Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 10-23-2006 Arbiter, October 23 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. THE INDEPENDENT STUDENTVOICEOF BOISE STATE ~INCE 1933 MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2006 ISSUE 20, VOLUME 19. FIRST ISSUE FREE.: OPINION ---------------------------- PAGE 3 Opinion Writer Michael McClask~y wants you to vote yes on Proposition 2, which The need for s eed alms to protect the private property rights of citizens. CULTURE ---------------------------- SPORTS PAGE 6 Boise State took home the Governor's Cup with its big win over the Idaho Vandals. Get the entire game recap, Including stats and where the Broncos landed In.the polls. The Women's Golf team finished in the top five at the Price's Invitational in New Mexico. BIZTECH ..-~l~· .':, ~.. " PAGES An officer looks at a Porshe destroyed in an auto accident. Practicing safe driving can prevent serious auto accidents, injuries and fatalities. With Google's $1.65 billion acquisition of YouTube, ad BY MARTEE ORTIZ Proper sleep enhances reaction ficers would be allowed to cite driv- The last-minute decision to turn Alert. Don't drive under the influ- News Writer time and allows drivers to think pro- buyers need to be careful about ers with $100tickets fornot buckling . can end in a driver slamming on ence," Grant said. "Wehave a prob- actively which may help in avoiding up. the brakes or signaling a mere half lem with some aggressive drivers ... copyright issues. Find out why. collisions on the road. Drivers wrap their cars around "The object is to save peoples' second before the turn (if they sig- The law enforcement is beginning to. M Defensive driving includes lives, not to make things difficult," nal at all), Defensive drivers should K telephone poles, rear-end other ve- target these types ofdrivers to make hicles, roll their cars and skid offthe maintaining a safe following dis- SteveGrant ofthe Idaho Department stay alert, know which side of the Idaho safer." tance. According to the Idaho ARBITERONLlNE.COM road, landing in canals and collid- ofTransportation said. road their destination lies on and in Allin all, people should have a re- ing with other cars. Transportation Department, a three- . Ifpassed, the Federal Government the event of missing their turn, pass spect for fellow drivers, passengers second gap between vehicles is rec- Drivers and passengers alike die would issue $6 million to Idaho to be their destination and turn around. and pedestrians. Get Informed In the upcoming ommended. from automobile accidents, and in- used for the promotion of expenses This will prevent any rash decision- People should realize they do nof 2006 election by listening to Buckle up. For some, seatbelts nocent victims suffer from the care- incurred by the promotion of seat- making and potentially prevent a solely affect the people involved in' local candidate Interviews. New may serve as an annoyance, but lessness ofother drivers. belt laws. crash. the collision but their family and they save lives and prevent injuries. articles and Interviews Include A crucial skill to know Whilecom- "I would encourage people to ask .Read and know the Idaho friends as well. Learning defensive' Seatbelts restrict heads from hitting Branden Durst (D) and Elliot muting: defensive driving. With their legislators why Idaho doesn't Transportation Department's driv- driving techniques will not only windows and ultimately shooting Werk (D). 43,443 deaths as results of motor have a primary seatbelt law," Grant er'smanual. save time and money, but itwill also through glass in the case of a high vehicle accidents last year alone, said. "This is something you can do The manual includes Idaho jaws save lives. impact crash and/or rollovers, to protect yourself." people should ask themselves this and safety issues while commuting. Boise State student Meghan Love "Notes from a Former Soccer Currcntly, Idaho has a secondary question, "How can I prevent a car Awell-adjusted drivers' seat is an- Defensive drivers should not take learned the hard way. Mom" has been updated with seatbelt law. This means a police of- crash?" other attribute of defensive driving, the right ofway, but yield to any on- Meghan failed to yield the right two new podcasts online. ficer may not solely pull a car over along with knowing your and other Many accidents occur while tail- coming traffic no matter whose turn of way and consequently hit anoth- due to lack ofseatbelt usage. drivers' blind spots. gating or cutting other drivers off. it is. er vehicle going about 50 miles per If an officer finds a sufficient rea- Leaving a few minutes earlier may Staying out of other drivers' blind Common