editorial ask of trom4latin); the vorit.LI st lu if,)t ,Idermc pApors into a -..-oherent collection of est,ovs, largely by working SVith inch= vidtiol contributor,. uction hive needed tor I wh,, soonis 4 perms] V;g1,1rOLISi =,1, On Writt d ,inid1LLonil'IL,SarLi..`, process. For too long 4 time, many rt..,i'.1r,her.:7; tliat the most iroport.int kitiLl of inquiryt,;,:inpci.1.1goyu(sil rvruArcli. tliot till most sl,v,iiitiLoilt kind of question ithilkii.1190nLI pro,. eJtirt4s improve stuJents` work in written ,ofrIposoto)07:t.juLlcrly,nr, this question was .)furtlIcr ossuif,tion= tilot %e dILL inf..4.t, un,ltrstomling tcrn; thot tuir prowl.). loll 1V,L ertinninp cffectivcness spe,,Itk.in,..trus tio0,11 fniterds cJi:f t-s. th,in ani.1 skills woe rese.triliers ought to bt. i.onkerilet,1 Thc foll4(-v of such vin assuroptliin bccumes .11rnost 41w tinii...we test the proLpts that hove in forrntql intv,t ofthin te.ielling of i.:ornposition in this ient urv. Nzlc,ILItzonl ) on-lined noriihtrot writing!--,,. they/.41,201,./Qn4J that some of du; rictllod.--, of par4graph populor coryiposition tQts simplyv-(,,re nutt t in .1 t 1 pleL CSof writing,it'cast not in the ,..4t IL1,er01- sh(d ingsthey c.m i n ed. In Li rno recelf:1::t::''.::t 10,71) Liiscover-J that Ler fain L:olientional 4ssuroptfons Afkitit List Iitopic serthncs were riot hot ne out by .111on.ilysis of pitf7lishLi e\pository tyriting_ Infit,. t'r,,,-;ki4,I toc101: eo mined the actuol co ing prate - ofprotestf-,lotiAl iteryI) j ,k1111111t Lid(' 11t I t Li fLItilt t.tAlf10.1 iz )11.11 41(iViCC 111 01.4;1 th- s to nd log, It is not olwo\- to vrite .1i)mplete outline, before beginning Llrat t. Altfio 1-1 most komposition C(,)1)0,?Iliod chiefly with 4r1i.1stylty, the testilnoz,Y stittcsstui tyritet ,r t t-lt r I'boo.", //r,,indicates that the basicprohleni in kvriting is iiiNcoering 4,.1,01 4.1y. not imply ,lcudipo; hot,' 1:11 10 ',Ft:S;(1-0 IthYtt-; t t olreaJv f formulatoki, in onp's ivi-itert;drul writing teocliers----omong,/ them I--(inaptNilurr4y,arulitrrrer rriee will persuasivciv Outrewritin-, orrefornitilnItior, of ccoly klraf is onobles wri'te'rsto disk over .mild their nieallirigt.,,ail 'syth =it s ind Itn-dv Is, Iit \ 1[1-1 ni..W.1- 4 td111112, =Ltli!It' ?i1:117, \10.11.fr )11s.! IJ) .Hi H1H is, \ Hi- Withc\t` t.t to. tl\t'l\ tfl h'hr"'LL't1'"1 "1:1 flu u ii ii 1iii s s'nsstssi.is'n'sks JtJ iii s,. t w H ,;,11 .1! - uiu 11)j. ,f wufi t ';,' H t i;`, Ihq . t 011110:111*A Iv Iitoc-, ui f'ts;'),.1:;Iwilh.1}1,, 1,,z1PC1)-WONuuiJ !H. t,, (O. t.` ,.Itt'l;trli 111^.k.c Hi.tk.- ht tIuu u}uH ,:, -if :it ts; ,:T 7 ti1 Li) ,on wIrct 11,1tI1i 1-11-.% ,,Itc,Izorlt.- t pLtL Jut tirtuit JuiHi (,11 tiF tIiiivlu,littiLeNT the t -1\11110 =tJeiit ti)k"\ "t v;T-it tin MuiJ =;uin thc, 1Nr z c,--111o\-sr to lieritA' Jttnt iii lwri lt MR it t1}',0{.11t,111 11111j ,PCt HIt .110(101 tklit mot ir t I itt H) tvu uLiv jfli itt ihooiot tti.rmit t., ptossi.s, ot ;Ht., htty,uttJii riluiu hot ossutit- Tnr, sir,'sit ttls111V rt.10,111r voi tViimk invtfe,tro tiMiti11s.' ,e1-11),', fIll Ii t hurt knit/.
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