SFCH.J<:TAIU.\T OF Til F CO'\jFEH.ENCE ON INTERACTIOi'! .\:'>lD CONFIDI'::'ICE IHIUH'oL IVIEAS{'H.I':~ Ii' ASIA U, (TICPFT,\PI·l·" C01WIIlAI-II-HI II() II ~AI1MO/ll·:fICTIHlIO CICA 11 MEPAM ;lOIWPI1~1 B A HtH .N'!! 14-4.111 72cmb URGENT Th~ Secretarial or lh~ Conference on Interaction and ContidclH.;~~ Buildirw. \II~asllre~ in Asia (cle/\) presents its compliments to lhl~ ",mi1,lssies or t.he Member States in Ankara, i\slana, Alma!)' and Moscow and hus the honour to state that the Russian Federation \·vill organis(,> the Third CI(:A Business hH"um in Yckatcrinburg on I ~ July ~O 13 within the framework of the annual lnternalional Industrial I':xhibition "rNNOPROM· 2013" lhat will be held nn 11-14 July 2013, Russian Federation has inf<mned the Secretariat thaI lNNOPROr-,.:r is a m;]jor industrial exhihition or Russia in which more than 500 I;ompanic.·s arc expected to participate, including some of the major global companies as well as government. l:'ncl.: as ahove. orticials, academics and business representatives Ii'om more than forty states. ClCA Business I'mum \·v'ill offer a unique opponunity to the participants le)l' establishing contacts and cUfI)'ing. out negotiations and business meetings with Russian businesses, especially li'om till' regions or Ural and Siberia. Participants in tlll.~ Business hmml \\ ill also hI..' able.: to visit the l.'xhibitiol1 and ntht:r related events. The Secretariat has the honour to Ihrward the programme lor the CIC A Business Forum suggested by the Russian side as wdl as till' programme or INNOPROM . :!013, Other details, indudinu~ rel?istratioll_ forms and adl11inistrative arran bn.C111t:I1lS will follow as soon :15 possible. The Secretarial mails itself' or this opportunity to renew to the Embassil:S of thl' Member States the assurances or its highest consideration. ;\Imuty, 7 June 20L~ EMBASSI!~S OF CICA MEMBER STATES Ankanl, Aslana, Almal), Moscm\­ SECRETARIAT OF THE CONFERENCE ON INTERACTION AND CONFIDENCE BUILDING MEASURES IN ASIA '. CEKPETAPHAT COBEIUAHHR no B3AHMO.l(EHCTB"1O ~ " MEPAM ,nOBEP"R B A3HH CICA .N'!! 14-4.1/172emb URGENT The Secretariat of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) presents its compliments to the Embassies of the Member States in Ankara, Astana, Almaty and Moscow and has the honour to state that the Russian Federation will organise the Third CICA Business Forum in Yekaterinburg on 12 July 2013 within the framework of the annual International Industrial Exhibition "INNOPROM - 2013" that will be held on 11-14 July 2013. Russian Federation has informed the Secretariat that INNOPROM is a major industrial exhibition of Russia in which more than 500 companies are expected to participate, including some of the major global companies as well as government Encl.: as above. officials, academics and business representatives from more than forty states. CICA Business Forum will offer a unique opportunity to the participants for establishing contacts and carrying out negotiations and business meetings with Russian businesses, especially from the regions of Ural and Siberia. Participants in the Business Forum will also be able to visit the exhibition and other related events. The Secretariat has the honour to forward the programme for the CICA Business Forum suggested by the Russian side as well as the programme of INNOPROM - 2013. Other details, including registration forms and administrative arrangements will follow as soon as possible. The Secretariat avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassies of the Member States the assurances of its highest consideration. Almaty, 7 June 2013 EMBASSIES OF CICA MEMBER STATES Ankara. Astana, Almaty, Moscow. 'Draft . The Programme of the 3rd Business Forum of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) (July 12,2013, Yekaterinburg, Russia) 09:30 - 10:00 Registration 10:00 - 11 :30 Welcome remarks: - the Ministry ofEconomic Development, Russian Federation; - the Ministry ofForeign Affairs, Russian Federation; - the CICA Secretariat; - the Turkish Side (as a chair-predecessor ofthe 2nd CICA Business Forum); - the Host Side (the Sverdlovsk Region Government). - the Local Business Organisationsl(Trade-Industry Chamber, OPORA Russia, etc.) 11 :30 - 11 :40 Photo session 11 :40 - 12:00 Coffee break ,12:00 - 13:30 Business presentations 13;30 - 14:20 Lunch 14:20 - 17:00 B2B meetings 17:00 - 19:00 Cultural event (tbc) 19:00 - 21 :00 Welcome dinner (hosted by the Sverdlovsk Region Government) ~INNOPROM r:0<MIKA . , DRAFT BUSINESS PROGRAM INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL FAm INNOPROM GLOBAL IN.IJUSTRY:STRATJ~G[ES AND RISKS Yekaterinburg, Russia, July 11-14,2013 Location:!" Pavilion, Global Investmentlounge 2ndForecast Session:Technolo2ical Breakthroughs: Where and When ThesecondINNOPROMforecastsessionis