CI-IRISTl\fAS NUMBER THE MILI~COLLEG . CANADA Loo oF H.M.S.STONE FmGATE D-ECE fBE ~ 1932 R. Jl. C. Rct•icw Advcrtisin.<J Section BoTH in business and in social life every group of people has its own quota of well dressed men. But, they are not necessarily those men who have the largest income. Good taste and a smart appearance comes as naturally to them as a knowledge of figures does to a banker. They know how to wear their clothes and what is more imp:Jrtant they know where to buy them. Birkdale suits and furnishings answer the requirements of those exacting people. Smartly correct in style, yet they reflect the modern trend to economy. Study the prices listed below and you will see how little it takes to be well dressed if you shop at Eaton~s. Birkdale SPECIFIED SuiTs $35.00 Bir/1·d ale SHIRTs $3.00 Birkdale SHoEs $5.00 Birkdale SocKs $1.00 Birkdale HATs · $6.00 Bir"h·d ale TIEs $1.50 ~~~T. EATON c~MITED Patronize our Advertisers and Help the "Review'' R. J/. C. Review Advertisinr; Section ii DENT'S GLOVES Famous all over the world for quality and comfort. A glo:re to suit every hand and occasion. The \VORK~L\N U~IFOl{~l C0~1PA1\Y, Limited - Established 1881 - MANUFACTURERS OF UNIFORM CLOTHING EXCLUSIVELY. By Appointment to the Department of National Defence, Dominion of Canada, and War Office, Great Britain. REGIMENTAL AND BAND UNIFORMS SUPPLIED. 1034 ST. ANTOINE STREET, MONTREAL, CANADA BOOKS MADE IN CANADA Your Note Book can be a low price stiff cloth one, a flexible imitation cover or genuine solid one-piece cowhide. For "real service" use "real cowhide". Regardless of binding demand the above Trade Mark and get the only genuinely made in Canada Ring Book. At your Stationer's. THE LUCKETT LOOSE LEAF.. LIMITED 11-17 CHARLOTTE ST., TORONTO TENTS AWNINGS FLAGS .. X orthland" Eiderdown Sleeping Robes. Paek l~ags. Snowshoes. Skiis. Toboggans. Ete. For O.i years we have been serving the Public with the best g-oods obtainable in our line. Our efiorts have been rewarded, as to-day we have a clientel of satisfied customers of whom we are proud. Let us serve you. Write for information J. J. Turner & Sons Ltd. Peterboro, Ont. Patronize our Advertisers and Help the "Review" R. M. C. Rerieu.· Advertising Sectio11 iii CANADA'S Permanent Character The stern and heroic qualities that con­ quered a wilderness and built a Dominion still predon1inate in Canadian character. There is a pennanency in this country that grows out of that character. It is expressed in institutions as well as indi­ vidual crafts1nanship and frugal industry. !laving successfully co-operated with Canada's people and business through the ups and downs of 1 L'5 years. the Bank of l\Iontreal - Canada's first pennanent bank - today faces the future firm in its faith in the per1nanency of Canada's pro­ HeadO.ffice:Montreal gress and the resourcefulness of the Canadian people. BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF S700,000,000 Patronize our Advertisers and Help the "Review" R. Jl. C. Review Advertising Section iv THOMPSON'S Bottling W'orks EsTABLISHED 1867 Manufacturers of Canada's Best GINGER ALE Dry & Belfast, Orange Kist. \\·ebb's English Ginger Beer, Chocolate :\lalted :\lilk. etc. ' 294 Princess St. Phone 304 ANDERSON BROS., Limited 'Vholesale and Retail [}galily Service Provision Dealers PRI~CESS STREET KI:\GSTO:\. 0:\T. HEMLOCK Milk VELVET Ice Cream HEMLOCK Butter All Produced by HEMLOCK PARK DAIRY LTD. KINGSTON, ONT. Patronize our Advertisers and Help the "Review" R. M. C. Review Advertising Section v .--------------------------------------~-1 Investment Securities Advisor.z; Board SIR CHARLES B. GORDON, G.B.E. SIR JoHN AIRD \Y ..-\. BLACK THE HoN. A. J. BROWN, K.C. \\"ILMOT L. l\1..\TTHE\\"S F. E. MEREDITH, K.C. LT.-CoL. HERBERT :MoLsoN, c.M.G., M.c. \Y. ::\.TILLEY, K.C. THE Hoi\. ]. }I. \YILso~ The National City Co~npany Limited 360 St. James St. 320 Bay Street MONTREAL TORONTO I The National City organization extends throughout the world II =====================================--!I Patronize our Advertisers and Help the "Review" vi R. Jl. C. Reciew Adrcdising Section C~ H. Boyes Brooches 30 Y" ears Bracelets HIGH- CLASS Links PHOTOGRAPHY and Novelties Telephone 2116:\I Kinnear & d'Esterre 168 PRI~CES~ ST., 253 PRINCESS ST . KINGSTON, ONT. KC\GSTO); • S 0 ,,.. A R D S COAl .. L1".:\IBER AXD Keeps Coal~ ll1·11.DI~<; )f.:\.'l'ERL\I.S AXD Jlanufacturcrs uf FIXE '\'" OOlHYORK Coal Keeps S 0 ''r .t\ R D S Office and Plant. Bay & Wellington Sts. • Kl~GSTO~ OXT.\RIO PHONE 1571 Patronize our Advertisers and Help the "Review'' R. JJ. C. Rn·iczc Advel'fisin_q Sect ion vii STA-RITE Collar Attacf?ed Sf?irt ::\Ianufactured under famous \"an Heusen Patents. The Collar on this Shirt is interlined with the llHiltiple ply fabric, Inanufactured under the ,.,.. an Heusen Patents and is so constructed that it will not wrinkle or crease when worn. MADE IN ALL POPULAR PLAIN SHADES AND ALSO FA~CY WEAVES . • TheCa nadia nConverters' Co., Limited 470 L.