Peace Operations Training Institutions in Europe M M M M M M M M M M M Peace Operations Training Institution M Click for more information. M M M M M M M M M M This overview is based on the members list of the M M M M M International Association of Peacekeeping Training M M M M Centres (IAPTC) and the members list of urope!s M M "ew Training Initiative for Civilian Crisis Management M M M M M (E"T$i). M M M M M M M M M M M M %or more information please visit& M M M M M M M www.iaptc.org M M M M M www.entriforccm.eu M M This list is not e'haustive. %or feedback and additions please contact& training()if*berlin.org www.zif-berlin.org Peace Operations Training #ilitar, Training Institution Police Training Institution Civilian Training Institution Institutions in Europe FBA Overview The %olke*+ernadotte*Academ, (%+A) is the -wedish agenc, for peace. securit, and development. %+A offers training course programmes for FBA civilian staff seconded through the %+A to international peace missions. The courses contain practical securit, trainings and theoretical parts. Location -and/verken. -weden GOV Contact Swedish Police PSO www.folkebernadotteacadem,.se Swedish Police PSO Overview The -wedish Police Peace -upport Operations unit (P-O) was created in 2000 to organise the participation of -wedish police officers in peace support operations from the #inistr, of 2efence. The pre*mission trainings are available also to police officers from other countries. Location SNDC -tockholm. -weden GOV Contact www.polisen.se SNDC Overview The -wedish "ational 2efence College (-"2C) organises training Courses mainly for militar, personnel of Peace -upport Operations. ven though -"2C is a 2efence Academ,. the courses are also open to civilians and staff of the police. Location -tockholm. -weden Contact GOV www.fhs.se Back to top www.zif-berlin.org Peace Operations Training #ilitar, Training Institution Police Training Institution Civilian Training Institution Institutions in Europe N!PI Norwegian Police !niversity College #P$S% Overview The Norwegian Police 3niversit, College (P4-) conducts trainings for international civil crisis management addressing Norwegian and foreign policemen and women. Location Oslo. Norwa, GOV Contact www.phs.no N!PI Overview The "orwegian Institute of International Affairs ("3PI) is an in* dependent centre for research of international political issues. "3PI has initiated the Training for Peace (TfP) programme to NORDE' build civilian and police capacities for 3N and A3 #issions in Africa. Location P$S Oslo. "orwa, UNI Contact http&55english.nupi.no NO&DE' Overview The "orwegian $esource +ank for 2emocrac, and 4uman $ights (NO$2 #) is a civilian capacit, provider specialised in human rights and democratisation. As part of the 3niversit, of Oslo. NO$2 # offers training courses for peacekeepers and election observers. Location Oslo. "orwa, GOV Contact www.6us.uio.no Back to top www.zif-berlin.org Peace Operations Training #ilitar, Training Institution Police Training Institution Civilian Training Institution Institutions in Europe E&IS Overview lectoral $eform International -ervice ( $I-) offers trainings for election observers and staff of international agencies. governments. election management bodies. non*governmental organisations. and other ke, democrac, institutions. Location 7ondon. 38 NGO Contact www.eris.org.uk Sta(ilisation !nit) !* Overview The -tabilisation 3nit is a centre of civilian e'pertise and best practice Sta(ilisation !nit in stabilisation of fragile and conflict*afflicted states. The -tabilisation 3nit works with countries to enhance their capacit, for self*governance. b, delivering targeted e'pertise in a cross*government approach. Location 7ondon. 38 GOV Contact www.stabilisationunit.gov.uk Peace Operations Training Institute Durha+ Overview The Peace Operations Training Institute provides training to peace* ERIS keepers. potential peacekeepers. police. and humanitarian workers Peace Operations Training Institute Durha+ world*wide through e*learning and printed courses that are standard. common. universal. and low*cost. Location 2urham. 38 Contact GOV www.dur.ac.uk Back to top www.zif-berlin.org Peace Operations Training #ilitar, Training Institution Police Training Institution Civilian Training Institution Institutions in Europe International Alert Overview International Alert is an independent peacebuilding organisation. +esides research. polic, dialogue. and advocac, work. International Alert is engaged in training programmes for international and local practitioners for peacebuilding. Location 7ondon. 38 NGO Contact www.international-alert.org DTEC Overview The 2efence Training and ducation Capabilit, programme (2T C) was introduced in 2010 b, the #inistr, of 2efence. With training International Alert areas in various parts of the countr,. the programme aims to offer an end*to*end approach to training led b, operational needs. Location 7ondon. 