Annual Report 2017 2 terre des hommes – Annual Report 2017 Imprint Contents terre des hommes 3 Greeting Help for Children in Need 4 Report by the Executive Board 6 terre des hommes’ vision Head Office 8 terre des hommes’ programme activities Ruppenkampstraße 11a 49 084 Osnabrück Germany Goals and impacts of our programme activity 10 Participation makes children strong Phone +49 (0) 5 41/71 01-0 13 Creating safe spaces for children Telefax +49 (0) 5 41/70 72 33 16 Children’s right to a healthy environment [email protected] 19 Advocacy for children’s rights www.tdh.de 22 Map of project countries Account of donations BIC NOLADE 22 XXX 28 Quality assurance, monitoring, transparency IBAN DE34 2655 0105 0000 0111 22 30 Risk management 31 The International Federation TDHIF Editorial Staff 32 You change more than you give Wolf-Christian Ramm (editor in charge), 36 The 2017 donation year Tina Böcker-Eden, Michael Heuer, 38 »How far would you go?!« Athanasios Melissis, Iris Stolz 40 terre des hommes spotlights itself Editorial Assistant Cornelia Dernbach Balance 2017 44 terre des hommes in figures Photos Front cover: M. Pelser; p. 3 top, 8, 37: F. Kopp; p. 3 bottom, 50 Outlook and future challenges 14, 19, 27, 33 bottom, 40 top, 52 bottom, 52 m., 53 top: 52 Organisation structure of terre des hommes C. Kovermann / terre des hommes; p. 4: M. Klimek; 54 Organisation chart of terre des hommes p. 7: S. Basu / terre des hommes; p. 11, 21: Kindernothilfe; p. 12: T. Schwab; p. 13: terre des hommes Lausanne; p. 15: M. Leuchter; p. 16, 52 top: A. Rister / terre des hommes; p. 18: V. Strack; p. 20, 41 top, 28: B. Rasing / terre des hommes; p. 30: J.-H. Voss / terre des hommes; p. 31, 33 top, 34 top, 35 m., 38, 41 top: terre des hommes; p. 35 top: D. Gross / terre des hommes; p. 35 bottom, 51: H. Wüppen; p. 39, 40/41: Angela von Brill; p. 40 bottom l.: ARD; p. 42: M. Auer bach; p. 43 top: WeAct; p. 43 bottom: Thomas Meyer/OSTKREUZ; p. 50: N. Böttcher / terre des hommes; p. 53: privat; p. 55: C. Hartmann / terre des hommes Setting: sec GmbH, Osnabrück Follow us: www.facebook.com/tdh.de www.youtube.com/tdhdeutschland www.twitter.com/tdh_de www.instagram.com/tdh_de terre des hommes – Annual Report 2017 terre des hommes – Annual Report 2017 3 Dear reader, There are days on which we can only shake our heads That was when terre des hommes came into being, in disbelief at the current news. »News« spreads today in January 1967 – fifty years ago last year. The spon- at top speed. Every minute we get new pictures from taneous aid turned into a movement of people who, bombed-out towns in Syria, reports on the number of to this day, have shown solidarity by assisting in over victims from natural disasters and the latest proposals 7,000 projects for 15 million children in 47 countries. to stop refugees entering Germany. Record figures Like the activists here in Germany, women, men and on global economic growth and reports on the latest young people involved in our partner organisations profit-taking on the stock exchange are followed by overcame the feeling of helplessness. They keep the announcement that more and more families in going in order to create more justice around them. Germany have to live on state benefit. Political culture In India they campaign so that women and girls are no and the related achievements in terms of diplomatic, longer harassed and raped with impunity; in Zambia parliamentary and personal civilities are on a slippery they oppose the machinations of international mining slope. We news recipients often have the uneasy companies, which ruthlessly destroy the environment feeling that everywhere the outlook is all doom and the livelihoods of the village communities. and gloom. We are happy and proud to be able to work with The good news, however, is that everywhere in the these partners, who show us that we can make world there are always people who have the courage a difference. We intend to continue on this road. to get something moving and to change things for the Together with you, dear reader, we can send signs of better. Unfortunately news about such people and their hope and oppose resignation. Let us show the world commitment generally does not hit the headlines – that, that the news is not all bad. too, is not a new phenomenon. Please continue to support us. Some of us will still remember the time of the Vietnam War. Every day the television showed pictures of de- struction and innocent victims. A small group of young activists overcame the feeling of powerlessness in view of the monstrous suffering of the children and organised an air lift in order to bring injured Vietnamese children Yours to German hospitals for treatment. Edgar Marsh 4 terre des hommes – Annual Report 2017 Report by the Executive