THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE of the COLONY and PROTECTORATE of KENYA Pubhshed Under the Autbonty of Hm Egeeulency- the Governor -Of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya - VOI

THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE of the COLONY and PROTECTORATE of KENYA Pubhshed Under the Autbonty of Hm Egeeulency- the Governor -Of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya - VOI

THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF KENYA Pubhshed under the Autbonty of Hm EgeeUlency- the Governor -of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya - VOI. LIII-NO. 25 NAIROBI, May 15, 1 951 hoe 50 ants Reastered as a Newspaper at the G P 0 Pubhshed every Tuesday CONTENTS OFFlClAL GAZETl'E. OFFICIAL GAZETTE-Contd Govt Notlce No PAGE General Not~ceNo *542-Appo~ntment of V~ce-Pres~dentof Court of Wate~C ldlnance 1263 1278-1281, 1301 1302 Appeal 5 I0 Transpo t Llct nslng Board 1269 543-Appointments, etc 5 29 Tenders 1270,1271 544-Appllcatlon for Industrial Llcence 5 30 Momba a Notlces 1273- 1275 545-547-Justices of the Peace 5 30 E A W Lr Bonds Regstel 1276 548-The Forest Ordmance-Nouce 231 Compar ies Ord~nance 1282, 1290 549-Forest Boundary Comm~ss~on 5 32 Med~calPract~t~oner Registered 1287 550-The L~quorOrdinance-Appointment '32 Dlstnct Council Elect~ons 1288,1289, 1296 551-Asian C~vilServlce Adv~soryBoard-Appomt- Nat~ve lquor Llcens~ng 1295 ment ' 32 * Go~ernmentNotice No 542 was published as a Gazette 552-Rent Control Board-Appomtment 32 Extraor lina~yon 8th May 1951 55'3-The Traffic Ordinance-Appomtments '32 554-555-The Nat~veLands Trust Ord~nance-Land SUPPLEMEBT No 23 Set Apart 33 Proclamatzons Rules and Regulatzons I951 556-The Defence (Control of Pnces) Regulat~ons, 1945-Appo~ntments )33 Govt ? lohce No PAGE 557-The Municrpal~tlesOrd~nance-Appo~ntment 133 562 -The Customs Management Ordinance-Revoca- 558-The Legslat~ve Council Ordmance, 1935- tlon of Order 157 Appo~ntment r33 563 --The Samburu (G~azmgControl) (Amendment) 559-560-The Land Control Ordinance-Exempt~ons 34 Rules, 1951 157 561-Ob~tuary 34 56d -The Nakuru Munlclpal~tj(Meat) (Amendment) General Notices ,34- 40 By-laws, 1951 158 General No ILe No Loss of War Bond Certificates 1 '52 56' -The Rab~es(Fees) (Amtndment) Rules, 195 1 158 Probate and Adm~nlstration 1253, 1260, 1266-1268, 1283-1236 56f -The Nakuru Mun~clpal~ty (Conservancy) 1- '93.~ (Amendment). Bv-laws.. 195 1 139 Cost of Llv~ngV~g~lance Committee-Appointment 1 54 56 -The Penstons Ordinance 1950-Order 159 . Consul General of U S A 1 56 561 -The Defence (Control of Prlces) Regulations, Nakuru Valuation Roll 1'57 Transfer of Bus~nesses, etc 1262, 1264, 1265, 1291, 1292 lf 94, 1945-Delegat~on of Powers 160 1298-13133 1103 56' -The Control of Hotels Ord~nance 1948-Not~ce 160 $AMES MYLESOSWALD Probatlonary Chief Inspector of Pollce, 1 to a, t as Ass~stantSuoer~ntendent A of Pohce w~theflect from APPOINTMENTS 1st J tnuaty, 1951 NEIL