38 GOV Contact www.gov.uk !NTSI !NTSI Overview The 3nited Nations Training -chool Ireland (3"T-I) was established as a constituent school of The #ilitar, College in 1993. 3"T-I!s primar, DTEC focus is on the training and preparation of Irish 2efence %orces personnel for participation in a wide range of peace operations. Location Curragh. Ireland Contact GOV www.kildare.ie Back to top www.zif-berlin.org Peace Operations Training #ilitar, Training Institution Police Training Institution Civilian Training Institution Institutions in Europe DE'A Overview The 2anish mergenc, #anagement Agenc, (2 #A) is a governmental agenc, engaged in national and international disaster management. It manages. develops and implements courses and trainings for leaders and staff in national and international emergenc, missions. Location +irker=d. 2enmark GOV Contact https&55brs.dk DANILO, DE'A Overview The 2anish International 7ogistics Centre (2ANI7O>) is an operational unit of the Arm, Operational Command 2enmark. 2ANI7OG offers trainings for the 2anish Arm, and links these courses with the 2anish units and individuals engaged in 3". "ATO. O-C and 3 peace missions. Clingendael Location ?ordingborg. 2enmark GOV Contact http&55forsvaret.dk DANILOG Clingendael Overview The "etherlands Institute of International $elations Clingendael ("II+) is the 2utch training institute for courses in international securit,. crisis management and international negotiations. The trainings are offered to civilians as well as personnel of the armed forces and police. Location The 4ague. "etherlands Contact NGO www.clingendael.nl Back to top www.zif-berlin.org Peace Operations Training #ilitar, Training Institution Police Training Institution Civilian Training Institution Institutions in Europe French National ,endar+erie Overview The %rench National Gendarmerie offers trainings for police officers in preparation for their deplo,ment in 3". 3 or "ATO operations. There are six national gendarmerie training schools and ten technical training centres. Location Paris. %rance GOV Contact www.defense.gouv.fr5gendarmerie5 ENA Overview The @cole "ationale d!Administration ( NA) is the %rench national school for administration studies. NA offers international training courses preparing participants for the emplo,ment in international peacekeeping operations. Location Paris5-trasbourg. %rance GOV Contact ENA www.ena.fr Police Nationale Overview As part of the %rench #inistr, of Interior. the %rench Police is engaged in training courses for police officers emplo,ed in international peace French National ,endarmerie support operations. The courses feature various theoretical and practical modules. Police Nationale Location Paris. %rance Contact GOV www.police*nationale.interieur.gouv.fr Back to top www.zif-berlin.org Peace Operations Training #ilitar, Training Institution Police Training Institution Civilian Training Institution Institutions in Europe E,'ONT Overview The $o,al Institute for International $elations ( >#ONT) is an independent think*tank offering specialised training activities both in +elgium and abroad. The training department of >#ONT is linked to +elgium!s contribution to civilian peacekeeping. Location +russels. +elgium GOV Contact ICR! www.egmontinstitute.be Training Co++and 'ilitary Acade+") Czech &epublic Overview The ?o6enska Akademie in the central training institution of C)ech $epublic for militar, staff in international peacekeeping missions. Additionall,. the academ, offers pre*deplo,ment courses for civilians in NATO missions. Training Command 'ilitary Adace+y Czech Republic Location ?,skov. C)ech $epublic GOV Contact www.vav,skov.c) ICR! Overview The Iceland Crisis $espond 3nit (IC$3) was founded in 0119 as a separate entit, within the #inistr, of %oreign Affairs of Iceland. E,'ONT The activities of the IC$3 consist of contributions to multilateral organisations and secondments of civilian e'perts to the field. Location $e,k6avik. Iceland GOV Contact www.mfa.is Back to top www.zif-berlin.org Peace Operations Training #ilitar, Training Institution Police Training Institution Civilian Training Institution Institutions in Europe .IF Overview The German Center for International Peace Operations (AI%) is engaged in strengthening civilian capacities for crisis prevention. conflict resolution. and peacebuilding. In Addition to AI%!s trainings and Qualification courses. the institute entails an anal,sis unit. Location +erlin. >erman, GOV Contact www.zif*berlin.org .IF F/A FüA Overview The Academ, of the German %ederal %orces (%CAk) offers training modules for high ranking civilian staff.
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