News.^_MVS:'A'Si^wssegsTST^of Women's Clubs.Social__jj_^g_3gr=j: Affairs of Note r3jf seam horn« at 26 Greenrtdge Avenu«, Whit« Jess« C. Dann, of Buffalo, He was t. This club haB 200 acres and is Plaint. grad¬ owned and run by the Theatre Assem¬ Miss Elisabeth Partridge Orâway uated from Yale in the class oí '19. Motorists Gubwomen of to bly for its members and is located on Flock City Begin Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Stewart, ©f Cat- Mr. and Mrs. V. Everlt have Oneida Lake. Macy The asBembly has scheduled for the skill, N. Y., have been the guests of returned from Europe and will pass To Atlantic Annual Convention on season bíx «ocia! days, six study days, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Stewart, of the w'nter at their country home in City Friday four Tuesday evening dances and two Mamaroneck Avenue, Whit« Plains. Scarborough. On choral concerts followed by dancing. Autumn Dr. J. Christopher M?rks is th« Mrs. H. I. Goodwin and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Bacon, «f Tar- Trip Federation Meeting Promises To Be Well At- musical director of the ladies' choral, Kathryn, of Eleventh Avenue, Mount rytown, have announced the enpra»-e- Resort Is v\ Mr. Harry M. Gilbert accompanist and Vernon, returned on Sunday from ment of their daughter. Miss Frances Busy With Prept tended and to Mr. Richard Keycs Biggs organist. Washington, where they bad been vis¬ Bacon, to Mr. Robert Denniston, son of rations for Accomplish Many The young people have organised un¬ iting friends. Mrs. Denniston and the late Dr. Rob¬ Drive to Ai, ._ Important Results der the name of the Theatre Assembly ert Dennlston, of Dobbs Ferry. 2tfo date City Hospital and Auxiliary and have a large and tast- Miss Harriet Haynee, of BronxvHle, has been set for the wedding. Whft 'flie growihg membership. The officers are: has been the guest of her cousin, Miss - Horse Pike fifty-ninth convention of the New York City Federation of Hon. president, Mrs. J. Christopher Martha Belle Swift, of Rich Avenue, Mrs. Frederick James Hamilton Mer- Celebrati« Wometí'f Clubs will open Friday morning* October 27, at the Hotel Marks; president, Mrs. Albert S, Mor¬ Mount Vernon. rill, of Mamaroneck, has announced the ßptetett Astor, Mrs. Richard timer; first vice-president, Mrs. Ed¬ engagement of ,her daughter. Miss OlaptUoh to The Tríbvae mfcb^ M. Chapman, president, In the chair. The ward Munn; recording Miss Winifred to Mr. Theodore .ATLANTIC CITY/ Oct. an of. alternates from secretary, Mrs. Charles Goodfaîlow, of Siwanoy Merrill, is 21.-0cto*, delegates all boroughs were privileged to register Gladys Kilmer; corresponding secre¬ Place. Pelham Manor, left recently fo_ Bache Bleeker, of New York City and keeping steadily to its record New . last Friday Hotel Actor. Those failing to do so then mast tary and treasurer, Miss Blanche E. a visit in Boston. Canaan. The wedding will take being one of the most theat\|he Peet; auditor, Miss Minnie Mae Marks, place during the Christmas season. of tho popular montfc register in aorough to which their club belongs on October 25. The board Mr. Bleeker is the son season, for the executive compri«es the Miss Odlelene Paarce, of Siwenoy of Mrs. Ben- with Boardwalk i The city federation has a membership of 375 clubs, and the meetings officers and Mrs. H. LeRoy Barnes, Placa, Pelham entertained a de Witt Bleeker, whose country lively strollers each day and Miss Mabel Mrs. Frank J. Manor, ome, is at New hotels are ff promise to be weiî attended and most The ses¬ Cervantes, number of the younger set at her home. iamin Oakmere, Canaan. He enjoying H interesting. morning Grosman, Mrs. George Lott, Mrs. Mor¬ those were Mis* Vir- is a graduate of Princeton University ahead of that of patronage sion will close with\the presentation of and discussion of the resolu¬ ris P .Stockwell, Miss Florence Bee- Among present and served in naval aviation the last year at th.a tin Marie P. ginia Clark, Miss Roberta RadelifTe, war. Miss. during The arrival of tions, from li;30 a. m. to 1 p. m., when a buffet luncheon will be croft, Miss Cottrell, Mrs. Miss Nancy Woodward, Misa Alice Merrill served in the motor motorists continues i served. Donald Falkland, Miss Ethel A. Rob¬ Christmas, Miss Katherine King, Mis» corps of the New York Chapter of the heavy a» last week. The beautie» inson. Ann Fite, Miss Mildred McCready, Miss American Red Cross. autumn are Inducing « The afternoon session will open at 2 o'clock, with the The Junior Art Society of the as¬ La M.ss Mc- tTuIge in motor hundred» to fa presentation a of over Eltelle Branche, Virginia Miss Irene Lemon, of Mr. trip», antj