![• (•- -•I• • ...PAGES 1 to 7, PAGE 15. 2"X2" COLOR SLIDES ..., ...PAGES 13 TO](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, ACCESSORIES AND SUPPLIES . • (•- -•I• • ......... PAGES 1 TO 7, PAGE 15. 16mm. SOUND R ENTAL FILMS ... -c- · .PAGES 8 TO 12 2"x2" COLOR SLIDES . .... ......, ...... PAGES 13 TO 15. - 8mm. MOVIES . ·-· ..... •, •• . PAGES 16 TO 18, 20, 23 16mm. SOUND FILMS . ...••...• .PAGES 19 AND 20 MUSIC FOR MEN ON LP RECORDS. .PAGE 21 INFORMATION, ORDER BLANKS. PAGES 22 AND 23 K- 25 K-28 K-50 KEYSTONE K-95 750-WATT KEYSTONE CAPRI K-25 8mm. CAMERA KEYSTONE MAYFAIR K-50 8mm. PROJECTOR F'quippt d '1.Jlh t.2.S fhed rot:ui luh in inr~ rch:.;mg_eab l e l cn -, mounf­ 16mm. MAGAZINE CAMERA l ou'II )1..tH a britJi:,mt ,ibow "irh this 7~U-H:.itt JJl"i•~Cl<lt'. Pr«b10n-Jf~t <'. ,htle.d :1 nd '-oloc (;Offf.ctitd. t i'ndt'r ~,.,r~ni of $tenuine ,:round 0 1Hical ,tl -',"iS, Ju-.. 36-oun,:t < Ut m (nh.··t t:ilwi,- ta,.e. and perfection. N<',t- pu~IJi-buuon •,t,;. ,-ind and bt'a,_, . dit'·Ca.'i( con 0; troc1ion, mea11 rn1oc-uh, rock.-.Stt':..il,- pro~c­ l"~oot.1gt inflk1uor /\t'~ ;,uromarirally "l•t·n lilm is lnt;uted - ~ign:.l!i in Jtr p('1 mih r(·,::nlar- run, continuou:!t loc.:k·run (for !,(>1£-m·e, i~J Of' ~inklf lmn. Lift-o-m;Ui<" .!!" itch lurn.!t off room lir,::hts ,,ht'll ., 4 u tu111 on Iii~ t-"enr o r ncci,h.. 1lt::I jam. Threc,•W.t) 1r'i,rr.,·r control, regulur wn, (c)otinuous frame e~r>o'iUre (for .:-i top-mo11ou anim:dion>. t,·a-.y Joadi11,-: of 50-fn-Ot" proJcctor-)Qur Huor tum,> p lu.:.,., right Into lht- K,-95. Ha, rheo,t,u control run (or ~lr-mr,·1e.s ::.ud .3in{;le. rr1m1~ ~.hoh for tilling a nd trick .-nim:uiun. film m~1;::ui11t-- m .t1?"a7i11c 4!,iN:to r POP!I- out t''.l"po'.it>d ma~n1ine "'nh ,t.e­ for , :aried i.pt-td') of proje,:tlon. Projt. <'h ,in,:le fr;.mt<'S--!mfety ,:l:l\~ ht"11t t<old·:lft'4_r, <· ra n k-t,l 1>(" handle ni.1kl·~ fvr ,·:1-.i e ..1 ""indin,: or n l(lf()r. Ouiec. tOIJ<"h of .a buuon. IJa.!> ~~• fer, gunrd 10 r(ljcct ma~a zine ,-.hen pin ;5 Doi flltu autorn,.ukalJJ protcC'ts the film. ·1akh 400-foot film n·el. Ila.~ ~lf­ lig_ht '"c.iShl 1(·\~-pound,J ~nd O'tCr.Jll Oi111t'n,lon~ only 4.,,." , ~Jl:l"' <J: ~et ;tccur;lld) in 111<> l' '1mera. (tperah.·, .11 four 'H>t:W~S. 16, 24 and 64 I 5 / J6''. lO( IJni: mechanh,m th••t cetU,.n.: lm;t1,:1• prt·d ,,;eJy C)n ~rteu. Come!» tom. f~:.tntf'S pc~ .\ccond. Ui,1.\ ~laJ'k\at;..1n \ iC'\\rlndt"r- bullt-in1 futl ,iew oplk-$11 pl~t<- "'i1h attr•1dhe curr,in'° ca\f'. Co,ered b y KtJCi"IO~', lir£'ilme ru~r­ ftl)(tu ea,1lv ~ r ror ,:hoice ,, , four diffnt-nt J~m.-.