Dismantling & Building Anew: Poetry, Inspiration, Reflections for Yamim Nora'im/ High Holydays 5781 1 These readings reverberate with the themes and images of these high and holy days - themes of teshuvah/repentance, returning and repair; images of Dismantling and Building Anew - our Rosh Hashana theme; inspiration to accompany various prayers; and our Yom Kippur theme - Bringing into the Light. May these words offer solace and comfort to ease pain, challenge and discomfort to awaken us out of complacency, and fresh pathways to link our hearts and lives to Jewish prayer and this process of transformation. 2 Contents Amidah Page 4 Teshuvah: Turning & Returning Page 20 Dismantling & Building Anew: Rosh Hashanah Page 28 Truth & Compassion Page 37 Bringing into the Light: Yom Kippur Page 43 Yizkor & Ne'ilah Page 62 3 4 "I ask not for a lighter burden, but for broader sh o u l d e r s . " - Jewish Proverb 5 Eating a String Bean by Thic That Hanh Happiness by Thic That Hanh 6 Rhythm and Grace By Alden Solovy Let the music of your life guide you, And the rising sun warm you, Bringing hope and laughter to your moments and breaths. Let the power of your stance guard you, As the horizon blackens and the storm a p p r o a c h e s Holding you firm and ready against the rising w i n d s . Let the wisdom of your heart ground you When fear and doubt assail your footsteps So that you listen to the voice of love and truth. Let the rhythm of your life grace you, So that the spinning earth Will carry you on a journey of joyous adventure. 7 Chesed - Lovingkindness By Rabbi Yoel Glick (from Daat Elyon) When we help a person who is in need it is an act o f lovingkindness. When we recognize the Divine essence in that person, it is a n act of tikkun olim, of r e p a i r i n g the world. Our physical action reveals one more spa rk of God on this m a t e r i a l plane of existence, thereby transforming our world. Rebbe Nachman of Breslov teaches that our acts of loving-kindness power the universe. All of the blessings in the world flow ou t from this spiritual source. Tzedakah (charity) and chesed (lovingkindne s s ) , h e proclaims, are the basis of our humanity — the very definition of a hu m a n b e i n g . His disciple, Rebbe Natan of Nemirov, tells us that because humans have free will, we have been given the special task of channe l i n g G o d ’ s grace into this physical reality. Each time we choose to be compass i o n a t e t o others, each time we choose to be generous, we build a bridge of lovi ngkindness that links the higher with the lower worlds. Our lovingkindness, however, is often tainted by pr ide and ego and by judgment and criticism. Our ego says, “I am helping this poo r f e l l o w , what a good person I am.” Our judgmental side declares, “How could he ha ve fallen so low?” Swami Chidananda shows us a path to overcoming our judgment and p r i d e . When we do an act of kindness, he says, we should n ot take the credit u n t o ourselves but rather offer it up to God. If we work in this way, there w i l l b e n o negative effects upon us. We will become a clear in strument through which God’s perfect compassion can flow into the world. Another obstacle that we face in our attempts to pe rform acts of lovingkindness is the limited vision that we have. We intend to do good, but t h a t is not always the result of our actions. All of us have had the experience w h e r e we set out to help someone, but find instead that w e have only caused them more pain and suffering in the end. This truth was brought home on a global level durin g the Western nations’ early attempts to provide foreign aid. There were many ca s e s w h e r e well-meaning projects accidentally caused terrible harm to both the indigenous people and also their environment. Slowly, we have begun to un derstand that helping others is not such a simple affair. The Zohar describes two Great Beings who overshadow the world: Arich Anpin, the Greater Countenance, and Zeir Anpin, the Lesser Countenance. Arich Anpin dwells on the plane of keter (the sefirah or chakra of the crown) and is total compassion. There is no trace of judgment in His consciousness. His emanation is just an unmitigated outpouring of Divi ne Grace. Zeir Anpin, however, dwells on the plane of tiferet (the sefira h or chakra of glory). 8 His consciousness is closer to that of this physica l plane of existence. Therefore, there is a mixture of both judgment and compassion in His interactions with humanity. The Divine Grace of Arich Anpin is portrayed in the Zohar as thirteen wellsprings of compassion pouring forth from the be ard of the Greater Countenance. The Baal Shem Tov teaches that each of these 13 pathways represents another aspect of God’s compassion: He is infinitely patient, He does not hold on to His anger, He always seeks to b e merciful, He overlooks our shortcomings and see only our good deeds, He wipes away our past transgressions and even turns them into act of merit. If we want to become truly compassionate, the Baal Shem tells us, we need to e mulate all of these different aspects of compassion in our dealing with others. If we learn to act in this manner, then our own compassion and lovingkind ness will gradually become c o m p l e t e . If we truly believe that God is in everyone, it wil l transform the way in which we see others. It will change the way in which we interact w i t h every person that we meet. It will shift the manner in which we approach e v e r y situation. By constantly practicing the spiritual d iscipline of serving the spark of God in others, all of life will become infused with the Divine presence for us. Swami Ashokananda, a minister of the Ramakrishna or der who lived in San Franscisco from 1931 until his death in 1969, once described his own personal experience of this truth to his western devotes. In his youth, Swami Ashokananda recounted, he had b e c o m e involved in doing service work with a community of tanners, among the p o o r e s t people in India living on the lowest rung of society. On one occasi o n , t h e children of the community developed an infectious disease and becam e covered in terrible boils. No one wanted to go near them. With out the slightest hesitation, Swami Ashokananda stepped in and took the children down to the local river. There, he scrubbed their bodies with a piece of bam boo to break the boils and cleansed them with a local disinfectant. “Doing thi s”, Swami Ashokananda told his devotees, “I felt literally as though I was rub bing the body of God. When I finished, it was as though I had come out of a deep meditation. The sense of the presence of God was vivid.” When we serve the Divinity in another person, we ar e doing more than just giving him a helping hand. Our recognitio n of the Divine spark within this individual empowers him to feel his own Divini ty — to be aware of his Divine nature and believe in it. This awareness is perhaps even more important than any specific physical kindness that we do for him. It is this awareness t h a t will empower him to change his life and which will give him the strength a n d faith that he needs to face the difficulties ahead. 9 Everything begins with song By Lee Maracle The sweet mountain breath of wind whispering through cedar—earth’s symphony. Wind taps out tunes to the valley floors, even the howling storm winds sing agonizingly beautiful songs, arias of painful transformation we come to love. Songs hooked to the language of wind lessens this burden of being, couples itself to the promise of language; voice elevates being, renders life manageable; There is power in the breath we pass over vibrating vocal chords. The words carry a charge. The spark invites response. The hum of song points receivers in the direction of the good life. The breath of others takes their own journey through the body, passes breath through some imagined future. "The Jews' greatest contribution to history is diss atisfaction! We're a nation born to be discontented. Whatever ex i s t s w e believe can be changed for the better." - Shimon Peres 10 The Story By Sara Steinfeld There’s a story you tell to the world You know the one Where you look so good & got it all together while everyone’s watching. It’s called ‘pretenses’ Because you know, oh you know you’re just pretending. Then there’s the story you tell In the dark places of your mind The things you hate about yourself All the hurtful self-talk from the past all the things you never did cuz you were scared l a z y too much of a perfectionist procrastinate too often can never get it right It’s that loop that plays on and on In your head.
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