

Index ACRYLONITRILE A Acetophenetidin, see: Phenacetin Abietic acid, detn - 464, 1590 Acetopropionic acid, see: Levulinic acid Abietic-type acids, detn - 70 Acetovanillone, detn - 150, 1211 Abietinic acid, see: Abietic acid Acetoxime, ref to spectrum - 1427 Acaricides, see individual com- p-Acetylaminobenzaldehyde thio- pounds semicarbazone, detn Accelerators (rubber) 696, 830, - 883, 1055 834, 849 Acetylcarbromal, detn - 1403 See also individual compounds Acetylcodeine - 1067 Acenaphthylene, detn - 63 Acetylene, detn in air - 1193 Acetal formation, spectral changes Acetylenes, CC'C , detn of traces due to - 320 5 - 1279 Acetaldehyde, detn Acetylenic compounds, detn as at 277 nm - 100 at 278 nm - 1185 mercuric acetate ad­ ducts - 1322 in acetic acid - 240 Acetylformic acid, see: Pyruvic as iodoform - 338 acid as thiosemicarbazone - 1271 Acetylisoniazid, detn - 110 in vinyl acetate - 241, 755, 3-Acetyl-6-methyl-2 ,4-pyrandione, 1090 p-Acetamidophenol, detn - 821, 822 see: Dehydroacetic 5-Acetamido-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2- acid thiol, detn - 824 N-Acetylmuramide glycahohydro­ Acetanilide, detn - 415, 1232 lase, see: Lysozyme Acetate, detn - 817 Acetylsalicyclic acid, Acetazolamide, detn - 760, 824 detn in drug mixt - 650, 750, Acetic acid, 880, 927, 1402, 1403, acetaldehyde in - 240 1404 hydrolysis of - 401 water in - 210 in phenobarbital - 280 Acetoacetate, detn - 1581 Acetoacetyl coenzyme A, detn - 461 mixt with salicylic acid - 261, Acetoacetyl thiol esters, absorption 1461 " a -Acids," detn in beer and wort of - 461 - 1226 Acetone, detn at 265 nm - 1185 Acids, organic, detn - 386 at 280 nm - 87 See also individual compounds in diacetone alcohol - 91 Aconite alkaloids, detn - 1019 as iodoform - 338, 1434 Acraldehyde, detn - 1185 in vinyl acetate 242, 1090 Acrilan, ref to reflectance spec- Acetone oxime, ref to spectrum - trum - 1455 1427 Acrolein, detn - 1185 3-(a-Acetonylbenzyl)-4-hydroxy- Acrylaldehyde, detn - 1185 coumarin, detn Acrylic acid - 852, 1334 at 308 nm - 304 Acrylonitrile ;. in animal tissue - 1535 detn in copolymers - 1374 in aqueous soln - 865 divinylacetylene in - 622 in warfarin concentrate - 43 interference by - 1151 307 ACTINIDES Actinides, see individual elements Air, anal for (cont'd) Acylase I, detn - 1023 hexachlorocyclopentadiene Acylcholine acyl-hydrolase, see: - 1135 Cholinesterase hexamethylene diisocyanate Adenine, detn - 404 at 260 nm - 1293 hydrogen sulfide - 518 at 262 and 248 nm - 399 nitrobenzene - 668 in tobacco-mosaic virus -1505 ozone - 900, 1221 Adenine phosphates - 196 parathion - 668, 669 Adenosine - 159, 1094 polycyclic hydrocarbons - 282, Adenosine phosphates, spectral 305, 1264, 1265, 1315 data - 159 pyridine - 679, 680, 681 a-Adenylcobamide, assay of co­ tetranitromethane - 536 enzyme form - 83 toluene - 176, 475 Adenylic acid, detn xylenes - 129, 176, 475 using difference spectra -1620 D,L-Alanine, detn in urine - 415 in mixt - 1627 L-Alanine: 2-oxoglutarate amino­ in ribonucleic acid - 369 transferase, see: Glu­ Adermin, see: Vitamin Bs tamic pyruvic trans­ Adhumulone, detn - 886, 1361 aminase Adipic acid, detn traces Fe in -1288 Albumin, Adlupone, detn - 886, 1360 detn in plasma - 1519 Adrenal cortical