sense tells us to keep our hour. She knows the accident could son to pull a driver over, the officer spots can help prevent accidents. help drivers arrive at their destina- windows clean (especially at night) have ended with a much more trau- can cite the driver with a $10to $15 WEATHER tion on time and safely. Drivers should also properly adjust and our headlights on at dusk, as- matic results, and she learned from ticket for not wearing a seatbelt. Changing one's daily routine can mirrors to expose potentially-dan- sume the worst and prepare for it. her mistake. The Idaho Seatbelt Coalition is gerous situations. aid in preventing mishaps. Ample Move at a consistent speed and "Well, I'm more cautious anyway. pushing toward enforcing a primary sleep enables people to function at Some offensive drivers switch stay focused. Use discretion while I'm more aware of my faults in driv- seatbelt lawthat would require every a peak level. For drivers, sleeping lanes or turn abruptly without sig- driving. Read the driving rulebook ing," Love said. passenger and driver to "click-it." naling. Learning to signal well in regularly can prevent falling asleep before you get on the road. .Unfortunately, it sometimes takes This law would override the sec- advance tan help maintain an acci- at the wheel and resulting injuries. "The main thing is that all driv- an accident to ensure better driving ondary seatbelt law, and police of- dent-free roadway. ers need to take responsibility. Stay habits. >~t~ .. Strange odor on Cesar Chavez Lane causes subsequent investigation WED¥GDAY High: 53F / Low 34F BY ARBITER STAFF traffic, with an exception for water from the campus that dumps Cesar Chavez Lane," Director of Toxic Substances and Disease; the Boise State shuttle. into the Boise River directly be- Communications and Marketing Registry website, propylence is a: During regular safety checks Officals from the fire depart- hind Taylor Hall. at' Boise State Frank Zang said. common substance used in anti": around Taylor Hall, an unusual ment and Hazmat were oncampus On-site testing could not con- '~';./... "They didn't ask us to shut off the freeze and de-icing solutions, and; :.~:i)f odor was detected mid-afternoon for several hours performing on-. clusively determine what the odor pumps into the river." is "generally regarded as safe for' ,(~~it~- on Thursday, Oct. 19. site testing to determine what the was, but test results did not show Boise State officals suspected' nlu~bAY use in food." Boise State officials brought odor was and jf it was dangerous. anything dangerous. the substance is propylene glycol, Although early field tests did not High: 57F / Low 37F out the local fire depart- After searching the area for pos- "Fortunately, all of the prelimi- a liquid substance the university indicate any dangerous substanc-. ment and Hazmat team, caus- sible leaks, officials determinded nary tests have not resulted in uses as part of the cooling system , es, officals did take samples to the: ing Cesar Chavez Lane to the odor was corning from one of anything hazardous or harmful in the residental hall area. Idaho Bureau of Laboratories for: ON CAMPUS be temporarily blocked to through the eight outflow pipes of ground and thus business is normal along According to the Agency for more in-depth testing. WEDNESDAY Flu Shot Clinic l:fealth~\Vellness_and Populations"&_ ...... _.of__ 0_. Idaho"'_"' cities__ '" increase.. " with• ". mixedreviewsfromresidents;... " .". _.". _ •• ~ Counseling Services will offer Flu Shot Clinics Wednesdays, BY CEAN SIEGEL also known as a "strong mayor sys- erally prefer to elect their officials. growth over the past few years. city has doubled. Nampa mayor News Writer beginning October 25 6:00am- tern" due to the veto' powers given Cities have three main sources According to the Community TornDale is the man responsible foi to the mayor. In this format, the for fundraising. The first. consists Planning Association of Southwest managing this ezpansion. ' 6:00pm. Idaho is becoming increasingly residents of the city elect the may- of fees and service charges, which Idaho, Boise was the third largest ·We're at the point where' we urban. The state as a whole is grow- or and the city council separately for the most part are used to sup- city in the Northwest as of 2005, need to change the way we oper-' Students may call 426-1459'for ing rapidly. Idaho's population in- from each other and the mayor only port operations such as water a fact that some residents do ate from smalL toWn mentality to an appointment to receive the creased by28.5 percent from 1990to votes in the case of a tie between and sewer.
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