M1 M1 1g YEAR OF LNo Anon ThU NO LONGER V"'H US, THEY UVE FOREVERII ON the momig of to 9t June 19 3, the Pretorla regime carried out a cold . esd murder of three membem of the African Natjons lCW -. contetahs of Uhorto We Sizwe, Simon Mopq a, Jerry Mosololl and Thabo Matung. This murder was olo out in 'violation of kIernational law. The Judicial itler of fordemocracy, non-rcialism thse beave soldiers of the and peace. They fought for a Mbishouldnm courge us South Afica which will be on a ver before. bsed on the principles We must unite In our deter- enslined in our Freedom rination to Ad Sa lc. CharteL of te - --AI joural of the Afham National Cougress Kilihg us will not halt the strggle 'U, ~e 5 June 281t% -W* Lote frm Mdr pe 8 CommantyCun* sons and daughters in Matola, Mseru mad of the dcitizens of those countries MK MANIFESTO By joining the African National Congress our heroes responded to the call of the people to continue our forward march. By Joining Urkhonto We Sizwe they became people's soldiers and lived up to the dedaration of MK as stated in Its Manifesto of 1961:Umkhonto We Sizwe will be at the frontline of the peoples defence. It will be the fighting arm of the people against Government and Its policies of race oppression. It will be the striking force of the people for liberty, for their rights and for their final liberation." Paying tribute to these fallen heroes, the SecretaryGeneral of the African National Congress, comrade Alfred Nzostated: ' The Africen National Congress hereby extends its heartfelt condolences to the tmills of the martyred heroes and commends them for their deadfastose in defence of what their loved ones stood fo We salute the nternational community which raised Its voie. in a nobl effort to save the Ives oftliec patiot. ' We hall our people who stood by their sons to the lost second of their lives. We lower our flags to the eternal memory of our departed comrades, who perished because they dared to fight for national emancipation of their people, for democracy, nonracialism and peace. At the very end of their brief but heroic lives, they chose to die with honour rather than demean themselves with craven ples to their captors, Their example and sacrifice must and will, for us serve as a call to battle. 'The Apartheid regime of terror has done its will. Through struggle the will of the people of South Africa, with. the ANC and Umkhonto We Sizwe at their head, shall prevail in the not so distant future. The perpetrators of this latest crime will be brought to book ,Earewel dear comrades. The cause for whichs you san'ificied will surely triumph. *To all our people we say, we are a people in struggle, wipe your tears and Forward to Battle. Let us produce thousands of such heroes to bring our fmedom sooner rather than later. AMANDLA NGAWETHU! MAATLA KEA RONA! ALL POWER TO THE POPLE! pep 2 CWW _dYIUYE SAYTOIIYE ALL PWRTO THE PE'OPLE! -- --..MLR= Mayiboye page 2 ON February 12 1963, "Sph," a musical band performed Is an audlenos of 3,000 peol st theKloodul AmphhmIs t In Roodeprot. One of their song was entitled, "A tslb e ft Matyn". On May 9, 1963 Joseph Charles 24, and Rufus Radbe 19, members of "3plash", stood before the regiae magistrate, W.Aucemp, an sering cherges under the Inisd Security Act. They were chaqed with promoting the alma of a banned organisation and It was aleged their sons eao1ed sympathy for the ANC. Among other absurd allegations, thet the group was singing about the freeing of Mand", and further that their dnts of Yeah Amardlal Yeah Mhandele Yeah Otkol Yeah Agletti were ANC names and sloms. Cultiu is a woapontool When sied by'Gnylng Dyson, the demnce council, why they had sung about Nelson Mandela, Joseph Charles answered imply, with pathos: 'We'sang about him because he has been in jiSl for a long time." Now, no amount of racist terror can gainsay this simple statement, nor can the inger It evokes in the hearts of millions be banished by threat ofj all. Culture being a functional phenomena is reflected in every action of the people. The people are in fact asserting the dictum that the very proces of national liberation Is an act of culture. The Influence of the poll. tical pressure impinging ,on the people Is Mting, quite logically, In a cultural expression which is rmdomly reactive, les diffused by a fale and exaggerated nce consciousness, but more defined and grounded in the material condition of lif under apartheid. We see In our cultural workers a dramaic rise In the fearless negation of the culture of the oppressor For them then Is no art for art's sak4Cmsciously they w deliberately under. taking to minor the condition