extract, aldo- interference by - 1353 sterone in - 557 isolation of - 1004 Adrenalin, stabilization enzyme with - 461 adrenalone in - 1547 Albumin/globulin ratio - 1465 isobucaine in - 459 Albumins, ref to spectra - 36, 1331 Adrenalone, Alcohol from wine, quality of - 370 detn in presence of adrenalin Alcohol, see also: Ethanol - 1547 Alcohols, detn noradrenalone in - 591 as alkyl nitrites - 322, 991, Adrenocortical steroids, anal - 629, 1309, 1314 1618 as alkyl nitrobenzoates - 1278 Agerite Stalite, detn in polymers-75 Aldehydes, Aglycones and derivatives, detn - 11, characterization as 2,4-dini- 207 trophenylhydrazones Air, anal for - 749, 827, 904, 1038, acetylene - 1193 1069, 1252, 1416 ammonia - 584 detn by acetal formation - 320, aniline - 668 482 benzene - 176, 410, 475 unsatd, detn using Girard T carbon disulfide - 32, 518 reagent - 1381 chlorinated solvents - 128 Aldohexoses, detn - 99 chlorine - 1368 Aldolase activity, detn - 729 chlorobenzene - 668 Aldosterone, detn diacetone alcohol - 1616 at 240 nm - 557 308 AMARANTH Aldosterone, detn (cont'd) Alkylbenzyldimethylammonium using "100% H3P04 II - 1102 halides, detn - 723 using salicoyl hydrazide - 265 Alkylcarbazoles, identfn - 615 Algicides, see individual compounds Alkylindoles, identfn - 615 Algin, detection - 537 Alkylpyridines, ref to spectral Aliphatic sulfides, detn - 388,620, data - 1173 621, 813, 1344 Alkylpyridinium halides, detn - 723 Alkaloid, detnin ergot -102,103,104 Alkylsulfides, detn - 1344 Alkaloidal poisons, Alkylthiophenes, detn - 1344 identfn - 182 Alkyl xanthate, ref to spectra - 799 toxicological anal -121 Allethrolone, detn - 495 Alkaloids, Allicin, garlic odorivector, detn -16 anal - 1577 Alliin, enzymic decomposition - 16 detn in cinchona bark - 567 Allogibberic acid - 682 detn in cocoa, chocolate cake Allophanamide, see: Biuret - 260 Allopregnan-3J3-o1-20-on~, detn - detn in ipecac - 201 - 1146 detn in opium - 395, 1013 Allylbarbituric acid, detn - 1403 strongly basic, in Rauwolfia Allylisobutylbarbituric acid, detn - 765 - 1403 detn as tetraphenylborides 4-Allyl-N ,N -diethyl-2 -methoxy­ - 516, 517 phenoxyacetamide, See also individual compounds detn - 1325 Alkyd resins, 4-Allylguaiacol, see: Eugenol benzoic acid in - 1423 Allylmercaptomethylpenicillin, p-tert-butylbenzoic acid in detn - 740 - 1284 1-Allyl-3,4-methylenedioxybenzene, total phthalic anhydride con­ see: Safrole tent of - 1316, 1422 N-Allylmorphine, detn - 1283 Alkylarylsulfonate detergents, Allylisopropylbarbituric acid, detn at 224 nm - 780 detn - 915 detn at 230 nm - 1294 Almonds, milk of, anal - 311 dete:rgent assay - 1591 Aloin, amorphous vs crystalline improved method using phos- - 898 phate - 1544 DL-Alpb.aprodine, detn - 1059 interference in detn of - 44 Altax, see: Benzothiazyldisulfide phenolic antioxidants in - 1558 Aluminum, detn short-chain sulfonate in - 634, Be in - 985, 1311 688,907 in biological materials - 1014 spectral data - 723, 907,1017 as oxinate - 1014, 1139 UV method compared - 1246 in nitric acid - 641 Alkylbenzenes, total, detn in crude Aluminum alloys, detn Bi in - 1467 fractions - 792 Aluminum-zinc alloy, detn Cu in Alkylbenzenesulfonate detergents, - 1327 see: Alkylarylsulfo­ Amanitine, see: Choline