\GAeCHETIERE STREET, \\"EST ::\IO~TRE.\L, QCE. Patronize our Advertisers and Help the "Review" Reciew A_dvertisin.r; Section viii R. J/. C. IF YOU SHOULD ASK ME -WELL tD SAY Patronize our Advertisers and Help the "Review" R . .11. C. Ret·iezc A.. dL'ertisin_q Section ix The sign of DEPENDABILITY .\11 products bearing the C-1-L- Trade­ mark are related through basic chemicals employed in their manufacture. Constant chemical supervision of raw materials and scientific control of manufacture ~LIMITED ensure an unvarying high standard of quality in C-1-L- products. When you see the C-1-L- Trademark Buy with Confidence CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA. 20 for 20c 12 for 12c L. 0. GROTHE LIMITED Also Purveyors of finest tobaccos Flat tins of 50 and 100 Leading the Field in Smoking Enjoyment Patronize our Advertisers and Help the "Review" R. J/. C. Rccien· A.dvci'fising Section X :-· MOJiA]CD BATTERIES ~for ever-p purse and purpose AUTOMOBILE BUS ,.. TRUCK LIGHT ,.. POWER RADIO Monarch Battery Manufacturing Co. Limited KINGSTON, ONT. Booth fisheries canadian co., Ltd. Jobbers in Fish, Oysters and Poultry· 63 BROCK ST. PHONE 520 KI:\GSTO:\. OXT. HARDWARE The right place to buy HARDWARE AND ELECTRIC SUPPLIES SIMMONS BROS. LIMITED "The Yellow Hardware" 1 71 PRJ~ CESS STREET Kl:\GSTt>X. OXT. Patronize our Advertisers and Help the "Review·· R. JI. C. Rcriew Advcrtisin,q Section xi ~------- When Speed Counts THAT'S when you appreciate de­ pendable athletic equipment. In the Wilson line you will find Bas­ ketball and Hockey supplies designed to stand the test of speed. NewClassHumidoT ll!fiiiii~~-=-T'IIRIII Write for our new $1.50 Winter Sports Catalogue. Sealed Pouch Package 2Sc. The Harold A. Wilson Company LIMITED 299 YONGE ST. TORONTO Confidence & Satisfaction DuRING the first nine months of 1932, the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada averaged a Million and a Quarter Dollars of applied-for business for every working day of that entire period. About forty per cent. of the applications for new business in Canada was from per.sons already holding policies in the Sun Life. Sun Life Policyholders are both SAFE AND SATISFIED Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada HEAD OFFICE ~IO~TREAL Patronize our Advertisers and Help the "Review" xii R. M. C. Review Advertising Section Insure in Strong Tariff Companies Sun Fire Insurance Office, of London, England. The Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation Ltd., of London, England. The Union Assurance Society Limited, of London, England. The British General Insurance Company Limited, of London, England. General Insurance Company, of Perth, Scotland. The Great American Insurance Company, of X ew York. The General Fire Insurance Company of Paris, Canada. Represented by E. Blake Thompson Agency A. WALLACE DUNLOP, Manager Office Phone 833 - Residence Phone 2063w KI~GSTO~ OXTARIO TRANSACTING ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE XOISELESS Sold throughout the world for past Eight (8) years. THE Remington Noiseless Typewriter Several hundred in use in Government and Business houses in Ottawa. The world is full of noise The Remington is NOISELESS Let us demonstrate one in your office. The Federal Typewriter Co. Ltd. 180 QUEEN STREET OTTA\YA AGENTS FOR EASTERN ONTARIO E. R. McNEILL, President W. S. Woon, Manager I _I Patronize our Advertisers and Help the "Review" R. JI. C . Revieu· Advc1·tisi11,q Section xiii Imperial Oil Two reasons whd for 90 out of d cts are use in Canada Pro ulOO miles llown d nation- every lied quahty an U nequa . wide- dtstn . 'b u tton. xiv R . .11. C. Reriew Aduertisin.r; Section The Hughes Owens Co. Limited DRA \\"1:\C~ ~L\ TERL"\LS. SCR\.EYIXG 1:\STRC.ME:\TS E:\CI:\EERS' Sl"PPLIES, J.VIICROSCOPES, CHE~IIC.\L GL\SS\\".-\RE, L\BORATORY SCPPLIES MONTREAL OTTAWA TORONTO WINNIPEG CC>O~E'S Importer of Fine Groceries and Table Delicacies SEE OUR NEWEST IMPORTATIONS OF CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES AND TABLE SWEETS Courteous service, Intelligent sales people makes your shopping a pleasure here. Bon Voyage Baskets delivered to your fr!ends going abroad through ports of ;o..r,ntrt>al and New York. YOUR ORDERS ARE APPRECIATED. WE DELIVER TO THE COLLEGE. 59 BROCK STREET Purveyors Phone 4 COOKE'S to the College Hl"<;H G. COOKE R. H. TOYE HARDWARE C&L Company AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES Agents CUTLERY and MOIR'S CHOCOLATES ELECTRIC SUPPLIES CHRISTIE'S BISCUITS AGENTS FOR WHOLESALE FRUIT Gutta Percha Tires and (Gum-Cushioned) COMMISSION MERCHANTS A.
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