STEWARTDUNCAN Probatlonary Ch~efInspector of Pohce, HIS HONOURSIR NEWNHAMARTHUR WORLEYto bt Vlce- to a{ t as Ass~stantSupenntendent of Pollce w~theffect from Prestdent, Court of Appeal for Eastern Afr~ca,w1t1 ef ect 1st J muary, 1951 from 7th May, 1951 FREDEIICK CHARLESCONSTANT Assistant Inspector of Pohce, BRUCEBOWNASS WHITTAKER M A (CANTAB),A R I c s to act to a1 t as Ass~stantSuperlntendent of Pol~cew~th effect from as Assstant Director of Surveys w~theffect from 8th Nlay, .A-a 1st J inuary 1951 RONAL) GEORGERICHARDSON Transpo~t Officer, to act as Assist- ROY CONGREVEM I s (N L ), to act as Supermten~j~nrof ant juperlntendent of Pollce with effect from 1st January, Sur~eysw~th effect from 8th May, 1951 1951 FORRESTLOUDON MEGSON to act as Execut~veOfficer, Europt an LEIGH?ON GEORGEMINNETT S~gnals Officer, to act as Asc~stant Settlement Board, w~theffect from 19th Aprl, 1951 Supc rintendent of Pol~cew~th effect from 1st January, 1951 JAMESGORDON WILLS HURSTto be Health Inspector, Cen~ral JOHNl [ENRY NORTONto be an Ass~stantSo11 Conservat~on office^ Nyanza Admrn~strat~veD~str~ct and contamed townsl-ips ind (D P R A), Department of Agnculture, w~theffect from 6th trading centres, wlth effect from 1st Apr~l,1951 Apr~, 1951 RONALDSTEWART BENTON Ch~ef Inspector of Pohce, to d~ as CHARLs EDWARDJOSEPH WALKLEY o B E to be Temporary Ass~stantSuper~ntendent of Pol~cew~th effect from 1st Jdnu try, Ass1 tant 'becretary, Secretanat, wlth effect from 7th May, 1951 1951 PATRICKMCCANN, Ch~ef Inspector of Pol~ce,to act as ,\s\~slant PROMOTIONS Superlntendent of Pollce wlth effect from 1st January, 951 CYRILHERBERT WILLIAMS o B E to be Provlnclal Comms ,loner, EDWARDALBER~ SHAW Probatlonary Chlef Inspector of Pollce, Adn mlstratlon, with effect from 5th March, 1951 to act as Ass~stantSuper~ntendent of Pollce w~thefftct f~om CARRUI'HERS MELVILLJOHNSTON to be Prov~nclalComm~s~loner, 1st January, 1951 Adn unistratlon, wlth effect from 1st Aprll, 1951 PATRICKJOHN KENNY Probatlonary Ch~ef Inspector OL Pol~ce, REVERSION to act as Assistant Super~ntendentof Pohce wlth efft ct from HI~-- I[ONOUR MR JUSTICEWILLIAM JAMES LOCKHARTSMITH 1st January, 1951 rebe ted to h~ssubstantwe post of Justlce of Appeal w~theffect JOHNHARRY BAKER Probatlonary Ch~efInspector of Pollce to fror I 7th May, 1951 act as Ass~stant Superlntendent of Pollce w~theffect from C H HARTWELL 1st January, 1951 Actzng Deputy Chzef Secretary JpplO puv zKp'.r JoJ aatyu/aw jç6j uxcw tl1: C uaplo /7lz1) ZKN uoi vptzlz/pr ) ç6j 'A W tl48 .VO SEOH 'IISVE f IQOJICN KOSSOH 'IW V S f IQOJIPN JoulaAoo atl; Jo putttltuoa Xg 1:61 XCW J0 XCP tl11 Ptll t11OV ICM IP IIIIM JZIMAOJJ oouIhm d X11j2A 41kl CZIIBXK 1tI) JO IDIJISIC nttlnslN ILI) 2OJ r m tl aq; J0 J3I)Snf 1) qB Qtg JO D IJISKI PIOZN Surz.t Jtl; JOJ papad pII) J0 aollsnf C Jq 0) Q'IHM XYW SRWvf 'IqRzuSfhg IIHN'IY'M Cœo alx - J0 lllJtm uloddc Oljl Q4OAJJ 0) PpSP1Id llaafl - j ç 6 ! 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