nate detergents Amaranth, see: C. I. Food Red 9 309 AMETHOCAIN E Amethocaine, detn p-Aminobenzoic acid, detn (cont'd) in dental anesthetics - 52 in drug mixt - 1631 in mixt with procaine - 1154 as KIs - 415 in mixt of procaine and co- o-Aminobiphenyl in detn of sugars caine - 1201 - 1460 in presence of phenylephrine fj-Aminoisobutyric acid, detn - 521 - 1260 4-Amino-6-chloro-m-benzenedi- in presence of hydrolytic sulfonamide, detn product - 412 - 945, 946 Amidonaphthol Red 6B, see: Exter­ 2-Amino-2-deoxygalactose, detn nal D & C Red No.1 - 279 Amidopyrine, detn 2-Amino-2-deoxyglucose, detn - 279 by ion exchange - 592, 1403 2-Amino-2-deoxyhexose, detn - 279 in tissue - 1232 2-Aminoethanesulfonic acid, see: Amines, Taurine detn using 1-fluoro-2,4-dini- Aminoethanethiol, detn - 55 trobenzene - 977 Aminoethylbenzene isomers, anal detn of molecular weight -1321 - 747 primary aliphatic. detn - 1186 fj-Aminoethylglyoxaline, see: secondary aliphatic. detn - 1048 Histamine See also individual compounds P-(fj -Aminoethyl)phenol, see: Ty­ Amine tetraphenylboron compounds, ramine detn solubility - 692 Aminoformamidine, see: Guanidine p-Aminoacetanilide, detn - 633 Aminoguanidine sulfate, ref to o-Aminoacetophenone, detn - 1355 spectrum - 1427 L-Amino acid oxidase, snake venom, Cl!-Amino-o-guanidovaleric acid, detn - 1550 see: Arginine Amino acids, Cl!-Amino-fj -hydroxybutyric acid, detn as Cu complexes - 268, see: Threonine 332 4-Amino-6-hydroxyisophthalic acid, detn as phenylthiohydantoin detn - 64 derivatives - 400, 2-Amino-4-hydroxY-5-phenylthia­ 1332 zole, detn - 1354 ref to spectra - 105. 1256, 1331 2-Aminohypoxanthine, see Guanine Amino acids, aromatic, detn in C1!-Amino-5-imidazolepropionic acid, protein - 106 detn - 67 4-Aminobenzene-6-chloro-1,3-di­ Cl!-Amino-3-indolepropionic acid, sulfonamide, detn see: Tryptophan - 945, 946 2-Amino-3-mercaptopropanoic aCid, P-Amino benzene sulfonamide , see: see: Cysteine Sulfanilamide p-Aminobenzenesulfonic acid, see: 3-Amino-2-methylpropionic acid, Sulfanilic acid detn - 521 o-Aminobenzoic acid, see: Anthra­ Aminomethylpyridines, anal - 20 nilic acid 2-Aminonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid, p-Aminobenzoic acid, detn detn - 609 at 288 nm - 783, 784 1-Amino-2-naphthol, identfn - 610 310 ANTIHISTAMINES 1-Amino-2-naphthol-3,6-disulfonic Analytical grade reagents, anal- 531 acid, identfn - 610 Anatase, detn rutile in (by reflec- 1-Amino-2-naphthol-6 ,8 -disulfonic tance) - 820 acid, identfn - 610 Androsterone, detn - 1128 1-Amino-2-naphthol-6-sulfonic acid, Aneurin, see: Vitamin B1 identfn - 610 N' ,N' -Anhydrobis - (.8-hydroxyethyl)­ m-Aminophenol, detn - 64, 848, 1301 biguanidine, detn - 471 p-Aminophenol - 610, 821, 1080 Aniline, Aminophylline, detn - 121, 1609 detn - 668, 671, 1476 D,L-2-Aminopropanoic acid, see: reagent for COCl2, estima­ D,L-Alanine tion of unreacted - 321 6-Amino-9-D-psicofurosylpurine, p-Anilinesulfonamide, see: Sulfanila- detn - 396 mide 6-Aminopurine, see: Adenine Anisole, detn - 296 3-Amino-2-pyrazolin-5-one, detn Annatto - 979 - 1417 Antabuse, detn - 376 Aminopyrine, see: Amidopyrine Antazoline hydrochloride - 185. 804 4-Aminosalicylate, anal - 64

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