thjg resort , of meets of honor. Reports of committees on law sembly registers membership Guire, Miss "Janet Swayne and Mis» and daughter * enforcement, drama 600 children. This organization has Giese. Mrs. Reginald Lemon, of Yonkers; Uavl\lrtm°nW 8tOPPiB<r P,ac.9 f« and playgrounds will follow. been rehearsing for the last two weeks Emily i Miss Elisabeth Hale, a daughter of Mr. Atlantic Dr. Frances W. Mrs. Edward Bulbach, chairman, will under the dramatic director, Mrs. and Mrs. Thomas Hale, of Yonkers, City \» f. the befght Monell, president, ulk on "The of the Individual James N. BaSlantine. have sche¬ Mra. of Pelham and the Misses Isabelle and He'ene pr-.parat,on» for two Important at the October of the to Right They Guy Marriner, Manor, --on« the drive to ¡rent presided meeting Work." duled six matinee dansants at Hotel who is touring Europe with her Beaudriaa, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. raise $T50.000 for ar Society of New York State Women on Astor. brother, will return home next month. Isidore J. Beaudriac, of Yonkers, have other A of the for The Theatre have been Switzerland returned to Mawr Col¬ to partie pate In the Monday, the 9th, at the Waldorf-As¬ regular meeting Society As.embly and Its sev¬ They visiting recently Bryn _y -oamaen on celebration Political Study, Mrs. Otto Hahn presi¬ eral auxiliary departments will con¬ and northern Italy. lege, where they will resume their November to mark thi toria, which will be the club's head¬ dent, will be held at the note! studies. completion of the White the season of 1922-'28. Astor tinue its work during the winter for Camden Horse Pike, i quarters during Tuesday at 2 p. in. Mrs. William D. the Actors' Fund of America and the An Informal tea was given by Mr». M'ss Isabelle Beaudrlas is « senior County. There will be a mot The session was given up to business, Sporborg will be speaker of the day. Veterans' Mountain Camp. George C. Appell, of Lenox Avenue, and her sister enters the junior class. parade from Camden to Hammont«, new members having been elected to and return, and a bar. the list, and Mount. Vornon, at her residence last Ail are graduates of the Halstead Five ¡.net is to folio' already largo delegates The Woman'» Preis CJub. Mm. Har- Charter Chapter of the Friday afternoon in honor of Mrs. School. The Miese« Beaudriaa spent hundred men and women at alternates elected for the New York yot Holt Dey president, will hold the Daughters Chester B. of enlisted in Federation, to be held October 27 first social of the Union will hold its first social Blakeman, Atlanta, Ça., their vacation rat the summer home of the getting subtcriptions f( City meeting of the season on affair of the season after¬ who is visiting In Mount Vernon, and their parents at Lake Mahopac, N. Y. hospital, and a dinner wa» at Hotel Astor, and the program for Saturday, October 28, at 2 m., at the Wednesday Mrs. Thursday at the current p. noon, at S o'clock, at the Waldorf. Philip Kunzig, who ha» recently evening which thi year arranged. Waldorf-Astoria, with Miss Mary Sie- The program will be in of Mrs. made her homa on Sidney Avenue, Miss Estelle Pearsall, of Warburton gram was fully diacussed and featu grist, chairman of literature, in chargo Luellen Teters charge Mount Vernon. Avenue, Yonkers, hae arrived in Los of the drive enumerated. On Friday, October 2?, the Post Par¬ of the the a Bussenius. liament Club's next sched¬ program. Among speake Angeles, Calif., where «he will spend Atlantic City ha» been «elected meeting is will be Mr. Gilbert Saldes on the sub¬ and some time with her sister, Mrs. Samuel the Supreme uled for 11 o'clock at the Hotel McAl- of the To observe Chicago Day, the Chicago *Mr. Mrs. C. B. Lawton, of 38 Castle, KnlghtB of the ject, "Prospects Literary Maga¬ Club, Mrs. Frederick Point Street, Yonkera, who »re spend¬ Hunt, formerly of Yonker». Golden Eagle, as the convention ¿ pin, program, with Mr». Henry An_- zine in America"; Mrs. Ida Benfey Judd, Maclsnac, presi¬ October at their at for 1923. The decision erman as chairman, to on dent, and the Chicago Woman's Her so ing bungalow Long was mad» begin promptly "Passing Literature Across the Foot¬ Mrs. L. Club, engagement Mr. Donald 'thureton Thomson has been an¬ Beach West, had aa their Mr«. Clifford Reld and daughter. this year's sessions, held in «t 11:30. Mrs. Amerman will present lights'*; Robert on "Pres¬ W. Seoiigsbury, president, held recently of have been the Waefcl the "The United States and Frothingham, a joint last nounced by her per/pits, Mr. and Mrs. George Ordway, of Lawrence guests Mr. and Mrs.
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