\ from "idt-~•'11:lf' 10, antt",r ,.nd rr~e ,~r--ice poll(y. 01i>('r.iiU<"\ o n h4lfb AC·l;>C flt I LO·l 20 ,011,. SPECIAL COMBINATION O F FER-Keysto-,,e re.trphoto. Pritci~ion i::ovuoor accur:,Ut·I,- rf'golalh mofor .spttd-aw, .. Capri K-25 Camera ( feir traded at $49.95)­ made rnn-rlolt-11 M<>J) prcveot~ c,vtt•n:pc,~urt. Keystone K-95 750-watt 8mm. Projector, com­ and Keystone K -70C 81nm. Projector with Case­ Keystone Mayfair K-50 16mm. Magazine Camero. plete with case, regularly $129.50, Blackhawk purchaaed together at one time, only. $99.95 bargain priced at a $30.00 a,o.ving, only. $99.50 equipped with f.2.5 fixed focua lena of 26mm. focal length, regular!y $139.S0. BlacJ.hawk bar­ gain priced at a $60.00 aaving, only •... $79.SO KEYSTONE K· 70C 8mm. PROJEC,OR KEYSTONE K-28 TWO-LENS -._, 8mm. ROLLFILM CAMERA 'tb('r~·"i no kiddin~ about it- 11ti~ ic. 1he )t'ar1 s blgs;Ht 8mm, proj,tctor hu,! I hi, k.e-)Sf~ 8riirh1bc..am K-70(.' pro~ctor u~s a ! 00-,rnll projc-.·­ l he m O!!I c-orup;,acr rurre r ~mrra Ke,Jshlnc b.ti; ,,er orrtritd • com~ KEYSTONE CRITERION A-9 lion lamp. ha<i ~n r.1.6 coated projection h.·n~ and coated condt'nfH lt'n\. plrfit,. ~ltb (l"O renses aud uc,,. ,.,rric.al IUrrtl. Equhtl)t:d ,..;,h uliraa 16mm. ROLLFILM CAMERA JI l.tkes up to 400-fool e:.apaciC) 8mm. film rttls, ltas rbtO>ta1 Spt"f'd fast f : 1., (i)cd focus .J.(a t1d:1N1 tcn.s and f:3.S J8mm. telephoto le~, jn 1 ight anrt ,omp;1ct, it h -4 pr('.1.~i Ci lon ir,,1.nament, ,upe.rbfy ena;i,~rf'd. cttrurol, h-t.\ ma\lrr ,~itch lo run fon• " .. d ~hb litht off, (o"'":i.rd ,.ub fl.xed focu.s, inier«::h n n~e .able motmr. Gtm1i R<" optical &:lass findt> r • • • JI;~ f:l.5. lU.th:d ~nd «-olor-corrected Jens In fhHl-fO<'n~ m(u1nt Op~»a tit;:bt on .llld rn1ind \\jlh l..imp on-j{ nin-fan b lOl\'(r drivt.n b)' a-ikh lorge,t;t of Qn_y camtra of iu. sbe-. 'Etched reclangh• on Onder \ how,- ,.it w ,.,c,_.flndet .:lo!ff' tu lens, le(j you ~f't. ,,.h:..r lt-11.t ~- "[;i1k~) :u Sf'H-D Apt'('d n1ofor nmku fur· cool. troulJlt"-rtt"t oper.1.fiott. H~ di('•C.~f. ont for ttlepboro Jen,..~. lnte,rcb:u1.::cabtt lens n1011nt accepU ~II '·01J suu1{f~ircl• ~p~td, from 10 to 64 frames-1hree-•\1:.y triat(·r for singk- framt', ,·oetiou.. pie-u (ramc and ~turd, cast mt'fal ba.~e,.-.:atl fini'11~d in .handSOl"t tripl<.a 1bread ~A$1f$. Li1:ht ,..t'iQhr, a ll nlumioum, dit'-c~r con.strudion. Rullt-in Q.U*- IO<li: run a nd • ~elf-moti(''t-~udihle .h<f'f&e-lt:ngtb in.Jlcator rtpor•• c-oi.11cd bronu n~L.le rini,b. Conae.si comple-re with carryln,:; c.asit. i<><:ktt for trlpQd, (';o,unor controlled r,,oror pro•idh ('H~JJ, fridion -(rce b-04b :tudH>I~ .and \L•ohly a,: 10 footwa::c