Board »50 years of help for children in need« – this was the partners and supporters took part in our fundraising slogan in 2017, a year devoted entirely to our 50th campaign; e. g. they organised exhibition openings and anniversary. The curtain went up on our celebratory discussions, thereby giving visibility to the name and year on 7 January, with a ceremony at the Osnabrück work of terre des hommes. The City of Osnabrück paid City Hall. In the presence of Boris Pistorius, interior us special tribute by inviting us to sign its Golden Book, minister of Lower Saxony, Lutz Beisel, the founder of which we did on 1 November. terre des hommes, reminisced about to January 1967. It was then, shocked by the suffering of children in the Our annual Report on Child Labour published on 12 June Vietnam War, that he issued the call to found a relief took up the relationship between growing environmen- organisation named »terre des hommes«. Keynote tal degradation and the rise in child labour. With the aid speaker Prof. Harald Welzer, a sociologist and sustain- of examples from five project countries, we showed that ability researcher, picked up on these thoughts. »You extreme weather conditions and climate change, along can only change something if you get moving and do with the related migration and absence of parents for something about it.« He encouraged us to motivate short-term work, was forcing more and more children people with our programmes to take action and to into exploitative working conditions. The quintessence bring about social change. In the evening we – and over of the report: instead of a climate policy in the style of 1,200 guests – celebrated our birthday with a music US President Trump, we need an about-turn towards and comedy programme, also launching our national resource protection and a sustainable economy. That is fundraising campaign »How far would you go?!« Our the only way to spare our planet and protect children anniversary celebrations met with a huge response all from child labour. over Germany. Many of our volunteers, cooperation Refugee families as small scale-gardeners: last year the terre des hommes project »Querbeet« was awarded the »Children Have Rights Prize« terre des hommes – Annual Report 2017 terre des hommes – Annual Report 2017 5 During the German federal electoral campaign in its contribution to the peace process. On the occasion September 2017, we quizzed the parties about what of the anniversary of the signing of the peace agreement they planned to do to implement children’s rights. between the government and FARC guerilla, terre des In parallel, we launched our online campaign »Stop hommes’ partner organisations organized a conference weapons exports«, in order to recruit members of the in Bogotá. The topic was the challenges and conse- newly elected Federal Parliament. Our ulterior motive quences of the peace process for children. The children was the record small arms exports and the drive for an and young people from terre des hommes projects export ban on these murderous types of weapons that were able to raise their opinions and proposals directly UN experts call the »killers of the 21th century«. The with Virginia Gamba, the UN Special Representative for campaign included the launching of a petition to collect Children and Armed Conflict, who was present. signatures, which aroused a great deal of interest. We then brought the demands of the campaign into the A special highpoint last year was the »Children Have long-drawn-out exploratory and coalition negotiations Rights Prize« donated by the association for child after the federal election, and subsequently presented protection Kinderschutzbund Niedersachsen and the them to the new federal government. On 1 February federal state of Lower Saxony. The prize was won by 2018 »Stop weapons exports« was honoured with the the initiative »Querbeet« which is funded by terre des »Politikaward 2017« as the best social campaign. hommes. The winning project brings together small- scale gardeners with refugee families in a colony of An important project to involve children and young small suburban allotments. Our international lobbying people was the campaign »It’s Time to Talk« launched on the right to a healthy environment was successful, by several international children’s aid organisations. as well. For example, children and youth from the terre Within one year we surveyed just under 2,000 girls and des hommes Youth Network in Peru were invited to boys aged between five and 18 in 36 countries in Africa, the Peruvian Congress, where they were able to talk to Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Europe about members of parliament about their wishes and ideas.
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