Students to Sing and Swing to "Fordham Forever" . Story on Page 3 Smith Scouts Tilden Downs Cafeteria Richards Page 7 Page 6 Vol. 20 New York, N. Y., September 29, 1939 No. 2 MRS. JAMES ROOSEVELT HERE SUNDAY President's Mother to Pre- side at Plaque Ceremony MASS OF HOLY GHOST WEDNESDAY On Campus By FRANK FORD Traditional Mass to Formally Open Uptown College; Eight Mother of a President Rose Hill will see one of the na- Thousand Students Return to University tion's most respected mothers and one of America's honor citizens when With the school's centenary just one year in the offing, Fordham Uni- Mrs. James Roosevelt, mother of versity this week swung into its ninety-ninth year as more than eight the President of the United States, thousand students moved onto two campuses and began the business of comes to Fordham this Sunday at college life. The formal opening of the uptown branch of the University four o'clock. The occasion promises will take place Wednesday with the celebration of the traditional Mass of to be one literally fraught with his- torical significance. Such names as the Holy Ghost. Edgar Allan Poe, Louis Phillippe of Among the eight thousand students PR. WALSH ANNOUNCES France, and James Roosevelt Bay- were four hundred Freshmen in the ley are involved. Uptown School, the number being re- FACULTY ADDITIONS In the presence of a large and ex- stricted according to the rule of re- pectant gathering, which will in- cent years. Father Lawrence A. Father Lawrence A. Walsh, clude many notables, the President's Walsh, S.J., Dean of the Uptown Col- S.J., Dean of the Uptown Col- mother will unveil a bronze tablet, lege, revealed that the new rule has donated to the college by the Ford- tended to increase the number of ap- lege of Fordham University, ham University Alumni Sodality plicants instead of decreasing it, cit- announced the following addi- and located near the door of the ing the fact that over eleven hun- tions to the college faculty; chapel. An R.O.T.C. color guard, dred applicants sought admission this bulwark of our nation's coastal de- Mr. James Collins, instructor fense, will supply the customary year. of Freshman and Sophomore The Mass of the Holy Ghost will military note. be celebrated this year at the conclu- History; Mr. Hubert Langan, Prescinding from the honor at- instructor in Education; Mr. tending the presence of so distin- Joseph F. O'Brien, S.J., instruc- guished a personage, there is a spe- Tllis year's Mass of the Holy (Mont cial appropriateness in the fact that will mark the ninety-third time in tor of Freshman in Classics; Fordham history thttt such a celebra- Mr. Augustine Confrey, lec- Mrs. James Roosevelt is to unveil tion has been held. This year, how- the plaque. ever, the Mass will be held for the first turer in Education; Father Ed- time out of doors on the steps of Keat- Mrs. Roosevelt, who recently cele- iny Hall on Edward's Parade where a ward Pouthier, S.J., Associate brated her eighty-fifth birthday, is special Gothic Altar will be erected for Professor of Psychology; Fa- the occasion. a cousin of the late Father James Following the Mass the students will ther John Butcher, S.J., In- Roosevelt Bayley, third president of assemble for the third annual Prise Hay ceremonies. This is the occasion structor in Religion; Father Jo- Fordham College, during whose ad- upon which the various academic seph Marique, S.J., Instructor ministration the chapel was built. awards are presented to those who She still retains childhood recollec- have earned them in the field of schol- in Greek; Father Stephan Win- RAM Writes ... the Neophytes arship or extra-curricular activities. tions of him. ters, S.J., Instructor in Latin The notion of the plaque, com- and Greek; Father William J. After completely establishingi with one hundred and fifty mem- memorating the interesting career sion of that period which has been Mulcahy, S.J., Instructor of Ju- themselves on the campus by a mi- bers, and the B.S. I. with ninety- of the University chapel, was pro- designated the "Fall Fortnight." This nior Philosophy; Mr. Grover J. nor blitzkrieg, the Freshman Class five. posed by Father Robert I. Gannon, name has been given to the opening Cronin, Jr., Instructor in Eng- of '43 settled down to the routine In the Arts course, Greek, which S.J., to a recent session of the Alum- period of school by Father Robert I. lish; and Dr. James E. Tobin, business of making life miserable has made a comeback at Fordham in ni Sodality and was unanimously Gannon, S.J., Rector of the