of life under apartheid. This process is engendeng a new type of identity - with a conscious. ners which will lead to the emergence of a new South African, who is culturally -united with his fellow beings. EWIrY ASSERTIONS The empty anertions of the oppressor lirs who proclaim the criminality of Tambo, Mandela, Siulu, Katirada, Agptt and others, Is being effectively challenged by cultural workers who sing, lyrically, praises in honour of these patriot. They follow In the true iraditlon o1 authentic South Aficm culture, whom hlnuark the public honouring ad sdsfg praise of our heroes otd martyn, not because of their lineage, wealth or tek but because of their deed. And, yes, they must alo condemn the murderers and explite who have dragged the M of our country In the mu They also offer the dakrnative, purge apartheid keem the face of dir motherand with their sonp, poems etc. which must embody the aspirations of our people, for love, laughter, for a new birth. MERCE NAIES Joseph Charles, denylng that he had answered the question from a voice in the audience, 'Who killed Neil Aggptt?' stated simply, 'The audience answered that question.' Indeed the audiences In South Africa have cogently answered that question bytheir round rdection of overseas performer who collaborate with the racst regime. They have supported the cultural boy. cott of South Africa because they realise that these enter. taimers ae really mercenaries and collaborators with the enemy. Their performances are intended to entertain the apartheid monster, to create within the racists a false sense of security in the flesh rooms of Sun Cty. The people have seen through the hypocricy whereby the Borns allow Interracial Intercourse of all sorts here, when such relations remain a crime In apartheid South Africa, Hence, this 'pleasure resort has been dubbed Ski City, for the prostitution of art there begets llother forms of hubmm proatitution. The emphasis of the culturl mecaare euounnet, deesisee and feh Is nurl KN the pike ilf. It fis Irelevant to thes at , the matesril condition, poverty, starvation, disea e and death imposed by apartheid legislation. PRINCIPLED STAND But happily the number of entertainers 3. Diana Ron, Roberta, lack, Third World Is growing They ha ken a principled stand on the Cultural Boyott by refusing to tarnish their reputations with the blood-stained bank. notes profferred by the fascist regime. In so doinL they have supported the struggling people's asplrations. The idea that 'culture Is a weapon' is growing fast with our own cultal wookers This encouraging trend, ha come, for eImple In the form of solid0arit concerts with striking workers and with detalnees It am go further m the material performed or produced by the artists, Our present situation calls for an Inventivenes ad artistic excellence which will frutralto the one-eyed censors of Pretoria. We must dig deep into our languages to find the codes by which we m transmit the mesage of this crucial ldstogai mom t in tLe Srlif s, - , \ 11WLU -: saings of our def hedtep, we me uneart a fte of speech which will touh our people's hearts, ad mab them mon ema furthe. When the enlaved Africas in America sang' Swng low, Sweet Chariot, coming for to carry me home,' they meant more than pes in the sky. They meant Freedom Now!! The Mlord of the trial of Joseph Chaules and Rufus Radebe is that all our actions have struck the mark and the enemy will leave no stone unturned to silence us. BUT THE ENEMY GAN NEVER LEGISLATE OUR THOUGHTS!!!! The challenge of th recet travesty called a trialto all of us, must be, that we should compose songs, sculp tures, paintings, poems, plays that not only speak qf. the suffering of this moment in History. They must also provide a gimpee Into the glorious future we m certain to realise. While fighting for the immediate and unconditional relee of Joseph Charles and Rufus Radebe, the cultural worm of our country should taib up the cause for which they M sacrificing. Ther is no jal anywhere in South Africa se e enough to Imprison the tuth. WWbuye VW 3 AN MEN LETTER TO ino-&& Do-loWhe lklo-*u V , r- isk GATSHA BUTHELEZI Mbion, NshuwA@ n0Ph0udtlh6 tkw we "6%0 %Gk%%K. ad04moul nombendu eldfto 196u, nplone"A evulekilo "=do kummsoluou. simp. NLuglqdo npbakuMu. mbuzaukuthinpdkhaM u-4%%AO ww.*% vuma uktmbenzola uhldo IvezOdo wathemblu Idmm soicinduelwo ukuthl ublon 7t:L--%.p atimkp"se ukulubldmu unpphWmthi -k-o-Z, wm owabona umuhlva u- V^%40 MOL-- Za- A, JAL cAl'A.. 6,*woq 40zd"awk-ft, %4uu#&ft *ohla ul"o olonill"o. Abonlup bo*u lbabi0okoda --1041 WAW- *A %.A: ubuqhaws bW"nqumo sakho.
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