an opportunity to Jearn what the international stars of science and technology think about the future of the global industry. • MichioKaku.Professor of Theoretical Physics,City University of New York, the most famous promoter of scientific achievements in the world, author is the 2012 bestseller Physics of the future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100 and the number one bestseller in the United StatesPhysics ofthe Impossible • Chris Bangle.general director,ChrisBangleAssociates, Former ChiefoIDesign at BMW Group (for 17 years), creator of the most popular BMW models • SumitraDutta.professor of business and technology, Director of the E-Lab of the INSEAD business school, former head of science and technology centers at Schlumberger and General Electric. Memberofcommunitycouncilson R&D in many countries • James Wouldbuysen,Professorofforecastingandinnovation, DeMontfortUniversity, Leicester, UK. Ex-Manager at the Philips Worldwide Market & Intelligence Unit, creator of scientific and technological development for major global companies • Leonid Parfenov, writer, television host Global Strategies The goal of the plenary session is to provide the audience with a forum to discuss the ideas of the Russian government on ways to coordinate joint efforts to prevent the slowdown of global industrial growth as well as to present the opinions of the managers of global corporations on the role of Russian industry in the global division of labor, the results ofjoint projects in the past and future • Dmitri Medvedev, Prime Minister of tile Russian Federation J5J, INNOPROM i=0<MIKA • Denis Manturov,Minister of Industry and Trade ofthe Russian Federation • Anatoly Chubais,Chairman of the board ofROSNANO • Raman Chitkara, Global Technology Leader, PricewaterhouseCoopers • PyotrFradkov, General Manager, EXJAR, Russian Export Insurance Agency • Xiang Bing, Dean,Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business • Didier Leroy, President ofToyota Motor Europe • David Roman, Senior Vice President oftheLenovo Group • ValeryFadeev, Editor in ChiefofExpert magazine MeetingwithDmitriMedvedev. Prime Minister oftheRussianFederation,for business and exhibition participants Subject: The Role of Industrial Design in the Modernization of Russian Industry INNOPROM 20130pening Ceremony Theannouncementofthel"National Industrial Prize Participants: • YevgenyKuivashev, Govemorofthe Sverdlovsk Oblast • Dmitri Medvedev, Prime Minister ofthe Russian Federation • Denis Manturov,Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation InternationalConference: Through GlobalCooperation to Hi2h Technologies Subject of the conference: discussing the experience of foreign corporations that use or plan to use Russian intellectual resources to create high-tech products. • Igor Anufriev,Country Manager,EatonRussia • Reza Vaziri, General Manager, 3MRussia • DavidGray, Managing Partner,PricewaterhouseCoopersRussia • Irji Lang,General Manager, DuPont Science & Technology Russia; • Dietrich Ml,llIer, President of Siemensin Russia and Central Asia, Vice PresidentSiemensAG; • Peter van Berkel, General Manager,PhilipsLighting Solutions, Russia/CIS Dan Medovnikov, Director ofthe Institute of Innovation Management of the Higher School of Economics, deputy editor in chief of Expert magazine .i9J.INNOPROM i=0<MtKA. ydGlobal Industrial Design Forum (GID) The 2ndGiD forum will be dedicated to the joint projects by Russian and Western designers, prospects for their realization and the use of new materials and technologies • Chris Bangle, General director,ChrisBangleAssociates, ex-chief of design of theBMWGroup • Rogier van der Heide, head designer atPhilips • Karim Rashid, designer, creator ofprojects for Samsung, ASUS, BoConceptetc. • Ross Lovegrove, designer, creator of projects forRenault, Motorola, Appleetc. • SergeiKurasov, headoftheStroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry • SergeiPostnikov, headofthe Urals Academy of Architecture • Alexander Abramov, head of the British School of Design • Vladimir Pirozhkov, General Director,AstraRossa, creator of projects forToyota. Citroen, ENERGIA scientific development and production center Conference: Modernization of Industrialand Urban Infrastructure Ekaterinburgis to become a venue for major international events. The city must be ready to accommodate guests from around the world. The exhibition and conferenceIndustrial and Urban Infrastructure will gather experts on in frastructure issues and the heads of municipal governments to discuss questions such as urban energy, cleaning technology, city planning, automation systems, etc. The conference includes the following sections Architecture and construction Innovative technologies and
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