Univer- Associate Professor of English. for their persecutors, the Sopho- the last few years, is holding its own approved by its members. The So- sity, and it refers to the time for the mores, and chasing the aforemen- with one hundred students. The dality, an old and respected organi- openings of the various schools of tioned "wise fools" all over Rose curriculum for the B.S. II. has been zation of the Alumni, has as its the university as well as the Alumni of Fordham as a national institution. Hill. Along with this breathing spell altered to include a two-year course moderator, Father Francis P. Don- Homecoming Day. Freshmen matriculating this year following the orientation period, in Mediaeval History and, beginning nelly, S.J., the noted educator. Figures submitted by Father are drawn from more than 165 high several additional facts of interest in 1940, two years of modern lan- The ceremony will start with Thomas C. Hughes, S.J., Dean of schools located in over fifteen states. were gathered by The RAM con- guages. The system of weighted av- Benediction in the chapel. The Glee Freshmen, tend to show the growth (Continued on page 7) cerning the new arrivals. erages, which will be used in the Club will lend its collective voice to upper classes, is expected to prevail. the occasion, and will conclude its Of the four hundred Freshmen en- The nevv arrivals represent thir- rendition with the "Fordham Alma rolled in the Uptown School this teen widely separated states, rang- Mater," after the assembly has filed year, one hundred and seventy are ing from New York to Oregon, and out of doors. Mr. Edward E. Bianco, Mimes To Sponsor Seminar taking the Bachelor of Arts course. from three foreign countries: Cana- the President of the Sodality, will Indicative of the general high qual- da, Cuba and France. Eight Jesuit make the speech of presentation. ity of those accepted, Fr. Thomas H. high schools are represented, the first Fr. Gannon will accept the plaque On Play writing in October Hughes, S.J., Dean of Freshmen, three in numbering alumni in the on behalf of the university, and then stated that almost one-half of the college being Fordham Prep, Xavicr the President's mother will unveil it. Freshman class have been honor Academy and Regis High School. A special invitation to the event Emmett Levery, Fordham Alumnus and Eminent Playwright, men during their four years of high For the first time Fordham received has been issued by Maurice L. to Conduct Course school. The Arts course is, as in for- alumni from Loyola in Montreal and Ahearn, Director of Publicity, to all mer years, the largest division of the Campion High in Prairie du Chien, the old parishioners of this section Iowa. Fordham University will inaugu- Class of '43, followed by the B.S. II (Continued mi page. 7) rate this year a Seminar in "Play- writing," it was announced Wednes- day by Father Robert I. Gannon, Ram Juggernaut To Face Scrappy Waynesburg S.J., President of the University. It will be held twice weekly, from the flr.it week In October In the last Team Tomorrow in Seasons Initial Encounter week In January, nnil will lie n reg- ular feature in the future. KinmeK ALUMNI TO SPONSOR Hy JIM HAKNWKI.I, l.HVery, well kniiwn play wi inlil Mini Sports Kclltiir clireetor, will eunduel the Snninir "CAREER COURSE" Fordliiini fonlh.ill followerx will 1 for wliieh lull Bcholii.Mlie ereili lo- vi' Ilii'lr Hint seriiiu.s iillinpao uf Jim winds n Hiielielor of Arts ileani' will In mi "ll'nrl In. in Hie woiilx of C'i'owley's IHIH eililion wdell till* In' (jlven. Tde Si-niiiiiir 1.1 iinil.'r tin1 Alumni I'IVNIIII'III I'IIIII 'I'. O'KITIV, ItiiniH hill" llieir Ki'iillr.tM W(ii'i<« to niKillsiirsdlli of |li" Milne•; nnil Mum Hivi1 .ii'i'li ii survey of eonlelii|>t>l'iiry Hie inliii'olli'uhile marl tmniUTiiw inert!, III.-.IIIIWIIIHI in,In-ill,v ii'i lo miik" |III;I- iil'lernooii Wa.viiesliin H'M Yellow 1 1 H| I ill' ii nnil'.' inl.'llil'i'iil ell.il. " of .l;iil<eli will lui ul ;li Hie lluillKUrttl Till pilljinti" nf Ihi S, liiin.il jii' •'•I III'" win It." l''.iii|liiun'i< Alumni < i| >t >• 1111 ii it i I'm ih" fourlli eiiiiat'eullvi' 1'iHilllU! In Kuth, i (liiiiii.in. will li> Avii fiiilinn i • -I""!•loriuii fur ii Inn veil In wlnil |H.',.l(!",t lo de II frillt- In Iliy Hie ui'oiiiiilw.iili f'H Id" pi i|i il mimlii'i ol Junior* n ">':U""i' i .illiiopl I,, iiniuovi' oil Idplr million uf ,, full I, n(;iii |,i.n e.uh nnll'M"" IIII,IKI Ill" illi "it ion of I h' Vein, to he « i illi n nnil |IIIK|II.
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