e,)p~lt\ s ll~le. cla~ tlld fllm a,hanc, . .Sia,plt, t=t"-Y ·'drop-In'' li·;1t.ling or min, foot..i:,te indkAtor c:;n~ hide Pt:rfor'.4.letl sound rilm ::as ""ell .a, reaul:,r p <-rfor:)ff'<I ~od,. Keystone K-70C 8mm. Projector, complete with ~ds aurqmarle.1Uy, (ot~.tw:iy, cr-.mk-f)P4 handle. kaufifully fi nt~be-d Ju .Hc-:n,. d1.11., ~p,.lni: motor drho 20 ft"N at oae 1'thNling. Finf-, b~d Nit carrying case, r egularly $74.95, only .•. $54.95 1ray ,ln:,l ;;.nd brn ht"t.l ,·sllln chrontt·. ~e~t.bcrproof "iOJ l ;ind sarln chrome. Keystone K-70 8mm. Projector, identical to K:eyatone K-28 Two-Lens 8mm. Rollfilm Camera, Keystone Criterion A-9 16mm. Rollfilm Ca mer a, K-70C except that no case ia included, complete, $89.90 value, Blackhawk bars-ain regularly $1 19.50, Blackhawk bargain only • • • • •••••• ••.......... .. $49.95 priced at · · · · · · · ·.... .......... $69.95 priced at only • ••••• •••.••••••••••. $ 79. 9!f Jh-1t·', thl' c;l1!'.tl lhal \HII 1;:,y for ih t"0:-.1 011f of fl:1.~h-h11lh ~;,,inc, fllr :.,...,one '1h1 1 rloe, ,l modl·r.1u· :.,rnounl of IJ .. .,h ~hooting:. 11·, ~ t"Ompletdt por1;iblf' unit ru111iring four pborofl.;1,b I.HJe <'eU,. four ··0 •1 harterk,.. ~ if "ill plut tlirtt.·11,- in10 AC Qttrlt>t. t ·out.ain, c:1p~1dfor for batl~r, a.-..1 AC. (.') de. with full,- cha'l!td t':.&pacitor. run~ t O ro 12 ~ond,.p1,: hrm ,eth rt1:ul,1rl1 :u \5-t.95, :.ind ;,,i ,pec•:,I Bluckb;.twk bu) Kht'~ y ou AMERICAN OPTICAL EXECUTIVE 300 ••i\ BIG ~•nin:,,:! l 'ou \:.t, t $20.00! :l'x2" SEMI-AUTOMATIC SLIDE PROJECTOR RI Electronic Strobe Flash, regularly $54.95, 'J'unot1-r, pe, ~ mi-;1111 001.::uit' JOO·"nu ,lidt- projl'cCor cOmpfue "Uh t.irT..f• Jl•h f:1.9 irn,ht·r-co:Jit'd CCJraJ 4.5-c.·m. 6-clcm(nt l <" U.S, folly .S)tl(-hroniu-d· ing (::;Ji_\(". Jla> .\mt'rit"an Oplicat's \'upc-rio-r optical ~)stem rtw tllu.111inadort Stilw>ha ~1\1:'(. .,butter with shuuer ,~c-d> o( JI, ½ , J. / !i, l j lO, J ~n. ttnd ru olufjOn. l."su Ke)1,rone 40-... lide lr;1} , Blackhawk bargain priced at ........ $34.95 J / J 00, 1 / 100 :.rnd 1 /500 second,; >i n:;:Je.acUon l t ,er to "'ind film ~nd Trigger Cord with ASA tip coil: to be used with autun1~ric..1fl~ l'ot· k ~trnucr p"rmih '"""h" pidur,·y bf'Jng f;tken in '"" American Optical Executive 300 2";,c.2" Slide R('Ond~; dunblt exposure prc•..-nti,·e d,,ict", auto1natic ~.\.PO~llre couor1·I RI Electronic Strobe Flash on cameras Projector, Blackhawk bargain priced at requiring an ASA plug .....• . •.... $ 2.95 with aulom;a1ic ..uro'' 'YtUing and filro n -~ind C'Ouote-r; coupled ranJ.!t'· only •.••• .
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